If The Wall Saves One Life It Will Be Worth It


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I'm gonna use a tactic that Democrats have been using. They have said that if a new gun law will save one life it's worth it. Why isn't the saving of one life worth the expense? However a wall is worth much more than that. 1/5th of our prison population is illegals. We intercepted and detained in 2017 over 127,000 criminal illegals. VP Mike Pence accurately cites ICE arrest, deportation data

The cost of illegal immigration is roughly $130 billion/yr to the US Treasury. In CA they don't even know how many illegals voted in the last election thanks to their new motor-voter laws and vote harvesting tactics. Their questionnaire isn't designed to stop voter fraud, it practically encourages it in the wording. They don't ask if they are US citizens. They ask if they are US residents. Anyone living in the country can claim they are a resident, legal or illegal. Citizen or non-citizen. So we're taking their word that they are a citizen and can be registered to vote. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...hether_noncitizens_voted_in_last_primary.html

Now racist Democrats are calling the wall a monument to White Supremacy. They claim that the wall is immoral. This is all just political posturing. Democrats know the wall works. That's why they're fighting like hell to prevent it. That's why we're in the middle of a shut down. They know it will work, and that scares the shit out of them. https://www.americanthinker.com/art...wall_of_america_will_break_the_democrats.html


January 7, 2019
The Great Wall of America Will Break the Democrats
By Rich Logis
Democrats know that the wall is imminent. Is the pending dread more psychologically damaging than the erection of the wall?

Democrats know that the wall is what will finally break them, and no amount of Democrat and Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC) agitprop will ever tear down the wall. It will be the chasm between the old guard and the burgeoning Leninism of within the party.

The wall is deserving of proper name capitalization.

The Democrats know that The Wall will achieve its intent, of deterring and preventing mass illegal immigration, which has resulted in an illegal alien population that the federal government has no true, accurate count of.

The Wall will be the physical affirmation of our historic, theory of black swan, glass-ceiling shattering 2016 win over Empress Clinton. Tax reform and withdrawals from bogus deals with Iran and climate change globalist welfare treaties aren't palpable; I can't take a selfie in front of the 2018 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. United States Supreme Court justices are a bit more tangible, but the court isn't omnipresent 24/7.

The Wall, though? That proposed happy marriage of steel, spikes, and concrete? Oh, it will be glorious. I know that President Trump has described The Wall as "beautiful," but we don't care if it's the ugly Christmas sweater of American architecture.

The Wall Will Save Lives and Money

Want to know how padded rubber room-inducing The Wall is for Democrats? Trump has convinced fiscal conservatives to spend money, and Democrats have talked about saving money, as evidenced here and here.

The Wall is Mount Rushmore and AR-15s and Confederate statues and the Electoral College and the Gadsden flag all in one. It is a watchtower, a monument to sovereignty, an homage to citizens, law enforcement officers, all Americans who have to worry about not only American criminals murdering them, but those here illegally as well. Ignore the Democrats and Ben Sasses of America, who prattle on about "xenophobia"; fear and greed are the bases for every decision made by the Homo sapiens species. Am I afraid of crimes being committed against me and my family from those who shouldn't be here? Damn right, I am, and if most of the spineless politicians in Washington acted a bit more fearful, Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts, and Ronil Singh would likely be alive. Singh, a California police officer killed by an illegal alien in the line of duty last week, emigrated from Fiji, a country I bet is safer than the Golden State.

I wouldn't care if "only" one person died annually from illegal immigration, and I would care not if "only" one illegal border crossing occurred annually; the cult of the Democrats' gun confiscation sales pitch has always been "if it saves one life." If they believe that, vote to fund The Wall and end the government shutdown. If The Wall saves one life (it'll save many more), and saves even the smallest percentage of the annual $116-billion illegal alien financial burden, then break ground today. Just keep reiterating this to all your Democrat friends and relatives: "but if it saves one life," "but if it saves one life," " but if it..."

And GOP, you listening? Especially you zealously open-borders Tessio Republicans, who have continued to betray your voters the way Sal Tessio betrayed the Corleone family in The Godfather?

The Democrats know that The Wall will work spectacularly well. The Beto knows it. Fugaziahontas, Elizabeth Warren, knows it. Kuckoo Kamala Harris knows it; so does Gay Sex Goon Cory Booker (I gave him this moniker after he interrogated Mike Pompeo about gay sex during his secretary of state confirmation hearings earlier this year). Joey B to the I to the D-E-N? Affirmative. The Wall will accelerate the cannibalization within the Democratic Party, between establishment Dems, who are mostly covert Leninists, and the new-school Dems, who are unabashedly open about their collectivist fetish. The Wall is the Bolsheviks overthrowing Tsar Nicholas II, and it will usher in the Democrats' version of the Russian Revolution. It will be a sight to behold. Recommended viewing beverage is a Build That Wall cocktail. Yes, such a drink exists.

The entrenched Washingtonian Democratic and Republican parties can't stand the fact that a reality television star president will do more to curb illegal immigration and the ills it has begotten than all their combined lousy efforts.

How much will The Wall cost? A lot of moola; $25 billion, maybe more. Is it worth it? Sure is. Am I concerned that Mexico won't pay for it? Nope.

Admittedly, I'm not thrilled about all aspects of The Wall, such as the expected eminent domain, which could displace hundreds of landowners. Since these property-owners will be an integral part of history, let's compensate them with triple their market value.

The Wall Makes or Breaks 2020

The Wall is a black and white policy issue for Trump. He knows he can't cave to the Democrats. If he acquiesces, read my lips: Clinton will be the 2020 Democrat nominee, and she will win.

But worry not. The Wall is Fort Sumter; there's no going back from it now.

