If This Were A Republican Administration...

If the current administration were Republican we would:

Be at war in Iran.

Be at war with Pakistan.

Protestors who have lost their jobs would be shot in the streets.

Entire neighborhoods would be empty while the streets would be filled with homeless.

Cindy McCain would be redecorating the White House while high on Oxicotin.

Sarah Palin would be acting president because of McCain's stroke.

Sarah Palin would be in vacation even more than Bush.

Police would be shooting African Americans for DWB.

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Forests would be open to strip mining.

There is so much more. The funny thing is that the current Republican Party would look at this list and say, "What's the problem? Looks good to me!"

Spoken like an individual who is quite naive as to how the government works.

I suspect you are nothing more than a partisan hack....no...I KNOW you are.
If the current administration were Republican we would:

Be at war in Iran.

Be at war with Pakistan.

Protestors who have lost their jobs would be shot in the streets. Nope, just getting beat up, called 'evil mongers' by Senate Leader, called unAmerican by Speaker of the House. Yeah, the good times are folling

Entire neighborhoods would be empty while the streets would be filled with homeless. Yep, that's Detroit and several other cities.

Cindy McCain would be redecorating the White House while high on Oxicotin. Instead we have jet dates, $500 sneakers while talking to 'po folks, and oh yeah, talk of Michelle redecorating WH. Is she 'high'? Dunno.

Sarah Palin would be acting president because of McCain's stroke. Couldn't be worse than the though of what is waiting a heart beat and two away.

Sarah Palin would be in vacation even more than Bush. First she'd have to beat out Obama, who's spent less time at WH so far than any other.

Police would be shooting African Americans for DWB.

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Forests would be open to strip mining. Instead we're subsidizing Brazil for off shore drilling, refused to American states.

There is so much more. The funny thing is that the current Republican Party would look at this list and say, "What's the problem? Looks good to me!"
Actull what's not funny is how so many of the things on your list are already true and you fail to recognize.

Sadly, the poster is so wrapped up in "partisanship", he or she did not see how they pretty much described what is happening with a liberal democratic super majority!

It is sad...but so humorous, I was able to laugh.
If the current administration were Republican we would:

Be at war in Iran.

Be at war with Pakistan.

Protestors who have lost their jobs would be shot in the streets. Nope, just getting beat up, called 'evil mongers' by Senate Leader, called unAmerican by Speaker of the House. Yeah, the good times are folling

Entire neighborhoods would be empty while the streets would be filled with homeless. Yep, that's Detroit and several other cities.

Cindy McCain would be redecorating the White House while high on Oxicotin. Instead we have jet dates, $500 sneakers while talking to 'po folks, and oh yeah, talk of Michelle redecorating WH. Is she 'high'? Dunno.

Sarah Palin would be acting president because of McCain's stroke. Couldn't be worse than the though of what is waiting a heart beat and two away.

Sarah Palin would be in vacation even more than Bush. First she'd have to beat out Obama, who's spent less time at WH so far than any other.

Police would be shooting African Americans for DWB.

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Forests would be open to strip mining. Instead we're subsidizing Brazil for off shore drilling, refused to American states.

There is so much more. The funny thing is that the current Republican Party would look at this list and say, "What's the problem? Looks good to me!"
Actull what's not funny is how so many of the things on your list are already true and you fail to recognize.

Sadly, the poster is so wrapped up in "partisanship", he or she did not see how they pretty much described what is happening with a liberal democratic super majority!

It is sad...but so humorous, I was able to laugh.

Notice, no comment on:

Be at war in Iran.

Be at war with Pakistan.

Police would be shooting African Americans for DWB.

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Could it be because Republicans see these as "good" things? Hmmm?
Actull what's not funny is how so many of the things on your list are already true and you fail to recognize.

Sadly, the poster is so wrapped up in "partisanship", he or she did not see how they pretty much described what is happening with a liberal democratic super majority!

It is sad...but so humorous, I was able to laugh.

Notice, no comment on:

Be at war in Iran.

Be at war with Pakistan.

Police would be shooting African Americans for DWB.

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Could it be because Republicans see these as "good" things? Hmmm?

