trump vows to end America's march to Electric Cars

And they are following along like sheep.

China is producing electric vehicles at break neck speed with a cost between $10,000 and $20,000. That is why President Biden has placed a heavy tariff on these imports. But, if trump abandons EVs and China saturates the world economy with their cheap electric cars, the US will be left out in the cold.

But trump is just too stupid to see this. And his cult is following along like neutered sheep.
Hahahahahahaha the chief sheeple lecturing us about sheep.
Not really. The 50s were not the paradise portrayed in 'Happy Days" and "leave it to Beaver".
Again, not talking about TV shows, simply the opportunity anyone had to get a job and work self responsibly to support a family.
President Trump wants the marketplace to decide how quickly we move to hybrids and EV's. No government interference, one way or another.

Shocking, isn't it?
But, mean we would have to think for ourselves and...and....make our own decision???

trump wants to send the US onto an island. The entire world is going to EVs. trump is desperately trying to stop the US from being a player on the EV stage. China is ready to saturate the world market with EVs. trump is trying to cater to the fossil fuel market. The man is stupidly trying to bring back the 1950's.

Nobody can articulate why either. Its bizarre.

What will happen, obviously, when gas prices spike severely, again, electric vehicles will be in high demand, again... except now they will be subject to the massive tariffs because we’ll have to import them.

Anyone who doubts this is a moron.
If the rest of the world is going to EVs then there should be issue with just one country (the USA) maintaining ICE vehicles.
Nobody can articulate why either. Its bizarre.

What will happen, obviously, when gas prices spike severely, again, electric vehicles will be in high demand, again... except now they will be subject to the massive tariffs because we’ll have to import them.

Anyone who doubts this is a moron.
Not to mention the moaning when the US realizes it is not the leader in EV tech.

Like all of Trump's babbling, it's red meat for the rubes with no thoughts on consequences.
I like the idea of hybrids.
You use electric for short trips, gas for long trips.
The engine's alternator charges the battery.
I see this as more practical, at this time.
"At this time." The world is going electric. We can join por follow trump and lose.
Not to mention the moaning when the US realizes it is not the leader in EV tech.

Like all of Trump's babbling, it's red meat for the rubes with no thoughts on consequences.
EV tech, yes

America still leads

EV production, maybe not

Electric cars has become the Holy Grail for greenies

And greenies control the democrat party

But they dont control American consumers
Most people cant afford these. Most people dont want to sit for two hours while their car charges on family road trips. Most people dont want to replace a 20k battery every so often. Or tires twice a year.

And some people just plain don't want one.

The statist POS that scream about EVs need to understand that we have a way to go before this is sustainable.

And also that some people just plain don't want one.

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