The Wall isn't anti-immigrant; in fact, it might be the most pro-immigrant expenditure in American history – a ubiquitous reminder that America is the most generous nation in the history of the world – which admits two legal immigrants every minute of every day and will welcome with open arms those who adhere to our rule of law. Nationalism is the glue that holds this whole American experiment together.

Some presidents wants freeways, hospitals, and airports named after them. Not our president. The Donald J. Trump Great Wall of America is what he wants, and it's what the majority of people in the majority of states want. Time to get this "elections have consequences" party started.

This is why we need a wall:

January 7, 2019
Mounting Indications that a Civil War 2.0 May Be Very Close at Hand
By Peter Barry Chowka
For months now, I have been writing and speaking about the looming prospects for a Civil War 2.0 breaking out in the United States. The analysis probably seemed to many to be speculative and premature, pointing to something that might someday come to pass, while in the meantime there was still hope that such a time would never actually arrive.

The new year, however, has made that hope harder to cling to as signs of violence are now breaking out into the open and can no longer be swept under the rug.

Another indication that the war has already started took place in the early morning hours of December 26 when officer Ronil Singh of the small town of Newman, California’s police department allegedly was shot dead by criminal illegal alien Gustavo Perez Arriaga. While on routine patrol, Singh had pulled over Arriaga’s vehicle because it had no rear license plate at which point Singh was executed, leaving a wife and five month-old son.


Alleged cop killer Gustavo Arriaga and the late police officer Ron Singh

Sources: Stanislaus County, Calif. Sheriff's Department and Newman, Calif. Police Department

This is not the first time that a criminal illegal alien has murdered an innocent victim (all illegal aliens are de facto criminals because they broke laws by entering the country, but in this case the alleged perpetrator was also a gang member and had two DUIs on his rap sheet). In fact, such killings, in addition to assaults, rapes, robberies, home invasions, and other violent crimes, are committed by illegal aliens multiple times on a daily basis all over the country. Another outrageous, high profile case that comes to mind is the July 1, 2015 fatal shooting of Kathryn (Kate) Steinle in San Francisco by illegal immigrant José Inez García Zárate, who admitted to shooting Steinle. On November 30, 2017, after five days of deliberations, the jury in Zarate’s criminal trial acquitted him of all murder and manslaughter charges.

Three and a half years after the Steinle murder, the assassination of Office Singh, himself a legal immigrant from Fiji and a respected California cop for over seven years, stands out as a new and stark low point that illustrates one of the endemic problems in this country. To wit, the invasion of the United States by millions of un-educated, low IQ migrants from violent Third World countries, which has been ongoing for decades (to the extent that it is not even known how many of them are here). The invasion has now reached critical mass, threatening the lives and safety of Americans everywhere around the country. Meanwhile, the Democrats are downplaying the importance of the killing of officer Singh and insisting that it has no bearing on their ongoing opposition to Republican efforts to strengthen border security.

If the nation had a chance of coming together politically to secure the border, enforce existing laws, and deport the tens of millions of illegal aliens who are already here, that would be one thing and a new “civil war” might not be inevitable. But that day and those possibilities are long gone. What remains and what has become the new normal is the violence (and the downplaying of it by Democrats and about half of the population), that is now targeting native-born Americans like Steinle or legal immigrants and American citizens sworn to protect and serve like Singh.

As Deroy Murdock wrote about the Singh murder in an article titled “A Tale of Two Immigrants” in National Review on January 5:

Arriaga, 33 [the alleged killer of Officer Singh], is not a model immigrant. He came to America from Mexico — illegally, crossing the border via Arizona. Yet the notion that the United States suffers a border-security crisis seems lost on Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York and House speaker Nancy Pelosi of California. They reportedly refused even to listen to Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen’s classified border-security briefing in the White House Situation Room on Wednesday. Instead, they repeatedly interrupted Nielsen as she tried to detail national-security threats on the southern front.

The Democrats, who support the concept of Sanctuary Cities and now Sanctuary States, and who embrace policies that coddle, protect, and support illegals while they hamstring law enforcement and cripple border security, are clearly complicit in the mayhem being caused by the “migrants.”

Meanwhile, there are other indications that Civil War 2.0 is going hot. Calls from Democrats and the left encouraging violence and lawlessness have been increasing, especially since the election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th president in November 2016. One of the more prominent examples among many was a rabble rousing speech to a mob of her supporters by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) last June in Los Angeles. On that occasion, Waters implored her audience to be on the lookout for prominent officials in the Trump administration so that:

If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.

Waters’s incendiary and provocative rant that appeared to border on inciting violence was followed on numerous occasions by Democrats and other hardcore leftists “pushing back” on Trump administration officials, getting in their faces and implicitly threatening them when they were out in public eating dinner or relaxing.

The growing far left base of the Democratic Party, which helped to fuel the Democrats’ takeover of the House of Representatives in the 2018 Midterm Elections, bodes ill for putting the genies of violence and toxic political division back in the bottle. After she was sworn in as a first term member of the new Congress on January 3, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the first Palestinian-American Congresswoman, referring to President Trump, told a crowd of cheering supporters “. . . we’re going to go in there and we’re going to impeach the motherf–ker.”

Two days later, on January 5, 2019, another up and coming new star of the 116th Congress, freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), an avowed socialist, entered into a Twitter war of words with Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who was almost killed in an assassination attempt by a hardcore leftist in June 2017. Their debate concerned Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal to double the tax rate on the so-called 1% to 70%.

According to Fox News:

U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., abruptly halted a Twitter debate with newcomer Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York early Sunday morning [January 6] after at least three commenters made references to the June 2017 shooting in which Scalise and three other people were shot by a left-wing activist.

“snipe his ass,” one Twitter user wrote, in support of Ocasio-Cortez. . .