You are just a partisan hack, really, you are.
Actull what's not funny is how so many of the things on your list are already true and you fail to recognize.

Sadly, the poster is so wrapped up in "partisanship", he or she did not see how they pretty much described what is happening with a liberal democratic super majority!

It is sad...but so humorous, I was able to laugh.

Notice, no comment on:

Be at war in Iran.

Be at war with Pakistan.

Police would be shooting African Americans for DWB.

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Could it be because Republicans see these as "good" things? Hmmm?

Or maybe such points are not worthy of comment seeing as it is a clear indication that you are completely unaware of the role of the president, the HoR and the senate.

However, the ones responded to WERE accuyrate responses and are an indication of what happens when there is a super majority.....but you see, the others can not happen WITHOUT a super majority...and republican or democrat in the WH, it is still a democratic fillibuster proof majority....so whether you want to imagine those things happening or not...they wouldnt have been able to happen.

Or were you not aware that democrats have pretty much controlled all NON EO decisions made since 2006.....my guess is you were one of those simply duped into thinking that Bush had total control to do whatever he pleased.

Jeez....is there an age requirement in the ToS on this board?
If this was a Republican administration and it was doing everything exactly like the current Democratic administration, then you would have many republicans supporting some of the programs which they are now decrying and many democrats decrying programs which they now support.

Fox news would be cheering cash for clunkers, and MSNBC would be raving about death panels.

Sad fact is that many people simply see one party as good, and one party as bad.
If this was a Republican administration and it was doing everything exactly like the current Democratic administration, then you would have many republicans supporting some of the programs which they are now decrying and many democrats decrying programs which they now support.

Fox news would be cheering cash for clunkers, and MSNBC would be raving about death panels.

Sad fact is that many people simply see one party as good, and one party as bad.

Sadly, the poster is so wrapped up in "partisanship", he or she did not see how they pretty much described what is happening with a liberal democratic super majority!

It is sad...but so humorous, I was able to laugh.

Notice, no comment on:

Be at war in Iran.

Be at war with Pakistan.

Police would be shooting African Americans for DWB.

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Could it be because Republicans see these as "good" things? Hmmm?

Or maybe such points are not worthy of comment seeing as it is a clear indication that you are completely unaware of the role of the president, the HoR and the senate.

However, the ones responded to WERE accuyrate responses and are an indication of what happens when there is a super majority.....but you see, the others can not happen WITHOUT a super majority...and republican or democrat in the WH, it is still a democratic fillibuster proof majority....so whether you want to imagine those things happening or not...they wouldnt have been able to happen.

Or were you not aware that democrats have pretty much controlled all NON EO decisions made since 2006.....my guess is you were one of those simply duped into thinking that Bush had total control to do whatever he pleased.

Jeez....is there an age requirement in the ToS on this board?

You ARE tired.

Well, since it was stated Republican, just like the Democrat, I just assumed that the question assumed that both houses would also be controlled by the Republicans, just like most of the years of the Bush administration when he took us into Iraq. Ask the Iraqi Christians how well that worked out. Look at all the work Bush did on health care. He transformed it into "Wealth Care".

I'm still trying to figure out what exactly were all the "good works" preformed by the Republicans during all the years they were in total control? To me, it looks as if they left everything in chaos.

Hey, you don't need a super majority for this:

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Care to comment? No?

Thought so.
Notice, no comment on:

Be at war in Iran.

Be at war with Pakistan.

Police would be shooting African Americans for DWB.

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Could it be because Republicans see these as "good" things? Hmmm?

Or maybe such points are not worthy of comment seeing as it is a clear indication that you are completely unaware of the role of the president, the HoR and the senate.

However, the ones responded to WERE accuyrate responses and are an indication of what happens when there is a super majority.....but you see, the others can not happen WITHOUT a super majority...and republican or democrat in the WH, it is still a democratic fillibuster proof majority....so whether you want to imagine those things happening or not...they wouldnt have been able to happen.

Or were you not aware that democrats have pretty much controlled all NON EO decisions made since 2006.....my guess is you were one of those simply duped into thinking that Bush had total control to do whatever he pleased.

Jeez....is there an age requirement in the ToS on this board?

You ARE tired.

