If the God of the Bible revealed Himself, would you change?

If so, how?
Of course, everyone would. Hopefully he'd provide single moral compass and set of rules to live by that I could follow. Things currently lacking in the OT & NT.
Wrong. Not everyone woud. Whatever gave you that idea. I asked a similar question once. A lot of people said no. Besides, God has already revealed Himself, yet many still reject him.
By 'revealed' I mean unquestionably. Prior belief is not required, everyone everywhere would share the same experience.

He may have revealed himself to you but he has managed to remain hidden from me.
That's because you aren't looking.
well it hasn't...so why don't the christians change??!!
I apologize if this has been stated already
Why dont miracles happen anymore? Why did they only happen when people were extremely ignorant?
Food for thought

Oh they do, I'm sure there are many here that would be willing to share.
You know there are healings that occur that Drs. can't explain.
Even in the Bible, they attribute healings to FAITH, not magic. So, even then, they say it's the power that is within ourselves....
it doesn't matter if the Drs can't explain it--that doesn't mean it's a miracle
humans have been known to be wrong/imperfect/etc--ESPECIALLY with medical problems
jesus- christ--we pay mucho $$$$$ and it's they still do not know anything for sure
''o--it could be this--this could happen'' etc they don't know for sure
..I pay big $$$ for my kid's injured arm--what do they tell me?? ''it's not a broken bone''!!!!
''could be this--- could be that
the vets also
well it hasn't...so why don't the christians change??!!
I apologize if this has been stated already
I'll assume you meant to say "He hasn't".
And He HAS revealed Himself. Some people simply refuse to see it. And it's all for a lack of effort. The Bible tells us that God will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything:
a diligent student.
done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking:
a diligent search of the files.

In other words, you must want to know God with all your heart. Nothing less will suffice. Something is holding you back. If you truly want to know God, then YOU must make an effort. If you do not know God, then the problem lies with YOU. Not God.
well it hasn't...so why don't the christians change??!!
I apologize if this has been stated already
I'll assume you meant to say "He hasn't".
And He HAS revealed Himself. Some people simply refuse to see it. And it's all for a lack of effort. The Bible tells us that God will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything:
a diligent student.
done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking:
a diligent search of the files.

In other words, you must want to know God with all your heart. Nothing less will suffice. Something is holding you back. If you truly want to know God, then YOU must make an effort. If you do not know God, then the problem lies with YOU. Not God.
again--the christians always have a ''catch all'' answer:
the problem is with YOU
it's god's plan
because of man's fall/sin
how did he reveal himself to you--please be specific
well it hasn't...so why don't the christians change??!!
I apologize if this has been stated already
I'll assume you meant to say "He hasn't".
And He HAS revealed Himself. Some people simply refuse to see it. And it's all for a lack of effort. The Bible tells us that God will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything:
a diligent student.
done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking:
a diligent search of the files.

In other words, you must want to know God with all your heart. Nothing less will suffice. Something is holding you back. If you truly want to know God, then YOU must make an effort. If you do not know God, then the problem lies with YOU. Not God.
again--the christians always have a ''catch all'' answer:
the problem is with YOU
it's god's plan
because of man's fall/sin
how did he reveal himself to you--please be specific
There is a book. It's called the Bible. You may have heard of it. Perhaps you should read it. That's all the evidence you need. If that's not good enough, then it really sucks to be you. It's going to suck even worse if you die without Christ.
I think that's called your conscience. Or else, like, what kind of things does he say to you? And how?

Let me head you off here. I don't hear voices in my head.

The kinds of things God communicates are reassurance that He is in control during difficult times, which of our brothers and sisters needs our help, what kind of support to offer our friends who are suffering, what mission field needs us, who needs healing, what needs to be taught, you know, the normal stuff.
So your conscience, or self. Got it.

Conscience is different. You're projecting, not reading what I write.
God is telling you were to go to help people, you mean, like, after he didn't help the people himself by stopping whatever disaster hit them? He won't help them afterwards either, but wants you to? Man, that's weak, very weak, for an all-powerful being.

Right, so our behavior isn't supposed to change, were supposed to continue living selfishly and ignoring everyone in need because God is supposed to solve all the problems we cause.

Some of the most selfish people are believers, just look at the GOP... God is not needed to help people. And if you're only doing it because you want to please an invisible being, then that's pretty weak.
So what my whole point was, is that if god spoke to Moses, why doesn't god simply speak to me, and everyone else? Why go through a book that makes no logical sense and has to be studied for secret hidden meanings...? Sounds kinda like a John Smith con job, doesn't it?

