If they delete the ACA , we will have to go all out for the Universal Healthcare!!

Needless to say, invalidating the ACA would be madness:

"As many as 133 million Americans — roughly half the population under the age of 65 — have pre-existing medical conditions that could disqualify them from buying a health insurance policy or cause them to pay significantly higher premiums if the health law were overturned…

…about 21 million are at serious risk of becoming uninsured if Obamacare is struck down.

…more than 12 million low-income adults who have gained Medicaid coverage through the law’s expansion of the program could lose it.

… 109 million people would face lifetime limits on their coverage without the health law…

60 million Medicare beneficiaries would face changes to medical care and possibly higher premiums…

The Urban Institute estimated that nationwide, without the A.C.A., the cost of care for people who cannot pay for it could increase as much as $50.2 billion."

And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

If the U.S. government can not handle the mess with the V.A. what make you think they will be able to handle Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
Plenty of examples of socialized medicine working all over the world. It is not a new radical idea at this point.

But there won’t be any such examples here in the US.

Name a country where Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All does not have long waits and waste taxpayer dollars?

Also when will those like you admit the ACA should have never been passed and was a mistake at the time and what should have been passed was the Nixon/Kennedy Plan?

A few years ago I had cancer. It was stage 1 and was not life threatening at the time.

I got it diagnosed and fully treated within three months.

Had I been in one of these filthy ass socialized medicine countries it would have taken six months to get the diagnosis done and then I would have been put on a long wait list for the treatment. Probably more than a year for the treatment from the wait list I have seen for the procedure in other countries.

I had three private treatment facilities vying for my business. I got excellent treatment.

I am a veteran. I could have got the treatment free at a government run VA facility. However, the last thing I wanted to do was put my health in the hands of some stupid non caring government bureaucrat that doesn't give a shit about me or anybody else. I paid for my private treatment. Money well spent.

Screw socialized medicine. It is a costly poorly run disaster in the countries that have it and it would be big disaster in this country.
Needless to say, invalidating the ACA would be madness:

"As many as 133 million Americans — roughly half the population under the age of 65 — have pre-existing medical conditions that could disqualify them from buying a health insurance policy or cause them to pay significantly higher premiums if the health law were overturned…

…about 21 million are at serious risk of becoming uninsured if Obamacare is struck down.

…more than 12 million low-income adults who have gained Medicaid coverage through the law’s expansion of the program could lose it.

… 109 million people would face lifetime limits on their coverage without the health law…

60 million Medicare beneficiaries would face changes to medical care and possibly higher premiums…

The Urban Institute estimated that nationwide, without the A.C.A., the cost of care for people who cannot pay for it could increase as much as $50.2 billion."

Great... Doctor Trump will see you now:
The reason Medicare isn't peachy is that too many people that don't know what they are doing have a hand in managing it.

And that is only going to get worse when government manages all of healthcare

On that I agree. Let the Doctors manage it. Instead, we have the Government and Corporate Raiders manage it. None who have an real knowledge. What would happen if we set up a medical board overseen by the Health Department to manage it.
The tweaks made by Trump on the ACA has made it workable for a time but it still needs improvement...to fix it for good and for all requires the cooperation of the house....if you want better coverage for less vote for the GOP in the house and senate.....

Yah, right. You should take this comedy routine on the stage. Here comes one now, get under it.
This is funny as shit and very misleading from the website, Trumpcare? LOL Click on you need coverage more than a year and put some information in and guess what? It comes up with bronze, silver, gold and platinum, obamacare you dunce.
post up that universal healthcare. what is it exactly? I know the experts said it will bankrupt the country. but hey ACA is working why does biden need to replace it? there is absolutely no logic there at all.

Are you an idiot? I said nothing about what you're spewing here. Your website is bogus and will lead you right to obamacare a short term policy.
Hey, if Trump wins, he has a great new secret plan that we're all gonna love!

He said it, talk radio says it, so it must be true!

Yea, repeal ACA and let Americans use the free market for health care services.
So that's it? Please provide a link to his plan, thanks in advance.

This is funny as shit and very misleading from the website, Trumpcare? LOL Click on you need coverage more than a year and put some information in and guess what? It comes up with bronze, silver, gold and platinum, obamacare you dunce.

They just don't to admit that he's lying, again, about health care.

jc better sign up for one of the temporary plans or trumpcare plans from that site. lol
actually, I want the universal insurance joe's selling cause I can retire at that point. I owe nothing. sweet.

Joe isn't selling universal insurance actually he's selling an old idea of lowering the Medicare age to 55 or 60 and let them buy in and a public option.
The reason Medicare isn't peachy is that too many people that don't know what they are doing have a hand in managing it.

And that is only going to get worse when government manages all of healthcare

On that I agree. Let the Doctors manage it. Instead, we have the Government and Corporate Raiders manage it. None who have an real knowledge. What would happen if we set up a medical board overseen by the Health Department to manage it.