Well, since it was stated Republican, just like the Democrat, I just assumed that the question assumed that both houses would also be controlled by the Republicans, just like most of the years of the Bush administration when he took us into Iraq. Ask the Iraqi Christians how well that worked out. Look at all the work Bush did on health care. He transformed it into "Wealth Care".

I'm still trying to figure out what exactly were all the "good works" preformed by the Republicans during all the years they were in total control? To me, it looks as if they left everything in chaos.

Hey, you don't need a super majority for this:

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Care to comment? No?

Thought so.

Wow...You really are naive...I just said that to get your goat...but you truly are ignorant.

Please tell me...exactly when, durting the Bush administration did the republicans have total control?

A majority does not give any party total control.

And exactly where. by definition, does "administration" refer to congress as well?

So easy to backtrack ones comments that are so obviously naive when such naivety is exposed....and simply calim you meant something else.

This debate is over. I do not debate with people that are not well informed. It is a waste of my time.

And for the record..I am by NO MEANS a republican.....I am a fiscal conservative/libertarian.

YOU are obviosuly a democrat....a niave ignorant one at that.
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If McCain was elected you guys would be in boot camp right now and Iran would be in the midst of a firestorm.
"Operation make IsNtreal real."

All the trailer trash would be cleaning their guns and stocking up on JD, reefer, porno DVD's and beer awaiting the return of the Lawdy Jeezooz and that thar big battle wif Eeevul. They aint skeered. They B redeemed !
Idiot nation..
Notice, no comment on:

Be at war in Iran.

Be at war with Pakistan.

Police would be shooting African Americans for DWB.

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Could it be because Republicans see these as "good" things? Hmmm?

Or maybe such points are not worthy of comment seeing as it is a clear indication that you are completely unaware of the role of the president, the HoR and the senate.

However, the ones responded to WERE accuyrate responses and are an indication of what happens when there is a super majority.....but you see, the others can not happen WITHOUT a super majority...and republican or democrat in the WH, it is still a democratic fillibuster proof majority....so whether you want to imagine those things happening or not...they wouldnt have been able to happen.

Or were you not aware that democrats have pretty much controlled all NON EO decisions made since 2006.....my guess is you were one of those simply duped into thinking that Bush had total control to do whatever he pleased.

Jeez....is there an age requirement in the ToS on this board?

You ARE tired.

Well, since it was stated Republican, just like the Democrat, I just assumed that the question assumed that both houses would also be controlled by the Republicans, just like most of the years of the Bush administration when he took us into Iraq. Ask the Iraqi Christians how well that worked out. Look at all the work Bush did on health care. He transformed it into "Wealth Care".

I'm still trying to figure out what exactly were all the "good works" preformed by the Republicans during all the years they were in total control? To me, it looks as if they left everything in chaos.

Hey, you don't need a super majority for this:

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Care to comment? No?

Thought so.

Little loose with facts:

80(R) HB 1287 - Enrolled version - Bill Text

relating to public school elective courses providing academic study
of the Bible.
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is
amended by adding Section 28.011 to read as follows:
district may offer to students in grade nine or above:
(1) an elective course on the Hebrew Scriptures (Old
Testament) and its impact and an elective course on the New
Testament and its impact; or
(2) an elective course that combines the courses
described by Subdivision (1)....
If McCain was elected you guys would be in boot camp right now and Iran would be in the midst of a firestorm.
"Operation make IsNtreal real."

All the trailer trash would be cleaning their guns and stocking up on JD, reefer, porno DVD's and beer awaiting the return of the Lawdy Jeezooz and that thar big battle wif Eeevul. They aint skeered. They B redeemed !
Idiot nation..

curious...I am new here. Are you an example of the typical personality in here?
If McCain was elected you guys would be in boot camp right now and Iran would be in the midst of a firestorm.
"Operation make IsNtreal real."

All the trailer trash would be cleaning their guns and stocking up on JD, reefer, porno DVD's and beer awaiting the return of the Lawdy Jeezooz and that thar big battle wif Eeevul. They aint skeered. They B redeemed !
Idiot nation..

curious...I am new here. Are you an example of the typical personality in here?

No he's not. Both of you joined same month, so he's new too.