“she’s got better aim than James Hodgkinson, that’s for sure,” another wrote, comparing Ocasio-Cortez’s Twitter responses to the marksmanship of the suspect in the Virginia shooting, a Bernie Sanders supporter who later died in a shootout with police.

I'm gonna use a tactic that Democrats have been using. They have said that if a new gun law will save one life it's worth it. Why isn't the saving of one life worth the expense? However a wall is worth much more than that. 1/5th of our prison population is illegals. We intercepted and detained in 2017 over 127,000 criminal illegals. VP Mike Pence accurately cites ICE arrest, deportation data

The cost of illegal immigration is roughly $130 billion/yr to the US Treasury. In CA they don't even know how many illegals voted in the last election thanks to their new motor-voter laws and vote harvesting tactics. Their questionnaire isn't designed to stop voter fraud, it practically encourages it in the wording. They don't ask if they are US citizens. They ask if they are US residents. Anyone living in the country can claim they are a resident, legal or illegal. Citizen or non-citizen. So we're taking their word that they are a citizen and can be registered to vote. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...hether_noncitizens_voted_in_last_primary.html

Now racist Democrats are calling the wall a monument to White Supremacy. They claim that the wall is immoral. This is all just political posturing. Democrats know the wall works. That's why they're fighting like hell to prevent it. That's why we're in the middle of a shut down. They know it will work, and that scares the shit out of them. https://www.americanthinker.com/art...wall_of_america_will_break_the_democrats.html


January 7, 2019
The Great Wall of America Will Break the Democrats
By Rich Logis
Democrats know that the wall is imminent. Is the pending dread more psychologically damaging than the erection of the wall?

Democrats know that the wall is what will finally break them, and no amount of Democrat and Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC) agitprop will ever tear down the wall. It will be the chasm between the old guard and the burgeoning Leninism of within the party.

The wall is deserving of proper name capitalization.

The Democrats know that The Wall will achieve its intent, of deterring and preventing mass illegal immigration, which has resulted in an illegal alien population that the federal government has no true, accurate count of.

The Wall will be the physical affirmation of our historic, theory of black swan, glass-ceiling shattering 2016 win over Empress Clinton. Tax reform and withdrawals from bogus deals with Iran and climate change globalist welfare treaties aren't palpable; I can't take a selfie in front of the 2018 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. United States Supreme Court justices are a bit more tangible, but the court isn't omnipresent 24/7.

The Wall, though? That proposed happy marriage of steel, spikes, and concrete? Oh, it will be glorious. I know that President Trump has described The Wall as "beautiful," but we don't care if it's the ugly Christmas sweater of American architecture.

The Wall Will Save Lives and Money

Want to know how padded rubber room-inducing The Wall is for Democrats? Trump has convinced fiscal conservatives to spend money, and Democrats have talked about saving money, as evidenced here and here.

The Wall is Mount Rushmore and AR-15s and Confederate statues and the Electoral College and the Gadsden flag all in one. It is a watchtower, a monument to sovereignty, an homage to citizens, law enforcement officers, all Americans who have to worry about not only American criminals murdering them, but those here illegally as well. Ignore the Democrats and Ben Sasses of America, who prattle on about "xenophobia"; fear and greed are the bases for every decision made by the Homo sapiens species. Am I afraid of crimes being committed against me and my family from those who shouldn't be here? Damn right, I am, and if most of the spineless politicians in Washington acted a bit more fearful, Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts, and Ronil Singh would likely be alive. Singh, a California police officer killed by an illegal alien in the line of duty last week, emigrated from Fiji, a country I bet is safer than the Golden State.

I wouldn't care if "only" one person died annually from illegal immigration, and I would care not if "only" one illegal border crossing occurred annually; the cult of the Democrats' gun confiscation sales pitch has always been "if it saves one life." If they believe that, vote to fund The Wall and end the government shutdown. If The Wall saves one life (it'll save many more), and saves even the smallest percentage of the annual $116-billion illegal alien financial burden, then break ground today. Just keep reiterating this to all your Democrat friends and relatives: "but if it saves one life," "but if it saves one life," " but if it..."

And GOP, you listening? Especially you zealously open-borders Tessio Republicans, who have continued to betray your voters the way Sal Tessio betrayed the Corleone family in The Godfather?

The Democrats know that The Wall will work spectacularly well. The Beto knows it. Fugaziahontas, Elizabeth Warren, knows it. Kuckoo Kamala Harris knows it; so does Gay Sex Goon Cory Booker (I gave him this moniker after he interrogated Mike Pompeo about gay sex during his secretary of state confirmation hearings earlier this year). Joey B to the I to the D-E-N? Affirmative. The Wall will accelerate the cannibalization within the Democratic Party, between establishment Dems, who are mostly covert Leninists, and the new-school Dems, who are unabashedly open about their collectivist fetish. The Wall is the Bolsheviks overthrowing Tsar Nicholas II, and it will usher in the Democrats' version of the Russian Revolution. It will be a sight to behold. Recommended viewing beverage is a Build That Wall cocktail. Yes, such a drink exists.

The entrenched Washingtonian Democratic and Republican parties can't stand the fact that a reality television star president will do more to curb illegal immigration and the ills it has begotten than all their combined lousy efforts.

How much will The Wall cost? A lot of moola; $25 billion, maybe more. Is it worth it? Sure is. Am I concerned that Mexico won't pay for it? Nope.

Admittedly, I'm not thrilled about all aspects of The Wall, such as the expected eminent domain, which could displace hundreds of landowners. Since these property-owners will be an integral part of history, let's compensate them with triple their market value.

The Wall Makes or Breaks 2020

The Wall is a black and white policy issue for Trump. He knows he can't cave to the Democrats. If he acquiesces, read my lips: Clinton will be the 2020 Democrat nominee, and she will win.

