If the Democrats cared about our country and our borders, here are three things they should do NOW.

Illegal immigration is a crime punishable by deportation, fine or jail time or both. Our immigration system is not broken but our failure to enforce our immigration laws is broken because they are not enforced. Crossing the border of any country is a crime. Even GOD say border and boundaries should be respected. There must be an extraction of due recompense for crimes committed including illegal immigration in order for a government to be characteristically just with all of its citizens.

1) There is no God, so no point using him as an authority.
2) borders get crossed all the time. The problem isn't crossing the border, it's what happens when they get here.

You see, it used to be that undocumented workers would come here for a few months, work in agriculture or construction, and then go home. Then the nativist idiots decided we needed to secure the border. Which means that instead of having to evade the border patrol weekly, they just come over and stay.

3) The thing was, before recently, if you got here, you were in. This is pretty much how all of our ancestors got here, including my grandfather, who just got on a boat, found a job and 4 years later was a citizen.

US troops secured the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan but cannot secure our own border? That is a crime. The troops Biden is sending to the border are babysitters.

Couple things to take apart. One was the abuse of Title 42 by Trump and Biden to not process border crossers in a timely manner. That just meant the regular number of people who would normally cross has backed up.
Second, the vast majority of undocumented came here legally, and their work, student or tourist visas have expired.
Third, we didn't secure the borders of Iraq or Afghanistan. People and stuff we didn't want crossing from neighboring countries still came in. this shows the foolishness of thinking you can "secure" a border.

Putting Mayorkas in charge of the border is like putting the child in charge of the candy store.

MAYORKAS and VP say the border is secure. If the border has never been less secure as it is now under Biden and Mayorkas. If it was would not have 3.5 million illegal crossings since Biden took office. We have a legal process for immigration and amnesty and it works and it should be enforced and respected.

Except that system is broken, which is why people are ignoring it. Close to 2 million people crossed the border when Trump was in charge, despite his best efforts.
1) There is no God, so no point using him as an authority.
2) borders get crossed all the time. The problem isn't crossing the border, it's what happens when they get here.

You see, it used to be that undocumented workers would come here for a few months, work in agriculture or construction, and then go home. Then the nativist idiots decided we needed to secure the border. Which means that instead of having to evade the border patrol weekly, they just come over and stay.

3) The thing was, before recently, if you got here, you were in. This is pretty much how all of our ancestors got here, including my grandfather, who just got on a boat, found a job and 4 years later was a citizen.

Couple things to take apart. One was the abuse of Title 42 by Trump and Biden to not process border crossers in a timely manner. That just meant the regular number of people who would normally cross has backed up.
Second, the vast majority of undocumented came here legally, and their work, student or tourist visas have expired.
Third, we didn't secure the borders of Iraq or Afghanistan. People and stuff we didn't want crossing from neighboring countries still came in. this shows the foolishness of thinking you can "secure" a border.

Except that system is broken, which is why people are ignoring it. Close to 2 million people crossed the border when Trump was in charge, despite his best efforts.
Blah Blah Blah. The Democratic Party is doing exactly what a hostile foreign power would be doing to America. The Democratic Party is the enemy of America and they prove it every day.
1. Inform President Obrador he is responsible for ALL IMMIGRANTS currently in his country waiting to enter our country illegally. He has aided and facilitated the massive migration of immigrants, he now owns them.

2. Embark on a massive messaging campaign in all Central American countries. Use all media and even dropped paper leaflets stating that the drug cartels and coyotes are lying and are putting you at grave risk just to get your money. You MUST process into the US legally.

3. Fire Myorkas for obvious dereliction of duty.
If you're talking about President Biden, he's not at all there. And his representatives on tv channels doesn't answer that question. It's a big no-win situation from the voters who were cheated at the precinct level of their vote. And that's what I think.
Duly noted you can't rationally discuss the issue.

You want to end the illegal "problem", go after the white people who hire them.
Your disparagement of your loyal opposition is one great big projection after another, in accordance with Maxine Waters' stalking demands.
1. Inform President Obrador he is responsible for ALL IMMIGRANTS currently in his country waiting to enter our country illegally. He has aided and facilitated the massive migration of immigrants, he now owns them.

2. Embark on a massive messaging campaign in all Central American countries. Use all media and even dropped paper leaflets stating that the drug cartels and coyotes are lying and are putting you at grave risk just to get your money. You MUST process into the US legally.

