If the Democrats cared about our country and our borders, here are three things they should do NOW.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
1. Inform President Obrador he is responsible for ALL IMMIGRANTS currently in his country waiting to enter our country illegally. He has aided and facilitated the massive migration of immigrants, he now owns them.

2. Embark on a massive messaging campaign in all Central American countries. Use all media and even dropped paper leaflets stating that the drug cartels and coyotes are lying and are putting you at grave risk just to get your money. You MUST process into the US legally.

3. Fire Myorkas for obvious dereliction of duty.
Judging by what the Democrat party has done on our border, I don't think they have any love for their country or its people. I don't think they're at all interested in fixing the problem and basically, I really don't think they even like their country. These aren't the type of people you want in power.
1. Inform President Obrador he is responsible for ALL IMMIGRANTS currently in his country waiting to enter our country illegally. He has aided and facilitated the massive migration of immigrants, he now owns them.

2. Embark on a massive messaging campaign in all Central American countries. Use all media and even dropped paper leaflets stating that the drug cartels and coyotes are lying and are putting you at grave risk just to get your money. You MUST process into the US legally.

3. Fire Myorkas for obvious dereliction of duty.
Unfortunately the statist left has been gulliblized with a one world without borders mentality, which if that would happen would be the end of humanity on our planet earth.
1. Inform President Obrador he is responsible for ALL IMMIGRANTS currently in his country waiting to enter our country illegally. He has aided and facilitated the massive migration of immigrants, he now owns them.

2. Embark on a massive messaging campaign in all Central American countries. Use all media and even dropped paper leaflets stating that the drug cartels and coyotes are lying and are putting you at grave risk just to get your money. You MUST process into the US legally.

3. Fire Myorkas for obvious dereliction of duty.
The Democrats are probably getting nice campaign contributions from the Mexican drug cartels or just money under the table.

Some may be getting great opportunities for family members like Hunter Biden gets because of his father.

If they shut down the border they wouldn’t get all that easy money any more.

The Swamp is known as the Swamp for good reason.
The Democrats are probably getting nice campaign contributions from the Mexican drug cartels or just money under the table.

Some may be getting great opportunities for family members like Hunter Biden gets because of his father.

If they shut down the border they wouldn’t get all that easy money any more.

The Swamp is known as the Swamp for good reason.
I do not doubt that Democrats are filling their pockets from the cartels as well as the CCP. They are not an American political party, they are a hostile force and should be treated as such.
What should I do if I happen to be one of those Democrats, that doesn't give a flip about the country and the borders?

Probably what I'm already doing; nothing.
1. Inform President Obrador he is responsible for ALL IMMIGRANTS currently in his country waiting to enter our country illegally. He has aided and facilitated the massive migration of immigrants, he now owns them.

If I were Obrador and I heard that, I'd start facilitating them getting across the border. Mexico cooperated with Trump's idiotic "Stay in Mexico" policy on the promise that those waiting admission would be processed in a timely manner. Most of them just got tired of waiting.

2. Embark on a massive messaging campaign in all Central American countries. Use all media and even dropped paper leaflets stating that the drug cartels and coyotes are lying and are putting you at grave risk just to get your money. You MUST process into the US legally.
Again, given how miserable people in those countries are, they won't care.

When you are desperate, you will try anything.

3. Fire Myorkas for obvious dereliction of duty.
Doesn't solve the problem.

Here's the underlying problem.

We need labor, they have bodies.

If we weren't pandering to the Nativist Bigots, we'd create a guest worker program where people could come up for a few month, work, and go home when they are done.

Instead, we lock down the border, and wonder why people come here with their whole families with the intent to stay.
If I were Obrador and I heard that, I'd start facilitating them getting across the border. Mexico cooperated with Trump's idiotic "Stay in Mexico" policy on the promise that those waiting admission would be processed in a timely manner. Most of them just got tired of waiting.

Again, given how miserable people in those countries are, they won't care.

When you are desperate, you will try anything.

Doesn't solve the problem.

Here's the underlying problem.

We need labor, they have bodies.

