If they delete the ACA , we will have to go all out for the Universal Healthcare!!

And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?

While the VA isn't perfect, it's better than the civilian options. It's a good model to use.
No it isn’t and has been a mess for decades!
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
Plenty of examples of socialized medicine working all over the world. It is not a new radical idea at this point.

And most of those countries middle class to rich citizens go to third world countries to get medical procedures done.

Pass a Universal Healthcare Plan here and watch Mexico grow in tourism for people to see Doctors down there and there is nothing you can do!

Canada is a perfect example how their people would come here to avoid the waiting list and before you say it never happened I have seen it happen!

You can go to Mexico all you want as long as you pay your taxes. Those waiting lists are nothing, ever try making an elective surgery appointment in the US. The time is the same amount.

Many people move to Mexico for the cheapness of living. That is your choice.

Waiting list is as long to get a selective surgery here in the States as it is in Canada?

So you waited six months to a year?

I call bullshit on that one!

Also there are loopholes to paying certain taxes you may or may not know about and ain’t it funny how you demand taxes from people so you can pay for what you will never work for!
Everyone can't work for the gov, so you'd be ok with it for 2 years of service for everyone to have healthcare?
Depending on what the 2 years of service is, I might be OK with it, yeah. But this would have to be people who are ineligible for military service, and it would have to be of benefit to the country.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

Exactly. But that was coming nuclear option or not. The ACA should have been a starting point. Instead, Republicans spent the next decade making it a political football.
Used the courts to knock the legs out from underneath it. All the while, offering nothing of a plan in the way of their own. And no boys and girls, those two limp plans don't
count. Neither one made it past the scratching it on the back of a napkin phase. So we get pushed toward a universal or single payer healthcare system. This is what
right wingers don't get when they get lost in the rhetoric and sound bites of their "alternative" media. They are actually helping to make it a reality.
If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
But since Trump took over, the government HAS BEEN handling the VA quite well. Trump signed the MISSION ACT, replacing Obama's failed Choice Act, and ever since, the VA has been running smoothly. I have had multiple surgeries, nitrogen treatments,
various scans, medications, medical accessories, etc, all free and on time.

Maybe this should be added to the list in the OP. If Biden wins, does he repeal the MISSION ACT, and we go back to the bad old days of the VA, under Obama/Biden ?

Yes he is busy taking everything away from Obama. The Choice Act was fine. Times are not as busy now that we are not in war in Iraq. That was during Obama's time and what was left to him of the economy and the VA.

Healthcare workload on VA increased substantially from 2007 to 2013. VA experienced an increase of 46% in outpatient visits from 63 million in 2007 to 92 million in 2013. Also, inpatients treated increased 11% from over 811,000 to nearly 902,000.
If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
But since Trump took over, the government HAS BEEN handling the VA quite well. Trump signed the MISSION ACT, replacing Obama's failed Choice Act, and ever since, the VA has been running smoothly. I have had multiple surgeries, nitrogen treatments,
various scans, medications, medical accessories, etc, all free and on time.

Maybe this should be added to the list in the OP. If Biden wins, does he repeal the MISSION ACT, and we go back to the bad old days of the VA, under Obama/Biden ?

Yes he is busy taking everything away from Obama. The Choice Act was fine. Times are not as busy now that we are not in war in Iraq. That was during Obama's time and what was left to him of the economy and the VA.

Healthcare workload on VA increased substantially from 2007 to 2013. VA experienced an increase of 46% in outpatient visits from 63 million in 2007 to 92 million in 2013. Also, inpatients treated increased 11% from over 811,000 to nearly 902,000.

Do you think those patients under the VA system left the system and are no longer using the system?

The increase was from endless wars but those using the system are still in the system, so let be clear it seem your boy Obama failed to deal with the increase left from Bush...
Yes he is busy taking everything away from Obama. The Choice Act was fine.
The Choice Act was certainly NOT fine. It was limited to veterans who were waiting more than 30 days for an appointment, or those that lived more than 40 miles from a VA facility or faced similar travel burdens. It never solved the wait-time problem at VA, and instead, unfortunately created new hurdles for veterans seeking care in the community. In a 2017 report, VA's Office of Inspector General found veterans had to overcome "several barriers" in order to access care outside VA. These included "cumbersome authorization and scheduling procedures and inadequate provider networks."

