If the point of the 2nd amendment is protect from tyrannical gov, why would you give them any info

Why the government needs to know who they can rely upon and who to call when we need to round up a militia. Why are gun owners wanting to shirk their duty under the Constitution to provide for the common defense?
Why the government needs to know who they can rely upon and who to call when we need to round up a militia. Why are gun owners wanting to shirk their duty under the Constitution to provide for the common defense?

that common defense also applies against the government if they go outside their duties and become totalitarian,,
Why the government needs to know who they can rely upon and who to call when we need to round up a militia. Why are gun owners wanting to shirk their duty under the Constitution to provide for the common defense?
Are all people available for duty not just gun owners?
I've already provided for the common defense once. Plus, militias of that period were not required to tell the government anything about their weapons. If a militia is needed plenty of volunteers will appear I think.
I believe the Founder's point of the second amendment, is for the States to protect themselves upon an immediate invasion... and for self defense.

Because there was no Federal government "standing Army" in their time, our Constitution forbade it, and there was purposely not a standing federal Army in their time because the founders did not want the federal government to have one, unless called upon by 2/3's of Congress, for War.... or necessity.

Since there was no federal standing Army, the States each, on their own, had to protect themselves from invaders and other things, all by their lonesome...
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I believe the Founder's point of the second amendment, is for the States to protect themselves upon an immediate invasion... and for self defense.

Because there was no Federal government "standing Army" in their time, our Constitution forbade it, and there purposely was not a standing federal Army in their time because the founders did not want the federal government to have one, unless called upon by 2/3's of Congress, for War.

Since there was no federal standing Army, the States each, on their own, had to protect themselves from invaders and other things, all by their lonesome...

You believe bullshit. Anyone with even half a funtioning brain knows what and why the 2nd amendment is there.
I believe the Founder's point of the second amendment, is for the States to protect themselves upon an immediate invasion... and for self defense.

Because there was no Federal government "standing Army" in their time, our Constitution forbade it, and there purposely was not a standing federal Army in their time because the founders did not want the federal government to have one, unless called upon by 2/3's of Congress, for War.

Since there was no federal standing Army, the States each, on their own, had to protect themselves from invaders and other things, all by their lonesome...

I have to disagree. There is, nor was, any prohibition in the Constitution about having a standing army. There was a limitation however.

Specifically, "To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;"

While an army could be raised of limited duration, Congress maintained control of the purse strings.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12. https://www.usconstitution.net/xconst_A1Sec8.html
I believe the Founder's point of the second amendment, is for the States to protect themselves upon an immediate invasion... and for self defense.

Because there was no Federal government "standing Army" in their time, our Constitution forbade it, and there purposely was not a standing federal Army in their time because the founders did not want the federal government to have one, unless called upon by 2/3's of Congress, for War.

Since there was no federal standing Army, the States each, on their own, had to protect themselves from invaders and other things, all by their lonesome...

I have to disagree. There is, nor was, any prohibition in the Constitution about having a standing army. There was a limitation however.

Specifically, "To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;"

While an army could be raised of limited duration, Congress maintained control of the purse strings.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12. https://www.usconstitution.net/xconst_A1Sec8.html
means a full time Army that would not need to be drawn.... like we have now.... with our Military.

An Army could be drawn when necessary by the Feds, a standing Army would mean they were at the federal gvt's immediate and available disbursement....

as we have now with our Army, Air Force, Marines, did not exist back then... we did have a Navy that was standing, I believe?
OK, that is a point that can be argued. I see it as standing army with a limited term, you disagree.

Yes, there was a Navy (Clause 13), Rules for Government & Regulation of land & naval forces (Clause 14), etc.

The US Army was created on September 29, 1789. The Marines trace their history back to the Continental Marine (and celebrate that as their birthday), and were disbanded at the end of the war. The Marines were re-established in July of 1798.
I believe the Founder's point of the second amendment, is for the States to protect themselves upon an immediate invasion... and for self defense.

Because there was no Federal government "standing Army" in their time, our Constitution forbade it, and there purposely was not a standing federal Army in their time because the founders did not want the federal government to have one, unless called upon by 2/3's of Congress, for War.

Since there was no federal standing Army, the States each, on their own, had to protect themselves from invaders and other things, all by their lonesome...

Anyone with even half a funtioning brain knows what and why the 2nd amendment is there.

