If the president is not safe, no one is safe.

The president and first lady have tested positive for Covid-19; there is little doubt that no one is safe. We are in a state of attack from a foe that comes disguised like a Trojan Horse. It makes every friend an enemy. It hides in apparently innocuous places and delivers itself covertly via the overt tendencies of its targets to gather in groups. It is the ultimate superweapon and it appears to have the footprint of human engineering. It has an unnerving unnatural aspect to it. Did someone open a Pandora’s box?

Wouldn’t that be the real story? Why is the 600-pound gorilla in the room ignored? Does anyone have any idea what gain-of-function research is? Pathogens exist in nature, but the majority are random and fail to reach pandemic proportions because they lack the necessary connections to attach themselves to the mechanisms of cellular structure that are in place to defeat them with immune responses. What if bioresearch could use DNA technology to weave and combine special connecting abilities from other viruses into new viruses so they could circumvent nature?

What would happen if a Frankenstein scenario like this got out of hand? No need to wonder; it is happening right before our eyes. When the President of the United States is not safe, no one is safe. We are playing with fire on this issue because this is an election year in our country and partisans are using the intended or unintended release of a crafted bioweapon for political advantage while the economic destruction of our country unfolds like a slow rumbling wrecking ball.

Whether someone wears a mask or not has very little relevance in the way of protection because there is no effective physical barrier to contact or airborne plague that is on the march 24 hours a day in every corner of society. There are too many variables in the mix and the poison just lurks waiting for any lapse in human judgement which is inevitable.

Can we turn to science to save us? First we have to realize that science is what has attacked us. This is not just a national threat, it is a global threat and if the human species is going to survive there are certain ethical protocols that must be followed and this business about we have to do it because others are doing it will take us down.

The President and 1st Lady caught the virus.....AND?

The average person doesn't nearly come into contact with as many people as the President and his wife. Joe Biden doesn't hardly come into contact with anyone because he does little else than hide in his basement. So it is no surprise that he and the 1st Lady has finally gotten it.

There are millions of Americans walking around with it with no symptoms.

There is a high chance almost everyone is going to catch it at some point...unless you live a life like the famous 'Bubble Boy' ... or stay constantly in your basement.

There is no need for fear-mongering.

The President caught the virus because Donald Trump is a stupid ass. And his old fat ass is very high risk. He kept insisting on holding rallies and fundraisers, and he doesn't wear a mask. When you ignore the scientists on a daily basis, you put yourself at risk.

But I'm not going to pray for his recovery or wish him well. I wish him KARMA. No one deserves it more.
He made fun of Biden's mask wearing at the debate....
The president and first lady have tested positive for Covid-19; there is little doubt that no one is safe. We are in a state of attack from a foe that comes disguised like a Trojan Horse. It makes every friend an enemy. It hides in apparently innocuous places and delivers itself covertly via the overt tendencies of its targets to gather in groups. It is the ultimate superweapon and it appears to have the footprint of human engineering. It has an unnerving unnatural aspect to it. Did someone open a Pandora’s box?

Wouldn’t that be the real story? Why is the 600-pound gorilla in the room ignored? Does anyone have any idea what gain-of-function research is? Pathogens exist in nature, but the majority are random and fail to reach pandemic proportions because they lack the necessary connections to attach themselves to the mechanisms of cellular structure that are in place to defeat them with immune responses. What if bioresearch could use DNA technology to weave and combine special connecting abilities from other viruses into new viruses so they could circumvent nature?

What would happen if a Frankenstein scenario like this got out of hand? No need to wonder; it is happening right before our eyes. When the President of the United States is not safe, no one is safe. We are playing with fire on this issue because this is an election year in our country and partisans are using the intended or unintended release of a crafted bioweapon for political advantage while the economic destruction of our country unfolds like a slow rumbling wrecking ball.

Whether someone wears a mask or not has very little relevance in the way of protection because there is no effective physical barrier to contact or airborne plague that is on the march 24 hours a day in every corner of society. There are too many variables in the mix and the poison just lurks waiting for any lapse in human judgement which is inevitable.

Can we turn to science to save us? First we have to realize that science is what has attacked us. This is not just a national threat, it is a global threat and if the human species is going to survive there are certain ethical protocols that must be followed and this business about we have to do it because others are doing it will take us down.

The President and 1st Lady caught the virus.....AND?

The average person doesn't nearly come into contact with as many people as the President and his wife. Joe Biden doesn't hardly come into contact with anyone because he does little else than hide in his basement. So it is no surprise that he and the 1st Lady has finally gotten it.

