If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a "Christian" baker participated in the marriage...

In California at that time it was and still is illegal in their Constitution. An initiative in that state can only be undone by the People. That has never happened.

Yet tens of thousands of gay people are married in CA... Funny, that.

Perhaps you forgot to mention that Obergefell’s illegal ruling retroactively gave the stamp of approval to the one gay judge from SF performing judicial fiat on Prop 8? You know, the guy who was retiring anyway who at the time wanted to marry his boyfriend?

No, didn't forget it... Just pointing out that at the time it was passed, it was already legal in most of the country. Because after a long national discussion, we found, "Homophobes think it's icky" wasn't a good legal reason.

Other state legislators heavily packed/influenced pro gay despite their constituents’ wishes to the opposite performed similar acts of tyranny. So that explains quite a few blue states doesn’t it?

Doesn't matter, guy. The thing is, you've lost this issue. which is why you are whining so hard about, "But don't make me bake a cake!!!!"

Too bad. Gays can get married, you got to bake the fucking cake. Deal with it.

Right-wingers seem never to be able to come up with a legally valid argument for their stands on social issues. All they do is try to state their ideological views in legally neutral terms. This is why we need judicial officials who are willing and able to see through this nonsense.

Would you also force Muslim bakers to serve gay weddings? Because that will happen.

Or do Muslims get special rights.

I don't understand what your obsession with Muslims is, but at any rate, normally a baker does not attend the event in question. Everybody has to do his or her damned job or get out of the business. You fundies always want special rights, and whine loudly if you don't get them, so you have no right to talk.

Didn't answer the question. Should the MUSLIM baker be forced to bake the same cake you want the Christian bakers to be forced to make?

I'm going to consider a dodge a "no, I think Muslims should have special rights".
Only certain people are allowed to refuse service. The rest of you peasants have to bake the cake.
Only certain people are allowed to refuse service. The rest of you peasants have to bake the cake.
Not if it means you are being forced to contribute something to behaviors ideals or rituals you find fundamentally repugnant to your moral code. That would be the State establishing a religion. And violation of 1st Amendment civil rights.
does selling a gun to a murderer mean a "Christian" gun store owner participated in the murder?
Baking a cake for someone marrying for the third or fourth time is participating in adultery. But this never seems to bother the so-called Christian bible-compliant bakers.

When a Kentucky clerk has been married married four times herself while she refuses to sign a state marriage license for a couple marrying the first time is apparently a blessed act.

Jesus said nothing about gays, but he said a helluva lot about hypocrites.

Only certain people are allowed to refuse service. The rest of you peasants have to bake the cake.
Not if it means you are being forced to contribute something to behaviors ideals or rituals you find fundamentally repugnant to your moral code. That would be the State establishing a religion. And violation of 1st Amendment civil rights.

Matthew 19:9 "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."


Vote Trump Family Values™, but for GOD'S SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO!

Only certain people are allowed to refuse service. The rest of you peasants have to bake the cake.
Not if it means you are being forced to contribute something to behaviors ideals or rituals you find fundamentally repugnant to your moral code. That would be the State establishing a religion. And violation of 1st Amendment civil rights.

I find people that violate the 1st Commandment fundamentally repugnant and yet I still have to serve them regardless of my moral code. You want the right to refuse service for you and people you like, but the rest of us are afforded no such luxury. You get have your cake and eat it too. It should come as no surprise to anyone that you’re a raging hypocrite.
Baking a cake for someone marrying for the third or fourth time is participating in adultery. But this never seems to bother the so-called Christian bible-compliant bakers.

When a Kentucky clerk has been married married four times herself while she refuses to sign a state marriage license for a couple marrying the first time is apparently a blessed act.

Jesus said nothing about gays, but he said a helluva lot about hypocrites.

This isn't just about Jesus or Christianity. It's about anyone's fundamental belief system. Nobody can be forced to celebrate behaviors, ideals or rituals they find morally wrong. 1st Amendment.
I find people that violate the 1st Commandment fundamentally repugnant and yet I still have to serve them regardless of my moral code. You want the right to refuse service for you and people you like, but the rest of us are afforded no such luxury. You get have your cake and eat it too. It should come as no surprise to anyone that you’re a raging hypocrite.
Then you'll be happy to know that how the new Court will find on this, you no longer will have to promote any ideals, behaviors or rituals you disagree with. Now if you simply refuse to sell food to someone because of their religion, you're fucked. Just like if you refuse to sell food to someone who is gay. But if you refuse to bake an easter cake or refuse a same sex wedding cake, you'll all be good to go.

