If the God of the Bible revealed Himself, would you change?

Now that we've settled that I was correct, how else is man to communicate what God said, if not to write it down?
But god didn't write it down, Moses did.
I said, and I repeat, how else is MAN to communicate what God said?

How is it supposed to be communicated from then to now?

God wrote the original commandments, do you pay attention to them?
Didn't god communicate with Moses to tell him what to write? What did He do? Send Moses a letter?

He wrote on the stone tablets that Moses brought down with him. You know that.
Sure, but what about all the other stuff in the 5 chapters that Moses wrote? How did god tell him what to write?

Okay, new subject then. I wasn't privy to their conversation, but they spoke.
But god didn't write it down, Moses did.
I said, and I repeat, how else is MAN to communicate what God said?

How is it supposed to be communicated from then to now?

God wrote the original commandments, do you pay attention to them?
Didn't god communicate with Moses to tell him what to write? What did He do? Send Moses a letter?

He wrote on the stone tablets that Moses brought down with him. You know that.
Sure, but what about all the other stuff in the 5 chapters that Moses wrote? How did god tell him what to write?

Okay, new subject then. I wasn't privy to their conversation, but they spoke.
So what my whole point was, is that if god spoke to Moses, why doesn't god simply speak to me, and everyone else? Why go through a book that makes no logical sense and has to be studied for secret hidden meanings...? Sounds kinda like a John Smith con job, doesn't it?
You're a troll.
He said that god had to communicate with man somehow, thus through the bible. But hadn't god already told Moses what to write in the bible? So why doesn't god just communicate with me like it did with Moses? Why the douche book? If you have no answer, I'll certainly understand.
Moses was a believer, you aren't.
So once you’re a believer, god starts to talk to you?

Yeah, he does.
I think that's called your conscience. Or else, like, what kind of things does he say to you? And how?

Let me head you off here. I don't hear voices in my head.

The kinds of things God communicates are reassurance that He is in control during difficult times, which of our brothers and sisters needs our help, what kind of support to offer our friends who are suffering, what mission field needs us, who needs healing, what needs to be taught, you know, the normal stuff.
I said, and I repeat, how else is MAN to communicate what God said?

How is it supposed to be communicated from then to now?

God wrote the original commandments, do you pay attention to them?
Didn't god communicate with Moses to tell him what to write? What did He do? Send Moses a letter?

He wrote on the stone tablets that Moses brought down with him. You know that.
Sure, but what about all the other stuff in the 5 chapters that Moses wrote? How did god tell him what to write?

Okay, new subject then. I wasn't privy to their conversation, but they spoke.
So what my whole point was, is that if god spoke to Moses, why doesn't god simply speak to me, and everyone else? Why go through a book that makes no logical sense and has to be studied for secret hidden meanings...? Sounds kinda like a John Smith con job, doesn't it?

Moses was specifically appointed to do a specific task, bring the Israelites out of Egypt. God DOES communicate with His followers, but why would He speak to someone who denies His very existence?
He said that god had to communicate with man somehow, thus through the bible. But hadn't god already told Moses what to write in the bible? So why doesn't god just communicate with me like it did with Moses? Why the douche book? If you have no answer, I'll certainly understand.
Moses was a believer, you aren't.
So once you’re a believer, god starts to talk to you?

Yeah, he does.
I think that's called your conscience. Or else, like, what kind of things does he say to you? And how?

Let me head you off here. I don't hear voices in my head.

The kinds of things God communicates are reassurance that He is in control during difficult times, which of our brothers and sisters needs our help, what kind of support to offer our friends who are suffering, what mission field needs us, who needs healing, what needs to be taught, you know, the normal stuff.
So your conscience, or self. Got it.
Didn't god communicate with Moses to tell him what to write? What did He do? Send Moses a letter?

He wrote on the stone tablets that Moses brought down with him. You know that.
Sure, but what about all the other stuff in the 5 chapters that Moses wrote? How did god tell him what to write?

Okay, new subject then. I wasn't privy to their conversation, but they spoke.
So what my whole point was, is that if god spoke to Moses, why doesn't god simply speak to me, and everyone else? Why go through a book that makes no logical sense and has to be studied for secret hidden meanings...? Sounds kinda like a John Smith con job, doesn't it?

Moses was specifically appointed to do a specific task, bring the Israelites out of Egypt. God DOES communicate with His followers, but why would He speak to someone who denies His very existence?
Why wouldn't god speak to someone who is on the fence, like me? Makes total sense, I'm ready to believe but need some solid proof before that happens. God could do it to ALL unbelievers if it wanted to, being the creator of everything, and all that... And then EVERYONE would believe. Why would god make everyone go through an illogical book. THAT is TOTALLY illogical.
Moses was a believer, you aren't.
So once you’re a believer, god starts to talk to you?

Yeah, he does.
I think that's called your conscience. Or else, like, what kind of things does he say to you? And how?

Let me head you off here. I don't hear voices in my head.

The kinds of things God communicates are reassurance that He is in control during difficult times, which of our brothers and sisters needs our help, what kind of support to offer our friends who are suffering, what mission field needs us, who needs healing, what needs to be taught, you know, the normal stuff.
So your conscience, or self. Got it.

Conscience is different. You're projecting, not reading what I write.
He wrote on the stone tablets that Moses brought down with him. You know that.
Sure, but what about all the other stuff in the 5 chapters that Moses wrote? How did god tell him what to write?

