If the Justice Dept and our institutions weren’t corrupted and hijacked by the Democrats

Here's what I think happened. I think the Russians or some other actors hacked Hunter's cloud account, downloaded some salacious stuff, added some stuff of their own, and then dumped it at the shop of a right wing hack.

What seems unlikely to me is that Hunter would have left a computer with a lot of sensitive personal and business information at a shop where he didn't know the owner personally, and then forgot about it.
Right, and Elvis is still alive.
The Left wants to fast forward the U.S. into a Marxist country run by UN and globalist thugs.
I would out the over/under on the number of words in that sentence whose meaning you actually know and understand at about 50%.
Dipshit, try to stay on track, they didn’t go after the 51 traitors because leadership and management are all Leftist plants.

Trump and Bill Barr...are not leadership? :cuckoo:

Idiot, Bill Barr could have investigated ANYONE HE WANTED TO and not a single DOJ underling could ever over-ride him and keep their job.

Now go ahead and sanely answer WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT TO CHARGE THEM FOR?
Trump and Bill Barr...are not leadership? :cuckoo:

Idiot, Bill Barr could have investigated ANYONE HE WANTED TO and not a single DOJ underling could ever over-ride him and keep their job.

Now go ahead and sanely answer WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT TO CHARGE THEM FOR?
Keep deflecting it won’t work. 51 so called leaders claimed that the lap top was a fake and Russian disinformation. In other words they conspired to hide the truth and commit election interference.
Keep deflecting it won’t work. 51 so called leaders claimed that the lap top was a fake and Russian disinformation. In other words they conspired to hide the truth and commit election interference.

Dummy, it's not illegal to make public claims (unless testifying under oath). It's also not illegal to conspire to hide truth and not illegal to commit election interference.

The only time any of that is illegal is when done for or by illegal means.

So what the hell do you want to charge them for?
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Dummy, it's not illegal to make public claims (unless testifying under oath). It's also not illegal to conspire to hide truth and not illegal to commit election interference.

The only time any of that is illegal is when done for or by illegal means.

So what the hell do you want to charge them for?
Typical Demtard thinks nothing is wrong with a group of CIA leaders conspiring to lie to the American people in order to interfere in an election to hide the truth about how corrupt, treasonous and disgusting Biden and his family are.
The justice department didn't prosecute Trump for any 'hush money'.

And prosecuting someone for crimes they actually committed isn't 'election interference'.

You seem confused.
You’re right about that, the justice dept refused to prosecute Trump for hush money because it found nothing wrong with it. Even Fat Alvin refused to prosecute the same case years ago, until they realized how bad their walking corpse of a president was doing and decided to hatch this unconstitutional bogus election interference case to save Biden‘s arse. Good news is it backfired big time and exposed the Democrats as treasonous thugs.
Keep deflecting it won’t work. 51 so called leaders claimed that the lap top was a fake and Russian disinformation. In other words they conspired to hide the truth and commit election interference.

Or they really thought the laptop was a Russian Scheme because it certainly looks like one.

Come on, a laptop that mysteriously appears at a computer shop with a legally blind, right wing owner, which just happens to have incriminating data on it about Hunter.
Dummy, it's not illegal to make public claims (unless testifying under oath). It's also not illegal to conspire to hide truth and not illegal to commit election interference.

The only time any of that is illegal is when done for or by illegal means.

So what the hell do you want to charge them for?
You are a special kind of STUPID!!!!!
Dummy, if lying to effect election was illegal then all politicians would be prosecutable.
Well that settles it.
The Intelligence Agencies of the United States are FREE to make up egregious bullshit LIES to the American People as long as it's for YOUR SIDE.
GOT IT!!!!!!
Well that settles it.
The Intelligence Agencies of the United States are FREE to make up egregious bullshit LIES to the American People as long as it's for YOUR SIDE.
GOT IT!!!!!!

Dummy it doesn’t matter what side, what matters is LAW.

Can’t jail people unless they provably broke a specific law.
Whatever, clown.
They deliberately LIED to the American People to sway the election..
That's a FACT.
You can contort into a pretzel all you want excuse it, it's what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

It’s not a fact, and even if true, it’s not illegal.

Can’t jail people for not-illegal acts.

You fail to understand basic legal concepts then call others clowns? Pure comedy.

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