If there is one mistake in a book, then EVERYTHING in the book is wrong

If that book has obvious mistakes, and it is also the word of God, what does that mean?
Man's interpretation of it and your perception of their interpretation of it doesn’t make it wrong.

Back up a little bit. One of the main excuses I hear is that there is no problem with the Bible because even though it was compiled from many different ancient scrolls, and the choice of which scrolls were used or discarded was a mostly political choice, God guided the compilers so that they chose the right materials to represent his word. After all that, to say there is just a difference in interpretation makes the claimed of divine guidance a waste of time.
I’m not talking about the canonization. I am talking about the authors themselves and your understanding of what they wrote.

Divinely inspired but still written by imperfect men. Let’s take Genesis for example. The first 11 chapters are man’s understanding of the answers to the origin questions, historical events and selected wisdoms in an allegorical manner so that they could be easily remembered and passed down orally.
For the overwhelming majority of the contributing writers of the texts that came to comprise the Bible; the original authors, dates of writing, and locations of the authors of said writings, and the same for the translators of the aforementioned writing are wholly unkown. Nearly all of the writings are impossible to both substantiate, or corroborate. Which makes them next to useless for intellectual pursuit.
The fact that you hold this to a different standard to other events in antiquity is remarkable.

Nothing even comes close. Not in numbers, timing or accuracy.
The fact that you hold this to a different standard to other events in antiquity is remarkable.

Nothing even comes close. Not in numbers, timing or accuracy.

- is that why the christian bible was written in the 4th century, finished nearly 400 years after the event. not to mention a total irrelevancy to the actual occurrence and meaning for the message of the 1st century. no, they were not sinners.


are you playing dumb bing or just standing tall for christianity. goebbles is your friend, he does understand - you.
Right, atheists?
Only if the entire rest of the book is predicated on the error.

Such as, in the case of the bible. The first error is the evil, invented Yahweh character. And since the rest of the book is supposedly its "infallible word", then yeah, it's all garbage.

Which is pretty obvious these days, considering that, on every single topic, we have learned and improved on the litany of errors...history, science, morality, you name it...
Only if the entire rest of the book is predicated on the error.

Such as, in the case of the bible. The first error is the evil, invented Yahweh character. And since the rest of the book is supposedly its "infallible word", then yeah, it's all garbage.

Which is pretty obvious these days, considering that, on every single topic, we have learned and improved on the litany of errors...history, science, morality, you name it...

Those are strong words from a dude who perhaps have never read the bible in his entire life.

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