3. Fire Myorkas for obvious dereliction of duty.
I do not know why illegal aliens have become untouchable and they must be given anything they want, food,transportation,healthcare,education,free legal services anything they want. and got forbid if anyone puts a hand on them. these illegal aliens will sue the US government.
Your disparagement of your loyal opposition is one great big projection after another, in accordance with Maxine Waters' stalking demands.

Not at all.

We have an illegal problem because there are rich white people who don't want to pay a fair wage for labor.


If you busted all the people who ran sweatshops and hired some foreigner to raise their kids and the idiot who hires a truck full of day-laborers to finish that DIY project, then you wouldn't have people coming here looking for jobs.
We have an illegal problem because there are rich white people who don't want to pay a fair wage for labor.

I see

But you are different?

How often do you complain that the price is too low and insist on paying more?
I do not know why illegal aliens have become untouchable and they must be given anything they want, food,transportation,healthcare,education,free legal services anything they want. and got forbid if anyone puts a hand on them. these illegal aliens will sue the US government.
Democrats operate exactly like the CCP. They have a long range plan for domination and they pursue it relentlessly. Once they flip Texas and Arizona solid blue they will be in the White House in perpetuity. Illegal aliens plus fast track citizenship will make that a reality.
Not sure why everyone assumes new citizens will necessarily equate to voters for the democrats. First of all, it is a loooong process for a LEGAL immigrant to gain citizenship. Illegal aliens obviously can't vote, so absent MASSIVE voter fraud, they aren't really an issue as a voting block. Significantly, many, many immigrants are quite conservative. The children of recent immigrants are really the voters both parties should be courting.
1) There is no God, so no point using him as an authority.
2) borders get crossed all the time. The problem isn't crossing the border, it's what happens when they get here.

You see, it used to be that undocumented workers would come here for a few months, work in agriculture or construction, and then go home. Then the nativist idiots decided we needed to secure the border. Which means that instead of having to evade the border patrol weekly, they just come over and stay.

3) The thing was, before recently, if you got here, you were in. This is pretty much how all of our ancestors got here, including my grandfather, who just got on a boat, found a job and 4 years later was a citizen.

Couple things to take apart. One was the abuse of Title 42 by Trump and Biden to not process border crossers in a timely manner. That just meant the regular number of people who would normally cross has backed up.
Second, the vast majority of undocumented came here legally, and their work, student or tourist visas have expired.
Third, we didn't secure the borders of Iraq or Afghanistan. People and stuff we didn't want crossing from neighboring countries still came in. this shows the foolishness of thinking you can "secure" a border.

Except that system is broken, which is why people are ignoring it. Close to 2 million people crossed the border when Trump was in charge, despite his best efforts.
Work in the fields and go home? Then why are there 30 million here illegally? They come here to stay. And they do not come to work on farms. And we do not need more foreign workers.
I see

But you are different?

How often do you complain that the price is too low and insist on paying more?

I tip generously... but the rich should pay their fair share because they get more benefit from government.

Work in the fields and go home? Then why are there 30 million here illegally?
Because people like you made it harder to go back home and come back next year, which is what they've been doing since WWII.
I tip generously... but the rich should pay their fair share because they get more benefit from government.
The most hapless welfare bum gets the same government secured rights as you get

And he should pay the same tax rate on every dollar he makes as you do on every dollar you make
Nope, our whole system is based on protecting the rich and their privileges, which is why they need to pay through the nose.
Some people would say that hurts the poor and helps the rich

Because the slobbering mob could not raise taxes on you without raising taxes on themselves
I'm not sure what your point is here, as I never argued that citizens/legal immigrants don't do these jobs.

I did argue we don't have enough people to fill these jobs, and with 3.4% unemployment, they aren't going to get filled without undocumented immigrants.

My problem with Biden is while he did end the more odious policies of Trump, he didn't move towards actual immigration reform or expediting cases already in the system.
We have an immigration system that works but it is not enforced. Immigration Reform is a joke. Nothing more than another amnesty and catch and release until court date and they are never seen again. If employers paid a decent salary there would not be a shortage of workers. We do not need foreign workers. Unlimited immigration is destroying this country.

Unemployment insurance claims...1.9 mil​

Updated Apr 29, 2023​


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