If terrorists are enemy combatants, why can't the military be used?

Do you support having the US military protect the US border from potential terrorists?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
If the caravans try to illegally cross the US border, and there are suspected terrorists among them, why can't the US military help collect them and turn them over to be interrogated to be sure that there are no terrorists trying to sneak in???

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia Covers Army and Air Force personnel
The National Guard is exempt from the PCA, if any governors call them up
The Marines are included, but only by adopted Navy regulations, not the PCA.
We should not only use our wonderful military to protect us against terrorists, but use every resource they have available. The detention center at Guantanamo Bay would be a perfect place to intern them. I wouldn't even be against sending domestic terrorists like Antifa to Gitmo, for a little "rehabilitation."

1. New Orleans was hit by a Cat-5 hurricane. There were power lines down statewide. It took five days to get thru the mess. You must have no clue what a disaster area looks like. Everyone was working as fast as possible while working safely, it took five days, deal with it instead of whining about it.

2. PR's power grid was a basket case before the hurricane hit, it was replaced as quickly as possible, quit whining about a massive reconstruction project that was done as expeditiously as possible.
How fast could you replace the towers and lines from helicopters? It is very dangerous work.

Inspecting power lines in PR, hundreds of miles of lines and support structures needed to be fabricated and replaced.
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If the caravans try to illegally cross the US border, and there are suspected terrorists among them, why can't the US military help collect them and turn them over to be interrogated to be sure that there are no terrorists trying to sneak in???

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia Covers Army and Air Force personnel
The National Guard is exempt from the PCA, if any governors call them up
The Marines are included, but only by adopted Navy regulations, not the PCA.

Isn't everyone a potential terrorist?
If you started using the military to go after terrorists, the American right wing would be screaming like stuck pigs.


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If the caravans try to illegally cross the US border, and there are suspected terrorists among them, why can't the US military help collect them and turn them over to be interrogated to be sure that there are no terrorists trying to sneak in???

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia Covers Army and Air Force personnel
The National Guard is exempt from the PCA, if any governors call them up
The Marines are included, but only by adopted Navy regulations, not the PCA.
They are being used, Intel personnel have integrated into the Mob, spanish speaking Americans who are Mexican are gathering info on who the leader are and what type of directions are being given. This was smart.
If the caravans try to illegally cross the US border, and there are suspected terrorists among them, why can't the US military help collect them and turn them over to be interrogated to be sure that there are no terrorists trying to sneak in???

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia Covers Army and Air Force personnel
The National Guard is exempt from the PCA, if any governors call them up
The Marines are included, but only by adopted Navy regulations, not the PCA.

Isn't everyone a potential terrorist?
When the try to come here illegally? Yes.
If you started using the military to go after terrorists, the American right wing would be screaming like stuck pigs.


Suspend your ignorance for a moment and visualize a very large slice that was left out of your deceptive pie chart: Murders committed by liberals, Democrats, or those whose lifestyles would fall into that category. Those would be street thugs, drug dealers, muggers, rapists, carjackers, etc. Consider all those murders taking place in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans, Memphis, etc. Consider how few of the perpetrators are Republicans, conservatives, Trump supporters, etc.

Then try if you can, imagine how much smaller the blue portion would be, when viewed in a more realistic fashion.
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If you started using the military to go after terrorists, the American right wing would be screaming like stuck pigs.


Suspend your ignorance for a moment and visualize a very large slice that was left out of your deceptive pie chart: Murders committed by liberals, Democrats, or those whose lifestyles would fall into that category. Those would be street thugs, drug dealers, muggers, rapists, carjackers, etc. Consider all those murders taking place in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans, Memphis, etc. Consider how few of the perpetrators are Republicans, conservatives, Trump supporters, etc.

Then try if you can, imagine how much smaller the blue portion would be, when viewed in a more realistic fashion.

Could be a Trolling Progressive...
If the caravans try to illegally cross the US border, and there are suspected terrorists among them, why can't the US military help collect them and turn them over to be interrogated to be sure that there are no terrorists trying to sneak in???

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia Covers Army and Air Force personnel
The National Guard is exempt from the PCA, if any governors call them up
The Marines are included, but only by adopted Navy regulations, not the PCA.

Isn't everyone a potential terrorist?
When the try to come here illegally? Yes.

Your buddy mailing bombs to people came here legally right? Was born here...right? As was your other buddy McVeigh? As was your other buddy Root? As was your other buddy Rudolph?