Okay, new subject then. I wasn't privy to their conversation, but they spoke.
So what my whole point was, is that if god spoke to Moses, why doesn't god simply speak to me, and everyone else? Why go through a book that makes no logical sense and has to be studied for secret hidden meanings...? Sounds kinda like a John Smith con job, doesn't it?

Moses was specifically appointed to do a specific task, bring the Israelites out of Egypt. God DOES communicate with His followers, but why would He speak to someone who denies His very existence?
Why wouldn't god speak to someone who is on the fence, like me? Makes total sense, I'm ready to believe but need some solid proof before that happens. God could do it to ALL unbelievers if it wanted to, being the creator of everything, and all that... And then EVERYONE would believe. Why would god make everyone go through an illogical book. THAT is TOTALLY illogical.

Would you accept evidence that only you could verify, that would make a non believer mock you because he wasn't there?
So once you’re a believer, god starts to talk to you?

Yeah, he does.
I think that's called your conscience. Or else, like, what kind of things does he say to you? And how?

Let me head you off here. I don't hear voices in my head.

The kinds of things God communicates are reassurance that He is in control during difficult times, which of our brothers and sisters needs our help, what kind of support to offer our friends who are suffering, what mission field needs us, who needs healing, what needs to be taught, you know, the normal stuff.
So your conscience, or self. Got it.

Conscience is different. You're projecting, not reading what I write.
God is telling you were to go to help people, you mean, like, after he didn't help the people himself by stopping whatever disaster hit them? He won't help them afterwards either, but wants you to? Man, that's weak, very weak, for an all-powerful being.
Sure, but what about all the other stuff in the 5 chapters that Moses wrote? How did god tell him what to write?

Okay, new subject then. I wasn't privy to their conversation, but they spoke.
So what my whole point was, is that if god spoke to Moses, why doesn't god simply speak to me, and everyone else? Why go through a book that makes no logical sense and has to be studied for secret hidden meanings...? Sounds kinda like a John Smith con job, doesn't it?

Moses was specifically appointed to do a specific task, bring the Israelites out of Egypt. God DOES communicate with His followers, but why would He speak to someone who denies His very existence?
Why wouldn't god speak to someone who is on the fence, like me? Makes total sense, I'm ready to believe but need some solid proof before that happens. God could do it to ALL unbelievers if it wanted to, being the creator of everything, and all that... And then EVERYONE would believe. Why would god make everyone go through an illogical book. THAT is TOTALLY illogical.

Would you accept evidence that only you could verify, that would make a non believer mock you because he wasn't there?
I would accept proof that everyone could verify, even unbelievers. If it happened to me alone, nope, the mind can play tricks on you, especially if you're wanting to believe in the first place.
Yeah, he does.
I think that's called your conscience. Or else, like, what kind of things does he say to you? And how?

Let me head you off here. I don't hear voices in my head.

The kinds of things God communicates are reassurance that He is in control during difficult times, which of our brothers and sisters needs our help, what kind of support to offer our friends who are suffering, what mission field needs us, who needs healing, what needs to be taught, you know, the normal stuff.
So your conscience, or self. Got it.

Conscience is different. You're projecting, not reading what I write.
God is telling you were to go to help people, you mean, like, after he didn't help the people himself by stopping whatever disaster hit them? He won't help them afterwards either, but wants you to? Man, that's weak, very weak, for an all-powerful being.

Right, so our behavior isn't supposed to change, were supposed to continue living selfishly and ignoring everyone in need because God is supposed to solve all the problems we cause.

Okay, new subject then. I wasn't privy to their conversation, but they spoke.
So what my whole point was, is that if god spoke to Moses, why doesn't god simply speak to me, and everyone else? Why go through a book that makes no logical sense and has to be studied for secret hidden meanings...? Sounds kinda like a John Smith con job, doesn't it?

Moses was specifically appointed to do a specific task, bring the Israelites out of Egypt. God DOES communicate with His followers, but why would He speak to someone who denies His very existence?
Why wouldn't god speak to someone who is on the fence, like me? Makes total sense, I'm ready to believe but need some solid proof before that happens. God could do it to ALL unbelievers if it wanted to, being the creator of everything, and all that... And then EVERYONE would believe. Why would god make everyone go through an illogical book. THAT is TOTALLY illogical.

Would you accept evidence that only you could verify, that would make a non believer mock you because he wasn't there?
I would accept proof that everyone could verify, even unbelievers. If it happened to me alone, nope, the mind can play tricks on you, especially if you're wanting to believe in the first place.

Like what? Examples. Keep in mind the human ability to deny the obvious. I mean, the Holocaust happened less than 100 years ago, there's abundant testimonial and physical evidence that it happened, yet there are a lot of goobers who claim it didn't happen.

Would God have to repeat the evidence for every new generation?
I'd probably be a few percent less moral/ethical if the God of the Bible revealved himself to be true.
If so, how?
Of course, everyone would. Hopefully he'd provide single moral compass and set of rules to live by that I could follow. Things currently lacking in the OT & NT.
Wrong. Not everyone woud. Whatever gave you that idea. I asked a similar question once. A lot of people said no. Besides, God has already revealed Himself, yet many still reject him.
If so, how?
Of course, everyone would. Hopefully he'd provide single moral compass and set of rules to live by that I could follow. Things currently lacking in the OT & NT.
Wrong. Not everyone woud. Whatever gave you that idea. I asked a similar question once. A lot of people said no. Besides, God has already revealed Himself, yet many still reject him.
By 'revealed' I mean unquestionably. Prior belief is not required, everyone everywhere would share the same experience.

He may have revealed himself to you but he has managed to remain hidden from me.

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