Some folks are just trolls, that post might be an indication of Dougie.
If McCain was elected you guys would be in boot camp right now and Iran would be in the midst of a firestorm.
"Operation make IsNtreal real."

All the trailer trash would be cleaning their guns and stocking up on JD, reefer, porno DVD's and beer awaiting the return of the Lawdy Jeezooz and that thar big battle wif Eeevul. They aint skeered. They B redeemed !
Idiot nation..

curious...I am new here. Are you an example of the typical personality in here?

No he's not. Both of you joined same month, so he's new too.

Some folks are just trolls, that post might be an indication of Dougie.

Actually, he (she) joined in June. I joined two days ago.

However, a few more posts like his and I may find this not the place for me.

I had an exchange with someone else in another thread who was just as "out of this world" with her/his comments ...something about if a Republican was in office, cops would be shooting black drivers and Bible study would be mandatory in public schools.

And with only 30 some odd people posting or reading on here at a time, I am wondering what the norm is in here.

Actually...I just realized....it was also in THIS thread.
Last edited:
curious...I am new here. Are you an example of the typical personality in here?

No he's not. Both of you joined same month, so he's new too.

Some folks are just trolls, that post might be an indication of Dougie.

Actually, he (she) joined in June. I joined two days ago.

However, a few more posts like his and I may find this not the place for me.

I had an exchange with someone else in another thread who was just as "out of this world" with her/his comments ...something about if a Republican was in office, cops would be shooting black drivers and Bible study would be mandatory in public schools.

And with only 30 some odd people posting or reading on here at a time, I am wondering what the norm is in here.

Actually...I just realized....it was also in THIS thread.

Sorry, thought your join date was June. Welcome. There are lots of good posters, right and left. Then there are those that 'are always right', never listen, play gotcha games. I tend conservative, there are some on the right I just don't bother with. I'd say, give it time and don't go with one or two trolls for judging the site.
Interesting, media is paying attention, yahoo front page:

Axelrod's ties targeted in health fight - Yahoo! News

Axelrod's ties targeted in health fight

Kenneth P. Vogel
Wed Aug 19, 5:45 am ET

Critics of President Obama’s health-care overhaul are zeroing in on his senior adviser David Axelrod, whose former partners at a Chicago-based firm are the beneficiaries of huge ad buys — now at $24 million and counting — by White House allies in the reform fight.

The unwelcome scrutiny, largely from Republicans, comes at an inopportune time as Obama seeks to shore up support for health care reform. It revolves around two separate $12 million ad campaigns advocating Obama’s health care plan that were produced and placed partly by AKPD Message and Media, a firm founded by Axelrod that employs his son and still owes Axelrod $2 million.

A separate firm, GMMB, is also handling the campaigns. Both AKPD and GMMB did millions of dollars of work on Obama’s presidential campaign, continue to tout their connections to the campaign and still maintain close ties to his inner circle.

The two firms were hired to make the health-care ads by a pair of linked coalitions supporting Obama’s health-care overhaul proposal — Healthy Economy Now and a newer offshoot unveiled last week called Americans for Stable Quality Care.

The Associated Press reported this month that Healthy Economy Now paid AKPD and GMMB to produce a $12 million national ad campaign echoing White House talking points supporting the health care overhaul.

And a spokesman for Americans for Stable Quality Care, which essentially supplanted the now-defunct Healthy Economy Now, confirmed that it is using the two Obama-linked firms to produce and air a separate $12 million ad campaign launched Thursday designed to shore up support among the conservative House Blue Dog Democrats and to target swing senators. The ad, which is airing in a dozen states, is the opening salvo in a campaign planned for this fall that will cost tens of millions of dollars more.

The coalitions are a strange-bedfellows mix of business, labor and health care groups including the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (better known as PhRMA), the American Medical Association, the Service Employees International Union and the liberal group FamiliesUSA....
Interesting, media is paying attention, yahoo front page:

Axelrod's ties targeted in health fight - Yahoo! News

Axelrod's ties targeted in health fight

Kenneth P. Vogel
Wed Aug 19, 5:45 am ET

Critics of President Obama’s health-care overhaul are zeroing in on his senior adviser David Axelrod, whose former partners at a Chicago-based firm are the beneficiaries of huge ad buys — now at $24 million and counting — by White House allies in the reform fight.

