If the election were held today

Today's polls ignore the ISSUES and focus on personalities, and the constant media slanders of the past four years have had an impact.

At some point, Biden will have to come out of the cave and answer some serious questions. One can only hope that The People are paying attention.

and it goes without saying, three months is an eternity in politics. If the infamous RBG kicks the bucket, THAT will be the biggest issue on peoples' minds come Election Day. One of the horrible things about this vote-by-mail scheme is that it will induce a lot of people to vote extremely early, before a lot of important developments take place.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Which is exactly what the Left wants.

Issues that matter to the voters

The economy
Protests in the street

Trump has completely checked out in the fight against COVID.
He does not want to talk about it. Instead, he wants to talk about Confederate monuments and get tough policing.
The most troubling state for Trump is his new home state of Florida. A state he won by one percent in 2016. He now trails by six percent and is losing the senior vote.

If he manages to lose Florida in November, he has almost no path to victory.
It's simple ... If he doesn't completely shut down the economy and destroy the lives of millions of people, he doesn't care that he's killing children.

If he does lock everyone in their homes and prevent all forms of direct commerce, he's a totalitarian monster who doesn't care that people are out of work and can't feed their families.

Again, every other country has handled this crisis better than we have, without crippling their economies.

The real problem was, the inequities of our economic system is being laid bare by Covid. No safety nets and no security.
Again, this is a lie. Own it.
Biden 352
Trump 186

Nothing to worry about Republicans. If only Trump would show a willingness to right a sinking ship
I'm sure President Hillary Clinton agrees 100%...

Oh wait......Hillary is not running

Trump has to run on his performance as President. In 2016, he ran on empty promises and an image as a great businessman who would shake up Washington.

Well, he has shaken the whole country and will have to answer for it.
Biden 352
Trump 186

Nothing to worry about Republicans. If only Trump would show a willingness to right a sinking ship
I'm sure President Hillary Clinton agrees 100%...

Oh wait......Hillary is not running

Trump has to run on his performance as President. In 2016, he ran on empty promises and an image as a great businessman who would shake up Washington.

Well, he has shaken the whole country and will have to answer for it.

You mean like Clinton did in 96 and lost, then W did in 2004 and lost, then Obama did in 2012 and lost.

Oh wait.

Well, no matter how many times you're wrong, you're always there with a good you told us so ...

Trump wasn’t leading the fight on COVID back then
What is he supposed to do?

It's simple ... If he doesn't completely shut down the economy and destroy the lives of millions of people, he doesn't care that he's killing children.

If he does lock everyone in their homes and prevent all forms of direct commerce, he's a totalitarian monster who doesn't care that people are out of work and can't feed their families.
That's it, I was thinking the left thought Trump was a doctor or had a magic wand or something.
  • Thanks
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Biden 352
Trump 186

Nothing to worry about Republicans. If only Trump would show a willingness to right a sinking ship
I'm sure President Hillary Clinton agrees 100%...

Oh wait......Hillary is not running

Trump has to run on his performance as President. In 2016, he ran on empty promises and an image as a great businessman who would shake up Washington.

Well, he has shaken the whole country and will have to answer for it.
By trolling the left? Didn't your Mama ever teach you sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt you?
Biden 352
Trump 186

Nothing to worry about Republicans. If only Trump would show a willingness to right a sinking ship
I'm sure President Hillary Clinton agrees 100%...

Oh wait......Hillary is not running

Trump has to run on his performance as President. In 2016, he ran on empty promises and an image as a great businessman who would shake up Washington.

Well, he has shaken the whole country and will have to answer for it.

You mean like Clinton did in 96 and lost, then W did in 2004 and lost, then Obama did in 2012 and lost.

Oh wait.

Well, no matter how many times you're wrong, you're always there with a good you told us so ...
Clinton, Bush and Obama were mainstream politicians with established political records

Trump ran on the TRUMP image. Something new in Washington. A new way of doing business.

Instead of showing a new form of leadership, he has shown he is overwhelmed by the position he holds
Oh wait......Hillary is not running
But there was a 90% chance she was going to win...according to the media. The same media you are relying on here.

Trump's the first president in my lifetime that actual did the things he promised to do. Built the war, reduced taxes, appointed conservative Justices to the Supreme Court, renegotiated NAFTA and killed the TPP, moved the Embassy to Jerusalem, worked to extricate us from Afghanistan and Iraq, gave us the best economy of my lifetime and record low unemployment, and MOST IMPORTANTLY...successfully reduced our trade imbalance with China.

All while dealing with fake news, fake collusion, fake impeachment and fake investigation.

And then China infected us with Wuhan Virus...and Democrats cheered.