Labeling people (in this case migrants headed north) "potential terrorists" as some sort of cover for militarizing our borders is dishonest. Of course you support it.
If the caravans try to illegally cross the US border, and there are suspected terrorists among them, why can't the US military help collect them and turn them over to be interrogated to be sure that there are no terrorists trying to sneak in???

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia Covers Army and Air Force personnel
The National Guard is exempt from the PCA, if any governors call them up
The Marines are included, but only by adopted Navy regulations, not the PCA.

Isn't everyone a potential terrorist?
potential vs theat/possible

1. New Orleans was hit by a Cat-5 hurricane. There were power lines down statewide. It took five days to get thru the mess. You must have no clue what a disaster area looks like. Everyone was working as fast as possible while working safely, it took five days, deal with it instead of whining about it.

2. PR's power grid was a basket case before the hurricane hit, it was replaced as quickly as possible, quit whining about a massive reconstruction project that was done as expeditiously as possible.
How fast could you replace the towers and lines from helicopters? It is very dangerous work.

Inspecting power lines in PR, hundreds of miles of lines and support structures needed to be fabricated and replaced.

I know several politicians are under charges for theft of gov property. I seem during the clean up and getting the power back on, they noticed the lack of wire and equipment. They tracked most of the stuff in warehouses owned by the local politicians. Looks like they stole the stuff and was planning to resale it later to the government. Shame on them
If you started using the military to go after terrorists, the American right wing would be screaming like stuck pigs.


once again--the biggest threat are the islamics/etc that murdered almost 3000 in one DAY
where as white supremacists have murdered less than 5 per YEAR

Perhaps in the future, you would consider doing a bit of research before posting such ignorance.

As for New Orleans. It was against the law for President Bush to send troops into any state without the written request of the governor. Governor Blanco refused to make such a request. She was eager to handle the crises herself and reap all the kudos. So she waited and waited and waited until it became tragically obvious that she could not handle it herself and she signed the request, days later. The same thing with the failed Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin.

As you know, Puerto Rico was on the verge of bankruptcy long before hurricane Maria. Puerto Rico's electrical grid was primitive prior to the storm and was entirely destroyed by Maria. It was not a matter of restoring power, it was a matter of rebuilding the infrastructure literally from the ground up.

Their population is now only about 3.4 million residents spread all around the perimeter of the island. The island is about 3,500 square miles.

Yes, we could have flown 50 thousand troops into Puerto Rico. What would they have done? None of them are skilled lineman or personnel trained in building, from scratch power plants and grid systems. They also had to be planned from scratch. A year is pretty miraculous!
If the caravans try to illegally cross the US border, and there are suspected terrorists among them, why can't the US military help collect them and turn them over to be interrogated to be sure that there are no terrorists trying to sneak in???

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia Covers Army and Air Force personnel
The National Guard is exempt from the PCA, if any governors call them up
The Marines are included, but only by adopted Navy regulations, not the PCA.

Isn't everyone a potential terrorist?
When the try to come here illegally? Yes.

Your buddy mailing bombs to people came here legally right? Was born here...right? As was your other buddy McVeigh? As was your other buddy Root? As was your other buddy Rudolph?

Labeling people (in this case migrants headed north) "potential terrorists" as some sort of cover for militarizing our borders is dishonest. Of course you support it.

Wow. All of the mayhem and murders going on in this country from liberals, Democrats, and people who support those lifestyles, and all you could come up with was a couple examples of right-wingers going off the reservation?

How about the infamous Jim Jones from the Guyana massacre? You do know that he and his flock were Democrats, right? He actually rented his flock out to left-wing and Democrat rallies, when his "church" was based in California. 918 people died in one fell swoop when he led them to drink the Kool Aid.

McVeigh only managed to murder 168.
I know several politicians are under charges for theft of gov property. I seem during the clean up and getting the power back on, they noticed the lack of wire and equipment. They tracked most of the stuff in warehouses owned by the local politicians. Looks like they stole the stuff and was planning to resale it later to the government. Shame on them
he FBI raided San Juan, Puerto Rico, municipal offices Tuesday in connection with accusations of corruption, according to reports. "Dozens" of agents were involved in the raid, according to The Hill, which cited local news sources. City officials, including the office of Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruzhttp://puertoricomonitor.blogspot.com/2015/10/twenty-five-individuals
We should not only use our wonderful military to protect us against terrorists, but use every resource they have available. The detention center at Guantanamo Bay would be a perfect place to intern them. I wouldn't even be against sending domestic terrorists like Antifa to Gitmo, for a little "rehabilitation."

Excellent idea!

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