The unwelcome scrutiny, largely from Republicans, comes at an inopportune time as Obama seeks to shore up support for health care reform. It revolves around two separate $12 million ad campaigns advocating Obama’s health care plan that were produced and placed partly by AKPD Message and Media, a firm founded by Axelrod that employs his son and still owes Axelrod $2 million.

A separate firm, GMMB, is also handling the campaigns. Both AKPD and GMMB did millions of dollars of work on Obama’s presidential campaign, continue to tout their connections to the campaign and still maintain close ties to his inner circle.

The two firms were hired to make the health-care ads by a pair of linked coalitions supporting Obama’s health-care overhaul proposal — Healthy Economy Now and a newer offshoot unveiled last week called Americans for Stable Quality Care.

The Associated Press reported this month that Healthy Economy Now paid AKPD and GMMB to produce a $12 million national ad campaign echoing White House talking points supporting the health care overhaul.

And a spokesman for Americans for Stable Quality Care, which essentially supplanted the now-defunct Healthy Economy Now, confirmed that it is using the two Obama-linked firms to produce and air a separate $12 million ad campaign launched Thursday designed to shore up support among the conservative House Blue Dog Democrats and to target swing senators. The ad, which is airing in a dozen states, is the opening salvo in a campaign planned for this fall that will cost tens of millions of dollars more.

The coalitions are a strange-bedfellows mix of business, labor and health care groups including the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (better known as PhRMA), the American Medical Association, the Service Employees International Union and the liberal group FamiliesUSA....

As I said earlier in this post.....the sale of a service company is not the same as a manufacturing company. A service company sale is USUALLY based on two facotrs....net revenue before the sale AND net revenue for a period of time after the sale. Usually, it is a multiple and such multiple changes based on the changes in net revenue following the sale.

I give it time....but I will not be surprised to hear the details fo the sale by Axelrod being similar in nature. It is unheard of for someone to buy a service company for that amount when there is no product to base the value of the company on...no trademark, copyright, etc.
Or maybe such points are not worthy of comment seeing as it is a clear indication that you are completely unaware of the role of the president, the HoR and the senate.

However, the ones responded to WERE accuyrate responses and are an indication of what happens when there is a super majority.....but you see, the others can not happen WITHOUT a super majority...and republican or democrat in the WH, it is still a democratic fillibuster proof majority....so whether you want to imagine those things happening or not...they wouldnt have been able to happen.

Or were you not aware that democrats have pretty much controlled all NON EO decisions made since 2006.....my guess is you were one of those simply duped into thinking that Bush had total control to do whatever he pleased.

Jeez....is there an age requirement in the ToS on this board?

You ARE tired.

Well, since it was stated Republican, just like the Democrat, I just assumed that the question assumed that both houses would also be controlled by the Republicans, just like most of the years of the Bush administration when he took us into Iraq. Ask the Iraqi Christians how well that worked out. Look at all the work Bush did on health care. He transformed it into "Wealth Care".

I'm still trying to figure out what exactly were all the "good works" preformed by the Republicans during all the years they were in total control? To me, it looks as if they left everything in chaos.

Hey, you don't need a super majority for this:

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Care to comment? No?

Thought so.

Little loose with facts:

80(R) HB 1287 - Enrolled version - Bill Text

relating to public school elective courses providing academic study
of the Bible.
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is
amended by adding Section 28.011 to read as follows:
district may offer to students in grade nine or above:
(1) an elective course on the Hebrew Scriptures (Old
Testament) and its impact and an elective course on the New
Testament and its impact; or
(2) an elective course that combines the courses
described by Subdivision (1)....

Uh, hello, it's "MANDATORY" that they offer those classes. Notice no classes on Islam, Hindi, and Judaism, Wicca or any other religion?