You're doctor's didn't manage it before obamacare. Watch "Damaged Care"
Needless to say, invalidating the ACA would be madness:

"As many as 133 million Americans — roughly half the population under the age of 65 — have pre-existing medical conditions that could disqualify them from buying a health insurance policy or cause them to pay significantly higher premiums if the health law were overturned…

…about 21 million are at serious risk of becoming uninsured if Obamacare is struck down.

…more than 12 million low-income adults who have gained Medicaid coverage through the law’s expansion of the program could lose it.

… 109 million people would face lifetime limits on their coverage without the health law…

60 million Medicare beneficiaries would face changes to medical care and possibly higher premiums…

The Urban Institute estimated that nationwide, without the A.C.A., the cost of care for people who cannot pay for it could increase as much as $50.2 billion."

If by chance the scotus throws it out and even with trump promising pre x will be covered rates will not come down simply because of the pre x. Now, if pre x isn't guaranteed and it's back to the old days of asking health question's rates will come down but not as much as everyone is hoping and the very same people on this board that want's to get rid of any kind of guaranteed health insurance will be screaming when they are either declined are charge much more money for their policy than one the same age and sex because of a pre x.
The reason Medicare isn't peachy is that too many people that don't know what they are doing have a hand in managing it.

And that is only going to get worse when government manages all of healthcare

On that I agree. Let the Doctors manage it. Instead, we have the Government and Corporate Raiders manage it. None who have an real knowledge. What would happen if we set up a medical board overseen by the Health Department to manage it.

You're doctor's didn't manage it before obamacare. Watch "Damaged Care"

No, it was managed by Managed Care which is a bunch of for profit non medical cutthroats that are there just to make oodles of money and pay out the fewest claims they can. The HMOs are insurance scams.
Needless to say, invalidating the ACA would be madness:

"As many as 133 million Americans — roughly half the population under the age of 65 — have pre-existing medical conditions that could disqualify them from buying a health insurance policy or cause them to pay significantly higher premiums if the health law were overturned…

…about 21 million are at serious risk of becoming uninsured if Obamacare is struck down.

…more than 12 million low-income adults who have gained Medicaid coverage through the law’s expansion of the program could lose it.

… 109 million people would face lifetime limits on their coverage without the health law…

60 million Medicare beneficiaries would face changes to medical care and possibly higher premiums…

The Urban Institute estimated that nationwide, without the A.C.A., the cost of care for people who cannot pay for it could increase as much as $50.2 billion."

If by chance the scotus throws it out and even with trump promising pre x will be covered rates will not come down simply because of the pre x. Now, if pre x isn't guaranteed and it's back to the old days of asking health question's rates will come down but not as much as everyone is hoping and the very same people on this board that want's to get rid of any kind of guaranteed health insurance will be screaming when they are either declined are charge much more money for their policy than one the same age and sex because of a pre x.
If ACA is completely thrown out, cheap catastrophic plans will be legal again. That, combined with a saving account to cover the deductible, is by far the best way to go.
The tweaks made by Trump on the ACA has made it workable for a time but it still needs improvement...to fix it for good and for all requires the cooperation of the house....if you want better coverage for less vote for the GOP in the house and senate.....

Yah, right. You should take this comedy routine on the stage. Here comes one now, get under it.
I'm here all week...one drink minimum.....
Needless to say, invalidating the ACA would be madness:

"As many as 133 million Americans — roughly half the population under the age of 65 — have pre-existing medical conditions that could disqualify them from buying a health insurance policy or cause them to pay significantly higher premiums if the health law were overturned…

…about 21 million are at serious risk of becoming uninsured if Obamacare is struck down.

…more than 12 million low-income adults who have gained Medicaid coverage through the law’s expansion of the program could lose it.

… 109 million people would face lifetime limits on their coverage without the health law…

60 million Medicare beneficiaries would face changes to medical care and possibly higher premiums…

The Urban Institute estimated that nationwide, without the A.C.A., the cost of care for people who cannot pay for it could increase as much as $50.2 billion."

If by chance the scotus throws it out and even with trump promising pre x will be covered rates will not come down simply because of the pre x. Now, if pre x isn't guaranteed and it's back to the old days of asking health question's rates will come down but not as much as everyone is hoping and the very same people on this board that want's to get rid of any kind of guaranteed health insurance will be screaming when they are either declined are charge much more money for their policy than one the same age and sex because of a pre x.
If ACA is completely thrown out, cheap catastrophic plans will be legal again. That, combined with a saving account to cover the deductible, is by far the best way to go.

There are catastrophic plans and have been for people under 30 and for ones who can prove financial hardship now on the marketplace. You can also go to many less known insurance companies and still purchase one and they are catastrophic. Oh you get what you pay for on cat plans.
Needless to say, invalidating the ACA would be madness:

"As many as 133 million Americans — roughly half the population under the age of 65 — have pre-existing medical conditions that could disqualify them from buying a health insurance policy or cause them to pay significantly higher premiums if the health law were overturned…

…about 21 million are at serious risk of becoming uninsured if Obamacare is struck down.

