If there is a ‘Great Replacement’ happening wouldn’t such a thing be the greatest “Threat To Democracy”?

If Tucker is right and replacing patriotic, nationalist caucasians who know, love and respect our Constitution, traditions, heritage and history with thirdworlders whom know nothing about the aforementioned and can’t careless about the state of the republic or it’s future is actually happening can you think of a greater threat to democracy?
(Sorry for the run-on sentence.)
No. Most Countries of "Color" are shitholes. Haiti is a typical example.
I consider any such vile attacks on my country and my fellow Americans to be a personal insult.
Meanwhile, outside of that Twilight Zone you’ve concocted, it is you globalists who have launched a “vile attack on my country and my fellow Americans” as you insist that we foster and fund the worlds filth…and pay them to fuck up our nation and maim, rape and murder our daughters.
Meanwhile, outside of that Twilight Zone you’ve concocted, it is you globalists who have launched a “vile attack on my country and my fellow Americans” as you insist that we foster and fund the worlds filth…and pay them to fuck up our nation and maim, rape and murder our daughters.
If you mean post #30 I dont agree that black people are genetically inferior to whites

But black culture is inferior

And I dont think saying so does not excuse personal insults from you
If you mean post #30 I dont agree that black people are genetically inferior to whites

But black culture is inferior

And I dont think saying so does not excuse personal insults from you
I stopped playing pathetic PC word games and goofy semantics long ago…Black people have created black culture, they own it…and only the genetically challenged could/would manifest, foster and expand upon such culture.

Unkotare can’t and won’t engage in meaningful discourse, he can’t because his positions are not rooted in facts or logic…they are all feelings based and FEELZ people can never defend their positions…Slinging mud is their defense mechanism.
Whites are not superior essentially to nonwhites. History moves inexorably forward, and white has no right to exclusivity for the future. It will be what it will be, kyzr.
Let's look at the Human Development Index.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia

Out of the top 20 countries, 16 are White and 4 are non-White. One of those non-White countries, UAE, is Caucasian. The other 3 are Asian. Out of the bottom 20, none are White and 20 are non-White. Out of those 20 only 2 are Caucasian. The rest are black. When it comes to creating prosperous societies, Whites are clearly superior.
If Tucker is right and replacing patriotic, nationalist caucasians who know, love and respect our Constitution, traditions, heritage and history with thirdworlders whom know nothing about the aforementioned and can’t careless about the state of the republic or it’s future is actually happening can you think of a greater threat to democracy?
(Sorry for the run-on sentence.)
As I posted about 10 years ago, this misstates the problem completely

National Survey Finds Just 1 in 3 Americans Would Pass Citizenship Test​

LOSER can’t talk about anything without focusing on skin color.
LOSER can’t talk about anything without focusing on skin color.
I met a nurse from Sweden a few years ago who was white

But most immigrants these days are other than white

And illegal, which she was not

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