If Trump loses New Hampshire as well he will quit

I don't trust Rubio. I'll be happy if Cruz wins...but I'll say right now, I don't believe he can win a general election.

The liberals on this board are thrilled that Trump didn't win and Cruz did...that should tell you all you need to know.
It is meaningless. This board is infested by the extremes on both sides and imo is no reflection of how Americans feel in general. If they did reflect Americans thoughts Trump & Clinton would have easily won.

It's not the feel...it's the electoral math. Cruz may be the best thing since sliced bread, but he is not competitive in more moderate states. If Cruz is the nominee, and he holds the red states...he MUST win Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. The odds of that are slim.

Trump opens us PA, NJ, NH, MI, WI and CO. A lot better odds and a lot more for Hillary to defend.

That's why they celebrate.
I'd rather vote my conscious than base it on some liberals feelings

Fair enough...hope your conscience brings you great consolation the day Hillary is inaugurated.
I don't personally believe Hillary can beat any of our candidates

I didn't think Republicans would lose in 2012 either, but they did.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Women are the largest voting block in this country today at 54%. They are excited about getting the 1st woman POTUS in 240 years, and they are going to be voting heavily for Hillary Clinton.

Then you have Trump and his supporters chasing off 17% of the population Hispanics when Republicans need at least 46% of this block to win the White House. Now Muslims and Jews are also in the Democrat column.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest party today, representing 40% of the entire electorate.

Hillary Clinton could easily win this election. With these numbers Republicans may not be able to hold onto the Senate and could lose a lot of seats in the house. As with Romney, his fate was sealed long before he won the nomination. The same thing could happen in 2016.

I don't trust Rubio. I'll be happy if Cruz wins...but I'll say right now, I don't believe he can win a general election.

The liberals on this board are thrilled that Trump didn't win and Cruz did...that should tell you all you need to know.
It is meaningless. This board is infested by the extremes on both sides and imo is no reflection of how Americans feel in general. If they did reflect Americans thoughts Trump & Clinton would have easily won.

It's not the feel...it's the electoral math. Cruz may be the best thing since sliced bread, but he is not competitive in more moderate states. If Cruz is the nominee, and he holds the red states...he MUST win Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. The odds of that are slim.

Trump opens us PA, NJ, NH, MI, WI and CO. A lot better odds and a lot more for Hillary to defend.

That's why they celebrate.
I'd rather vote my conscious than base it on some liberals feelings

Fair enough...hope your conscience brings you great consolation the day Hillary is inaugurated.
I don't personally believe Hillary can beat any of our candidates

No but the left wing media can how do you think Obama got elected, twice.
If Cruz's ego was at stake, yes lol

That sounds strangely like a no. Hmmm. :eusa_think:
I'm not committed to anyone. I just don't trust Trump

I don't trust Rubio. I'll be happy if Cruz wins...but I'll say right now, I don't believe he can win a general election.

The liberals on this board are thrilled that Trump didn't win and Cruz did...that should tell you all you need to know.
It is meaningless. This board is infested by the extremes on both sides and imo is no reflection of how Americans feel in general. If they did reflect Americans thoughts Trump & Clinton would have easily won.

It's not the feel...it's the electoral math. Cruz may be the best thing since sliced bread, but he is not competitive in more moderate states. If Cruz is the nominee, and he holds the red states...he MUST win Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. The odds of that are slim.

Trump opens us PA, NJ, NH, MI, WI and CO. A lot better odds and a lot more for Hillary to defend.

That's why they celebrate.
Moderate... shmoderate... it all boils down to who turns out to vote. I think conservatives/republicans are about as fed up with obama and leftists as this country has ever seen, maybe even worse than before the Civil War, so if they turn out to vote in record numbers like they did in Iowa, we'll have a repub prez, and it won't matter which one it is. People will turn out to vote AGAINST either Hitlery or the old commie, period. America is FED UP, PISSED, if you haven't noticed.
It is meaningless. This board is infested by the extremes on both sides and imo is no reflection of how Americans feel in general. If they did reflect Americans thoughts Trump & Clinton would have easily won.

It's not the feel...it's the electoral math. Cruz may be the best thing since sliced bread, but he is not competitive in more moderate states. If Cruz is the nominee, and he holds the red states...he MUST win Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. The odds of that are slim.