…more than 12 million low-income adults who have gained Medicaid coverage through the law’s expansion of the program could lose it.

… 109 million people would face lifetime limits on their coverage without the health law…

60 million Medicare beneficiaries would face changes to medical care and possibly higher premiums…

The Urban Institute estimated that nationwide, without the A.C.A., the cost of care for people who cannot pay for it could increase as much as $50.2 billion."

If by chance the scotus throws it out and even with trump promising pre x will be covered rates will not come down simply because of the pre x. Now, if pre x isn't guaranteed and it's back to the old days of asking health question's rates will come down but not as much as everyone is hoping and the very same people on this board that want's to get rid of any kind of guaranteed health insurance will be screaming when they are either declined are charge much more money for their policy than one the same age and sex because of a pre x.
If ACA is completely thrown out, cheap catastrophic plans will be legal again. That, combined with a saving account to cover the deductible, is by far the best way to go.

There are catastrophic plans and have been for people under 30 and for ones who can prove financial hardship now on the marketplace. You can also go to many less known insurance companies and still purchase one and they are catastrophic.

Nope. ACA loaded them down with requirements that drove the price up.
Needless to say, invalidating the ACA would be madness:

"As many as 133 million Americans — roughly half the population under the age of 65 — have pre-existing medical conditions that could disqualify them from buying a health insurance policy or cause them to pay significantly higher premiums if the health law were overturned…

…about 21 million are at serious risk of becoming uninsured if Obamacare is struck down.

…more than 12 million low-income adults who have gained Medicaid coverage through the law’s expansion of the program could lose it.

… 109 million people would face lifetime limits on their coverage without the health law…

60 million Medicare beneficiaries would face changes to medical care and possibly higher premiums…

The Urban Institute estimated that nationwide, without the A.C.A., the cost of care for people who cannot pay for it could increase as much as $50.2 billion."

If by chance the scotus throws it out and even with trump promising pre x will be covered rates will not come down simply because of the pre x. Now, if pre x isn't guaranteed and it's back to the old days of asking health question's rates will come down but not as much as everyone is hoping and the very same people on this board that want's to get rid of any kind of guaranteed health insurance will be screaming when they are either declined are charge much more money for their policy than one the same age and sex because of a pre x.
If ACA is completely thrown out, cheap catastrophic plans will be legal again. That, combined with a saving account to cover the deductible, is by far the best way to go.

That's if you have the income to cover that savings account. Over half of the population no longer has any disposable income. And in order to have the health savings account you are talking about it would require having disposable income. Once again, the Rich gets the gravy.
Needless to say, invalidating the ACA would be madness:

"As many as 133 million Americans — roughly half the population under the age of 65 — have pre-existing medical conditions that could disqualify them from buying a health insurance policy or cause them to pay significantly higher premiums if the health law were overturned…

…about 21 million are at serious risk of becoming uninsured if Obamacare is struck down.

…more than 12 million low-income adults who have gained Medicaid coverage through the law’s expansion of the program could lose it.

… 109 million people would face lifetime limits on their coverage without the health law…

60 million Medicare beneficiaries would face changes to medical care and possibly higher premiums…

The Urban Institute estimated that nationwide, without the A.C.A., the cost of care for people who cannot pay for it could increase as much as $50.2 billion."

If by chance the scotus throws it out and even with trump promising pre x will be covered rates will not come down simply because of the pre x. Now, if pre x isn't guaranteed and it's back to the old days of asking health question's rates will come down but not as much as everyone is hoping and the very same people on this board that want's to get rid of any kind of guaranteed health insurance will be screaming when they are either declined are charge much more money for their policy than one the same age and sex because of a pre x.
If ACA is completely thrown out, cheap catastrophic plans will be legal again. That, combined with a saving account to cover the deductible, is by far the best way to go.

That's if you have the income to cover that savings account. Over half of the population no longer has any disposable income.
Sure, poor people have it rough. We should give them a hand. But that's no excuse to indulge the socialists who want government to control every. fucking. thing.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.
Healthcare debate is simple. Get a fucking job and pay for your own insurance.
And if Joe Biden wins and the Senate too,

we will have a nuclear option to vote on Universal Healthcare.

See the republicans and tramp don't want to pay for ACA, (its only the wealthy who pay for subsidies)

So they will get up paying even more.

Even Medicare sucks. Universal Healthcare is coming.

All is on the table. All rules are on the table. Maybe Biden can even write an executive order.

Damn, you're so dumb.

I'll ask you the same question I asked Dragonlady: "Has anyone ever told you that man is only interested in one part of your body, and that's not your brain?"

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