If we weren't pandering to the Nativist Bigots, we'd create a guest worker program where people could come up for a few month, work, and go home when they are done.

Instead, we lock down the border, and wonder why people come here with their whole families with the intent to stay.
We have had a guest worker Visa program in place for decades, farmers rely on them. You are underestimating the importance of messaging and direct confrontation with Mexico. All of our adversaries see the weakness in Biden and the Democratic leadership which is why our situation has deteriorated so dramatically in just a couple of years. There is no one thing that STOPS the flow but you MUST do multiple things in order to at least SLOW the flow. We are doing NOTHING to protect our borders which is unthinkable. And of course it is the poorest Americans who are suffering the most from Democrats encouraging the illegals to enter our country.
We have had a guest worker Visa program in place for decades, farmers rely on them. You are underestimating the importance of messaging and direct confrontation with Mexico.
No, I don't think that getting hostile with a sovereign nation because we have drug and immigration and bigotry problems is going to be "effective". Eventually, they tell you to fuck off.

All of our adversaries see the weakness in Biden and the Democratic leadership which is why our situation has deteriorated so dramatically in just a couple of years.
Mexico isn't an adversary. True, Trump made it one, because the Orange Shitgibbon alienated even our staunchest allies. The reason why the problem has gotten worse is because the promise of "Stay in Mexico" was that we would expeditiously resolve the status of people waiting on that side of the border. Instead, we just let it drag out, because the intention was to never treat their applications for asylum seriously.

There is no one thing that STOPS the flow but you MUST do multiple things in order to at least SLOW the flow.
Works on the assumption that your fear of a Mexican family moving in next door is a big deal. Your Xenophobia isn't a priority, bud.

We are doing NOTHING to protect our borders which is unthinkable.
Because immigration isn't a threat.

Kind of hard to NOT expect illegal immigration when we have all these unfilled jobs AND people offering good money to work them.

And of course it is the poorest Americans who are suffering the most from Democrats encouraging the illegals to enter our country.
Bullshit. Even the poorest Americans don't want to do the jobs these people are taking.
We need to go after drug addicts to solve the drug problem. Drug addicts make a demand for drugs and contribute to drug cartels and drug smuggling and the crime that come with it. Drug addicts are the problem. And the biggest drug dealers are doctors. Children on drugs and dying is a parental problem.
No, I don't think that getting hostile with a sovereign nation because we have drug and immigration and bigotry problems is going to be "effective". Eventually, they tell you to fuck off.

Mexico isn't an adversary. True, Trump made it one, because the Orange Shitgibbon alienated even our staunchest allies. The reason why the problem has gotten worse is because the promise of "Stay in Mexico" was that we would expeditiously resolve the status of people waiting on that side of the border. Instead, we just let it drag out, because the intention was to never treat their applications for asylum seriously.

Works on the assumption that your fear of a Mexican family moving in next door is a big deal. Your Xenophobia isn't a priority, bud.

Because immigration isn't a threat.

Kind of hard to NOT expect illegal immigration when we have all these unfilled jobs AND people offering good money to work them.

Bullshit. Even the poorest Americans don't want to do the jobs these people are taking.
Right Wing Bull Shit.
There are no occupations in the United States in which a majority of workers are illegal immigrants.
  • Illegal immigrants work mostly in construction, cleaning, maintenance, food service, garment manufacturing, and agricultural occupations. However, the majority of workers even in these areas are either native-born or legal immigrants.
  • Only 4 percent of illegal immigrants and 2 percent of all immigrants do farm work. Immigrants (legal and illegal) do make up a large share of agricultural workers — accounting for half or more of some types of farm laborers — but all agricultural workers together constitute less than 1 percent of the American work force.
I do not doubt that Democrats are filling their pockets from the cartels as well as the CCP. They are not an American political party, they are a hostile force and should be treated as such.
In most cases, the CIA's role involved various forms of complicity, tolerance or studied ignorance about the trade, not any direct culpability in the actual trafficking ... [t]he CIA did not handle heroin, but it did provide its drug lord allies with transport, arms, and political protection.
In most cases, the CIA's role involved various forms of complicity, tolerance or studied ignorance about the trade, not any direct culpability in the actual trafficking ... [t]he CIA did not handle heroin, but it did provide its drug lord allies with transport, arms, and political protection.

