If the Founding Fathers knew how the great nation they built became what it is today...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...would they roll over in their graves?

I can't imagine the horror they would feel knowing the great nation they built was corrupted by the most wealthy. Hell how could they separate the billionaires from King George? The billionaires' hand in our government has corrupted it from the outside in. There's no way in hell they would have allowed Citizen's United. Had they known that such a toxic piece of legislation would be created, they would have created language in the constitution forbidding it.

How about our terrible public education system? It ranks as one of the worst compared to the rest of the developed world.

How about our staggering income inequality? We have one of the worst child poverty rates in the developed world yet all the income gains are going to the very top. In all, 15% of our nation lives in poverty. Why? It's because low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS. Poverty is INEVITABLE unless wages are raised drastically for the poor. Oh, and lets not forget about the shrinking middle class. It isn't the wealthy "job creators" that keep this country afloat. It's the middle class.

How about our terrible infrastructure system and the lack of revenue to pay for it? You can put ALL the blame on republicans for that one.

How about our imperialistic military?

How about Tea baggers in general?

"American exceptionalism" is a joke. Get it through your heads. I know it gives you republicans warm and fuzzy feelings to declare our nation "the greatest on Earth", but you are just kidding yourselves for the sake of feeling superior.

I think the "founders" would be pleased over all. If anyone is rolling over in their graves, it's the torries and Brits who swore we'd be crawling back any old time now.

And I love the notion that the founders were just these "golly gee whiz" guys who only wanted to do what was right for future generations of Americans and that they were immune from corruption and self-promotion.
...would they roll over in their graves?

I can't imagine the horror they would feel knowing the great nation they built was corrupted by the most wealthy. Hell how could they separate the billionaires from King George? The billionaires' hand in our government has corrupted it from the outside in. There's no way in hell they would have allowed Citizen's United. Had they known that such a toxic piece of legislation would be created, they would have created language in the constitution forbidding it.

How about our terrible public education system? It ranks as one of the worst compared to the rest of the developed world.

How about our staggering income inequality? We have one of the worst child poverty rates in the developed world yet all the income gains are going to the very top. In all, 15% of our nation lives in poverty. Why? It's because low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS. Poverty is INEVITABLE unless wages are raised drastically for the poor. Oh, and lets not forget about the shrinking middle class. It isn't the wealthy "job creators" that keep this country afloat. It's the middle class.

How about our terrible infrastructure system and the lack of revenue to pay for it? You can put ALL the blame on republicans for that one.

How about our imperialistic military?

How about Tea baggers in general?

"American exceptionalism" is a joke. Get it through your heads. I know it gives you republicans warm and fuzzy feelings to declare our nation "the greatest on Earth", but you are just kidding yourselves for the sake of feeling superior.

Yep, when you look into the mirror, you see pretty much what the rest of us see. A washed up, useless whiny liberal who's idea of self-sufficiency is being able to take the cap off of your own beer bottle. Not sure where you live and frankly, I don't really care. Just a thought though... stay there. There's nothing in the middle of the country except those dang conservatives who think the ideas behind this country is pretty damn special. You? Not so much...
To answer your question succinctly, there would be mass executions.

"American exceptionalism" is a joke. Get it through your heads. I know it gives you republicans warm and fuzzy feelings to declare our nation "the greatest on Earth", but you are just kidding yourselves for the sake of feeling superior.

And who gives a damn what you think about America? I think America is still the greatest country in the world, and the greatest to come along in human history. If you don't like America, feel free to get the hell out.

How about our terrible public education system? It ranks as one of the worst compared to the rest of the developed world.

That happens when you throw money at stuff without any results... and when you have liberals running the education system. Oh, and let's not forget common core. That is a conscious effort to destroy our education system.

How about our staggering income inequality?

So if everyone made the same amount of money, then what? I really doubt you are willing to implement such a system. The desire to prosper is inherent in all of us. People fight their own poverty by seeking out every means possible to enter into just prosperity. You fight poverty by taking money from others and giving it to someone else.

Why? It's because low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS.

Between 2009-2013 during the "recovery" in which the economy regained 4.5 million jobs, there were 1.7 million low wage jobs compared to 1.1 million higher wage jobs. A some 800,000 difference. "Millions" is quite the stretch Billy. Of all the hiring in 2009, low wage jobs made up roughly 1/5 of all hiring done. The median low wage job paid a median of $13.83 an hour. Forty percent of those jobs between 2009-2013 were jobs that paid that amount.

So, how is $13.83 an hour a bad thing? Given what the minimum wage across America is/was, why are you complaining about income inequality when the median salary is nearly twice the minimum wage?

The Uneven Growth of High and Low-Wage Jobs Across America - CityLab

How about our terrible infrastructure system and the lack of revenue to pay for it? You can put ALL the blame on republicans for that one.

How? Are you about to play the Amtrak card again?
They'd take a shit indoors on a flush toilet on a cold day and all would be forgotten.
If Ben Franklin were around today, he'd be buzy wit da women,,,,,,,
They'd take a shit indoors on a flush toilet on a cold day and all would be forgotten.
You can imagine the compacted bowels from people not wanting to go outside in the snow and ice to take dump....
Lotsa hate out there in far leftie land. Somebody should start a fund to buy them a one way ticket.
Yet another poster who thinks they can read the minds of the Founding Fathers. Maybe you guys should use that gift to pick winning lotto numbers then donate the money to the underprivileged .
It all depends on which Founder you zap into the year of our Lord two thousand and fifteen.