Hell, you're still cheering. The China cause virus is your only hope of winning. Unfortunately for you, only democrats are dumb enough to fall for that.
Oh wait......Hillary is not running
But there was a 90% chance she was going to win...according to the media. The same media you are relying on here.

Trump's the first president in my lifetime that actual did the things he promised to do. Built the war, reduced taxes, appointed conservative Justices to the Supreme Court, renegotiated NAFTA and killed the TPP, moved the Embassy to Jerusalem, worked to extricate us from Afghanistan and Iraq, gave us the best economy of my lifetime and record low unemployment, and MOST IMPORTANTLY...successfully reduced our trade imbalance with China.

All while dealing with fake news, fake collusion, fake impeachment and fake investigation.

And then China infected us with Wuhan Virus...and Democrats cheered.

Hell, you're still cheering. The China cause virus is your only hope of winning. Unfortunately for you, only democrats are dumb enough to fall for that.

Trump was coasting along up through the end of 2019. Strong economy, building his wall, tearing up deals, insulting our allies. 2020 seemed like a formality.

But then the TRUMPvirus hit. Rather than rise to the responsibility and showing leadership, Trump has denied, deflected, spread misinformation and led us to a path where the virus is getting worse after six months instead of getting better
Oh wait......Hillary is not running
But there was a 90% chance she was going to win...according to the media. The same media you are relying on here.

Trump's the first president in my lifetime that actual did the things he promised to do. Built the war, reduced taxes, appointed conservative Justices to the Supreme Court, renegotiated NAFTA and killed the TPP, moved the Embassy to Jerusalem, worked to extricate us from Afghanistan and Iraq, gave us the best economy of my lifetime and record low unemployment, and MOST IMPORTANTLY...successfully reduced our trade imbalance with China.

All while dealing with fake news, fake collusion, fake impeachment and fake investigation.

And then China infected us with Wuhan Virus...and Democrats cheered.

Hell, you're still cheering. The China cause virus is your only hope of winning. Unfortunately for you, only democrats are dumb enough to fall for that.

Trump was coasting along up through the end of 2019. Strong economy, building his wall, tearing up deals, insulting our allies. 2020 seemed like a formality.

But then the TRUMPvirus hit. Rather than rise to the responsibility and showing leadership, Trump has denied, deflected, spread misinformation and led us to a path where the virus is getting worse after six months instead of getting better
Keep telling yourself that this line of attack will win you an election...but I don't think you'll sleep better.
Yesterday's thread featuring the photo of Trump sitting with Chris Wallace struck me how Trump marketed the "Trump" brand to be worth billions (so he claims) while he hasn't gone beyond his tweets and rallies to market himself. I'd recommend he immediately go out and get a puppy. His rating percentage would go up instantly and a dog could teach him so many things.

Yes, yes, you need to DESPERATELY CLING onto that... it's the only thing that animates you is that the oddsmakers didn't think our system would fail as badly as it did.

And the fact that your unquestioning faith in those self same odds makers continues unabated is a source of continued amusement.
What is remarkable is your unquestioned faith that the miracle of 2016 will repeat itself.

Trump is a troubled Presidency. He was coasting along with a strong economy assuming he just had to show up to win.

He was completely overwhelmed by COVID. Those who asked “How bad could he be?” are finding out

And your an idiot if you believe that.

Trump has done all anyone could do with this pandemic. Only a lefty loon like you would see him as a failure. Hell your the one citing Madam President.

I doubt Trump is troubled by much. Certainly not his doing all he can do about this. He tried to stop flights from China to the US and you Dem idiots called him a racist.

Just show you can't cure idiots like you. He'll win in 2020. After all foot in mouth Biden is best you dummies can field. He's a walking disaster who outed himself on National television.

Trump wasn’t leading the fight on COVID back then
What is he supposed to do?

It's simple ... If he doesn't completely shut down the economy and destroy the lives of millions of people, he doesn't care that he's killing children.

If he does lock everyone in their homes and prevent all forms of direct commerce, he's a totalitarian monster who doesn't care that people are out of work and can't feed their families.
It's simple ...
It is relatively simple. The rest of the world has shown us the way. America was once the place the world looked to see the impossible done. Now we can't even do the basics. We instead choose to show the world our ass.
You mean like Clinton did in 96 and lost, then W did in 2004 and lost, then Obama did in 2012 and lost.

Oh wait.

Well, no matter how many times you're wrong, you're always there with a good you told us so ...
Clinton, Bush and Obama were mainstream politicians with established political records

Trump ran on the TRUMP image. Something new in Washington. A new way of doing business.

Instead of showing a new form of leadership, he has shown he is overwhelmed by the position he holds

Gotcha. I'm on board then. You can't lose. Go forth and believe that

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