'The agents are bought': A cartel enforcer says US border agents are on his payroll....It would be hard to verify to what extent Jorge's organization has infiltrated and co-opted US border authorities in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso area, but numerous investigations and convictions handed down over the last several years indicate that it's not uncommon for US border agents to cross the line into criminal activity

Right Wing Bull Shit.
There are no occupations in the United States in which a majority of workers are illegal immigrants.
  • Illegal immigrants work mostly in construction, cleaning, maintenance, food service, garment manufacturing, and agricultural occupations. However, the majority of workers even in these areas are either native-born or legal immigrants.
  • Only 4 percent of illegal immigrants and 2 percent of all immigrants do farm work. Immigrants (legal and illegal) do make up a large share of agricultural workers — accounting for half or more of some types of farm laborers — but all agricultural workers together constitute less than 1 percent of the American work force.
I'm not sure what your point is here, as I never argued that citizens/legal immigrants don't do these jobs.

I did argue we don't have enough people to fill these jobs, and with 3.4% unemployment, they aren't going to get filled without undocumented immigrants.

My problem with Biden is while he did end the more odious policies of Trump, he didn't move towards actual immigration reform or expediting cases already in the system.

'The agents are bought': A cartel enforcer says US border agents are on his payroll....It would be hard to verify to what extent Jorge's organization has infiltrated and co-opted US border authorities in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso area, but numerous investigations and convictions handed down over the last several years indicate that it's not uncommon for US border agents to cross the line into criminal activity

Please post a link to these "numerous investigations" you reference. Border agents have been put into a nearly impossible situation by Democrats encouraging immigrants to cross illegally with their messaging and open border policy.
I'm not sure what your point is here, as I never argued that citizens/legal immigrants don't do these jobs.

I did argue we don't have enough people to fill these jobs, and with 3.4% unemployment, they aren't going to get filled without undocumented immigrants.

My problem with Biden is while he did end the more odious policies of Trump, he didn't move towards actual immigration reform or expediting cases already in the system.

Illegal immigration is a crime punishable by deportation, fine or jail time or both. Our immigration system is not broken but our failure to enforce our immigration laws is broken because they are not enforced. Crossing the border of any country is a crime. Even GOD say border and boundaries should be respected. There must be an extraction of due recompense for crimes committed including illegal immigration in order for a government to be characteristically just with all of its citizens.

US troops secured the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan but cannot secure our own border? That is a crime. The troops Biden is sending to the border are babysitters.

Putting Mayorkas in charge of the border is like putting the child in charge of the candy store.

MAYORKAS and VP say the border is secure. If the border has never been less secure as it is now under Biden and Mayorkas. If it was would not have 3.5 million illegal crossings since Biden took office. We have a legal process for immigration and amnesty and it works and it should be enforced and respected.

Immigration Reform is a joke
. It is nothing more or less than another amnesty and open borders.
Please post a link to these "numerous investigations" you reference. Border agents have been put into a nearly impossible situation by Democrats encouraging immigrants to cross illegally with their messaging and open border policy.

'The agents are bought': A cartel enforcer says US border agents are on his payroll​

If I were Obrador and I heard that, I'd start facilitating them getting across the border. Mexico cooperated with Trump's idiotic "Stay in Mexico" policy on the promise that those waiting admission would be processed in a timely manner. Most of them just got tired of waiting.

Again, given how miserable people in those countries are, they won't care.

When you are desperate, you will try anything.

Doesn't solve the problem.

Here's the underlying problem.

We need labor, they have bodies.

If we weren't pandering to the Nativist Bigots, we'd create a guest worker program where people could come up for a few month, work, and go home when they are done.

Instead, we lock down the border, and wonder why people come here with their whole families with the intent to stay.
We are more and more a bilingual nation. Which is planned.

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