If the middle class is getting "peanuts" in this tax scam......?

Your premise that the RIch are Republicans is long ago debunked.

One more smack down from a different perspective

List of 3 current members of the United States Congress by wealth

Name Party

1 Rep. Greg Gianforte Republican
2 Rep. Darrell Issa Republican
3 Rep. Michael McCaul Republican

I wonder why you stopped there?

PARTY OF THE RICH: Democrats Are 7 Of 10 Wealthiest Members Of Congress

Because I counted the RICHEST THREE.......Was Gianforte in your little list?
And that's why Democrats are going to ream the Republicans on this issue. And there's not a damn thing you Republican whiners can do about that. The more you talk about it to people and tell them how happy they should be with their peanuts, the madder you'll make them.

What's actually amazing to me is that most of these right wing idiots on here are PRECISELY those "monkeys" getting that ONE peanut....

(But, that's the nature of CULT membership, I guess.....LOL)
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?

So you think the average family getting a couple hundred bucks a month for the next 10 year's is not a good thing?

What planet do you live on super retard?
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?
when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.
200 hundred a month?....nat i know a rich fucker like you could not comprehend this....but there are a lot of people where that couple of hundred a month will be pretty dam nice....
A peanut is more than Obama or Hillary would have given back.

Learn a bit of recent history so that you wouldn't come off as a complete idiot.

Obama signed off on two major tax cuts for middle-class families: the Making Work Pay tax credit that was part of the economic stimulus of 2009 and a temporary reduction in Social Security payroll taxes that went into effect in 2011.

As part of the stimulus, formally known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, single workers collected a $400 tax credit, and working couples got $800. The credit didn’t come in the form of a check; it worked out so that most workers had about $400 less in federal income taxes withheld from their paychecks spread out over the entire year.

Most workers received a tax cut under that plan, with the exception of some high earners. The tax cuts phased out for couples who make more than $250,000 or a single person making over $200,000, according to an analysis from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center .
nat that was great....until in my state your fucking buddies raised state taxes,instead of getting that 40 bucks more a week,i ended up with about 10.....so much for that tax break....
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?

No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors)”

“GOP donors”?

Hold on a minute....I thought the DNC raised half a billion between HRC and Wacky Bernie?
Are you under the impression there were no corporate donors funding the DNC?
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?
when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.
200 hundred a month?....nat i know a rich fucker like you could not comprehend this....but there are a lot of people where that couple of hundred a month will be pretty dam nice....

You notice how the libtards on here hate the poor now because it was a republican bill passed by Trump ?

If Trump gave every poor person in America a million dollars each , solved world hunger , made peace in the world for thousand years beat space Invaders from Mars

They would still be against Trump
So you think the average family getting a couple hundred bucks a month for the next 10 year's is not a good thing?

What planet do you live on super retard?

What planet??? The smarter one that does not fall for scams....

Who, you might ask, is paying for these tax cuts to the richest 1% over the ten year period? The answer can be discovered by taking a look at those unlucky taxpayers who start off with a tax cut in 2018, but by 2027 are paying more in tax than they would under current law:

Income Level Percentage with tax increase Average tax increase
2018 2027 2018 2027
$0 - $25,000 2% 14% $780 $290
$25,000-$48,600 6% 25% $830 $680
$48,600 - $86,100 9% 30% $1,010 $1,150
$86,100 - $149,400 11% 28% $1,550 $2,090
$149,400 - $216,800 13% 37% $1,920 $2,880
$216,800 - $307,900 16% 47% $2,070 $3,540
$307,900 - $732,800 6% 26% $4,250 $6,450
>$732,800 20% 33% $43,070 $61,770

That "middle class tax cut" doesn't last so long, does it? By 2027, those earning between $25,000 and $307,000 watch their chance of having a tax increase when compared to current law go from single or low-double digits to a greater than 30% likelihood. The richest 5% see an increase as well, but remember, this is the only class of taxpayer who's average tax cut actually increases in 2027 when compared to 2018.

The House Tax Bill: Middle Class Cut Or Big Bait-And-Switch?
You notice how the libtards on here hate the poor now because it was a republican bill passed by Trump ?

If Trump gave every poor person in America a million dollars each , solved world hunger , made peace in the world for thousand years beat space Invaders from Mars

They would still be against Trump

READ.......LEARN.....ABANDON the CULT......LOL

A middle-class tax cut? Hardly. - LA Times
No trump supporter with even a half brain functioning would deny that the lion share of this tax scam is NOT going to the conglomerates (GOP donors) ........while a few dollars are being given to the middle class as tokens to keep the mantra of a "middle class tax cut".......

So, the question is a simple one.......will the few dollars that the middle class will be getting in the next few years be enough to stimulate the economy???

Bear in mind that large companies ONLY expand their goods and services when there is a demand for those goods and services.....and such demands arise from the middle class......

Conversely, if the demand is low, WHAT incentives will there be for companies to hire more people ....or raise salaries???

Most likely, the windfall of tax cuts for these conglomerates (borrowed money, BTW) will be spent in buying back stocks and paying premiums which....to a high percentage are also paid to foreign investors.

So, after the cheering subsides when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.......what realistic factors will be stimulating the U.S. economy toward more growth?
when the average family will get a couple of hundred dollars per month.
200 hundred a month?....nat i know a rich fucker like you could not comprehend this....but there are a lot of people where that couple of hundred a month will be pretty dam nice....

You notice how the libtards on here hate the poor now because it was a republican bill passed by Trump ?

