If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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Interestingly, there is considerable debate over what exactly the Constitution means when pertaining to the eligibility of a Presidential candidate. It states one must be a natural born citizen. This term has debated quite a lot but it seems definitively agreed upon to mean one who is a citizen at birth. Mr. Cruz was automatically a citizen at birth due to his mother's citizenship thus he is in the clear.
Ted Cruz was born as a citizen of the USA. Period.

He did not have to get a passport and immigrate here.

This has been reviewed ad nauseum. If he had been born in Canada to a mother who was not a citizen it would be different.

Even if the moonbat messiah had been born in Kenya, he would still be a citizen. I loathe the air that meat muppet queer steals from us, but the arguement is moot. His birth is only shady because he was Frank Marshal Davis' bastard son, not the son of a Kenya exchange student.

Your logic is flawed. It was always understood that to be president post Article 2 Section 1 grandfather clause, both their parents were U.S. Citizens to ensure sole allegiance to the United States.

It was never understood by anyone but Birthers, and then only when Barack Obama had the gall to run for President.
Ted Cruz was born as a citizen of the USA. Period.

He did not have to get a passport and immigrate here.

This has been reviewed ad nauseum. If he had been born in Canada to a mother who was not a citizen it would be different.

Even if the moonbat messiah had been born in Kenya, he would still be a citizen. I loathe the air that meat muppet queer steals from us, but the arguement is moot. His birth is only shady because he was Frank Marshal Davis' bastard son, not the son of a Kenya exchange student.

Your logic is flawed. It was always understood that to be president post Article 2 Section 1 grandfather clause, both their parents were U.S. Citizens to ensure sole allegiance to the United States.

It was always understood that to be president post Article 2 Section 1 grandfather clause both their parents were U.S. Citizens

Can you post the section that backs your claim?
The legal experts often site British common law which defines natural born citizens as citizens at birth, not necessarily within their empire. Our Constitution was written by men who were very familiar with this and they used the exact same term, natural born.
Additionally the first Congress explicitly stated that natural born citizens may be born outside the country's boundaries.
Humans aren't ducks. Don't worry about early imprinting.

On the contrary, if they were ducks I'd be less worried. Ducks are hardwired far more at birth than humans. Homo sapiens of all species are the ones with the most socially-malleable brains for the longest period of time post-natal. Therefore, the milieu into which they are born determines who they are as a person fully fledged. It explains nicely why "normal" varies so widely from culture to culture that we find "normal" in headhunting regions to be "cutting off the head of one's opponent and eating their brains so you can become as powerful as they are". Would that be normal for a child taken from that region right at birth and raised in Canada? No. And that is because early imprinting is EVERYTHING to the mind of homo sapiens.
Humans aren't ducks. Don't worry about early imprinting.

On the contrary, if they were ducks I'd be less worried. Ducks are hardwired far more at birth than humans. Homo sapiens of all species are the ones with the most socially-malleable brains for the longest period of time post-natal. Therefore, the milieu into which they are born determines who they are as a person fully fledged. It explains nicely why "normal" varies so widely from culture to culture that we find "normal" in headhunting regions to be "cutting off the head of one's opponent and eating their brains so you can become as powerful as they are". Would that be normal for a child taken from that region right at birth and raised in Canada? No. And that is because early imprinting is EVERYTHING to the mind of homo sapiens.

Yes- Silhouette has brought eating opponent's brains into a discussion on natural born citizenship.

We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now.

Didn't you say you were a democrat. One who was planning on voting for Cruz?

Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

And what portion of the constitution is violated....specifically? Show me where it says you have to be born in the US to run for president. Remember, 'natural-born' isn't defined in the constitution.
Humans aren't ducks. Don't worry about early imprinting.

On the contrary, if they were ducks I'd be less worried. Ducks are hardwired far more at birth than humans. Homo sapiens of all species are the ones with the most socially-malleable brains for the longest period of time post-natal. Therefore, the milieu into which they are born determines who they are as a person fully fledged. It explains nicely why "normal" varies so widely from culture to culture that we find "normal" in headhunting regions to be "cutting off the head of one's opponent and eating their brains so you can become as powerful as they are". Would that be normal for a child taken from that region right at birth and raised in Canada? No. And that is because early imprinting is EVERYTHING to the mind of homo sapiens.

