Zone1 If someone can answer me this one multiple choice question, then I will be convinced 1/6 was an insurrection

So it was Republicans that gave the USA a nation wide insurrection filled with riots, looting, arson, vandalism, assaults, murders, mayhem, illegal trespass and occupation, along with sedition = "autonomous zones" in over a hundred cities during the Summer of 2020 ????

All part of the years long efforts at objections, obstructions, disruptions, and destruction's underscoring denial of the election and installation of Trump as POTUS !!!

You Leftist Dimbocrats sure have delusional and selective memories as foundations of your lies and seditious efforts to destroy our Constitution and Representative form of government.

Please explain what useful GOOD any of you parasites and traitors do for our country. :rolleyes::mad::102:
Nice diversion Skippy
But I didn’t see anyone rioting under a BIDEN Banner

Those were TRUMP Banners assaulting our Capitol
Nice diversion Skippy
But I didn’t see anyone rioting under a BIDEN Banner

Those were TRUMP Banners assaulting our Capitol
Biden was not the DNC candidate for POTUS at that time.
They were rioting under AntiFa, BLM< and Anarchy banners which are NOT Conservative and Republican ones. Clearly, if any of those thugs do vote, it is for the socialist Democrat thieves and parasites party.

Glad to see you finally admit there was months of rioting by your Party's thugs.

Anyone can by a "TRUMP Banner" online. Which is what most of those fifth columnists Leftists did.

Please move to CCP China or similar country where you will fit in and be welcomed.
The answer is B. Which was done but not adequately…

Your question has only to do with security and preparation… it has nothing to do with whether it was an insurrection or not.

Do you know what the definition of insurrection is? Read that and then observe what happened that day.
J6 a day that will live in hyperbole. That is from a meme. A lot of memes are dead on.
They were rioting under AntiFa, BLM< and Anarchy banners which are NOT Conservative and Republican ones. Clearly, if any of those thugs do vote, it is for the socialist Democrat thieves and parasites party.
Which clearly shows they were not rioting on behalf of the Democratic Party

Who you may or may not vote for is irrelevant
Which clearly shows they were not rioting on behalf of the Democratic Party

Who you may or may not vote for is irrelevant
My your non-logic than those protesting on Jan. 6, 2021 were not operating on behalf of the Republican Party.

The fact that Democrat mayors and governors failed and/or delayed for weeks dealing with the Summer 2020 insurrectionists underscores which major political Party was supporting them.
My your non-logic than those protesting on Jan. 6, 2021 were not operating on behalf of the Republican Party.

The fact that Democrat mayors and governors failed and/or delayed for weeks dealing with the Summer 2020 insurrectionists underscores which major political Party was supporting them.
Your attempts to claim that BLM riots are the equivalent of the Trump riots fall flat

One was social
One was political

BLM was not there on behalf of a political party
No. As a matter of fact, I haven’t ever made that claim.

I know it’s very difficult for you simpletons to follow along. But there is a distinction between recognizing lots of election fraud which took place and concluding that the fraud succeeded in permitting the theft.

But morons like you can’t handle the respective concepts separately.
Oh wow, well you could have fooled me as you’ve spoken about the theft many times in this thread and just did again. If you claim the election was stolen then the process of transitioning power to Joe Biden is part of that theft, I know you are trying to win a “gotchya” argument so you’re going to counter and deny everything I say… but in the end you are talking about the same exact thing as I
Oh wow, well you could have fooled me as you’ve spoken about the theft many times in this thread and just did again. If you claim the election was stolen then the process of transitioning power to Joe Biden is part of that theft, I know you are trying to win a “gotchya” argument so you’re going to counter and deny everything I say… but in the end you are talking about the same exact thing as I
Moron. Try to pay attention. I know that’s hard for you retards.

The President and lots of his supporters believed that the election had been stolen.

I can recognize that without claiming that they are necessarily correct.

What they did was in reaction to what THEY believed — you tool.

