Zone1 If someone can answer me this one multiple choice question, then I will be convinced 1/6 was an insurrection

Washington was being warned for weeks from NYC and other credible law enforcement, that there was a high probability of violence and trouble on 1/6.
What would a reasonable person do?

There were like four or six rallies in Washington that day, with Trump's rally at the Ellipse being just one of them.
BackAgain Siscam00111: The President and lots of his supporters believed that the election had been stolen. bckvgn.24.01.13 #111

Law abiding Americans accept that the American legal process and state certification of each state election establishes the reality that the election was not stolen.

Stryder50 Siscam00102: “They were rioting under AntiFa, BLM< and Anarchy banners which are NOT Conservative and Republican. strydvr.24.01.13 #102

Anyone can buy a BLM banner online which is what most of those white supremacy confederates did.

nf.24 01.13 #122
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The President and lots of his supporters believed that the election had been stolen.
See right there… this is where your gullibility kicks in. Trump saying the election was stolen was a hedge. He tried it when he thought he was going to lose to Hillary and talked of a rigged election in 2016. It’s how ego maniacs deal with being a loser, divert and blame others. And all you useful idiots just ate it up. It’s pathetic
See right there… this is where your gullibility kicks in. Trump saying the election was stolen was a hedge. He tried it when he thought he was going to lose to Hillary and talked of a rigged election in 2016. It’s how ego maniacs deal with being a loser, divert and blame others. And all you useful idiots just ate it up. It’s pathetic
See. Right there. You substitute your gaseous bloviation for actual thought or facts.
Moron. Try to pay attention. I know that’s hard for you retards.

The President and lots of his supporters believed that the election had been stolen.

I can recognize that without claiming that they are necessarily correct.

What they did was in reaction to what THEY believed — you tool.

You and I are clearly not talking about the same thing. You don’t seem to even grasp what you’re babbling about.
Look, Trump spread lie after lie about the “stolen election” and he got a massive amount of people together to protest and fight to stop the certification of the votes on Jan 6. This happened on Jan 6 and during that certification because it was part of the transition of power process. Taking Trump out of power and bringing Joe in.

Whether the protestors or insurrectionists believed the election was stolen or not makes no difference and is no excuse for the violence. They should and have been properly punished for breaking the law.
See. Right there. You substitute your gaseous bloviation for actual thought or facts.
The thought and facts are quite simple. Trump was making declaratory statements about the election being stolen that he couldn’t back up. His lawyers were doing the same, spreading outright lies. Many are in legal trouble now because of it. There was a concerted effort to spread this narrative to the public and many dupes took it hook line and sinker. The insurrection at the capital was a result of that effort. A bunch of delusional suckers. And sadly enough there are still many… years later… still living in their fantasy land. It’s sad and very cult-like
First insurrection in the history of mankind where the protestors had no knives, no pitchforks, no guns, no rotten eggs and were all taking selfies.

The only shot fired was by a federal agent in the process of murdering a protestor.

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