That's how the Ruling will be. It solves many, many problems. Behavioral vs innate. And you'll recall long ago mdk I told you this is how it would all eventually wash out. You had a good run selling behaviors "as race". But that game is over. And like I said, I'd be darned careful before I paid lawyers to argue in front of Justice Thomas about how butt sex is equal to his noble race..
I find people that violate the 1st Commandment fundamentally repugnant and yet I still have to serve them regardless of my moral code. You want the right to refuse service for you and people you like, but the rest of us are afforded no such luxury. You get have your cake and eat it too. It should come as no surprise to anyone that you’re a raging hypocrite.
Then you'll be happy to know that how the new Court will find on this, you no longer will have to promote any ideals, behaviors or rituals you disagree with. Now if you simply refuse to sell food to someone because of their religion, you're fucked. Just like if you refuse to sell food to someone who is gay. But if you refuse to bake an easter cake or refuse a same sex wedding cake, you'll all be good to go.

That's how the Ruling will be. It solves many, many problems. Behavioral vs innate. And you'll recall long ago mdk I told you this is how it would all eventually wash out. You had a good run selling behaviors "as race". But that game is over. And like I said, I'd be darned careful before I paid lawyers to argue in front of Justice Thomas about how butt sex is equal to his noble race..

Some deeply held religious beliefs are more equal than others. Not shockin that your standards seeming only ever apply to fags and exempt everyone else.
Baking a cake for someone marrying for the third or fourth time is participating in adultery. But this never seems to bother the so-called Christian bible-compliant bakers.

When a Kentucky clerk has been married married four times herself while she refuses to sign a state marriage license for a couple marrying the first time is apparently a blessed act.

Jesus said nothing about gays, but he said a helluva lot about hypocrites.

This isn't just about Jesus or Christianity. It's about anyone's fundamental belief system. Nobody can be forced to celebrate behaviors, ideals or rituals they find morally wrong. 1st Amendment.
Except you, I, and everyone else knows this has nothing to do with religion. It is about hate, and nothing but hate. It is about hypocrites using the bible as a shield for their hate. Just like their KKK predecessors.
Except you, I, and everyone else knows this has nothing to do with religion. It is about hate, and nothing but hate. It is about hypocrites using the bible as a shield for their hate. Just like their KKK predecessors.
No for me it’s the same as how I feel about necrophiliac kinks. I feel revulsion, shock & pity for someone doing that. When I see what AIDS does to gay men’s population, you can add alarm. But hate just isn’t in that lineup.
So you don’t see a problem with flagrant judicial overreach when it suits your cult agenda Sparky? Why am I not shocked?

Do you support judicial overreach in the new conservative Court? Say on issues like illegal aliens or transgender crap? No? Then a court’s powers should be reined in, right?

When the courts restrict rights, they should be reigned in.


But since I consider Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to be illegal appointments, nothing they say interests me.
Didn't answer the question. Should the MUSLIM baker be forced to bake the same cake you want the Christian bakers to be forced to make?

I'm going to consider a dodge a "no, I think Muslims should have special rights".

Can you cite a case where one refused?
This nonsense over a cake has gone of far too long without anyone asking why any self respecting gay couple would want to have their wedding cake made by a pair of bigoted so called Christians. I don’t get it.
Didn't answer the question. Should the MUSLIM baker be forced to bake the same cake you want the Christian bakers to be forced to make?

I'm going to consider a dodge a "no, I think Muslims should have special rights".

Can you cite a case where one refused?

What does that matter? There are increasingly gay conservatives all over the place, that will find Muslim bakers, florists, photographers and FORCE them to serve their weddings. Are you equal opportunity, Joe? If it's good enough to force Christians is it good enough to force Muslims? Or do Muslims get special rights?

This is an easy question.
This nonsense over a cake has gone of far too long without anyone asking why any self respecting gay couple would want to have their wedding cake made by a pair of bigoted so called Christians. I don’t get it.

I don't think it's a matter of wanting THAT particular cake from that particular baker.

I think its a matter of assuring that they have access to goods, services and products, just like everyone else does.

Here's how the Christian Bakers could solve their problem. Put up a big sign in their store that says, "We consider gay marriage to be immoral, but we will comply with public accommodation laws. However, please be advised that all proceeds from a Gay Wedding Cake will be donated to Gay Conversion Therapy clinics."
What does that matter? There are increasingly gay conservatives all over the place, that will find Muslim bakers, florists, photographers and FORCE them to serve their weddings. Are you equal opportunity, Joe? If it's good enough to force Christians is it good enough to force Muslims? Or do Muslims get special rights?

This is an easy question.

Not really... since by your own admission, no one has ever found a Muslim Baker committing the offenses you say, then it's kind of a moot point.

Most Muslims in this country keep their heads down because the last thing they want to do is give any white bigot an excuse to go after them.

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