Moses was specifically appointed to do a specific task, bring the Israelites out of Egypt. God DOES communicate with His followers, but why would He speak to someone who denies His very existence?
Why wouldn't god speak to someone who is on the fence, like me? Makes total sense, I'm ready to believe but need some solid proof before that happens. God could do it to ALL unbelievers if it wanted to, being the creator of everything, and all that... And then EVERYONE would believe. Why would god make everyone go through an illogical book. THAT is TOTALLY illogical.

Would you accept evidence that only you could verify, that would make a non believer mock you because he wasn't there?
I would accept proof that everyone could verify, even unbelievers. If it happened to me alone, nope, the mind can play tricks on you, especially if you're wanting to believe in the first place.

Like what? Examples. Keep in mind the human ability to deny the obvious. I mean, the Holocaust happened less than 100 years ago, there's abundant testimonial and physical evidence that it happened, yet there are a lot of goobers who claim it didn't happen.

Would God have to repeat the evidence for every new generation?
Example: a tree, everyone can see it, touch it, smell it... Hence we aren't arguing over whether a tree is real or not.

God can show itself and stay in the open, and then wouldn't need to convince anyone, ever. You know, like a tree does.
If so, how?
Anti-gay pastor Tony Perkins is waving off President Trump's Twitter rants and ongoing scandals, including his alleged affair with adult film actress Stormy Daniels, and saying that evangelical Christians have found someone who can provide "the leadership we need at this time, in our country and in our culture."

Tony Perkins: Trump gets 'mulligan' on past behavior

Now we are seeing true right wing Christians and their ilk.

I knew all along who they were and I was right.
He's right. Trump fights back and that's why Christians support him. We voted for an American President that fights for our interests instead of a President that undermines our interests. Christians didn't vote for a Pastor for their church. The left doesn't get it.
Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said Trump was their cultural leader.

In other words, a "role model" for their children.

He doesn't have to be a pastor.
Trump is a good role model for anyone including children. I suggest if you don't like him them don't vote for him. Friday night Hillary said "bitches supporting bitches", and no one is going to say a word about that. If Trump was a leftie, he'd be heralded for his "outspokenness" and "grit". I know how the propaganda game works.
You said: Trump is a good role model for anyone including children.

OMG. See? That's the problem.
Next, Republicans will be saying Satan is a good role model for children.
That's because you aren't looking.
Wrong. Just being cautious.

We humans are very resourceful creatures. That is why we've found so many wonderful things such as God, Satan, angels, aliens, ghosts, big foot, yeti, Elvis, etc. If we look for something, we usually find it.
If so, how?
Anti-gay pastor Tony Perkins is waving off President Trump's Twitter rants and ongoing scandals, including his alleged affair with adult film actress Stormy Daniels, and saying that evangelical Christians have found someone who can provide "the leadership we need at this time, in our country and in our culture."

Tony Perkins: Trump gets 'mulligan' on past behavior

Now we are seeing true right wing Christians and their ilk.

I knew all along who they were and I was right.
He's right. Trump fights back and that's why Christians support him. We voted for an American President that fights for our interests instead of a President that undermines our interests. Christians didn't vote for a Pastor for their church. The left doesn't get it.
Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said Trump was their cultural leader.

In other words, a "role model" for their children.

He doesn't have to be a pastor.
Trump is a good role model for anyone including children. I suggest if you don't like him them don't vote for him. Friday night Hillary said "bitches supporting bitches", and no one is going to say a word about that. If Trump was a leftie, he'd be heralded for his "outspokenness" and "grit". I know how the propaganda game works.
You said: Trump is a good role model for anyone including children.

OMG. See? That's the problem.
Next, Republicans will be saying Satan is a good role model for children.
I don't repeat the leftist hateful propaganda to children. Of course Trump's a good role model for children. Telling the truth to the American people is always better.
That's because you aren't looking.
Wrong. Just being cautious.

We humans are very resourceful creatures. That is why we've found so many wonderful things such as God, Satan, angels, aliens, ghosts, big foot, yeti, Elvis, etc. If we look for something, we usually find it.
I don't believe in big foot, aliens, or the Loch Ness monster. I do believe there is a God that loves me and a devil that wants to destroy me.
I don't believe in big foot, aliens, or the Loch Ness monster. I do believe there is a God that loves me and a devil that wants to destroy me.
That's because you aren't looking for big foot, aliens, or the Loch Ness monster. I think that says a lot about why you found God.

