If they delete the ACA , we will have to go all out for the Universal Healthcare!!

The reason Medicare isn't peachy is that too many people that don't know what they are doing have a hand in managing it.

And that is only going to get worse when government manages all of healthcare
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
Actually not.

If Democrats win control of the Senate, it will be by a very slim majority – perhaps only two or three seats.

There will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans in opposition to MFA.

And should such legislation be passed, it will be struck down by a rightwing partisan Supreme Court, a five-justice majority of conservative ideologues.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
You can run but you can't hide. On Saturday 10/10/2020, I asked you this;

Saturday at 5:55 PM

Penelope said:

Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
"Everyone benefit from other people taxes."

I'll ask you the same question that's been asked of your illustrious Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Tax and Spend other peoples money leaders which they have NEVER answered. Let's see if YOU have the ability to answer it. How much is enough? Is It enough to take 40% of every dollar a person earns? Is 50% Enough? Is 60% Enough? Maybe 70% of EVERYTHING YOU MAKE should be taken from what you EARN to "benefit other people" Whats the number? I know you won't answer the question directly. NO pie in the sky, simple minded Utopian dreaming Liberal ever will or can. All you ever want is the fantasy end result with absolutely no idea of how to possibly get there.
When do you take ENOUGH of what a person EARNS through hard work to give to someone else before it becomes TOO much and they stop working? How much is TOO much before people stop working and just kick back and say enough, and then they themselves start sucking off the system? And when that happens, where is the money going to come from to "benefit" "other people" when more people are sucking money out then are putting money in? Grow up and get a clue how economics work.

And followed it up yesterday because as suspected you DID NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION;

Yesterday at 9:59 PM

Penelope said:

Everyone benefit from other people taxes.

They are not going to raise taxes on less than 400,000 , I think that is too much.
STILL waiting for your answer to my question.

Still Waiting GIF - StillWaiting Wait Bored GIFs

How much is enough? Just click on the link to give your answer. In it I said that you would NEVER answer the question. Are you going to prove me right?

What Say You Aragorn GIF - WhatSayYou Aragorn LOTR GIFs
Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.
If medicare sucks imagine how much worse Universal Medicaid will be

We will have to go for Universal Healthcare, not Medicare. Universal Healthcare is free, Medicare is not.
It doesn’t make any difference.

If a rightwing partisan Supreme Court, a five-justice majority of conservative ideologues, invalidates the ACA, it’s certainly going to strike down universal healthcare or MFA.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
Actually not.

If Democrats win control of the Senate, it will be by a very slim majority – perhaps only two or three seats.

There will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans in opposition to MFA.

And should such legislation be passed, it will be struck down by a rightwing partisan Supreme Court, a five-justice majority of conservative ideologues.

What so called "conservative " Democrat senators have the political courage to stand up to Biden and Schumer? I don't see it. Just about every single one of them went along with the Liberal Witchhunt against President Trump as well as backing the lies about Justice Kavanaugh.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
This is such a dumb argument. Congress had the chance to repeal Obamacare and decided not to do that. Clearly it's continued existence is the will of congress. It was the Individual Mandate Tax that was so objectionable, and that thorn was pulled from it, long ago.

As the lower courts have already explained, the courts can “fashion a remedy that actually redresses Plaintiffs’ harms.” And the Justice Department concurs with this approach. Contrary to the Left's lies and the Fake News, DOJ does not wish to invalidate the entire ACA. The solicitor general explained in his brief that “the relief the Court orders should be limited to redressing the injury actually incurred—that is, the relief should reach only the enforcement of the ACA provisions that injure the individual plaintiffs.” There is widespread agreement with this.

The ACA has two segments: insurance purchased on the ACA exchanges and insurance purchased off the exchanges. The remedy for the latter market is straightforward: declare the individual mandate unconstitutional and, for off‐exchange policies, the GICR (Guaranteed Issue Community Rating) unenforceable. This remedy would eliminate the requirement to buy ACA‐compliant insurance and allow the plaintiffs to buy policies of their own choosing—or none at all.

Now, on‐exchange policies are different. Halting GICR with respect to policies sold on the exchanges would be an unnecessarily overbroad remedy. Plaintiffs cannot demand a greater remedy to alter all policies offered on government exchanges. Moreover, people who seek to buy a government‐sponsored product on a government exchange cannot complain about cumbersome regulations.

Courts need go no further than issue a declaration with respect to individual market, off‐exchange policies. As Justice Clarence Thomas reminded us in Murphy v. NCAA (2018),
“the judicial power is, fundamentally, the power to render judgments in individual cases.”​
No more, and no less. The Court need not issue any remedy with respect to the ACA exchanges, group health plans, Medicaid, Medicare, and other elements of Obamacare.

This precise remedy offers the plaintiffs a genuine choice. Those who object to being forced to purchase unwanted policies will have other options. And everyone else who likes their plan can keep their plan.

The Left's problem is that they hate our Liberty and Freedom, because with them, we are free to reject their stupid policies.

Were you embarrassed by how stupid Kamala revealed herself in her poorly considered attempts to spar with ACB? She looked even dumber and more like a spoiled rotten self-entitled brat than she did in the Pence Debate.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
Actually not.

If Democrats win control of the Senate, it will be by a very slim majority – perhaps only two or three seats.

There will be enough conservative Democrats to join Republicans in opposition to MFA.

And should such legislation be passed, it will be struck down by a rightwing partisan Supreme Court, a five-justice majority of conservative ideologues.

What so called "conservative " Democrat senators have the political courage to stand up to Biden and Schumer? I don't see it. Just about every single one of them went along with the Liberal Witchhunt against President Trump as well as backing the lies about Justice Kavanaugh.
The witches were indicted and jailed and Trump was caught red handed trying to shake down a foreign leader in an effort to rig our election. We`re not allowed to make up our own history. It`s in the books already.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
Plenty of examples of socialized medicine working all over the world. It is not a new radical idea at this point.

But there won’t be any such examples here in the US.
We will have to go for Universal Healthcare, not Medicare. Universal Healthcare is free, Medicare is not.
Nothing is free in this world

the federal government is already running a budget deficit

in order to increase spending on people who cant pay it will have to reduce services to those who already have health insurance - and raise their taxes

Everyone will pay taxes according to income, see how that works.

Well they should of given themselves a tax cut.
Really, then how dem big donors like Bezos and Gates able to get out paying taxes at the percentage that I am forced to.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
you truly hate americans.
It's the only thing that works. Waiting for capitalism to solve the problem of the very sick and the very poor has already been a fifty year failure of a policy.
how does insurance help the very sick and poor exactly?
Hey, if Trump wins, he has a great new secret plan that we're all gonna love!

He said it, talk radio says it, so it must be true!

Yea, repeal ACA and let Americans use the free market for health care services.
So that's it? Please provide a link to his plan, thanks in advance.
buying across state lines. I thought he explained that since 2016. guaranteed to lower premiums.

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