Yes, anyone with half of a functioning brain does know why the 2nd amendment was created. You should look it up! Or do you want me to spoon feed you?
Why the government needs to know who they can rely upon and who to call when we need to round up a militia. Why are gun owners wanting to shirk their duty under the Constitution to provide for the common defense?
Dekster is a troll with the thinking that the Walmart bunch is stupid. Any list the government has is suspicious and not needed. The Militia will not give out information we just show up if WE see that WE are needed. List are for people to be located tracked nothing else. You don't think the Government is going to phone us to show up....if you do you are really stupid. Try again Dekster.
Why the government needs to know who they can rely upon and who to call when we need to round up a militia. Why are gun owners wanting to shirk their duty under the Constitution to provide for the common defense?
Not only that but some of the Civilian units are supply units that have food ammo, meds for the front line units.
I believe the Founder's point of the second amendment, is for the States to protect themselves upon an immediate invasion... and for self defense.

Because there was no Federal government "standing Army" in their time, our Constitution forbade it, and there purposely was not a standing federal Army in their time because the founders did not want the federal government to have one, unless called upon by 2/3's of Congress, for War.

Since there was no federal standing Army, the States each, on their own, had to protect themselves from invaders and other things, all by their lonesome...

Anyone with even half a funtioning brain knows what and why the 2nd amendment is there.

Yes, anyone with half of a functioning brain does know why the 2nd amendment was created. You should look it up! Or do you want me to spoon feed you?

you dont have to look it up since the reason is the first half of the 2nd A
I believe the Founder's point of the second amendment, is for the States to protect themselves upon an immediate invasion... and for self defense.

Because there was no Federal government "standing Army" in their time, our Constitution forbade it, and there purposely was not a standing federal Army in their time because the founders did not want the federal government to have one, unless called upon by 2/3's of Congress, for War.

Since there was no federal standing Army, the States each, on their own, had to protect themselves from invaders and other things, all by their lonesome...

Anyone with even half a funtioning brain knows what and why the 2nd amendment is there.

Yes, anyone with half of a functioning brain does know why the 2nd amendment was created. You should look it up! Or do you want me to spoon feed you?

I don't need to look it up. It's only one sentance and I remember it well. If you need to look it up, you've proved my point. And yes I can also read and understand the English language without some political asshole telling me what they want something to mean. It means exactly what it says, nothing more and nothing less.
I believe the Founder's point of the second amendment, is for the States to protect themselves upon an immediate invasion... and for self defense.

Because there was no Federal government "standing Army" in their time, our Constitution forbade it, and there purposely was not a standing federal Army in their time because the founders did not want the federal government to have one, unless called upon by 2/3's of Congress, for War.

Since there was no federal standing Army, the States each, on their own, had to protect themselves from invaders and other things, all by their lonesome...

Anyone with even half a funtioning brain knows what and why the 2nd amendment is there.

Yes, anyone with half of a functioning brain does know why the 2nd amendment was created. You should look it up! Or do you want me to spoon feed you?

I don't need to look it up. It's only one sentance and I remember it well. If you need to look it up, you've proved my point. And yes I can also read and understand the English language without some political asshole telling me what they want something to mean. It means exactly what it says, nothing more and nothing less.
so tell us what the founder's reasoning was.... you claim you know, and disagreed with my statement, but did not specify what you so adamantly disagreed with?
Many in the Founding generation believed that governments are prone to use soldiers to oppress the people. English history suggested that this risk could be controlled by permitting the government to raise armies (consisting of full-time paid troops) only when needed to fight foreign adversaries. For other purposes, such as responding to sudden invasions or other emergencies, the government could rely on a militia that consisted of ordinary civilians who supplied their own weapons and received some part-time, unpaid military training.

The 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
OK, that is a point that can be argued. I see it as standing army with a limited term, you disagree.

Yes, there was a Navy (Clause 13), Rules for Government & Regulation of land & naval forces (Clause 14), etc.

The US Army was created on September 29, 1789. The Marines trace their history back to the Continental Marine (and celebrate that as their birthday), and were disbanded at the end of the war. The Marines were re-established in July of 1798.
I think if you read up on it, it seems the founders used the term ''standing army'' as a permanent, paid every day and 10 years to 25 years out in some spending programs, with a never ending expiration date, (like we have now) instead of 2 years at a time if and when needed, then a re-authorization required if and when needed...

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