If Trump loses New Hampshire as well he will quit

I think democrats win the whitehouse because this country generally wants a strong dictiatorial type government to run things. I know the average 'liberal' doesn't say this out loud but consider the fact that Obama's popularity went up when he overran the legislative branch of government. A great deal of the people in this country may like the idea of a strong and powerful government to run things instead of weak government that generally allows people to do what they want.
The American people as a whole are IGNORANT. That was proven by 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama. They don't want shit fixed..Fine give them Bernie Sanders. :)
Unfortunately, a large portion of our population is politically ignorant and will vote due to name recognition or an appearance of getting things free.

Spot on, Jax

But I chalk the bulk of the problem up to the corrupt press which is allied with the Left.

How can the public make an informed decision with the one-sided information that is provided.

"To be sure, conservative radio talk-show hosts have a built-in audience unavailable to liberals: people driving cars to some sort of job…

The paradox of liberal talk radio is that if liberals cared about ideas or knew any facts, they would cease being liberals. Liberalism thrives on ignorance…

This is not an ideology that can withstand several hours a day of caller scrutiny where their goofball notions can be shot down by any trucker with a cell phone."
"Slander," Coulter

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