I think Thomas Paine would be very pleased at the size and scope and power of the federal government. Moreso than even Hamilton. Paine would be especially tickled about Social Security and welfare.

Jefferson, of course, would be appalled at the size and scope and power of the federal government. He would also be amazed to discover that only three percent of Americans are farmers nowadays. That would blow his considerable mind. However, he would be pleased to see we have a progressive tax system and that 47% of Americans do not pay federal income tax.

If they turned on MSNBC or Fox News to get a sense of American journalism in the 21st century, I think every Founder would conclude, "Nothing has changed in that profession. They are still partisan hacks. A little tamer than in our day, perhaps, but still the same coarse and uneducated bastards they will always be."
It all depends on which Founder you zap into the year of our Lord two thousand and fifteen.

I think Thomas Paine would be very pleased at the size and scope and power of the federal government. Moreso than even Hamilton. Paine would be especially tickled about Social Security and welfare.

Jefferson, of course, would be appalled at the size and scope and power of the federal government. He would also be amazed to discover that only three percent of Americans are farmers nowadays. That would blow his considerable mind. However, he would be pleased to see we have a progressive tax system and that 47% of Americans do not pay federal income tax.

If they turned on MSNBC or Fox News to get a sense of American journalism in the 21st century, I think every Founder would conclude, "Nothing has changed in that profession. They are still partisan hacks. A little tamer than in our day, perhaps, but still the same coarse bastards they will always be."

Once in a Blue Moon you post something actually worth reading. Well done
...would they roll over in their graves?

I can't imagine the horror they would feel knowing the great nation they built was corrupted by the most wealthy. Hell how could they separate the billionaires from King George? The billionaires' hand in our government has corrupted it from the outside in. There's no way in hell they would have allowed Citizen's United. Had they known that such a toxic piece of legislation would be created, they would have created language in the constitution forbidding it.

How about our terrible public education system? It ranks as one of the worst compared to the rest of the developed world.

How about our staggering income inequality? We have one of the worst child poverty rates in the developed world yet all the income gains are going to the very top. In all, 15% of our nation lives in poverty. Why? It's because low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS. Poverty is INEVITABLE unless wages are raised drastically for the poor. Oh, and lets not forget about the shrinking middle class. It isn't the wealthy "job creators" that keep this country afloat. It's the middle class.

How about our terrible infrastructure system and the lack of revenue to pay for it? You can put ALL the blame on republicans for that one.

How about our imperialistic military?

How about Tea baggers in general?

"American exceptionalism" is a joke. Get it through your heads. I know it gives you republicans warm and fuzzy feelings to declare our nation "the greatest on Earth", but you are just kidding yourselves for the sake of feeling superior.

What a crock, if the founders were around today they'd be wondering why there hasn't been another revolution to kick the government out of the citizens lives. They weren't much on government micromanaging the citizen.
I suspect that they would be most horrified at the radicalized police state.
Op, I agree with you all but the military paragraph. I believe it is important to have a strong military and only a fool wouldn't fund one. We're either powerful or someone else is.

We can not have one of the most powerful economies on earth without protecting our trade routes.
The right wing fascist plutocracy is every thing they fought against.

Taxation without representation
Gerrymandering to steal public office
Enriching the 1% (royalty) at the expense of the commoner
The end to basic individual rights
The right wing fascist plutocracy is every thing they fought against.

Taxation without representation
Gerrymandering to steal public office
Enriching the 1% (royalty) at the expense of the commoner
The end to basic individual rights

You make a good point about 2 and 3. The right has made one big royalty and they kiss their ass. If it was Raagan they'd put a crown on his head.
...would they roll over in their graves?

I can't imagine the horror they would feel knowing the great nation they built was corrupted by the most wealthy. Hell how could they separate the billionaires from King George? The billionaires' hand in our government has corrupted it from the outside in. There's no way in hell they would have allowed Citizen's United. Had they known that such a toxic piece of legislation would be created, they would have created language in the constitution forbidding it.

How about our terrible public education system? It ranks as one of the worst compared to the rest of the developed world.

How about our staggering income inequality? We have one of the worst child poverty rates in the developed world yet all the income gains are going to the very top. In all, 15% of our nation lives in poverty. Why? It's because low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT LOW WAGE JOBS. Poverty is INEVITABLE unless wages are raised drastically for the poor. Oh, and lets not forget about the shrinking middle class. It isn't the wealthy "job creators" that keep this country afloat. It's the middle class.

How about our terrible infrastructure system and the lack of revenue to pay for it? You can put ALL the blame on republicans for that one.

How about our imperialistic military?

How about Tea baggers in general?

"American exceptionalism" is a joke. Get it through your heads. I know it gives you republicans warm and fuzzy feelings to declare our nation "the greatest on Earth", but you are just kidding yourselves for the sake of feeling superior.

Lol! They'd keep sailing....but not for the reasons you listed.

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