If Trump gave every poor person in America a million dollars each , solved world hunger , made peace in the world for thousand years beat space Invaders from Mars

They would still be against Trump
well dean,nat and tiger would anyway...
So you think the average family getting a couple hundred bucks a month for the next 10 year's is not a good thing?

What planet do you live on super retard?

What planet??? The smarter one that does not fall for scams....

Who, you might ask, is paying for these tax cuts to the richest 1% over the ten year period? The answer can be discovered by taking a look at those unlucky taxpayers who start off with a tax cut in 2018, but by 2027 are paying more in tax than they would under current law:

Income Level Percentage with tax increase Average tax increase
2018 2027 2018 2027
$0 - $25,000 2% 14% $780 $290
$25,000-$48,600 6% 25% $830 $680
$48,600 - $86,100 9% 30% $1,010 $1,150
$86,100 - $149,400 11% 28% $1,550 $2,090
$149,400 - $216,800 13% 37% $1,920 $2,880
$216,800 - $307,900 16% 47% $2,070 $3,540
$307,900 - $732,800 6% 26% $4,250 $6,450
>$732,800 20% 33% $43,070 $61,770

That "middle class tax cut" doesn't last so long, does it? By 2027, those earning between $25,000 and $307,000 watch their chance of having a tax increase when compared to current law go from single or low-double digits to a greater than 30% likelihood. The richest 5% see an increase as well, but remember, this is the only class of taxpayer who's average tax cut actually increases in 2027 when compared to 2018.

The House Tax Bill: Middle Class Cut Or Big Bait-And-Switch?

And retard did Obama make bush Jr tax cuts perment yes or no?

It's all projection..who knows if this tax cut spurs more technology achievements like another dot com?

Company's have more capital now to invest ..

We all know Elton musk uses the US government as a cash cow right?

So now he has more money to invest in his hyper loops , sending men to Mars

200 hundred a month?....nat i know a rich fucker like you could not comprehend this....but there are a lot of people where that couple of hundred a month will be pretty dam nice....

Well, this may surprise you....But, Marie Antoinette actually DID give out some cakes to the peasants who were asking for bread........Didn't work out too well for her in the end.

You may be easily fooled by a couple of hundred bucks which you'll have to pat back with interest in 2025........but most sane people see this as a scam.
nat that was great....until in my state your fucking buddies raised state taxes,instead of getting that 40 bucks more a week,i ended up with about 10.....so much for that tax break....

.......LOL.......and I can "guarantee" you that your state taxes will not be raised under a Trump administration...........

MOVE, moron.......
You notice how the libtards on here hate the poor now because it was a republican bill passed by Trump ?

If Trump gave every poor person in America a million dollars each , solved world hunger , made peace in the world for thousand years beat space Invaders from Mars

They would still be against Trump

READ.......LEARN.....ABANDON the CULT......LOL

A middle-class tax cut? Hardly. - LA Times

Again why are you against the working poor?
nat that was great....until in my state your fucking buddies raised state taxes,instead of getting that 40 bucks more a week,i ended up with about 10.....so much for that tax break....

.......LOL.......and I can "guarantee" you that your state taxes will not be raised under a Trump administration...........

MOVE, moron.......

Why would they be ? Oh yeah they must pay for 150 grand a year dog catchers and 400 grand a year school superintendents its in their union contracts
You notice how the libtards on here hate the poor now because it was a republican bill passed by Trump ?

If Trump gave every poor person in America a million dollars each , solved world hunger , made peace in the world for thousand years beat space Invaders from Mars

They would still be against Trump

READ.......LEARN.....ABANDON the CULT......LOL

A middle-class tax cut? Hardly. - LA Times

Again why are you against the working poor?

"Brilliant" question that must have come out of your behind after a few grunts.

Go to bed......The topic is way over your I.Q.

Take your peanuts and go celebrate.
You notice how the libtards on here hate the poor now because it was a republican bill passed by Trump ?

If Trump gave every poor person in America a million dollars each , solved world hunger , made peace in the world for thousand years beat space Invaders from Mars

They would still be against Trump

READ.......LEARN.....ABANDON the CULT......LOL

A middle-class tax cut? Hardly. - LA Times

Again why are you against the working poor?

"Brilliant" question that must have come out of your behind after a few grunts.

Go to bed......The topic is way over your I.Q.

Take your peanuts and go celebrate.

That's your retort personal attacks ?

Again super rich tard why are you against the working poor?

A few hundred bucks a month every month for ten years goes along way..

Not Ike Obama's one time almost a trillion dollars stimulus..

That gave people just a lousy $400 bucks

Stupid fuck
200 hundred a month?....nat i know a rich fucker like you could not comprehend this....but there are a lot of people where that couple of hundred a month will be pretty dam nice....

Well, this may surprise you....But, Marie Antoinette actually DID give out some cakes to the peasants who were asking for bread........Didn't work out too well for her in the end.

You may be easily fooled by a couple of hundred bucks which you'll have to pat back with interest in 2025........but most sane people see this as a scam.
nat this may surprise rich fuckers like yourself....but a hell of a lot of people live paycheck to pay check and may not care,all they care about is right now,and right now they have 200 more dollars to live on dumbass...
nat that was great....until in my state your fucking buddies raised state taxes,instead of getting that 40 bucks more a week,i ended up with about 10.....so much for that tax break....

.......LOL.......and I can "guarantee" you that your state taxes will not be raised under a Trump administration...........

MOVE, moron.......
i did dipshit...it was just pathetic how obama was trying to give everyone some more bucks to live on,and his own party in my State said fuck that,we need that money more than the people....hey nat i notice you have a flag sticking out of your ass with a D on it....doesnt that bother you?...

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