If the investment class is doing better than it ever has, why has job growth been slow?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
It's because real economic growth comes from stimulating the middle class and consumer spending.

How do we know? Well despite Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, job growth under him was pitiful.

What we do know works is demand side economics. Obama's stimulus created close to 3 million private jobs according to the CBO. By extending unemployment benefits, consumer spending for the people who needed it the most increased.


Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Come November, don't vote republican. They are useless. They only help the wealthy. If you noticed all the bills republicans tried to pass in the last few years were deregulation and tax cuts for big corporations. Trust me, the investment class is doing better than ever already.
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because capital does not require as much labor as it once did.

What you are seeing is the classic signs of a stock market bubble, it's already threatened to pop at least once and when it does the American public at large will once again pay the price. As Mac 1958 suggested the stock market is not the economy but it has the power to wreck it like nothing else.
It's because real economic growth comes from stimulating the middle class and consumer spending.

How do we know? Well despite Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, job growth under him was pitiful.

What we do know works is demand side economics. Obama's stimulus created close to 3 million private jobs according to the CBO. By extending unemployment benefits, consumer spending for the people who needed it the most increased.


Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Come November, don't vote republican. They are useless. They only help the wealthy. If you noticed all the bills republicans tried to pass in the last few years were deregulation and tax cuts for big corporations. Trust me, the investment class is doing better than ever already.
That's easy.

The fed is holding interest rates artificially low. So low in fact that a .95% interest savings account is now considered high yield. So the only place to put money that will generate any return at all is the stock market.

You should be happy because people's 401 k accounts are also doing well because of this.
Hey Billy, did you notice how none of these asshats who responded made any attempt to explain WHY the Bush tax cuts didn't create the jobs that were promised. Which I believe was the question you asked.

Amazing eh?
What you are seeing is the classic signs of a stock market bubble, it's already threatened to pop at least once and when it does the American public at large will once again pay the price. As Mac 1958 suggested the stock market is not the economy but it has the power to wreck it like nothing else.

You are already seeing it with collapsing crude prices. The drastic increase in supply is not due to fracking but due to a massive global slowdown in demand (i.e. a weakening global economy).
The current state of the stock market has absolutely nothing to do with the Bush tax cuts and everything to do with Obama's and the Fed's current policies.

When people with money can borrow it virtually for free and then get a really good return in the market why would they risk that same money on new business ventures in an economy that is barely growing at 1%?

The stock market is not the economy.

Amazing how many people don't know that.


you're correct. it's a reflection of the wealth of the investor class.

that said, we aren't exactly putting forth policies designed to increase job growth.

when the economy crashed when bush was president, we should have had a jobs program. the right has blocked every effort to create the types of jobs that build infrastructure (which we need anyway) in favor of rewarding coroporations for off-shoring jobs.
Hey Billy, did you notice how none of these asshats who responded made any attempt to explain WHY the Bush tax cuts didn't create the jobs that were promised. Which I believe was the question you asked.

Amazing eh?
Lol it is. They are in complete denial. It's really just immaturity.
you're correct. it's a reflection of the wealth of the investor class.

that said, we aren't exactly putting forth policies designed to increase job growth.

when the economy crashed when bush was president, we should have had a jobs program. the right has blocked every effort to create the types of jobs that build infrastructure (which we need anyway) in favor of rewarding coroporations for off-shoring jobs.
Investors aren't going to invest in business venture in a hostile market with so much uncertainty. A jobs program for what jobs? How to create more jobs programs? Too many people sucking on the titty as it is.
because capital does not require as much labor as it once did.


But the movement of goods and resources and the application of services requires just as much labor and more.

The question you need to ask is, "who gets paid?"

The average Joe doing the work, or the owners of the means of production, a.k.a. 'Capital', a.k.a. 'The Investment Class'?
The more ownership taken in 'The Means of Production' by The Average American Joe and The Average American Jane, the better for our collective future.

:thup: True Story!
The current state of the stock market has absolutely nothing to do with the Bush tax cuts and everything to do with Obama's and the Fed's current policies.

When people with money can borrow it virtually for free and then get a really good return in the market why would they risk that same money on new business ventures in an economy that is barely growing at 1%?

Well I'll be damned, skull finally accidentally told the truth.

Well no shit skull. if you actually recognize that the supposed top 1% "job creators" are actually just borrowing money to make money with in the markets, why in the fuck do you and people like you care if they pay a higher percentage in taxes than they currently do?

YOU ADMIT that even with their Bush tax cuts they didn't create those promised jobs. They just took those cheap bailout dollars after the Bush collapse and spent them in the stock market. What a job creation strategy that was.

And you were correct twice. The Bush stock market sure didn't look like the market now.
I'm tellin' y'all...

[(Fair and simple taxes & laws + public budgets that are balanced by law) x transparency in government] over widespread ownership in 'The Means of Production' = grandchildren dancing among the stars.

:eusa_think: Hmmmm... Perhaps it IS rocket science after all...
The current state of the stock market has absolutely nothing to do with the Bush tax cuts and everything to do with Obama's and the Fed's current policies.

When people with money can borrow it virtually for free and then get a really good return in the market why would they risk that same money on new business ventures in an economy that is barely growing at 1%?

Well I'll be damned, skull finally accidentally told the truth.

Well no shit skull. if you actually recognize that the supposed top 1% "job creators" are actually just borrowing money to make money with in the markets, why in the fuck do you and people like you care if they pay a higher percentage in taxes than they currently do?

YOU ADMIT that even with their Bush tax cuts they didn't create those promised jobs. They just took those cheap bailout dollars after the Bush collapse and spent them in the stock market. What a job creation strategy that was.

And you were correct twice. The Bush stock market sure didn't look like the market now.

I didn't admit anything about the Bush tax cuts other than they have nothing to do with the current state of the market.

And in case you haven't understood my stance on taxes.

IDGAF how much anyone makes. I do not believe that just because a person happens to make more than another that a higher percentage of his money should be confiscated by the government.

And I never called any segment of society "job creators" that's your schtick not mine
The more ownership taken in 'The Means of Production' by The Average American Joe and The Average American Jane, the better for our future.

:thup: True Story!
So let them start their own business. Moving merchandise isn't skilled labor. No one, including liberals, especially liberals, are interested in paying someone $50,000 a year to handle packages.
because capital does not require as much labor as it once did.


But the movement of goods and resources and the application of services requires just as much labor and more.

The question you need to ask is, "who gets paid?"

The average Joe doing the work, or the owners of the means of production, a.k.a. 'Capital', a.k.a. 'The Investment Class'?

No it doesn't require more labor as an absolute, or more specifically, American labor. Machines will replace humans the way the tractor replaced teams of horses.
No it doesn't require more labor as an absolute, or more specifically, American labor. Machines will replace humans the way the tractor replaced teams of horses.
And that economic direction requires education.

Are We, The Peeps ready to stop investing in weapons and security, and start investing in education?

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