But worry not. The Wall is Fort Sumter; there's no going back from it now.

The Wall isn't anti-immigrant; in fact, it might be the most pro-immigrant expenditure in American history – a ubiquitous reminder that America is the most generous nation in the history of the world – which admits two legal immigrants every minute of every day and will welcome with open arms those who adhere to our rule of law. Nationalism is the glue that holds this whole American experiment together.

Some presidents wants freeways, hospitals, and airports named after them. Not our president. The Donald J. Trump Great Wall of America is what he wants, and it's what the majority of people in the majority of states want. Time to get this "elections have consequences" party started.


Here is the "WALL" between Iraq and SA...it looks oddly like a fence . :21::21::21: You people are such rubes


And the "wall" between Serbia and Hungary


Crazy how all these walls look like fences
If The Wall Saves One Life It Will Be Worth It

Folks that insist on legislation because
mandatory helmets saves one life
mandatory seat belts saves one life

mandatory barriers will save one life

are ........li-li-liiiiiberals



If legislation was passed to cut off welfare to the illegals through a comprehensive ID program and employers caught hiring them facing jail time it would go further than a damn static wall.
If The Wall Saves One Life It Will Be Worth It

Folks that insist on legislation because
mandatory helmets saves one life
mandatory seat belts saves one life

mandatory barriers will save one life

are ........li-li-liiiiiberals



In Arkansass there is no helmet law for motorcyclist.
If The Wall Saves One Life It Will Be Worth It

Folks that insist on legislation because
mandatory helmets saves one life
mandatory seat belts saves one life

mandatory barriers will save one life

are ........li-li-liiiiiberals



In Arkansass there is no helmet law for motorcyclist.

And you know what motorcyclists without helmets are called? Organ donors.
I'm gonna use a tactic that Democrats have been using. They have said that if a new gun law will save one life it's worth it. Why isn't the saving of one life worth the expense? However a wall is worth much more than that. 1/5th of our prison population is illegals. We intercepted and detained in 2017 over 127,000 criminal illegals. VP Mike Pence accurately cites ICE arrest, deportation data

The cost of illegal immigration is roughly $130 billion/yr to the US Treasury. In CA they don't even know how many illegals voted in the last election thanks to their new motor-voter laws and vote harvesting tactics. Their questionnaire isn't designed to stop voter fraud, it practically encourages it in the wording. They don't ask if they are US citizens. They ask if they are US residents. Anyone living in the country can claim they are a resident, legal or illegal. Citizen or non-citizen. So we're taking their word that they are a citizen and can be registered to vote. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...hether_noncitizens_voted_in_last_primary.html

Now racist Democrats are calling the wall a monument to White Supremacy. They claim that the wall is immoral. This is all just political posturing. Democrats know the wall works. That's why they're fighting like hell to prevent it. That's why we're in the middle of a shut down. They know it will work, and that scares the shit out of them. https://www.americanthinker.com/art...wall_of_america_will_break_the_democrats.html


January 7, 2019
The Great Wall of America Will Break the Democrats
By Rich Logis
Democrats know that the wall is imminent. Is the pending dread more psychologically damaging than the erection of the wall?

Democrats know that the wall is what will finally break them, and no amount of Democrat and Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC) agitprop will ever tear down the wall. It will be the chasm between the old guard and the burgeoning Leninism of within the party.

The wall is deserving of proper name capitalization.

The Democrats know that The Wall will achieve its intent, of deterring and preventing mass illegal immigration, which has resulted in an illegal alien population that the federal government has no true, accurate count of.

The Wall will be the physical affirmation of our historic, theory of black swan, glass-ceiling shattering 2016 win over Empress Clinton. Tax reform and withdrawals from bogus deals with Iran and climate change globalist welfare treaties aren't palpable; I can't take a selfie in front of the 2018 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. United States Supreme Court justices are a bit more tangible, but the court isn't omnipresent 24/7.

The Wall, though? That proposed happy marriage of steel, spikes, and concrete? Oh, it will be glorious. I know that President Trump has described The Wall as "beautiful," but we don't care if it's the ugly Christmas sweater of American architecture.

The Wall Will Save Lives and Money

Want to know how padded rubber room-inducing The Wall is for Democrats? Trump has convinced fiscal conservatives to spend money, and Democrats have talked about saving money, as evidenced here and here.

The Wall is Mount Rushmore and AR-15s and Confederate statues and the Electoral College and the Gadsden flag all in one. It is a watchtower, a monument to sovereignty, an homage to citizens, law enforcement officers, all Americans who have to worry about not only American criminals murdering them, but those here illegally as well. Ignore the Democrats and Ben Sasses of America, who prattle on about "xenophobia"; fear and greed are the bases for every decision made by the Homo sapiens species. Am I afraid of crimes being committed against me and my family from those who shouldn't be here? Damn right, I am, and if most of the spineless politicians in Washington acted a bit more fearful, Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts, and Ronil Singh would likely be alive. Singh, a California police officer killed by an illegal alien in the line of duty last week, emigrated from Fiji, a country I bet is safer than the Golden State.

I wouldn't care if "only" one person died annually from illegal immigration, and I would care not if "only" one illegal border crossing occurred annually; the cult of the Democrats' gun confiscation sales pitch has always been "if it saves one life." If they believe that, vote to fund The Wall and end the government shutdown. If The Wall saves one life (it'll save many more), and saves even the smallest percentage of the annual $116-billion illegal alien financial burden, then break ground today. Just keep reiterating this to all your Democrat friends and relatives: "but if it saves one life," "but if it saves one life," " but if it..."

And GOP, you listening? Especially you zealously open-borders Tessio Republicans, who have continued to betray your voters the way Sal Tessio betrayed the Corleone family in The Godfather?

