If Trump does negotiate a lasting peace in North Korea, will he win the nobel peace prize

I have to say no. Nobel Prizes are handed out by Left/Globalists. And we know Trump isn't a member of their gang. They only give fellow Left/Globalists Nobel Prizes. I mean, how else can you explain Obama and Gore receiving awards? They did absolutely nothing for world peace. So no, Trump will not receive a Peace Prize.
Or will they give another one to Yasser Arafat?

And if Trump makes peace will retards burn down their own College again?

The worst man ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize

Trump deserves no credit for the Korean peace process. Kim called Trump's bluff.

The one that deserves the credit is President Moon. He stood up to Trump and refused to allow the U.S to attack N. Korea. He reached put to Kim and started the peace process.

I don't know whether this is all such a good idea anyway. Chances are that within 20 years there will be one Korea...under the rule of the Kim family.

I don't blame Trump. He did what he could. If anyone is to blame for losing S. Korea it's Truman. He fucked things up royally back in the early 1950s.
LOL, as if South Korea has nuclear subs parked off shore. Grow up kid, Trump is going to be the best President since Lincoln before all is said and done......................
If dunces like Obama and Gore received one, why not Trump? They did absolutely nothing for World Peace.
If Trump ends the Korean war and helps seal peace...He deserves one...

How the hell can anyone say he doesn't?
He should be given credit, but not a Nobel. The leader of South Korea was the one that campaigned on and reached out to Kim. He is the one that should win it. The only thing trump did was threaten Kim and then called him "excellent" when he released men that should not have been arrested in the first place.
Or will they give another one to Yasser Arafat?

And if Trump makes peace will retards burn down their own College again?

The worst man ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize
No way in hell. They might even be suspending it this year.
Trump is getting one if there is peace, even if I have to make it myself
Fake award that will be broadcast on fake news.

How about somebody throw a shoe at him?
Or will they give another one to Yasser Arafat?

And if Trump makes peace will retards burn down their own College again?

The worst man ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize

No, Trump won't win the Nobel Peace Prize. It's a misnomer. It's the leftist international man of the year award. That's why Obama won it for being black and they regularly award it to terrorists and terrorist sympathizers like Jimmy Carter

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