There are millions of Americans walking around with it with no symptoms.

There is a high chance almost everyone is going to catch it at some point...unless you live a life like the famous 'Bubble Boy' ... or stay constantly in your basement.

There is no need for fear-mongering.

The President caught the virus because Donald Trump is a stupid ass. And his old fat ass is very high risk. He kept insisting on holding rallies and fundraisers, and he doesn't wear a mask. When you ignore the scientists on a daily basis, you put yourself at risk.

But I'm not going to pray for his recovery or wish him well. I wish him KARMA. No one deserves it more.

And with a positive test, he kicked Joe Biden’s ass in the debate. :laughing0301:

I hope Justin Trudeau gets hit by a train.
Result of crappy response and no leadership. Other countries have controlled it much better. The wealthiest country in the world with the most expensive healthcare and we have the most deaths.
No other country except China has as many people as we do- for starters. Secondly, China's "controlling" it is what?
It amazes me that TDS is responsible for so much maliciousness- it doesn't surprise me, but, it does amaze me- it goes hand in hand with the country wide ignorance ingrained from Public Education and validated by the talking head celebrity wanna be's pretending to be something they ain't- twice. 1), smart/higher educated, and 2) objective.
India? You are not smart...
The president and first lady have tested positive for Covid-19; there is little doubt that no one is safe. We are in a state of attack from a foe that comes disguised like a Trojan Horse. It makes every friend an enemy. It hides in apparently innocuous places and delivers itself covertly via the overt tendencies of its targets to gather in groups. It is the ultimate superweapon and it appears to have the footprint of human engineering. It has an unnerving unnatural aspect to it. Did someone open a Pandora’s box?

Wouldn’t that be the real story? Why is the 600-pound gorilla in the room ignored? Does anyone have any idea what gain-of-function research is? Pathogens exist in nature, but the majority are random and fail to reach pandemic proportions because they lack the necessary connections to attach themselves to the mechanisms of cellular structure that are in place to defeat them with immune responses. What if bioresearch could use DNA technology to weave and combine special connecting abilities from other viruses into new viruses so they could circumvent nature?

What would happen if a Frankenstein scenario like this got out of hand? No need to wonder; it is happening right before our eyes. When the President of the United States is not safe, no one is safe. We are playing with fire on this issue because this is an election year in our country and partisans are using the intended or unintended release of a crafted bioweapon for political advantage while the economic destruction of our country unfolds like a slow rumbling wrecking ball.

Whether someone wears a mask or not has very little relevance in the way of protection because there is no effective physical barrier to contact or airborne plague that is on the march 24 hours a day in every corner of society. There are too many variables in the mix and the poison just lurks waiting for any lapse in human judgement which is inevitable.

Can we turn to science to save us? First we have to realize that science is what has attacked us. This is not just a national threat, it is a global threat and if the human species is going to survive there are certain ethical protocols that must be followed and this business about we have to do it because others are doing it will take us down.

Hate to tell you this.....but the president is a threat to Democrats.....so they will try anything to take him down....even poisoning him.
The president and first lady have tested positive for Covid-19; there is little doubt that no one is safe. We are in a state of attack from a foe that comes disguised like a Trojan Horse. It makes every friend an enemy. It hides in apparently innocuous places and delivers itself covertly via the overt tendencies of its targets to gather in groups. It is the ultimate superweapon and it appears to have the footprint of human engineering. It has an unnerving unnatural aspect to it. Did someone open a Pandora’s box?

Wouldn’t that be the real story? Why is the 600-pound gorilla in the room ignored? Does anyone have any idea what gain-of-function research is? Pathogens exist in nature, but the majority are random and fail to reach pandemic proportions because they lack the necessary connections to attach themselves to the mechanisms of cellular structure that are in place to defeat them with immune responses. What if bioresearch could use DNA technology to weave and combine special connecting abilities from other viruses into new viruses so they could circumvent nature?

What would happen if a Frankenstein scenario like this got out of hand? No need to wonder; it is happening right before our eyes. When the President of the United States is not safe, no one is safe. We are playing with fire on this issue because this is an election year in our country and partisans are using the intended or unintended release of a crafted bioweapon for political advantage while the economic destruction of our country unfolds like a slow rumbling wrecking ball.

Whether someone wears a mask or not has very little relevance in the way of protection because there is no effective physical barrier to contact or airborne plague that is on the march 24 hours a day in every corner of society. There are too many variables in the mix and the poison just lurks waiting for any lapse in human judgement which is inevitable.

