If the God of the Bible revealed Himself, would you change?

You're an idiot. I quoted Scripture to back up what I said. Since Scripture is the ONLY source of information we have about God, I'd say it's authoritative.
Quite untrue and very ironic coming from you. Assuming there is a Creator, there is only one source of information that everyone would agree is authoritative: this universe we live in. It seems to me that if you want to know God the path must contain an understanding and acceptance of the natural world. If scripture says the world was created in 6 days and our senses and reason say different, which should we believe? God is what God does, not what we want him to have done because our egos tell us how important we are.

Besides, you don't even believe in God, so why are you arguing the point? Troll much?
Wasn't it you who said that those that seek God will find him?
So your conscience, or self. Got it.

Conscience is different. You're projecting, not reading what I write.
God is telling you were to go to help people, you mean, like, after he didn't help the people himself by stopping whatever disaster hit them? He won't help them afterwards either, but wants you to? Man, that's weak, very weak, for an all-powerful being.

Right, so our behavior isn't supposed to change, were supposed to continue living selfishly and ignoring everyone in need because God is supposed to solve all the problems we cause.

Some of the most selfish people are believers, just look at the GOP... God is not needed to help people. And if you're only doing it because you want to please an invisible being, then that's pretty weak.

That does nothing to counter what God wants. And I must point out that the GOP is most emphatically NOT a Christian organization. That is a lame argument.
The GOP are some of the most selfish Christians out there. Anyways, you don't know what god wants, just what the Bookgod (written by men) wants. Two completely different things. Anyways, it's god, what god wants, god gets, I thought you knew that already.
Why wouldn't god speak to someone who is on the fence, like me? Makes total sense, I'm ready to believe but need some solid proof before that happens. God could do it to ALL unbelievers if it wanted to, being the creator of everything, and all that... And then EVERYONE would believe. Why would god make everyone go through an illogical book. THAT is TOTALLY illogical.

Would you accept evidence that only you could verify, that would make a non believer mock you because he wasn't there?
I would accept proof that everyone could verify, even unbelievers. If it happened to me alone, nope, the mind can play tricks on you, especially if you're wanting to believe in the first place.

Like what? Examples. Keep in mind the human ability to deny the obvious. I mean, the Holocaust happened less than 100 years ago, there's abundant testimonial and physical evidence that it happened, yet there are a lot of goobers who claim it didn't happen.

Would God have to repeat the evidence for every new generation?
Example: a tree, everyone can see it, touch it, smell it... Hence we aren't arguing over whether a tree is real or not.

God can show itself and stay in the open, and then wouldn't need to convince anyone, ever. You know, like a tree does.

IOW, you want God to permanently show Himself in a physical form? Have you no idea how short a time would pass before the same arguments would just pop up all over again? Man does not want to believe in God and is infinitely capable of disbelief. Again, I point to the Holocaust. Not more than 75 years after, there are many who dismiss all the evidence and insist it didn't happen. What would you do if there was a sizable content of people telling you that you don't see what you claim to see? Already you have most of the world's population telling you that God exists, and a small portion telling you He doesn't. You're coding to believe the minority. Did you ever realize that?

Here's a clue, God already did that. In the beginning, He walked and talked with man in physical form, but it took very little to persuade man that He didn't really say what He said.

If you would only believe in God because you were forced to, of what value is that belief? That's weak.
It's not weak to believe in god because I'm forced to by overwhelming empirical scientific evidence. Just like when the earth was proven to be round, people were forced to admit, "ya, ok, the earth is round, I get it now." God, who is supposed to be such an all-powerful being, could find a way to do that, don't you think?
Conscience is different. You're projecting, not reading what I write.
God is telling you were to go to help people, you mean, like, after he didn't help the people himself by stopping whatever disaster hit them? He won't help them afterwards either, but wants you to? Man, that's weak, very weak, for an all-powerful being.

Right, so our behavior isn't supposed to change, were supposed to continue living selfishly and ignoring everyone in need because God is supposed to solve all the problems we cause.

Some of the most selfish people are believers, just look at the GOP... God is not needed to help people. And if you're only doing it because you want to please an invisible being, then that's pretty weak.

That does nothing to counter what God wants. And I must point out that the GOP is most emphatically NOT a Christian organization. That is a lame argument.
The GOP are some of the most selfish Christians out there. Anyways, you don't know what god wants, just what the Bookgod (written by men) wants. Two completely different things. Anyways, it's god, what god wants, god gets, I thought you knew that already.