The Democrats know that The Wall will work spectacularly well. The Beto knows it. Fugaziahontas, Elizabeth Warren, knows it. Kuckoo Kamala Harris knows it; so does Gay Sex Goon Cory Booker (I gave him this moniker after he interrogated Mike Pompeo about gay sex during his secretary of state confirmation hearings earlier this year). Joey B to the I to the D-E-N? Affirmative. The Wall will accelerate the cannibalization within the Democratic Party, between establishment Dems, who are mostly covert Leninists, and the new-school Dems, who are unabashedly open about their collectivist fetish. The Wall is the Bolsheviks overthrowing Tsar Nicholas II, and it will usher in the Democrats' version of the Russian Revolution. It will be a sight to behold. Recommended viewing beverage is a Build That Wall cocktail. Yes, such a drink exists.

The entrenched Washingtonian Democratic and Republican parties can't stand the fact that a reality television star president will do more to curb illegal immigration and the ills it has begotten than all their combined lousy efforts.

How much will The Wall cost? A lot of moola; $25 billion, maybe more. Is it worth it? Sure is. Am I concerned that Mexico won't pay for it? Nope.

Admittedly, I'm not thrilled about all aspects of The Wall, such as the expected eminent domain, which could displace hundreds of landowners. Since these property-owners will be an integral part of history, let's compensate them with triple their market value.

The Wall Makes or Breaks 2020

The Wall is a black and white policy issue for Trump. He knows he can't cave to the Democrats. If he acquiesces, read my lips: Clinton will be the 2020 Democrat nominee, and she will win.

But worry not. The Wall is Fort Sumter; there's no going back from it now.

The Wall isn't anti-immigrant; in fact, it might be the most pro-immigrant expenditure in American history – a ubiquitous reminder that America is the most generous nation in the history of the world – which admits two legal immigrants every minute of every day and will welcome with open arms those who adhere to our rule of law. Nationalism is the glue that holds this whole American experiment together.

Some presidents wants freeways, hospitals, and airports named after them. Not our president. The Donald J. Trump Great Wall of America is what he wants, and it's what the majority of people in the majority of states want. Time to get this "elections have consequences" party started.


Here is the "WALL" between Iraq and SA...it looks oddly like a fence . :21::21::21: You people are such rubes


And the "wall" between Serbia and Hungary


Crazy how all these walls look like fences

Trump has described his "wall" many different ways, from concrete to solar panels.

If The Wall Saves One Life It Will Be Worth It

Folks that insist on legislation because
mandatory helmets saves one life
mandatory seat belts saves one life

mandatory barriers will save one life

are ........li-li-liiiiiberals



In Arkansass there is no helmet law for motorcyclist.

And you know what motorcyclists without helmets are called? Organ donors.
Seat belts are required to save yer life unless it's your kid on a school bus which has only one seat belt for the driver.
If legislation was passed to cut off welfare to the illegals through a comprehensive ID program and employers caught hiring them facing jail time it would go further than a damn static wall.

But neither party will of after the people that employ the illegals as it is big business that benefits the mots from them and both parties are indebted too much to them to go after them.
I see the low-information people have chimed in.

This is why deceptive titles are so effective.

Too many people do not take the time to read the fucking articles
I'm gonna use a tactic that Democrats have been using. They have said that if a new gun law will save one life it's worth it. Why isn't the saving of one life worth the expense? However a wall is worth much more than that. 1/5th of our prison population is illegals. We intercepted and detained in 2017 over 127,000 criminal illegals. VP Mike Pence accurately cites ICE arrest, deportation data

The cost of illegal immigration is roughly $130 billion/yr to the US Treasury. In CA they don't even know how many illegals voted in the last election thanks to their new motor-voter laws and vote harvesting tactics. Their questionnaire isn't designed to stop voter fraud, it practically encourages it in the wording. They don't ask if they are US citizens. They ask if they are US residents. Anyone living in the country can claim they are a resident, legal or illegal. Citizen or non-citizen. So we're taking their word that they are a citizen and can be registered to vote. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...hether_noncitizens_voted_in_last_primary.html

Now racist Democrats are calling the wall a monument to White Supremacy. They claim that the wall is immoral. This is all just political posturing. Democrats know the wall works. That's why they're fighting like hell to prevent it. That's why we're in the middle of a shut down. They know it will work, and that scares the shit out of them. https://www.americanthinker.com/art...wall_of_america_will_break_the_democrats.html


January 7, 2019
The Great Wall of America Will Break the Democrats
By Rich Logis
Democrats know that the wall is imminent. Is the pending dread more psychologically damaging than the erection of the wall?

Democrats know that the wall is what will finally break them, and no amount of Democrat and Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC) agitprop will ever tear down the wall. It will be the chasm between the old guard and the burgeoning Leninism of within the party.

The wall is deserving of proper name capitalization.

The Democrats know that The Wall will achieve its intent, of deterring and preventing mass illegal immigration, which has resulted in an illegal alien population that the federal government has no true, accurate count of.

The Wall will be the physical affirmation of our historic, theory of black swan, glass-ceiling shattering 2016 win over Empress Clinton. Tax reform and withdrawals from bogus deals with Iran and climate change globalist welfare treaties aren't palpable; I can't take a selfie in front of the 2018 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. United States Supreme Court justices are a bit more tangible, but the court isn't omnipresent 24/7.

The Wall, though? That proposed happy marriage of steel, spikes, and concrete? Oh, it will be glorious. I know that President Trump has described The Wall as "beautiful," but we don't care if it's the ugly Christmas sweater of American architecture.