A devil that wants to destroy you sounds a bit paranoid. If we're all sinners I don't see why he is needed.
That's because you aren't looking.
Wrong. Just being cautious.

We humans are very resourceful creatures. That is why we've found so many wonderful things such as God, Satan, angels, aliens, ghosts, big foot, yeti, Elvis, etc. If we look for something, we usually find it.
God reveals Himself to those who diligently seek Him.
God reveals Himself to those who diligently seek Him.
An idealistic thought but not supported by the facts.

Has God revealed Himself as Allah to Muslims that diligently seek Him? If not, you would think we'd see large numbers of US Muslims and Jews converting to Christianity but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I don't believe in big foot, aliens, or the Loch Ness monster. I do believe there is a God that loves me and a devil that wants to destroy me.
That's because you aren't looking for big foot, aliens, or the Loch Ness monster. I think that says a lot about why you found God.

A devil that wants to destroy you sounds a bit paranoid. If we're all sinners I don't see why he is needed.
He isn't "needed", but he is real. Evil is real. I believe the Bible. God is love and Satan is evil.
God reveals Himself to those who diligently seek Him.
An idealistic thought but not supported by the facts.

Has God revealed Himself as Allah to Muslims that diligently seek Him? If not, you would think we'd see large numbers of US Muslims and Jews converting to Christianity but that doesn't seem to be the case.
You're an idiot. I quoted Scripture to back up what I said. Since Scripture is the ONLY source of information we have about God, I'd say it's authoritative. Besides, you don't even believe in God, so why are you arguing the point? Troll much?
Let me head you off here. I don't hear voices in my head.

The kinds of things God communicates are reassurance that He is in control during difficult times, which of our brothers and sisters needs our help, what kind of support to offer our friends who are suffering, what mission field needs us, who needs healing, what needs to be taught, you know, the normal stuff.
So your conscience, or self. Got it.

Conscience is different. You're projecting, not reading what I write.
God is telling you were to go to help people, you mean, like, after he didn't help the people himself by stopping whatever disaster hit them? He won't help them afterwards either, but wants you to? Man, that's weak, very weak, for an all-powerful being.

Right, so our behavior isn't supposed to change, were supposed to continue living selfishly and ignoring everyone in need because God is supposed to solve all the problems we cause.

Some of the most selfish people are believers, just look at the GOP... God is not needed to help people. And if you're only doing it because you want to please an invisible being, then that's pretty weak.

That does nothing to counter what God wants. And I must point out that the GOP is most emphatically NOT a Christian organization. That is a lame argument.
Moses was specifically appointed to do a specific task, bring the Israelites out of Egypt. God DOES communicate with His followers, but why would He speak to someone who denies His very existence?
Why wouldn't god speak to someone who is on the fence, like me? Makes total sense, I'm ready to believe but need some solid proof before that happens. God could do it to ALL unbelievers if it wanted to, being the creator of everything, and all that... And then EVERYONE would believe. Why would god make everyone go through an illogical book. THAT is TOTALLY illogical.

Would you accept evidence that only you could verify, that would make a non believer mock you because he wasn't there?
I would accept proof that everyone could verify, even unbelievers. If it happened to me alone, nope, the mind can play tricks on you, especially if you're wanting to believe in the first place.

Like what? Examples. Keep in mind the human ability to deny the obvious. I mean, the Holocaust happened less than 100 years ago, there's abundant testimonial and physical evidence that it happened, yet there are a lot of goobers who claim it didn't happen.

Would God have to repeat the evidence for every new generation?
Example: a tree, everyone can see it, touch it, smell it... Hence we aren't arguing over whether a tree is real or not.

God can show itself and stay in the open, and then wouldn't need to convince anyone, ever. You know, like a tree does.

IOW, you want God to permanently show Himself in a physical form? Have you no idea how short a time would pass before the same arguments would just pop up all over again? Man does not want to believe in God and is infinitely capable of disbelief. Again, I point to the Holocaust. Not more than 75 years after, there are many who dismiss all the evidence and insist it didn't happen. What would you do if there was a sizable content of people telling you that you don't see what you claim to see? Already you have most of the world's population telling you that God exists, and a small portion telling you He doesn't. You're coding to believe the minority. Did you ever realize that?

Here's a clue, God already did that. In the beginning, He walked and talked with man in physical form, but it took very little to persuade man that He didn't really say what He said.

If you would only believe in God because you were forced to, of what value is that belief? That's weak.

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