It is do or die for biden

You mean the treasonous bitch that crossed the final line that the Secret Service was going to allow?

If you attack Congress, you get whatever is coming to you...and you deserve it.
That woman did more to defend this country than you have. What was that you were saying about the right being caustic? Hypocrisy is no better look on you than your stupidity and ignorance.
Robert L Peters literally flunked 3rd grade. We all remember that fucktard, in fact, he still works at the gas station on the corner... and still can't make change for a dollar.

This particular flunky will be struggling with a teleprompter tonight while several million marxist child molesters hold their collective breath. You couldn't drive a greased BB up their asshole with a ball peen hammer until this stammering shit clown is mercifully dragged off the podium tonight.

Ice cream and a 9-year old will be waiting for him, if he can just figure out a way to keep from humiliating the party of millionaires that like to fuck kids.

We all, of course, wish President Biden the very best tonight.

We hope that he walks in without any problem.

That he reads the teleprompter easily.

That he walks out accompanied by cheers from the Democrats and polite applause from the Republicans.

We can be sure that Speaker Johnson will show the proper respect to the office of the president.
It's really amazing that the MAGA crowd has put so much effort into the myth that Biden is mentally incompetent
Not the right, moron. Biden's own --- How can he effectively run the country if he can't be held accountable for his actions? Yeah, that's a hell of a thing to run on, eh genius?
That may have counted for something if Biden was running against Haley.

But as long as Trump is running, you can count on those 81+ million remembering Jan. 6 very clearly.
LOL, it was malicious democrats undermining the integrity of the election that put her over the top in VT. They had interviews with a few of them on Super Tuesday, moron.
You mean the treasonous bitch that crossed the final line that the Secret Service was going to allow?

If you attack Congress, you get whatever is coming to you...and you deserve it.
So a telephone taking photos is a weapon to attack congress now? You're a fool. Go away.
With all due respect, Magnus? You only have to look at video of Biden from four years ago and compare it to Biden now to realize that Biden's cognitive ability is deteriorating at a rapid clip. He's not going to be able to hide in the basement this time around. People are going to expect him to campaign. Do you think he's in any way UP for that? Quite frankly...I don't see it!
With all due respect, retard? This is a thread about Biden and his upcoming speech in the State of the Union. Does that look like Biden is hiding in the basement?
Biden knocked it out of the park in 2023. No reason to think he won't do the same today.

Hence why the BDS losers here are all so weepy and hysterical.
Biden knocked it out of the park in 2023. No reason to think he won't do the same today.

Hence why the BDS losers here are all so weepy and hysterical.
You're a whole lot more nervous about tonight than I am.
Disliking Biden and never having voted for him, it is still strange to see posters gleefully wishing for the worst for an old man. He shouldn't be President and the other offering shouldn't be, either. Wishing ill for them personally is not necessary. Hoping some miracle will save us from this "choice" is about the most optimistic thing we can do now.
Disliking Biden and never having voted for him, it is still strange to see posters gleefully wishing for the worst for an old man. He shouldn't be President and the other offering shouldn't be, either. Wishing ill for them personally is not necessary. Hoping some miracle will save us from this "choice" is about the most optimistic thing we can do now.
America was a lot better when Trump was President.

It is do or die for biden​

I'm literally hoping for die, would love to see him stoke out live on television
With all due respect, retard? This is a thread about Biden and his upcoming speech in the State of the Union. Does that look like Biden is hiding in the basement?
LOL...Biden doesn't have a choice, Magnus! He's not giving the SOTU speech because he WANTS to (because let's face it...the state of the union is pretty damn awful!) he's giving it because it's expected of him!

Right now there is a full court press by his handlers to try and get him prepped to stand in front of the nation and read his lines from the teleprompters without too many huge gaffes. As soon as he's done with that speech? They're going to hustle him back to the basement again.
Biden knocked it out of the park in 2023. No reason to think he won't do the same today.

Hence why the BDS losers here are all so weepy and hysterical.
You mean other than the rather obvious decline in his mental capacities? I hate to break this to you, Mamooth but Joe's not the man he was a month ago let alone a year ago! He's fading fast.
LOL...Biden doesn't have a choice, Magnus! He's not giving the SOTU speech because he WANTS to (because let's face it...the state of the union is pretty damn awful!) he's giving it because it's expected of him!

Right now there is a full court press by his handlers to try and get him prepped to stand in front of the nation and read his lines from the teleprompters without too many huge gaffes. As soon as he's done with that speech? They're going to hustle him back to the basement again.
Sure, once he is done he will go back to the White House.

On the other hand your orange loser will still be whining about being a loser. Sucks being a trumptard. Thoughts and prayers. :itsok:
Sure, once he is done he will go back to the White House.

On the other hand your orange loser will still be whining about being a loser. Sucks being a trumptard. Thoughts and prayers. :itsok:
Easier being a conservative these days than it is a liberal, Magnus. I mean let's be honest here...pick a place run by progressives and I'll show you a place that Middle Class Americans don't want to live in any more! They're leaving NYC in droves. California's had so many people move out that they've lost two Congressional seats. (Keep in mind that those seats are based on the Census which counts illegals...can you imagine how many seats Cali would have lost if they based House seats on legal residents?)

I'm part time in Colorado and in Florida. Colorado is overrun by liberals moving there from California (because that State's so FUBARED!) and Florida is swamped (pun intended!) with normal people from the North East that want nothing to do with living in places run by liberal ideologues. People HAVE been voting with their feet! Come November they'll be casting ballots. Good're gonna need it!

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