The Wall Will Save Lives and Money

Want to know how padded rubber room-inducing The Wall is for Democrats? Trump has convinced fiscal conservatives to spend money, and Democrats have talked about saving money, as evidenced here and here.

The Wall is Mount Rushmore and AR-15s and Confederate statues and the Electoral College and the Gadsden flag all in one. It is a watchtower, a monument to sovereignty, an homage to citizens, law enforcement officers, all Americans who have to worry about not only American criminals murdering them, but those here illegally as well. Ignore the Democrats and Ben Sasses of America, who prattle on about "xenophobia"; fear and greed are the bases for every decision made by the Homo sapiens species. Am I afraid of crimes being committed against me and my family from those who shouldn't be here? Damn right, I am, and if most of the spineless politicians in Washington acted a bit more fearful, Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts, and Ronil Singh would likely be alive. Singh, a California police officer killed by an illegal alien in the line of duty last week, emigrated from Fiji, a country I bet is safer than the Golden State.

I wouldn't care if "only" one person died annually from illegal immigration, and I would care not if "only" one illegal border crossing occurred annually; the cult of the Democrats' gun confiscation sales pitch has always been "if it saves one life." If they believe that, vote to fund The Wall and end the government shutdown. If The Wall saves one life (it'll save many more), and saves even the smallest percentage of the annual $116-billion illegal alien financial burden, then break ground today. Just keep reiterating this to all your Democrat friends and relatives: "but if it saves one life," "but if it saves one life," " but if it..."

And GOP, you listening? Especially you zealously open-borders Tessio Republicans, who have continued to betray your voters the way Sal Tessio betrayed the Corleone family in The Godfather?

The Democrats know that The Wall will work spectacularly well. The Beto knows it. Fugaziahontas, Elizabeth Warren, knows it. Kuckoo Kamala Harris knows it; so does Gay Sex Goon Cory Booker (I gave him this moniker after he interrogated Mike Pompeo about gay sex during his secretary of state confirmation hearings earlier this year). Joey B to the I to the D-E-N? Affirmative. The Wall will accelerate the cannibalization within the Democratic Party, between establishment Dems, who are mostly covert Leninists, and the new-school Dems, who are unabashedly open about their collectivist fetish. The Wall is the Bolsheviks overthrowing Tsar Nicholas II, and it will usher in the Democrats' version of the Russian Revolution. It will be a sight to behold. Recommended viewing beverage is a Build That Wall cocktail. Yes, such a drink exists.

The entrenched Washingtonian Democratic and Republican parties can't stand the fact that a reality television star president will do more to curb illegal immigration and the ills it has begotten than all their combined lousy efforts.

How much will The Wall cost? A lot of moola; $25 billion, maybe more. Is it worth it? Sure is. Am I concerned that Mexico won't pay for it? Nope.

Admittedly, I'm not thrilled about all aspects of The Wall, such as the expected eminent domain, which could displace hundreds of landowners. Since these property-owners will be an integral part of history, let's compensate them with triple their market value.

The Wall Makes or Breaks 2020

The Wall is a black and white policy issue for Trump. He knows he can't cave to the Democrats. If he acquiesces, read my lips: Clinton will be the 2020 Democrat nominee, and she will win.

But worry not. The Wall is Fort Sumter; there's no going back from it now.

The Wall isn't anti-immigrant; in fact, it might be the most pro-immigrant expenditure in American history – a ubiquitous reminder that America is the most generous nation in the history of the world – which admits two legal immigrants every minute of every day and will welcome with open arms those who adhere to our rule of law. Nationalism is the glue that holds this whole American experiment together.

Some presidents wants freeways, hospitals, and airports named after them. Not our president. The Donald J. Trump Great Wall of America is what he wants, and it's what the majority of people in the majority of states want. Time to get this "elections have consequences" party started.


Here is the "WALL" between Iraq and SA...it looks oddly like a fence . :21::21::21: You people are such rubes


And the "wall" between Serbia and Hungary


Crazy how all these walls look like fences

Trump has described his "wall" many different ways, from concrete to solar panels.

Don lemon is a fucking moron and a racist punk
If The Wall Saves One Life It Will Be Worth It

Folks that insist on legislation because
mandatory helmets saves one life
mandatory seat belts saves one life

mandatory barriers will save one life

are ........li-li-liiiiiberals



In Arkansass there is no helmet law for motorcyclist.

And you know what motorcyclists without helmets are called? Organ donors.
Na, not really
No amount of truth can seep through the concrete cranium of a trump supporter.

Sheesh.. you're way behind the times, concrete is so LAST YEAR.... STEEL is the new concrete.

"We now have a great steel business that’s rebuilt in the United States. Steel is stronger than concrete." -- Donald Trump, 1/4/2019 press Conference explaining how he never promised a concrete "wall"
I'm gonna use a tactic that Democrats have been using. They have said that if a new gun law will save one life it's worth it. Why isn't the saving of one life worth the expense? However a wall is worth much more than that. 1/5th of our prison population is illegals. We intercepted and detained in 2017 over 127,000 criminal illegals. VP Mike Pence accurately cites ICE arrest, deportation data

The cost of illegal immigration is roughly $130 billion/yr to the US Treasury. In CA they don't even know how many illegals voted in the last election thanks to their new motor-voter laws and vote harvesting tactics. Their questionnaire isn't designed to stop voter fraud, it practically encourages it in the wording. They don't ask if they are US citizens. They ask if they are US residents. Anyone living in the country can claim they are a resident, legal or illegal. Citizen or non-citizen. So we're taking their word that they are a citizen and can be registered to vote. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...hether_noncitizens_voted_in_last_primary.html

Now racist Democrats are calling the wall a monument to White Supremacy. They claim that the wall is immoral. This is all just political posturing. Democrats know the wall works. That's why they're fighting like hell to prevent it. That's why we're in the middle of a shut down. They know it will work, and that scares the shit out of them. https://www.americanthinker.com/art...wall_of_america_will_break_the_democrats.html


January 7, 2019
The Great Wall of America Will Break the Democrats
By Rich Logis
Democrats know that the wall is imminent. Is the pending dread more psychologically damaging than the erection of the wall?