1. The GOP is NOT a Christian organization. Disabuse yourself of that idea.

2. Of course I know what God wants. He not only have us His word, He communicates today.

3. God ALLOWS us to choose how to act. Yes, that means justice will be done.
Would you accept evidence that only you could verify, that would make a non believer mock you because he wasn't there?
I would accept proof that everyone could verify, even unbelievers. If it happened to me alone, nope, the mind can play tricks on you, especially if you're wanting to believe in the first place.

Like what? Examples. Keep in mind the human ability to deny the obvious. I mean, the Holocaust happened less than 100 years ago, there's abundant testimonial and physical evidence that it happened, yet there are a lot of goobers who claim it didn't happen.

Would God have to repeat the evidence for every new generation?
Example: a tree, everyone can see it, touch it, smell it... Hence we aren't arguing over whether a tree is real or not.

God can show itself and stay in the open, and then wouldn't need to convince anyone, ever. You know, like a tree does.

IOW, you want God to permanently show Himself in a physical form? Have you no idea how short a time would pass before the same arguments would just pop up all over again? Man does not want to believe in God and is infinitely capable of disbelief. Again, I point to the Holocaust. Not more than 75 years after, there are many who dismiss all the evidence and insist it didn't happen. What would you do if there was a sizable content of people telling you that you don't see what you claim to see? Already you have most of the world's population telling you that God exists, and a small portion telling you He doesn't. You're coding to believe the minority. Did you ever realize that?

Here's a clue, God already did that. In the beginning, He walked and talked with man in physical form, but it took very little to persuade man that He didn't really say what He said.

If you would only believe in God because you were forced to, of what value is that belief? That's weak.
It's not weak to believe in god because I'm forced to by overwhelming empirical scientific evidence. Just like when the earth was proven to be round, people were forced to admit, "ya, ok, the earth is round, I get it now." God, who is supposed to be such an all-powerful being, could find a way to do that, don't you think?

Of course. That's not the way He chose to work, though. Ultimately, He's not accountable to us, we are to Him, and it's useless to complain we don't like it.
God is telling you were to go to help people, you mean, like, after he didn't help the people himself by stopping whatever disaster hit them? He won't help them afterwards either, but wants you to? Man, that's weak, very weak, for an all-powerful being.

Right, so our behavior isn't supposed to change, were supposed to continue living selfishly and ignoring everyone in need because God is supposed to solve all the problems we cause.

Some of the most selfish people are believers, just look at the GOP... God is not needed to help people. And if you're only doing it because you want to please an invisible being, then that's pretty weak.

That does nothing to counter what God wants. And I must point out that the GOP is most emphatically NOT a Christian organization. That is a lame argument.
The GOP are some of the most selfish Christians out there. Anyways, you don't know what god wants, just what the Bookgod (written by men) wants. Two completely different things. Anyways, it's god, what god wants, god gets, I thought you knew that already.

1. The GOP is NOT a Christian organization. Disabuse yourself of that idea.

2. Of course I know what God wants. He not only have us His word, He communicates today.

3. God ALLOWS us to choose how to act. Yes, that means justice will be done.
1. I never said that the GOP was a Christian org. But they are some of the most selfish Christians out there. And I bet you voted for them and are generally happy with what they are doing. C'mon, admit it. :biggrin:

2. You only know what you think god wants from things men wrote what they wanted to. God doesn't communicate with me. Never has. I'm open to that, though. very open.

3. God allows us freedom, but if we don't do what it says, we're fried forever. That's not a choice. As in, take this or I'll shoot you. That's also not a choice.
I would accept proof that everyone could verify, even unbelievers. If it happened to me alone, nope, the mind can play tricks on you, especially if you're wanting to believe in the first place.

Like what? Examples. Keep in mind the human ability to deny the obvious. I mean, the Holocaust happened less than 100 years ago, there's abundant testimonial and physical evidence that it happened, yet there are a lot of goobers who claim it didn't happen.

Would God have to repeat the evidence for every new generation?
Example: a tree, everyone can see it, touch it, smell it... Hence we aren't arguing over whether a tree is real or not.

God can show itself and stay in the open, and then wouldn't need to convince anyone, ever. You know, like a tree does.

IOW, you want God to permanently show Himself in a physical form? Have you no idea how short a time would pass before the same arguments would just pop up all over again? Man does not want to believe in God and is infinitely capable of disbelief. Again, I point to the Holocaust. Not more than 75 years after, there are many who dismiss all the evidence and insist it didn't happen. What would you do if there was a sizable content of people telling you that you don't see what you claim to see? Already you have most of the world's population telling you that God exists, and a small portion telling you He doesn't. You're coding to believe the minority. Did you ever realize that?

Here's a clue, God already did that. In the beginning, He walked and talked with man in physical form, but it took very little to persuade man that He didn't really say what He said.