Just a few notes on that (I'm afrad to put any links. I put a link to Sarah Palin's proclamation making April 16th living will day in Alaska and got banned):

Christian right group's extremist backers
The NCBCPS, the group that advocates using the Bible's two testaments as texts accompanied by the fundamentalist Protestant teacher's guide that it distributes, is closely connected to some of the most extreme groups and individuals on the religious right. A banner that briefly appears as its homepage loads (see the screenshot below) shows sponsorship by the American Family Association and the Center for Reclaiming America.
The full name of the latter organization is the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ. It is part of the empire of Florida televangelist D. James Kennedy, one of the religious right's most forthright theocrats. (See our recent coverage here.)
The Mississippi-based American Family Association is best known for its virulent homophobia and its boycott of Ford Motor Company over the company's ads in gay and lesbian publications.

On its homepage the NCBCPS insists its curriculum is suitable for secular schools. It then uses two code words of the Christian right: reclaiming, as in reclaiming America for Christ, and restoring, a prevalent religious right reference to the mischievous notion that the United States was once a Christian theocracy.
The world is watching to see if we will be motivated to impact our culture, to deal with the moral crises in our society, and reclaim our families and children.
Please help us to restore our religious and civil liberties in this nation.

--------You know what I could never understand? Gays ARE children of American families. Even Dick Cheney and Phyllis Shafly and Alen Keyes all have gay children. Course, Mr. Christian Sensibilities Alen Keyes disowned his daughter and turned her out into the streets without a cent. So very American Christian, don't you think? Dick Cheney is the surprise here. He actually loves his daughter.

But the Christian right is not pushing Bible courses as cultural enrichment. It is pushing the courses, in particular the curriculum of the fundamentalist NCBCPS, as part of its agenda to impose its brand of religion throughout society.
The religious right is anti-science, anti-culture, anti-enlightenment. A glance at the sidebar "Televangelist Hagee trashes moderate text," which quotes criticism of the relatively moderate Bible and its Influence, shows the frightening narrowness of the religious right.
The religious right wants schools to "teach" the Bible the same way it wants schools to teach abstinence-only, to teach that homosexuality is sinful, and to ban Halloween as "pagan."

-------------Well yea. Of course they are pushing the Bible.

Bill's co-author does not believe in church-state separation
Chisum's co-author and fellow Republican, Rep. Leo Berman of Tyler told a local television station he does not believe in the separation of church and state. Reported KLTV:
Representative Leo Berman says, "Today, with Christian symbols being taken out of everything, off our county squares, manger scenes, crosses, I think it's time that we put something back, and give kids who want to study the Old and New Testament an option on campus to actually elect that to study."
"I don't believe there's such a thing as the separation of church and state. In fact, the First Amendment to the Constitution actually calls on the United States Congress to make sure, to ensure that people are allowed to practice their religion," says Berman.
Berman recently gained notoriety by proposing the denial of all government services to the citizen children of undocumented immigrants.

------------------I love it. The guy calls himself Christian, admits that he believe there is NO separation of church and state AND denies needy children. Perfect. The true American evangelical. Like their stand on abortion. Get it born and then screw it, it's not MY kid. I'm not taking care of it. I only wanted it born, after that, so what?

---------------It would be so cool if Republicans would just come out and say, “Yes, we want to turn this country into a religious, theocratic state. Make the “national religion” Christianity. Make Christianity mandatory. Stop teaching any science that refutes “mystical creation” including biology, botany, physiology, paleontology, astronomy, plate tectonics, geology or any other science that supports “evolution”. Just “tell the truth”. Admit that this is what you want for the US.
You ARE tired.

Well, since it was stated Republican, just like the Democrat, I just assumed that the question assumed that both houses would also be controlled by the Republicans, just like most of the years of the Bush administration when he took us into Iraq. Ask the Iraqi Christians how well that worked out. Look at all the work Bush did on health care. He transformed it into "Wealth Care".

I'm still trying to figure out what exactly were all the "good works" preformed by the Republicans during all the years they were in total control? To me, it looks as if they left everything in chaos.

Hey, you don't need a super majority for this:

Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.

Care to comment? No?

Thought so.

Little loose with facts:

80(R) HB 1287 - Enrolled version - Bill Text

relating to public school elective courses providing academic study
of the Bible.
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is
amended by adding Section 28.011 to read as follows:
district may offer to students in grade nine or above:
(1) an elective course on the Hebrew Scriptures (Old
Testament) and its impact and an elective course on the New
Testament and its impact; or
(2) an elective course that combines the courses
described by Subdivision (1)....

