If the general election were held today, President Obama would lose to Mitt Romney


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
At least, according to the Obama re-election team.:lol:

Obama team uses bad poll numbers to raise money

President Obama's re-election team is using bad polls to try and raise campaign cash.

In a fundraising e-mail sent last out last night, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina writes: "If the general election were held today, President Obama would lose to Mitt Romney -- according to the latest poll from Washington Post-ABC News."

The survey cited by Messina did give Romney a small lead, but within the margin of error.
Here is the text of the e-mail....

Tonight, some combination of Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum will give victory speeches after the next round of Republican primaries.

All you really need to know: According to a new poll, if the general election were held today, we would lose to Mitt Romney.

Now, many other polls put the President on top, but all point to the same reality: We're looking at a race that will be tighter than you think. And the other side has groups ready to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to tear down President Obama.

I know that March doesn't feel as urgent as September or October will. But we're running a grassroots campaign -- that means we're building this organization one donation at a time. It's not the easy way to do it, but it's the right way. And we know we'll be up against someone with a virtually unlimited supply of cash to attack us and President Obama.

If you can't imagine a scenario in which Mitt Romney defeats Barack Obama, just look at the numbers. It's a real possibility, and we have to start acting like it.

If you've been waiting to give, now is the time to do it. Donate $3 or more today

Now, we have plenty of good news to celebrate, and we must not overreact to any one poll. But this one is a reminder that we have to remain vigilant -- always focused on November 6th and the work we have to do to win.



Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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