If someone from the 1950's suddenly appeared today...

Explaining how a communist from Kenya with no proof of citizenship could be elected (twice) as president.

no no no ,

you didnt seem to understand.

He said appeared today in reality not appeared in insane clown con land
If someone from the 1950s could come to today and get back, would the 1965 Civil Rights Act ever have been passed?
Explain to someone from the 1950s how we allow gays to openly serve in the military and to actually get married
Explain to someone from the 50s how 10 year old girls sexting photos of their private parts to their classmates is "good" for society. Someone from the 50s would see exactly where removing fathers from homes leads and it wouldn't happen.

True story.


The designated hitter rule.
I was born 1947, my father was born 1916 his father was born 1890. When Neil Armstrong made the one small step for man statement all 3 of us were watching it on tv. My grandfather turned to us and said thats not real. He couldnt process there were as truly a man on the moon. That was 44 yrs ago. Few more decades and there will be even more to be amazed about.
To the OP. Sorry, man. I understand that you were trying to discuss technological differences between now and the 50's, and some of the cultural aspects of them. I don't think anybody else does though.
To the OP. Sorry, man. I understand that you were trying to discuss technological differences between now and the 50's, and some of the cultural aspects of them. I don't think anybody else does though.

I understood that and I thought I did show some technological differences...I did use a 60s event instead of 50s.
Im well aware of the tech differences, in the 50s when I was in school there were no personal computers or cell phones. There were no copy machines you spun the handle on a mimeopgraph machine or used carbon paper. There were no cordless phones and color tvs werent mainstream, no one I knew had color tv.
To the OP. Sorry, man. I understand that you were trying to discuss technological differences between now and the 50's, and some of the cultural aspects of them. I don't think anybody else does though.

I understood that and I thought I did show some technological differences...I did use a 60s event instead of 50s.
Im well aware of the tech differences, in the 50s when I was in school there were no personal computers or cell phones. There were no copy machines you spun the handle on a mimeopgraph machine or used carbon paper. There were no cordless phones and color tvs werent mainstream, no one I knew had color tv.

Maybe, but mostly I've just seen the typical partisan seething.
So.. let's get back on topic.

Not only do we have color tv's, they're wireless, the screens take up a whole wall, and we can see certain events in real time. On hundreds of channels.

See those shiny black things up on that roof there? Those aren't shingles, they're solar panels. They make electricity.

Cars are made of fiberglass and plastic and they run on corn.

You can buy a ticket to ride into space on one of Sir Richard Branson's new planes.

Sure, "real" cooking tastes better, but if you're in a hurry you can nuke your dinner in a couple of minutes. You can set your coffeepot to start brewing while you're waking up.

You can unlock your car from the office. Check the tires too.
Explain to someone from the 50s how 10 year old girls sexting photos of their private parts to their classmates is "good" for society. Someone from the 50s would see exactly where removing fathers from homes leads and it wouldn't happen.

yes, because that's the first thing you'd discuss with someone from the 50's.

wackjob :cuckoo:

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