Uh, hello, it's "MANDATORY" that they offer those classes. Notice no classes on Islam, Hindi, and Judaism, Wicca or any other religion?

Just a few notes on that (I'm afrad to put any links. I put a link to Sarah Palin's proclamation making April 16th living will day in Alaska and got banned):

Christian right group's extremist backers
The NCBCPS, the group that advocates using the Bible's two testaments as texts accompanied by the fundamentalist Protestant teacher's guide that it distributes, is closely connected to some of the most extreme groups and individuals on the religious right. A banner that briefly appears as its homepage loads (see the screenshot below) shows sponsorship by the American Family Association and the Center for Reclaiming America.
The full name of the latter organization is the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ. It is part of the empire of Florida televangelist D. James Kennedy, one of the religious right's most forthright theocrats. (See our recent coverage here.)
The Mississippi-based American Family Association is best known for its virulent homophobia and its boycott of Ford Motor Company over the company's ads in gay and lesbian publications.

On its homepage the NCBCPS insists its curriculum is suitable for secular schools. It then uses two code words of the Christian right: reclaiming, as in reclaiming America for Christ, and restoring, a prevalent religious right reference to the mischievous notion that the United States was once a Christian theocracy.
The world is watching to see if we will be motivated to impact our culture, to deal with the moral crises in our society, and reclaim our families and children.
Please help us to restore our religious and civil liberties in this nation.

--------You know what I could never understand? Gays ARE children of American families. Even Dick Cheney and Phyllis Shafly and Alen Keyes all have gay children. Course, Mr. Christian Sensibilities Alen Keyes disowned his daughter and turned her out into the streets without a cent. So very American Christian, don't you think? Dick Cheney is the surprise here. He actually loves his daughter.

But the Christian right is not pushing Bible courses as cultural enrichment. It is pushing the courses, in particular the curriculum of the fundamentalist NCBCPS, as part of its agenda to impose its brand of religion throughout society.
The religious right is anti-science, anti-culture, anti-enlightenment. A glance at the sidebar "Televangelist Hagee trashes moderate text," which quotes criticism of the relatively moderate Bible and its Influence, shows the frightening narrowness of the religious right.
The religious right wants schools to "teach" the Bible the same way it wants schools to teach abstinence-only, to teach that homosexuality is sinful, and to ban Halloween as "pagan."

-------------Well yea. Of course they are pushing the Bible.

Bill's co-author does not believe in church-state separation
Chisum's co-author and fellow Republican, Rep. Leo Berman of Tyler told a local television station he does not believe in the separation of church and state. Reported KLTV:
Representative Leo Berman says, "Today, with Christian symbols being taken out of everything, off our county squares, manger scenes, crosses, I think it's time that we put something back, and give kids who want to study the Old and New Testament an option on campus to actually elect that to study."
"I don't believe there's such a thing as the separation of church and state. In fact, the First Amendment to the Constitution actually calls on the United States Congress to make sure, to ensure that people are allowed to practice their religion," says Berman.
Berman recently gained notoriety by proposing the denial of all government services to the citizen children of undocumented immigrants.

------------------I love it. The guy calls himself Christian, admits that he believe there is NO separation of church and state AND denies needy children. Perfect. The true American evangelical. Like their stand on abortion. Get it born and then screw it, it's not MY kid. I'm not taking care of it. I only wanted it born, after that, so what?

---------------It would be so cool if Republicans would just come out and say, “Yes, we want to turn this country into a religious, theocratic state. Make the “national religion” Christianity. Make Christianity mandatory. Stop teaching any science that refutes “mystical creation” including biology, botany, physiology, paleontology, astronomy, plate tectonics, geology or any other science that supports “evolution”. Just “tell the truth”. Admit that this is what you want for the US.

Which isn't what you said,
Bible study would be mandatory in public schools across the US and not just in Texas.
I gave you the link, if you read you'd have seen that schools were able to have classes on any other religion that could be studied as literature, I think that would be difficult with Wicca, but most of the rest, especially the poetry of Koran and the Vedas would qualify.
it would be kind of like this I guess....but at least some things would be accomplished for the average American I suppose -


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