So your theory is that he was hardwired at birth to be...Canadian? What would that entail exactly?
Humans aren't ducks. Don't worry about early imprinting.

On the contrary, if they were ducks I'd be less worried. Ducks are hardwired far more at birth than humans. Homo sapiens of all species are the ones with the most socially-malleable brains for the longest period of time post-natal. Therefore, the milieu into which they are born determines who they are as a person fully fledged. It explains nicely why "normal" varies so widely from culture to culture that we find "normal" in headhunting regions to be "cutting off the head of one's opponent and eating their brains so you can become as powerful as they are". Would that be normal for a child taken from that region right at birth and raised in Canada? No. And that is because early imprinting is EVERYTHING to the mind of homo sapiens.

So your theory is that he was hardwired at birth to be...Canadian? What would that entail exactly?

Love of Rush, hockey and back bacon.
Humans aren't ducks. Don't worry about early imprinting.

On the contrary, if they were ducks I'd be less worried. Ducks are hardwired far more at birth than humans. Homo sapiens of all species are the ones with the most socially-malleable brains for the longest period of time post-natal. Therefore, the milieu into which they are born determines who they are as a person fully fledged. It explains nicely why "normal" varies so widely from culture to culture that we find "normal" in headhunting regions to be "cutting off the head of one's opponent and eating their brains so you can become as powerful as they are". Would that be normal for a child taken from that region right at birth and raised in Canada? No. And that is because early imprinting is EVERYTHING to the mind of homo sapiens.

So your theory is that he was hardwired at birth to be...Canadian? What would that entail exactly?

Love of Rush, hockey and back bacon.

What, were his first words 'Tim Horton'?
Quick: Which U.S. President spent much of his formative youth living in foreign countries?
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

His mother was a born american. His father became a US citizen in 2005. Father was born in Cuba and became a Canadian after he left Cuba.
Humans aren't ducks. Don't worry about early imprinting.

On the contrary, if they were ducks I'd be less worried. Ducks are hardwired far more at birth than humans. Homo sapiens of all species are the ones with the most socially-malleable brains for the longest period of time post-natal. Therefore, the milieu into which they are born determines who they are as a person fully fledged. It explains nicely why "normal" varies so widely from culture to culture that we find "normal" in headhunting regions to be "cutting off the head of one's opponent and eating their brains so you can become as powerful as they are". Would that be normal for a child taken from that region right at birth and raised in Canada? No. And that is because early imprinting is EVERYTHING to the mind of homo sapiens.

So your theory is that he was hardwired at birth to be...Canadian? What would that entail exactly?

Love of Rush, hockey and back bacon.

What, were his first words 'Tim Horton'?

"Take off, eh?"
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

As Congress has recognized since the Founding, a person born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is generally a U.S. citizen from birth with no need for naturalization. And the phrase “natural born Citizen” in the Constitution encompasses all such citizens from birth. Thus, an individual born to a U.S. citizen parent — whether in California or Canada or the Canal Zone — is a U.S. citizen from birth and is fully eligible to serve as President if the people so choose.
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

As Congress has recognized since the Founding, a person born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is generally a U.S. citizen from birth with no need for naturalization. And the phrase “natural born Citizen” in the Constitution encompasses all such citizens from birth. Thus, an individual born to a U.S. citizen parent — whether in California or Canada or the Canal Zone — is a U.S. citizen from birth and is fully eligible to serve as President if the people so choose.

Yup. There's only natural born (citizen at birth) or naturalized (citizen after birth).

The only exception is oddly....Puerto Ricans. Who congress have designated with the legal unicorn 'naturalized at birth'.

Never anyone but Puerto Ricans. Never before. Never since. And Cruz isn't Puerto Rican. Leaving only natural born (citizen at birth).
His mother was a born american. His father became a US citizen in 2005. Father was born in Cuba and became a Canadian after he left Cuba.

So if his father was born American and his mother became a US Citizen in 2005 (long after he was born and raised in her country) and his mother was born of, had him in and raised him in his formative years in, say, in Iran or Syria or N. Korea or China or Russia, then he could be US President?

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