Democrats know that the wall is what will finally break them, and no amount of Democrat and Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC) agitprop will ever tear down the wall. It will be the chasm between the old guard and the burgeoning Leninism of within the party.

The wall is deserving of proper name capitalization.

The Democrats know that The Wall will achieve its intent, of deterring and preventing mass illegal immigration, which has resulted in an illegal alien population that the federal government has no true, accurate count of.

The Wall will be the physical affirmation of our historic, theory of black swan, glass-ceiling shattering 2016 win over Empress Clinton. Tax reform and withdrawals from bogus deals with Iran and climate change globalist welfare treaties aren't palpable; I can't take a selfie in front of the 2018 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. United States Supreme Court justices are a bit more tangible, but the court isn't omnipresent 24/7.

The Wall, though? That proposed happy marriage of steel, spikes, and concrete? Oh, it will be glorious. I know that President Trump has described The Wall as "beautiful," but we don't care if it's the ugly Christmas sweater of American architecture.

The Wall Will Save Lives and Money

Want to know how padded rubber room-inducing The Wall is for Democrats? Trump has convinced fiscal conservatives to spend money, and Democrats have talked about saving money, as evidenced here and here.

The Wall is Mount Rushmore and AR-15s and Confederate statues and the Electoral College and the Gadsden flag all in one. It is a watchtower, a monument to sovereignty, an homage to citizens, law enforcement officers, all Americans who have to worry about not only American criminals murdering them, but those here illegally as well. Ignore the Democrats and Ben Sasses of America, who prattle on about "xenophobia"; fear and greed are the bases for every decision made by the Homo sapiens species. Am I afraid of crimes being committed against me and my family from those who shouldn't be here? Damn right, I am, and if most of the spineless politicians in Washington acted a bit more fearful, Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts, and Ronil Singh would likely be alive. Singh, a California police officer killed by an illegal alien in the line of duty last week, emigrated from Fiji, a country I bet is safer than the Golden State.

I wouldn't care if "only" one person died annually from illegal immigration, and I would care not if "only" one illegal border crossing occurred annually; the cult of the Democrats' gun confiscation sales pitch has always been "if it saves one life." If they believe that, vote to fund The Wall and end the government shutdown. If The Wall saves one life (it'll save many more), and saves even the smallest percentage of the annual $116-billion illegal alien financial burden, then break ground today. Just keep reiterating this to all your Democrat friends and relatives: "but if it saves one life," "but if it saves one life," " but if it..."

And GOP, you listening? Especially you zealously open-borders Tessio Republicans, who have continued to betray your voters the way Sal Tessio betrayed the Corleone family in The Godfather?

The Democrats know that The Wall will work spectacularly well. The Beto knows it. Fugaziahontas, Elizabeth Warren, knows it. Kuckoo Kamala Harris knows it; so does Gay Sex Goon Cory Booker (I gave him this moniker after he interrogated Mike Pompeo about gay sex during his secretary of state confirmation hearings earlier this year). Joey B to the I to the D-E-N? Affirmative. The Wall will accelerate the cannibalization within the Democratic Party, between establishment Dems, who are mostly covert Leninists, and the new-school Dems, who are unabashedly open about their collectivist fetish. The Wall is the Bolsheviks overthrowing Tsar Nicholas II, and it will usher in the Democrats' version of the Russian Revolution. It will be a sight to behold. Recommended viewing beverage is a Build That Wall cocktail. Yes, such a drink exists.

The entrenched Washingtonian Democratic and Republican parties can't stand the fact that a reality television star president will do more to curb illegal immigration and the ills it has begotten than all their combined lousy efforts.

How much will The Wall cost? A lot of moola; $25 billion, maybe more. Is it worth it? Sure is. Am I concerned that Mexico won't pay for it? Nope.

Admittedly, I'm not thrilled about all aspects of The Wall, such as the expected eminent domain, which could displace hundreds of landowners. Since these property-owners will be an integral part of history, let's compensate them with triple their market value.

The Wall Makes or Breaks 2020

The Wall is a black and white policy issue for Trump. He knows he can't cave to the Democrats. If he acquiesces, read my lips: Clinton will be the 2020 Democrat nominee, and she will win.

But worry not. The Wall is Fort Sumter; there's no going back from it now.

The Wall isn't anti-immigrant; in fact, it might be the most pro-immigrant expenditure in American history – a ubiquitous reminder that America is the most generous nation in the history of the world – which admits two legal immigrants every minute of every day and will welcome with open arms those who adhere to our rule of law. Nationalism is the glue that holds this whole American experiment together.

Some presidents wants freeways, hospitals, and airports named after them. Not our president. The Donald J. Trump Great Wall of America is what he wants, and it's what the majority of people in the majority of states want. Time to get this "elections have consequences" party started.


