If the Justice Dept and our institutions weren’t corrupted and hijacked by the Democrats

They would charge those 51 intelligence officers (and whoever involved) that said the Hunter lap top was Russian propaganda with conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 US elections. This is far worse than the stupid hush money bullshit they just did against Trump, which in essence was another election interference attempt by the Democrats. I wonder how many of these treasonous election operations the Left will conduct in order to save Biden’s ass.
You are spouting Russian propaganda in your very post.
Typical Demtard thinks nothing is wrong with a group of CIA leaders conspiring to lie to the American people in order to interfere in an election to hide the truth about how corrupt, treasonous and disgusting Biden and his family are.



FORMER Intelligence agents.

Duh, it's called Free Speech....

They do not work for our government, did you miss that part? They do not work for the DOJ, did you miss that part too Roudy?

So who again do you want retribution on? Why the DOJ? and the DOJ under Trump's control for a full 4 months after the incident??
The 51 intelligence experts were correct.

They collectively Called the blob a disaster; they were right about that too.

Recap -

The 51 intelligence agencies were not correct.

(They of course used non absolute words because they knew that they weren't.)

The FBI agent testified under oath that it was verified as actual and authentic in 2019
It was matched to an iCloud account.
There are no chain of custody issues in real life.
There were no objections by the Biden Defense Team during this process.

Some would say that candy is a hypocrite who wants to undermine our justice system.
I give her the benefit of the doubt, I think that she is simply overwhelming ignorant compounded by rampant

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