If the Justice Dept and our institutions weren’t corrupted and hijacked by the Democrats

They would charge those 51 intelligence officers (and whoever involved) that said the Hunter lap top was Russian propaganda with conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 US elections. This is far worse than the stupid hush money bullshit they just did against Trump, which in essence was another election interference attempt by the Democrats. I wonder how many of these treasonous election operations the Left will conduct in order to save Biden’s ass.
The whole laptop thing is a MAGA hoax. There’s no real evidence, just dirty picks for MTG to get off to!

Whatever, clown.
They deliberately LIED to the American People to sway the election..
That's a FACT.
You can contort into a pretzel all you want excuse it, it's what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
And oh by the way - NONE OF THEM WERE EMPLOYED BY GOV at the time of the statements.

Small detail. :D
Or they really thought the laptop was a Russian Scheme because it certainly looks like one.

Come on, a laptop that mysteriously appears at a computer shop with a legally blind, right wing owner, which just happens to have incriminating data on it about Hunter.
Your wishful thinking as a devout Democrat doesn’t count.
It’s not a fact, and even if true, it’s not illegal.

Can’t jail people for not-illegal acts.

You fail to understand basic legal concepts then call others clowns? Pure comedy.
Well there ya go, a member of the anything goes just to stay in power has provided their opinion: “it’s not illegal for 51 intelligence officials to lie to the American people in order to sway an election”.

Actually, it’s treason of the highest order.
Democrats try to twist the rule of law in their favor.
Most of the Democrat party representatives are lowlife soulless scumbag lawyers. They will do and say anything and have no conscience. In fact the vast majority of attorneys and trial lawyers are die hard Democrats.
Or they really thought the laptop was a Russian Scheme because it certainly looks like one.

Come on, a laptop that mysteriously appears at a computer shop with a legally blind, right wing owner, which just happens to have incriminating data on it about Hunter.

Looks like one because no one would be dumb enough to film himself doing drugs
and banging hookers and then forget the laptop at a repair shop. LOL!

Not to mention all the emails implicating the former vice president in foreign money crimes.
Only if they received money to do so.

Otherwise, they were just expressing an opinion based on the evidence available at the time.
Nope, it was treason through and through.

A former CIA official testified that then-Biden campaign senior adviser, now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken "played a role in the inception" of the public statement signed by current and past intelligence officials that claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Iased on Morell’s testimony, it is "apparent" that the Biden campaign "played an active role in the origins of the public statement, which had the effect of helping to suppress the Hunter Biden story and preventing American citizens from making a fully informed decision during the 2020 presidential election."
How'd those drug filled and pornographic videos get on the laptop?
Where is the evidence of any crime by President Biden on that laptop?

It was all about smearing the President's family because they couldn't smear Good Old Joe.

They would charge those 51 intelligence officers (and whoever involved) that said the Hunter lap top was Russian propaganda with conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 US elections. This is far worse than the stupid hush money bullshit they just did against Trump, which in essence was another election interference attempt by the Democrats. I wonder how many of these treasonous election operations the Left will conduct in order to save Biden’s ass.

The whole 'Hunter's Laptop' story is pure BULLSHIT.

First, when a computer repair shop has an abandoned computer with a bad hard drive, They'll throw the hard drive out an replace it with a new one. They have no reason to copy any data off of it.

Second, computer repair shops do not have the capability to recover data from a corrupted hard drive. They have to send it out to special labs to recover the data - and that costs $$$.

Third, while the computer repair shop may own the physical drive, they do not own the data on the drive. It would have been a severe violation of copy right laws for the shop to copy the data.

Fourth, each additional copy made and distributed would have been a severe violation of copy right law.

Fifth, movie and record companies have made absolutely sure that copy right laws are written in stone. There is no legal wiggle room whatsoever.

I understand that dups like yourself have no knowledge of how computer repair shops or copy right laws work. The MAGGOTS that dreamed up this BULLSHIT story counted on that.
Dipshit, try to stay on track, they didn’t go after the 51 traitors because leadership and management are all Leftist plants. It doesn't matter who’s president. These are all corrupted organizations.


Maybe you can find a 5-year-old that will believe your BULLSHIT!!!

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