If the middle class is getting "peanuts" in this tax scam......?

They shouldn't but what are you basing your "little demand" premise on? Isn't demand growing right now? Are you expecting demand to decrease once these cuts in the marginal rates go into effect?

Moron....why are At & T and Apple and a whole lot of other companies expected to lay off thousands of people???..........Automation is part of the issue......but when you lay off a person, THAT person will not be able to buy the new I Phone.

LOL, if you're going to use ad hominem to attempt to avoid having to explain your own assertions you might want to at least attempt to make it less obvious.

Here you can have a FREE Clue: The question wasn't about the affects of automation on the labor force, the question was regarding your reasoning behind your assertion that there would be "little demand" post Trumpian Tax Package.

Once again I ask:
nightfox said:
Isn't demand growing right now? Are you expecting demand to decrease once these cuts in the marginal rates go into effect?

"Remember the 5 D's of dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge." -- Patches O'Houlihan

Look, I'm not here to educate right wing morons.......You and your ilk are the perfect sheep that the Trump Cult needs......

Companies will be laying off workers......which then implies that these UNEMPLOYED workers will not be demanding goods and services. Here are a couple of examples in this month alone.

AT&T lays off DirecTV workers despite pledge to create jobs | New ...

GE Is Laying Off 12,000 People From Its Power Business | Fortune

GE is the democrat party, by the way. I doubt you knew that.
Sure, fuck head.....and GE is ONLY firing democrat workers.....correct???

(go ply with yourself in some corner.....you're too stupid to be on here.)
Democrats are laying people off, fuck head.

I will compare sheep skins with your dumb ass any day of the fucking week, motherfucker.

You should move your goose-stepping commie ass to a socialist utopia so you can live as you choose. Either way, go fuck yourself.
Look, I'm not here to educate right wing morons.......
That's a relief, morons educating morons would be almost as bad as morons breeding with morons.

Of course as anyone can clearly see by reading your posts, the product of both is an even scarier proposition.

Companies will be laying off workers......which then implies that these UNEMPLOYED workers will not be demanding goods and services. Here are a couple of examples in this month alone.
LOL, What's that got to do with the demand effect of the marginal rate cuts that haven't even come into effect yet? You suggested cutting taxes by "80%" on the "middle class" how does that help workers that are laid off increase aggregate demand? Are those workers being laid off because their individual marginal rates are too high under the new Trumplestillskin tax plan?

Obama had 8 years to offer some tax relief and to even throw us a few peanuts. But, he didnt' do schit.
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?
Generally, the gop gets a pass with deficit inducing tax cuts that mostly benefit top earners, because the middle tends to just not be that envious or have some agenda for punishing those who make more, and as you note, they'll see some cash ...for the most part. W was never taken to task, even though the upper earners were more enthusiastic for killing the surplus than was the middle. And Reagan got a pass for his deficits, and to be fair, he might not have approved of our level of defense spending in the Bush Clinton years, and even they struggled to reign it in.

But the gop has promised an economy that will grow out of the coming debt crisis, where we have to choose one of three options: default, significantly reduce defense and cease to be the guarantor of free trade markets, or make medicare and soc sec need based welfare and make retirement something like Britain in the 60s.
A peanut is more than Obama or Hillary would have given back. So, i won't scoff at a penny. It's a start. And, i agree it's more business oriented, but if businesses do well then people will have these things called JOBS to pay their bills.
Millions of Americans got healthcare. Which Republicans want to take away to give even more money to billionaires.

Millions of poor children got school lunches. Republicans want to get rid of that so they can give more to billionaires.

Republicans want to cut food stamps for veterans, so they can give that money to billionaires.

These are the groups that Obama and Hillary supported.

Republicans think that's a waste of money because we need to be giving that money to needy billionaires.
Tax cuts are a good thing. Why the middle class cut wadnt double is hard to explain.
A peanut is more than Obama or Hillary would have given back. So, i won't scoff at a penny. It's a start. And, i agree it's more business oriented, but if businesses do well then people will have these things called JOBS to pay their bills.
Millions of Americans got healthcare. Which Republicans want to take away to give even more money to billionaires.

Millions of poor children got school lunches. Republicans want to get rid of that so they can give more to billionaires.

Republicans want to cut food stamps for veterans, so they can give that money to billionaires.

These are the groups that Obama and Hillary supported.

Republicans think that's a waste of money because we need to be giving that money to needy billionaires.

Nobody is given anybody anything, they are just taking less. Why can't the left understand the difference?
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?

The economy has already strengthened so the tax cuts are not going to do anything about that. There are plenty of jobs that are out there that employers can't find employees because they are not qualified or cannot move. The economy improved under Obama even though Obama had nothing to do with it.
A peanut is more than Obama or Hillary would have given back. So, i won't scoff at a penny. It's a start. And, i agree it's more business oriented, but if businesses do well then people will have these things called JOBS to pay their bills.
We needed a "business oriented" tax plan IMO.
The private sector has been getting screwed for decades.

I assume you approve of raising taxes on individuals to pay for tax cuts for businesses some of which will likely pay no taxes since the AMT was dumped.
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?

The economy has already strengthened so the tax cuts are not going to do anything about that. There are plenty of jobs that are out there that employers can't find employees because they are not qualified or cannot move. The economy improved under Obama even though Obama had nothing to do with it.

The reason employers can't find employees is because our federal government is competing with them. Social programs pay just as good if not better than some of these jobs so people opt to sit home. The other problem is that there are a lot of people that can't pass the drug test and it's not worth their sacrifice to give up pot for work.
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?

Hillary was the Choice of the One Percent.

Your premise that the RIch are Republicans is long ago debunked.
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?

Many of those "evil" corporations and "evil" rich people are democrats and democrat supporters. Tax cuts benefit everyone, no matter which party they back or belong to. When corps pay less taxes they can pay higher salaries and provide better benefits, and their share prices go up which benefits everyone with a 401K.

the stimulation is already happening as several very big companies are passing out bonuses and pay increases.

Trump is doing what we sent him to DC to do.

They are also laying off people. Maybe that is where the money is coming from. Corporations will only raise pay if they have to and will hire people only when necessary. The rich get most of the benefits of higher stock prices. 401Ks get some but nowhere near the bulk of it.
A peanut is more than Obama or Hillary would have given back. So, i won't scoff at a penny. It's a start. And, i agree it's more business oriented, but if businesses do well then people will have these things called JOBS to pay their bills.
you nailed it.:udaman:
you would not have even seen a crumb from the wicked witch of the west had she won.
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?

The economy has already strengthened so the tax cuts are not going to do anything about that. There are plenty of jobs that are out there that employers can't find employees because they are not qualified or cannot move. The economy improved under Obama even though Obama had nothing to do with it.

The reason employers can't find employees is because our federal government is competing with them. Social programs pay just as good if not better than some of these jobs so people opt to sit home. The other problem is that there are a lot of people that can't pass the drug test and it's not worth their sacrifice to give up pot for work.

High tech jobs pay way better than social programs. You are really ignorant.

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