If you would only believe in God because you were forced to, of what value is that belief? That's weak.
It's not weak to believe in god because I'm forced to by overwhelming empirical scientific evidence. Just like when the earth was proven to be round, people were forced to admit, "ya, ok, the earth is round, I get it now." God, who is supposed to be such an all-powerful being, could find a way to do that, don't you think?

Of course. That's not the way He chose to work, though. Ultimately, He's not accountable to us, we are to Him, and it's useless to complain we don't like it.

So god hides, then burns those who never saw it because it was hiding. That's beyond childish. And not logical. And you read that in a book written by men. You know, I appreciate you talking about this with me, I'm fascinated by how you can believe such a man-written illogical book as though it was the actual words of some as yet unproven invisible being that lives in another, also as yet unproven, alternate dimension or universe. I can't seem to do that without some actual proof.
Right, so our behavior isn't supposed to change, were supposed to continue living selfishly and ignoring everyone in need because God is supposed to solve all the problems we cause.

Some of the most selfish people are believers, just look at the GOP... God is not needed to help people. And if you're only doing it because you want to please an invisible being, then that's pretty weak.

That does nothing to counter what God wants. And I must point out that the GOP is most emphatically NOT a Christian organization. That is a lame argument.
The GOP are some of the most selfish Christians out there. Anyways, you don't know what god wants, just what the Bookgod (written by men) wants. Two completely different things. Anyways, it's god, what god wants, god gets, I thought you knew that already.

1. The GOP is NOT a Christian organization. Disabuse yourself of that idea.

2. Of course I know what God wants. He not only have us His word, He communicates today.

3. God ALLOWS us to choose how to act. Yes, that means justice will be done.
1. I never said that the GOP was a Christian org. But they are some of the most selfish Christians out there. And I bet you voted for them and are generally happy with what they are doing. C'mon, admit it. :biggrin:[\quote]

Political parties have nothing to do with God. They attempt to cloak themselves with religion in the hope of generating votes. That said, the democrat party is more hostile to Christian interests than is the Republican. Neither, however, is a Christian organization and to even think otherwise is futile. You will, for example, find many democrats who claim to be Christians that are the most selfish around. The fact that you continue to harp on the GOP only is telling.
2. You only know what you think god wants from things men wrote what they wanted to. God doesn't communicate with me. Never has. I'm open to that, though. very open.[\quote]

Actually, you're not open at all, or you would not dictate to God how He is to communicate with you.

3. God allows us freedom, but if we don't do what it says, we're fried forever. That's not a choice. As in, take this or I'll shoot you. That's also not a choice.

It's more apt to say you're heading for a waterfall and God is offering you a rope. Yeah, it's really, really stupid to reject the rope because you don't believe the waterfall is there, but it is your choice.

We always have a choice. We may not like the consequences, but we have a choice.
Like what? Examples. Keep in mind the human ability to deny the obvious. I mean, the Holocaust happened less than 100 years ago, there's abundant testimonial and physical evidence that it happened, yet there are a lot of goobers who claim it didn't happen.

Would God have to repeat the evidence for every new generation?
Example: a tree, everyone can see it, touch it, smell it... Hence we aren't arguing over whether a tree is real or not.

God can show itself and stay in the open, and then wouldn't need to convince anyone, ever. You know, like a tree does.

IOW, you want God to permanently show Himself in a physical form? Have you no idea how short a time would pass before the same arguments would just pop up all over again? Man does not want to believe in God and is infinitely capable of disbelief. Again, I point to the Holocaust. Not more than 75 years after, there are many who dismiss all the evidence and insist it didn't happen. What would you do if there was a sizable content of people telling you that you don't see what you claim to see? Already you have most of the world's population telling you that God exists, and a small portion telling you He doesn't. You're coding to believe the minority. Did you ever realize that?

Here's a clue, God already did that. In the beginning, He walked and talked with man in physical form, but it took very little to persuade man that He didn't really say what He said.

If you would only believe in God because you were forced to, of what value is that belief? That's weak.
It's not weak to believe in god because I'm forced to by overwhelming empirical scientific evidence. Just like when the earth was proven to be round, people were forced to admit, "ya, ok, the earth is round, I get it now." God, who is supposed to be such an all-powerful being, could find a way to do that, don't you think?

Of course. That's not the way He chose to work, though. Ultimately, He's not accountable to us, we are to Him, and it's useless to complain we don't like it.

