If Russia wants to survive it shall construct an United State ( Russia - Ukraine- Belarus )


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Only as an United Russian State with Christianity as State Religion, Monarchy, no Leftism, Tradition Values, strong Army and Law Enforcement Russia has the chance to survive the 21st century.
The new country shall be run proportionally by representatives of any nation according to it percentage.
As friends Russia shall take China and Asiatic countries. Any relationship with the West shall be broken: you can not have a friendship with those who wants to attack you in WWIII
In 15 years Europa as we know it ceases out to exist. Eurabia is the new name of former Christian continent.
Who knows what will be in USA, of course with very high probability troubles, civil war, poverty and breaking away of many states.
Does Russia needs connections to brainless morons who destroyed own countries?
Also a good wall around Russia and beginning to unite the splinted today Russian People - Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians.

Wow, that sounds like the fevered dreams of someone who knows nothing about Russia.
Wow, that sounds like the fevered dreams of someone who knows nothing about Russia.
What is interesting this doofus OP claims to be an American citizen who lives in Germany, but constantly propagates about other countries (namely Ukraine and Belarus) to be in union with Russia. At the same time, as I can understand, he isnt in hurry to become a Russian citizen and enjoy the Russian way of live.
Wow, that sounds like the fevered dreams of someone who knows nothing about Russia.
What is interesting this doofus OP claims to be an American citizen who lives in Germany, but constantly propagates about other countries (namely Ukraine and Belarus) to be in union with Russia. At the same time, as I can understand, he isnt in hurry to become a Russian citizen and enjoy the Russian way of live.

Do you have no any arguments instead of ridiculous insane personal attacks and 24/7 insults?
You shall better read more good books and hear good classic music.
In what part of the former USSR did you live before emigrating to the States?
Wait. What??? A new USSR, with another Iron Curtain around it? Didn't they just do that a while ago? How'd that work out for them?

The OP's message seems to be a bit weird, to put it mildly. Has the OP ever been to Russia ? Russia isn't a chrisitian country, because most people there don't adhere to any religion. Probably, the majority of the christian believers in Russia are old women who have recently in their lives became the 'christians'( the most of them even have never read the Bible). The so-called 'conservative values' have been so effectively destroyed since the Bolsheviks' revolution, that Russia could be called conservative only by insane blind people or trolls. Besides, the country is one of the world champions in the terms of immigration (most immigrants come from Central Asia).
In what part of the former USSR did you live before emigrating to the States?

What's name of your grandma?
What does this have to do with my question?

What does your previous question to do with the thread topic?
Okay, I re-formulate my question. Why didn't you want to return back to Russia?


according to your friend Litwin I'm Putin's troll siting in Sankt-Petersburg.
I guess you shall align with him and offer your consistent opinion.
Wait. What??? A new USSR, with another Iron Curtain around it? Didn't they just do that a while ago? How'd that work out for them?


Why Russians are not allowed to live together?
Is it much easier to pillage and rob them?

Divide and Rule?
Today like Yesterday?

In what part of the former USSR did you live before emigrating to the States?

What's name of your grandma?
What does this have to do with my question?

What does your previous question to do with the thread topic?
Okay, I re-formulate my question. Why didn't you want to return back to Russia?


according to your friend Litwin I'm Putin's troll siting in Sankt-Petersburg.
I guess you shall align with him and offer your consistent opinion.
I wrote my post based on what you had previously written about yourself. But if Litwin is right, okay then.
The OP's message seems to be a bit weird, to put it mildly. Has the OP ever been to Russia ? Russia isn't a chrisitian country, because most people there don't adhere to any religion. Probably, the majority of the christian believers in Russia are old women who have recently in their lives became the 'christians'( the most of them even have never read the Bible). The so-called 'conservative values' have been so effectively destroyed since the Bolsheviks' revolution, that Russia could be called conservative only by insane blind people or trolls. Besides, the country is one of the world champions in the terms of immigration (most immigrants come from Central Asia).

Do you see lot of faggots strolling around schools in Russia?
Do you have parades of sodomites?
How many drug addicted are siting on Russian streets and littering them by used syringes?
Of course there are difficulties, nothing coming quick, but Russia is on the best way to avoid Apocalypse of unmorality swallowed the West
The OP's message seems to be a bit weird, to put it mildly. Has the OP ever been to Russia ? Russia isn't a chrisitian country, because most people there don't adhere to any religion. Probably, the majority of the christian believers in Russia are old women who have recently in their lives became the 'christians'( the most of them even have never read the Bible). The so-called 'conservative values' have been so effectively destroyed since the Bolsheviks' revolution, that Russia could be called conservative only by insane blind people or trolls. Besides, the country is one of the world champions in the terms of immigration (most immigrants come from Central Asia).
why ´d any European state wants to become a shitty Mongols juchi colony ? by the way Yakutia and Caucasian Muscovite colonies on the way to their independence
VLADIMIR PUTIN: I see the collapse of the Soviet Union as a great tragedy of the 20th century. Do you know why? First of all, because 25 million of Russian people suddenly turned out to be outside the borders of the Russian Federation. They used to live in one state; the Soviet Union has traditionally been called Russia, the Soviet Russia, and it was the 'greater Russia'. Then the Soviet Union suddenly fell apart, in fact, overnight, and it turned out that in the former Soviet Union republics there were 25 million Russians. They used to live in one country and suddenly found themselves abroad. Can you imagine how many problems came out?

First, there were everyday issues, the separation of families, the economic and social problems. The list is endless. Do you think it is normal that 25 million people, Russian people, suddenly found themselves abroad? The Russians have turned out to be the largest divided nation in the world nowadays. Is that not a problem? It is not a problem for you as it is for me.

Sott Exclusive: Full unedited text of Vladimir Putin's interview with Charlie Rose: What CBS left out -- Sott.net

I am from Ukraine and I approve this^ message. And there are millions in Ukraine who approve this message.
The OP's message seems to be a bit weird, to put it mildly. Has the OP ever been to Russia ? Russia isn't a chrisitian country, because most people there don't adhere to any religion. Probably, the majority of the christian believers in Russia are old women who have recently in their lives became the 'christians'( the most of them even have never read the Bible). The so-called 'conservative values' have been so effectively destroyed since the Bolsheviks' revolution, that Russia could be called conservative only by insane blind people or trolls. Besides, the country is one of the world champions in the terms of immigration (most immigrants come from Central Asia).

Do you see lot of faggots strolling around schools in Russia?
Do you have parades of sodomites?
How many drug addicted are siting on Russian streets and littering them by used syringes?
Of course there are difficulties, nothing coming quick, but Russia is on the best way to avoid Apocalypse of unmorality swallowed the West
Yes, here aren't gay prides in Russia. But here are a lot of gays in the country. They just directly don't 'advertise' themselves. I even remember a case covered by media outlets, when a lesbian teacher had sexual relationships with a schoolgirl. There wern't serious legal consequinces for her. Is that conservative enough ? Concerning drug addicts. In the past here were a lot of junkies addicted to heroin and notorious krokodil (desomorphine). Then, here was a surge of addiction to amphetamine and so called 'designer drugs'. Most russians are concerned with money and consumerism, the same as in many western countries. So the special spirituality and high morality of people in Russia is a myth.

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