Can we turn to science to save us? First we have to realize that science is what has attacked us. This is not just a national threat, it is a global threat and if the human species is going to survive there are certain ethical protocols that must be followed and this business about we have to do it because others are doing it will take us down.

The President and 1st Lady caught the virus.....AND?

The average person doesn't nearly come into contact with as many people as the President and his wife. Joe Biden doesn't hardly come into contact with anyone because he does little else than hide in his basement. So it is no surprise that he and the 1st Lady has finally gotten it.

There are millions of Americans walking around with it with no symptoms.

There is a high chance almost everyone is going to catch it at some point...unless you live a life like the famous 'Bubble Boy' ... or stay constantly in your basement.

There is no need for fear-mongering.

The President caught the virus because Donald Trump is a stupid ass. And his old fat ass is very high risk. He kept insisting on holding rallies and fundraisers, and he doesn't wear a mask. When you ignore the scientists on a daily basis, you put yourself at risk.

But I'm not going to pray for his recovery or wish him well. I wish him KARMA. No one deserves it more.
What goes around comes around. We will never know how many people got the virus from attending Trump's stupid rallies where social distancing and mask-wearing were ignored.
We will never know how many people got the virus from attending Trump's stupid rallies where social distancing and mask-wearing were ignored.
True- we'll NEVER know because it's a fucking hoax.
He made fun of Biden's mask wearing at the debate....

He made fun of Biden being interviewed fifteen feet from the host outside and wearing a mask. As you Democrats like to say, political theater. You're not going to catch this thing outside unless you are right next to people for a period of time.
The president and first lady have tested positive for Covid-19; there is little doubt that no one is safe. We are in a state of attack from a foe that comes disguised like a Trojan Horse. It makes every friend an enemy. It hides in apparently innocuous places and delivers itself covertly via the overt tendencies of its targets to gather in groups. It is the ultimate superweapon and it appears to have the footprint of human engineering. It has an unnerving unnatural aspect to it. Did someone open a Pandora’s box?

Wouldn’t that be the real story? Why is the 600-pound gorilla in the room ignored? Does anyone have any idea what gain-of-function research is? Pathogens exist in nature, but the majority are random and fail to reach pandemic proportions because they lack the necessary connections to attach themselves to the mechanisms of cellular structure that are in place to defeat them with immune responses. What if bioresearch could use DNA technology to weave and combine special connecting abilities from other viruses into new viruses so they could circumvent nature?

What would happen if a Frankenstein scenario like this got out of hand? No need to wonder; it is happening right before our eyes. When the President of the United States is not safe, no one is safe. We are playing with fire on this issue because this is an election year in our country and partisans are using the intended or unintended release of a crafted bioweapon for political advantage while the economic destruction of our country unfolds like a slow rumbling wrecking ball.

Whether someone wears a mask or not has very little relevance in the way of protection because there is no effective physical barrier to contact or airborne plague that is on the march 24 hours a day in every corner of society. There are too many variables in the mix and the poison just lurks waiting for any lapse in human judgement which is inevitable.

Can we turn to science to save us? First we have to realize that science is what has attacked us. This is not just a national threat, it is a global threat and if the human species is going to survive there are certain ethical protocols that must be followed and this business about we have to do it because others are doing it will take us down.

The President and 1st Lady caught the virus.....AND?

The average person doesn't nearly come into contact with as many people as the President and his wife. Joe Biden doesn't hardly come into contact with anyone because he does little else than hide in his basement. So it is no surprise that he and the 1st Lady has finally gotten it.

There are millions of Americans walking around with it with no symptoms.

There is a high chance almost everyone is going to catch it at some point...unless you live a life like the famous 'Bubble Boy' ... or stay constantly in your basement.

There is no need for fear-mongering.

The President caught the virus because Donald Trump is a stupid ass. And his old fat ass is very high risk. He kept insisting on holding rallies and fundraisers, and he doesn't wear a mask. When you ignore the scientists on a daily basis, you put yourself at risk.

But I'm not going to pray for his recovery or wish him well. I wish him KARMA. No one deserves it more.

GMAB over the mask wearing!!! We know dems are only wearing them for theatrics, Pelosi didn't wear one when she didn't know she was on camera getting her hair done, Biden unmasked walks up to Cooper also unmasked when he thought cameras were off, Feinstein just recently caught without mask in airport, the media wearing of masks has been sporadic, with many members of the press being caught not following rules while infected with COVID...

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