So god hides, then burns those who never saw it because it was hiding. That's beyond childish. And not logical. And you read that in a book written by men. You know, I appreciate you talking about this with me, I'm fascinated by how you can believe such a man-written illogical book as though it was the actual words of some as yet unproven invisible being that lives in another, also as yet unproven, alternate dimension or universe. I can't seem to do that without some actual proof.

The difference being that I accepted God at His word, THEN He began revealing Himself to me, personally. No, He's not going to give you that ironclad, physical proof you say you want. I happen to believe that even if He were to give it to you, you would say something along the lines of, "okay, so He exists. I'm still not submitting control of my life to Him". So what would be gained?

As for the proof, do you not realize that there is literally no proof that ALL of mankind will accept? There is still a contingent that believes the earth is flat.

As for other dimensions, scientists are pretty sure that there are more than we can detect. Don't you want to put your faith in them? Even as a non believer, how hard is it to conceive of a superior being who can enter our dimensions and leave at will?
But you didn't accept a god's word, but the word of what some guys wrote in a book. BIG difference. I don't get that. Everything that a god was supposed to have said, like a worldwide flood, or making the world in 6 days, goes against the very facts of a god's own creation, wouldn't you say?
And if a god would prove itself to be real, and would threaten me with fire, I'd submit out of fear. I've had my leg burn, and out of all my injuries, getting burnt is by far the most painful.:ack-1:
As for other dimensions, the math tells scientists that there should be some. But you're jumping the gun and presupposing all kinds of things in these, as of yet undiscovered, dimensions. So really, all I see is that you have a potential maybe, with gusts up to wishful thinking. It's like you want it so badly to be true that you're knowingly suspending reality to make it so.
"If the God of the Bible revealed Himself, would you change?"

No no no ya goofballs, you have it all backwards. It's the vile, vain, shallow, evil God of the Bible that needs to change. He needs to shed his archaic, vile morality and learn from us the better, secular morality we have philosophized for ourselves.
"If the God of the Bible revealed Himself, would you change?"

No no no ya goofballs, you have it all backwards. It's the vile, vain, shallow, evil God of the Bible that needs to change. He needs to shed his archaic, vile morality and learn from us the better, secular morality we have philosophized for ourselves.

Children are often upset at their parents when they're no allowed to do something they want.
But you didn't accept a god's word, but the word of what some guys wrote in a book. BIG difference. I don't get that. Everything that a god was supposed to have said, like a worldwide flood, or making the world in 6 days, goes against the very facts of a god's own creation, wouldn't you say?
And if a god would prove itself to be real, and would threaten me with fire, I'd submit out of fear. I've had my leg burn, and out of all my injuries, getting burnt is by far the most painful.:ack-1:
As for other dimensions, the math tells scientists that there should be some. But you're jumping the gun and presupposing all kinds of things in these, as of yet undiscovered, dimensions. So really, all I see is that you have a potential maybe, with gusts up to wishful thinking. It's like you want it so badly to be true that you're knowingly suspending reality to make it so.

Like I said, God reveals Himself to me when I trust Him to do so. He's not interested in "do a trick" theology.

You want Him to force His reality on you, but will resist every step of the way. So why should God reveal anything to you at all?
Puts me in mind of the Ten Commandments movie, where Edward G. Robinson's character (Dathan, governor of Goshen) sees the all the plagues, the pillar of fire, the parting of the Red Sea and still doesn't believe. What a dunce, I'd be on my knees by then, asking for forgiveness of my sins (which are many).
"If the God of the Bible revealed Himself, would you change?"

No no no ya goofballs, you have it all backwards. It's the vile, vain, shallow, evil God of the Bible that needs to change. He needs to shed his archaic, vile morality and learn from us the better, secular morality we have philosophized for ourselves.

Children are often upset at their parents when they're no allowed to do something they want.
Children also have a tendency to think immoral acts are moral, if their parents tell them they are moral.
"If the God of the Bible revealed Himself, would you change?"

No no no ya goofballs, you have it all backwards. It's the vile, vain, shallow, evil God of the Bible that needs to change. He needs to shed his archaic, vile morality and learn from us the better, secular morality we have philosophized for ourselves.

Children are often upset at their parents when they're no allowed to do something they want.
Children also have a tendency to think immoral acts are moral, if their parents tell them they are moral.

You'll find out.
"If the God of the Bible revealed Himself, would you change?"

No no no ya goofballs, you have it all backwards. It's the vile, vain, shallow, evil God of the Bible that needs to change. He needs to shed his archaic, vile morality and learn from us the better, secular morality we have philosophized for ourselves.

Children are often upset at their parents when they're no allowed to do something they want.
Children also have a tendency to think immoral acts are moral, if their parents tell them they are moral.

You'll find out.
Hah...sure, Shaman.

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