The FBI Is Targeting Trump Supporters as Domestic Terrorists Proving Again that the FBI Is Arguably the Greatest Threat to Our Democracy

The GOP is clearly the party of law and order. The FBI used to be a trusted intelligence agency. The Democrats corrupted it and turned it into a hit squad.

That is correct!

Used to be .....that's the important connotation here......the FBI used to be an honorable organization!

Not anymore.
One of my new favorite things on this forum are how many people post links to the GWP and treat it like the words were handed down by Moses himself on the mountain.
That is correct!

Used to be .....that's the important connotation here......the FBI used to be an honorable organization!

Not anymore.
Lots of things both, good, and bad, “used to be”… What of tomorrow?
A secret police force is the hallmark of EVERY totalitarian regime of the last 100 years

They used to be the party of law and order

If they were corrupt who could say they're not doing those things here, on American soil???

You(American's) have no political representation whatsoever, do you understand that, none!

but in the meantime they're also using their power to extort and monopolize.

Try defending your home if cops come swatting.

the Useful Idiots usually get the bullets in the back of the head first in 'progressive' regimes.

Abraham Lincoln said we would never fall to an enemy from outside but t an enemy from within.

But millions of angry Americans would turn this country into a raging bloodbath trying to seek out anyone who looked like they could be a perpetrator.

What most Americans don't understand is all of our rights, freedoms, privilege, and so on we have ever lost, or will lose in this country will be because of our own government

You buy into all of the false flag shenanigans the CIA constructs on behalf of the Military-Industrial Complex/Washington Fascists.

methinks i need at least 3 fingers to work up a response.........~S~
It's time to disband the FBI......

In a recent report by far-left Newsweek the publication shared some very unsettling news. The FBI has increased the number of investigations of Trump supporters over the past two years.

"There are good FBI agents. We know this because of the dozens of whistleblowers coming forward now. But the bad greatly outweighs the good within the bureau so anything positive they’ve done in recent years is moot. To say the FBI should be kept because they occasionally do good work is like defending Nazis because they built roads. The evil is far greater than the good."

Published December 6, 2022

Trump is hosting Qanon and Pizza gate conspiracy crackpots at Mara Lago. The FBI isn't the problem. The terrorists who destroyed the NC electrical grid are the problem.
It's time to disband the FBI......

In a recent report by far-left Newsweek the publication shared some very unsettling news. The FBI has increased the number of investigations of Trump supporters over the past two years.

"There are good FBI agents. We know this because of the dozens of whistleblowers coming forward now. But the bad greatly outweighs the good within the bureau so anything positive they’ve done in recent years is moot. To say the FBI should be kept because they occasionally do good work is like defending Nazis because they built roads. The evil is far greater than the good."

Published December 6, 2022
I wonder if Al-Qaeda also complains about being treated like terrorists
Trump is hosting Qanon and Pizza gate conspiracy crackpots at Mara Lago. The FBI isn't the problem. The terrorists who destroyed the NC electrical grid are the problem.
Who were they..?
Not surprised;... If you insist. Assume the position, and I will grant your request. Never let it be said, that I'm not compassionate...
View attachment 736100
As I stated, you are numbered among the intellectually aborted class, those few babies allowed to live, but whose minds were murdered by fascist democrat cadres infesting the public school system. BTW what number jab you up to, four or five? I can easily envision you in your basement dutifully masked up, be certain you wear that sucker full time all the time, with but a little bit of good fortune, you'll be totally immune to all fearsome earth bound viruses & threats around 2025, perhaps sooner, won't that be wonderful, total immunity to everything, and remember that mask... :fu:
It's time to disband the FBI......

In a recent report by far-left Newsweek the publication shared some very unsettling news. The FBI has increased the number of investigations of Trump supporters over the past two years.

I wonder if Al-Qaeda also complains about being treated like terrorists
Al Quaida performs terrorist acts by design and they regard their acts as heroic. Trump supporters are not terrorists.
What of tomorrow? What’s your vision?
well what has it been historically would be an apt focus J-mac

it wouldn't be too hard to realize every democracy (yes i know, we're a democratic republic) from the Athenians on forward evolved

fun fact the term democracy hails from Greek people (demos) and rule (kratos)

The issue i see in this thread is the metric applied to quantify it

many have tried>>>

once definition is established, the motives for it's failure can also be>>

What of tomorrow? What’s your vision?
Inertia, and momentum. This retrograde spiral didn't begin yesterday. It won't be reversed tomorrow. Depending on your own preference for the type of world you want to live in; pay attention to the social vector, and position yourself accordingly. If one wants to see change, be the change. Let the old burn to the ground, as it certainly will. And as it is burning, spend ones time building something better that will still be standing once this dumpster fire burns itself out. It's a long game...
well what has it been historically would be an apt focus J-mac

it wouldn't be too hard to realize every democracy (yes i know, we're a democratic republic) from the Athenians on forward evolved

fun fact the term democracy hails from Greek people (demos) and rule (kratos)

The issue i see in this thread is the metric applied to quantify it

many have tried>>>

once definition is established, the motives for it's failure can also be>>

I’m a busy person sparky, could you put this in your own words please? I dont have time for a 19 page thesis, or cryptic response…Just out with it…
Inertia, and momentum. This retrograde spiral didn't begin yesterday. It won't be reversed tomorrow. Depending on your own preference for the type of world you want to live in; pay attention to the social vector, and position yourself accordingly. If one wants to see change, be the change. Let the old burn to the ground, as it certainly will. And as it is burning, spend ones time building something better that will still be standing once this dumpster fire burns itself out. It's a long game...
Something better, like what?

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