If banning guns will save ONE life.........
as long as Trump gets the wall built he will win in 2020 if not he won't and he realizes it. This could be a very long shut down.
I'm gonna use a tactic that Democrats have been using. They have said that if a new gun law will save one life it's worth it. Why isn't the saving of one life worth the expense? However a wall is worth much more than that. 1/5th of our prison population is illegals. We intercepted and detained in 2017 over 127,000 criminal illegals. VP Mike Pence accurately cites ICE arrest, deportation data

The cost of illegal immigration is roughly $130 billion/yr to the US Treasury. In CA they don't even know how many illegals voted in the last election thanks to their new motor-voter laws and vote harvesting tactics. Their questionnaire isn't designed to stop voter fraud, it practically encourages it in the wording. They don't ask if they are US citizens. They ask if they are US residents. Anyone living in the country can claim they are a resident, legal or illegal. Citizen or non-citizen. So we're taking their word that they are a citizen and can be registered to vote. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...hether_noncitizens_voted_in_last_primary.html

Now racist Democrats are calling the wall a monument to White Supremacy. They claim that the wall is immoral. This is all just political posturing. Democrats know the wall works. That's why they're fighting like hell to prevent it. That's why we're in the middle of a shut down. They know it will work, and that scares the shit out of them. https://www.americanthinker.com/art...wall_of_america_will_break_the_democrats.html


January 7, 2019
The Great Wall of America Will Break the Democrats
By Rich Logis
Democrats know that the wall is imminent. Is the pending dread more psychologically damaging than the erection of the wall?

Democrats know that the wall is what will finally break them, and no amount of Democrat and Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC) agitprop will ever tear down the wall. It will be the chasm between the old guard and the burgeoning Leninism of within the party.

The wall is deserving of proper name capitalization.

The Democrats know that The Wall will achieve its intent, of deterring and preventing mass illegal immigration, which has resulted in an illegal alien population that the federal government has no true, accurate count of.

The Wall will be the physical affirmation of our historic, theory of black swan, glass-ceiling shattering 2016 win over Empress Clinton. Tax reform and withdrawals from bogus deals with Iran and climate change globalist welfare treaties aren't palpable; I can't take a selfie in front of the 2018 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. United States Supreme Court justices are a bit more tangible, but the court isn't omnipresent 24/7.

The Wall, though? That proposed happy marriage of steel, spikes, and concrete? Oh, it will be glorious. I know that President Trump has described The Wall as "beautiful," but we don't care if it's the ugly Christmas sweater of American architecture.

The Wall Will Save Lives and Money

Want to know how padded rubber room-inducing The Wall is for Democrats? Trump has convinced fiscal conservatives to spend money, and Democrats have talked about saving money, as evidenced here and here.

The Wall is Mount Rushmore and AR-15s and Confederate statues and the Electoral College and the Gadsden flag all in one. It is a watchtower, a monument to sovereignty, an homage to citizens, law enforcement officers, all Americans who have to worry about not only American criminals murdering them, but those here illegally as well. Ignore the Democrats and Ben Sasses of America, who prattle on about "xenophobia"; fear and greed are the bases for every decision made by the Homo sapiens species. Am I afraid of crimes being committed against me and my family from those who shouldn't be here? Damn right, I am, and if most of the spineless politicians in Washington acted a bit more fearful, Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts, and Ronil Singh would likely be alive. Singh, a California police officer killed by an illegal alien in the line of duty last week, emigrated from Fiji, a country I bet is safer than the Golden State.

I wouldn't care if "only" one person died annually from illegal immigration, and I would care not if "only" one illegal border crossing occurred annually; the cult of the Democrats' gun confiscation sales pitch has always been "if it saves one life." If they believe that, vote to fund The Wall and end the government shutdown. If The Wall saves one life (it'll save many more), and saves even the smallest percentage of the annual $116-billion illegal alien financial burden, then break ground today. Just keep reiterating this to all your Democrat friends and relatives: "but if it saves one life," "but if it saves one life," " but if it..."

And GOP, you listening? Especially you zealously open-borders Tessio Republicans, who have continued to betray your voters the way Sal Tessio betrayed the Corleone family in The Godfather?

The Democrats know that The Wall will work spectacularly well. The Beto knows it. Fugaziahontas, Elizabeth Warren, knows it. Kuckoo Kamala Harris knows it; so does Gay Sex Goon Cory Booker (I gave him this moniker after he interrogated Mike Pompeo about gay sex during his secretary of state confirmation hearings earlier this year). Joey B to the I to the D-E-N? Affirmative. The Wall will accelerate the cannibalization within the Democratic Party, between establishment Dems, who are mostly covert Leninists, and the new-school Dems, who are unabashedly open about their collectivist fetish. The Wall is the Bolsheviks overthrowing Tsar Nicholas II, and it will usher in the Democrats' version of the Russian Revolution. It will be a sight to behold. Recommended viewing beverage is a Build That Wall cocktail. Yes, such a drink exists.

The entrenched Washingtonian Democratic and Republican parties can't stand the fact that a reality television star president will do more to curb illegal immigration and the ills it has begotten than all their combined lousy efforts.

How much will The Wall cost? A lot of moola; $25 billion, maybe more. Is it worth it? Sure is. Am I concerned that Mexico won't pay for it? Nope.

Admittedly, I'm not thrilled about all aspects of The Wall, such as the expected eminent domain, which could displace hundreds of landowners. Since these property-owners will be an integral part of history, let's compensate them with triple their market value.

The Wall Makes or Breaks 2020

The Wall is a black and white policy issue for Trump. He knows he can't cave to the Democrats. If he acquiesces, read my lips: Clinton will be the 2020 Democrat nominee, and she will win.

But worry not. The Wall is Fort Sumter; there's no going back from it now.

The Wall isn't anti-immigrant; in fact, it might be the most pro-immigrant expenditure in American history – a ubiquitous reminder that America is the most generous nation in the history of the world – which admits two legal immigrants every minute of every day and will welcome with open arms those who adhere to our rule of law. Nationalism is the glue that holds this whole American experiment together.

Some presidents wants freeways, hospitals, and airports named after them. Not our president. The Donald J. Trump Great Wall of America is what he wants, and it's what the majority of people in the majority of states want. Time to get this "elections have consequences" party started.


If banning guns will save ONE life.........
Funny thing is frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul

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