If This Muslim Shooter Does Not Represent All Muslims, Why Does His Gun Represent All Gun Owners?

Because guns are the common denominator in all these mass shootings , religion is not.

And knives are the common thread in all "stabbings". Cars are the common theme in all drunk driving deaths.


Unlike knives n cars , an AR is designed to kill lots of people very quickly .
Cars can be used to kill lots of people very qiuickly. They're designed that way.

No they aren't .
Normally the RWnuts would say that this shooting was God's punishment of the gays for their sins,

but dang it! then they couldn't attack the Muslim guy!
Normally the RWnuts would say that this shooting was God's punishment of the gays for their sins,

but dang it! then they couldn't attack the Muslim guy!

Do you lie in bed at night dreaming up this insanely stupid shit?
Normally the RWnuts would say that this shooting was God's punishment of the gays for their sins,

but dang it! then they couldn't attack the Muslim guy!

The RW is twisting themselves up in knots over this one. Can you imagine the meme if this particular home grown domestic terrorist wasn't Muslim?

I guess gays should be thankful that the far RW hates Muslims more than they hate gays.

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It's a good question to be made.

So you're admitting your condemnation of innocent Muslims is wrong.
No! I'm just exploiting the false narrative the media and you type people are pushing.

So you're pissed that some people would like to close the loopholes in the background check laws?


Specifically, what loopholes would you close?

What loophole did this terrorist use to buy his two guns?
"Loopholes". The catchall phrase for clueless gun grabbers.
It's a good question to be made.

So you're admitting your condemnation of innocent Muslims is wrong.
No! I'm just exploiting the false narrative the media and you type people are pushing.

So you're pissed that some people would like to close the loopholes in the background check laws?

Let's forget it and issue guns to everyone.

Kennesaw Georgia has that law, little or no crime. As does Switzerland.
Because guns are the common denominator in all these mass shootings , religion is not.

And knives are the common thread in all "stabbings". Cars are the common theme in all drunk driving deaths.


Unlike knives n cars , an AR is designed to kill lots of people very quickly .
Cars can be used to kill lots of people very qiuickly. They're designed that way.

No they aren't .

Yeah, actually they are designed that way. Worse actually. Engineers can add miles per gallon by shaving off weight. Each pound they reduce the weight of a vehicle adds to the expected fatalities in that same car, truck or whatever.
It's a good question to be made.

So you're admitting your condemnation of innocent Muslims is wrong.
No! I'm just exploiting the false narrative the media and you type people are pushing.

So you're pissed that some people would like to close the loopholes in the background check laws?


Specifically, what loopholes would you close?

What loophole did this terrorist use to buy his two guns?

The loopholes that let you make a private purchase without a background check. Why is keeping that loophole open so important to you?
It's a good question to be made.

So you're admitting your condemnation of innocent Muslims is wrong.
No! I'm just exploiting the false narrative the media and you type people are pushing.

So you're pissed that some people would like to close the loopholes in the background check laws?

Let's forget it and issue guns to everyone.

Kennesaw Georgia has that law, little or no crime. As does Switzerland.

Let's adopt Switzerland's gun laws then.
It's a good question to be made.

So you're admitting your condemnation of innocent Muslims is wrong.
No! I'm just exploiting the false narrative the media and you type people are pushing.

So you're pissed that some people would like to close the loopholes in the background check laws?


Specifically, what loopholes would you close?

What loophole did this terrorist use to buy his two guns?

The loopholes that let you make a private purchase without a background check. Why is keeping that loophole open so important to you?

The transfer of ownership of a gun should be treated no differently than the change in ownership of a vehicle.

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