You and I are clearly not talking about the same thing. You don’t seem to even grasp what you’re babbling about.
The President and lots of his supporters believed that the election had been stolen.
Trump knew he lost Bigly
Being a Crybaby Loser, he could not admit he lost
Like every election before that he lost, Trump once again claimed he was cheated

His supporters are too freaking stupid to realize he is once again, lying to them
Trump knew he lost Bigly

According to a retard. You.
Being a Crybaby Loser, he could not admit he lost
Imagine having believed that even though the other side engaged in massive cheating he actually won? You idiot.
Like every election before that he lost, Trump once again claimed he was cheated
WTF does that even mean, you fucking retard? He won his first election. 202o was only his second election. Could you possibly be more of a moron? No.
His supporters are too freaking stupid to realize he is once again, lying to them

You’re too stupid to realize that you have zero credibility.
WTF does that even mean, you fucking retard? He won his first election. 202o was only his second election. Could you possibly be more of a moron? No.

Let me count the ways..

In 2016 Iowa Caucus, Ted Cruz was the top vote getter, Trump claimed he was cheated

In 2016 General Election, Hillary received 3 million more votes than Trump and even though Trump had won, the Crybaby Loser claimed that 3 million illegal Mexicans had voted for Hillary

In 2020, Joe Biden won 306 to 232 and received 7 million more votes. The Crybaby Loser still claims he won in a landslide

MAGA morons still don’t see a trend
Let me count the ways..

In 2016 Iowa Caucus, Ted Cruz was the top vote getter, Trump claimed he was cheated

In 2016 General Election, Hillary received 3 million more votes than Trump and even though Trump had won, the Crybaby Loser claimed that 3 million illegal Mexicans had voted for Hillary

In 2020, Joe Biden won 306 to 232 and received 7 million more votes. The Crybaby Loser still claims he won in a landslide

MAGA morons still don’t see a trend
A caucus is An “election” in your revisionist account?


He dismissed to Shrillary.

And we’ll never know if Potato actually got more votes.
A caucus is An “election” in your revisionist account?


He dismissed to Shrillary.

And we’ll never know if Potato actually got more votes.

Face it Skippy….you support a Crybaby Loser
He can never admit he lost, regardless of how Bigly
Face it Skippy….you support a Crybaby Loser
He can never admit he lost, regardless of how Bigly
Gave it retard. You just lie your ass off. And you have zero credibility. Even your username has is a lie.
Stryder50 Siscam 00100: So it was Republicans that gave the USA a nation wide insurrection filled with riots, looting, arson, vandalism, assaults, murders, mayhem, illegal trespass and occupation, along with sedition = "autonomous zones" in over a hundred cities during the Summer of 2020 ???? strydvrnn.24.01.13 #100

Yes Republicans gave the nation the Chauvin riots. Republicans took the side of the five cops that suffocated a suspect to death for ten minutes on video. Peaceful protest ensued of course. The rioters are not Democrats / they are criminals that help Republicans win elections as Kellyanne Conway explained.

Here's the exact quote, via video of Conway's appearance on "Fox and Friends" on Aug. 27: "The more people chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who's best on public safety and law and order."

Democrats have nothing to gain when criminals take advantage of over-extended police during peaceful protest. No Democrat leader says they love looters and arsonists and make videos that criminals love America.

The J6 riot was also committed by criminals during a peaceful demonstration. Two points:

  1. The peaceful protesters were there to stop the inauguration of the winner of the 2020 presidential election for the loser.
  2. The criminals who stormed the Capitol for cause (1) are loved by the Republican Party. Trump praises one of the violent criminals who died for him. He says Ashley Babbitt truly loved America even though she led a violent mob attempting to stop the transfer of power to the newly elected administration from the loser.

Ashley Babbitt failed. She is dead. She died a criminal. She did not love America. She loved Trump and Qanon.

nf.24.01.13 #119
to strydvrnn.24.01.13 #100

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