In the first 11 months of the Choice Program, VA authorized about 283,500 appointments for veterans outside VA, and barely half of those appointments took place by the end of those 11 months.

Compare those results to the MISSION Act, which President Trump signed in order to fix these problems. The MISSION Act created the Veterans Community Care program, which is permanent and more comprehensive than the Veterans Choice Program. It allows Veterans to elect to receive care at non-VA facilities when they aren't close to a VA facility, have to wait too long for VA care, or when it's in their best medical interest.

That's a critical difference. The MISSION Act signed by Trump put veterans at the center of their care for the first time in history, allowing them to elect to receive outside expertise when they need it and improving their health outcomes.

Even better, the MISSION Act actually works. The numbers show there was pent-up demand for community care among veterans that the MISSION Act unleashed. In the nearly 15 months since the MISSION Act took effect, more than 2.4 million veterans have benefitted from more than 6.5 million referrals to community care.

While the old Choice Program suffered from not having enough community care partners, under the MISSION Act, VA is working with 725,000 private health care providers to ensure veterans have this option in the real world, not just on paper.

The MISSION Act also created a new urgent care benefit that gives eligible veterans access to urgent and walk-in care at participating non-VA clinics in their communities. This is a huge step forward in terms of convenience for our patients, as eligible veterans do not need to get prior authorization from VA to visit an urgent care provider in our network.

That means veterans don't have to find a VA facility if they sprain their ankle or develop a minor infection. They can get care close to home, and so far, more than 360,000 urgent care community appointments have occurred.

It is Trump's MISSION Act that is now delivering real, permanent choice to veterans, even though some media reporters and so-called "fact-checkers" have obscured this, by focusing on semantics.

And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
So when you sit on a toilet does the crap come out of the toilet and up your ass?
That is the only explanation for how full of shit you are.
Low information voter doesn't scratch the surface for you
It's not young military age people that make health care so expensive. It's old people trying to live forever and way too many people trying to get rich off of it.
My point was if you join the military when you're young, as I did at 18, then when you are much older (as I am now at 74), you get medical care, without having to pay. And it doesn't take "15-20 years" to happen.

Millions of young Americans can do it today, without any problem.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

How about the friggin government get out of the business of health care?

You pay your bills and I will pay mine and the government can get out of our lives.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
So when you sit on a toilet does the crap come out of the toilet and up your ass?
That is the only explanation for how full of shit you are.
Low information voter doesn't scratch the surface for you

Well apparently tramp think no rules apply to him, so Biden can make up the rules.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

I'm not wealthy. Which is exactly why I don't want politicians controlling health care.
If they can do it for vets, they can do it for civilians.
Sure, just by signing those civilians up for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard. And there are other branches of US govt that provide free medical care as well,

Not fully sure of these, but some possibilities to look into would be > Postal Service, ICE, DEA, FBI, CIA, DIA, Forest Service, National Parks, BLS, DHS, etc.

Everyone can't work for the gov, so you'd be ok with it for 2 years of service for everyone to have healthcare?

Why not, many countries require that. But I don't suggest it, myself. What I do suggest is we get a friggin handle on the Civilian Medical System and make it affordable one way or another.
Medical is a funny animal. The more government has gotten involved, the higher the costs have become. We also had eras in our past with many people going to clinics.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

I'm not wealthy. Which is exactly why I don't want politicians controlling health care.
Which is exactly why you need universal healthcare.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
Wrong.....we used to have the best health care system in the world....until the government started screwing it up with regulations.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

I'm not wealthy. Which is exactly why I don't want politicians controlling health care.
Which is exactly why you need universal healthcare.

Huh? I think you misread my comment. I'm saying I DON'T want politicians controlling healthcare.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

I'm not wealthy. Which is exactly why I don't want politicians controlling health care.
Which is exactly why you need universal healthcare.

Huh? I think you misread my comment. I'm saying I DON'T want politicians controlling healthcare.

You will have no choice if they mess with the ACA.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
Wrong.....we used to have the best health care system in the world....until the government started screwing it up with regulations.

Wrong, the ACA is soon to be deleted, if this happens we will have Universal Healthcare if they mess, the SC messes with the ACA, the republicans tried 70 times and they don't want to be the bad guys, they still need the vote, so they turned it over to the SC to be the bad guys.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

The first alternative you libs have, I'm sure you will push for fully socialized medicine, where the hoi polloi is condemned to getting care at government clinics and only the party elite can see quality doctors.

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