Trump opens us PA, NJ, NH, MI, WI and CO. A lot better odds and a lot more for Hillary to defend.

That's why they celebrate.
I'd rather vote my conscious than base it on some liberals feelings

Fair enough...hope your conscience brings you great consolation the day Hillary is inaugurated.
I don't personally believe Hillary can beat any of our candidates

No but the left wing media can how do you think Obama got elected, twice.

The Evangelical Reich wing of party was responsible for Obama's 2nd term, not the media.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

In 2012 it was women, in 2016 it is another large voting block Hispanics. Until the Reich wing of the Republican party realizes that they are the minority in this country today, and that it's not a good idea to chase large voting blocks off, they will continue to lose National Elections from here on out.

That sounds strangely like a no. Hmmm. :eusa_think:
I'm not committed to anyone. I just don't trust Trump

I don't trust Rubio. I'll be happy if Cruz wins...but I'll say right now, I don't believe he can win a general election.

The liberals on this board are thrilled that Trump didn't win and Cruz did...that should tell you all you need to know.
It is meaningless. This board is infested by the extremes on both sides and imo is no reflection of how Americans feel in general. If they did reflect Americans thoughts Trump & Clinton would have easily won.

It's not the feel...it's the electoral math. Cruz may be the best thing since sliced bread, but he is not competitive in more moderate states. If Cruz is the nominee, and he holds the red states...he MUST win Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. The odds of that are slim.

Trump opens us PA, NJ, NH, MI, WI and CO. A lot better odds and a lot more for Hillary to defend.

That's why they celebrate.
Moderate... shmoderate... it all boils down to who turns out to vote. I think conservatives/republicans are about as fed up with obama and leftists as this country has ever seen, maybe even worse than before the Civil War, so if they turn out to vote in record numbers like they did in Iowa, we'll have a repub prez, and it won't matter which one it is. People will turn out to vote AGAINST either Hitlery or the old commie, period. America is FED UP, PISSED, if you haven't noticed.

Nope, it's you that's pissed off, and you think that everyone thinks like you--when they don't. The Reich wing of the Republican party doesn't even represent 20% of the Republican party. You are going to see main stream Republicans jump in here over the next few weeks, and they're going to bury Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. They want to WIN the White House, and they're going to pick a candidate that they believe can do that.

I expect that Marco Rubio is going to come on strong--and if he can get enough money to stay in this race he will the nominee of the party, and it's only because Republicans are thinking about how they win the White House.
The American people as a whole are IGNORANT. That was proven by 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama. They don't want shit fixed..Fine give them Bernie Sanders. :)
Unfortunately, a large portion of our population is politically ignorant and will vote due to name recognition or an appearance of getting things free.
It's not the feel...it's the electoral math. Cruz may be the best thing since sliced bread, but he is not competitive in more moderate states. If Cruz is the nominee, and he holds the red states...he MUST win Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. The odds of that are slim.

Trump opens us PA, NJ, NH, MI, WI and CO. A lot better odds and a lot more for Hillary to defend.

That's why they celebrate.
I'd rather vote my conscious than base it on some liberals feelings

Fair enough...hope your conscience brings you great consolation the day Hillary is inaugurated.
I don't personally believe Hillary can beat any of our candidates

No but the left wing media can how do you think Obama got elected, twice.

The Evangelical Reich wing of party was responsible for Obama's 2nd term, not the media.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

In 2012 it was women, in 2016 it is another large voting block Hispanics. Until the Reich wing of the Republican party realizes that they are the minority in this country today, and that it's not a good idea to chase large voting blocks off, they will continue to lose National Elections from here on out.


What are you smoking lib the liberal filth media allowed Obama to lie with impunity, hell one leftwit debate moderator jumped into the debate to save Obama supporting his lie AND she was flat out wrong. You libs just think you are clever, no matter we'll destroy you soon enough.
I'm not committed to anyone. I just don't trust Trump

I don't trust Rubio. I'll be happy if Cruz wins...but I'll say right now, I don't believe he can win a general election.

The liberals on this board are thrilled that Trump didn't win and Cruz did...that should tell you all you need to know.
It is meaningless. This board is infested by the extremes on both sides and imo is no reflection of how Americans feel in general. If they did reflect Americans thoughts Trump & Clinton would have easily won.

It's not the feel...it's the electoral math. Cruz may be the best thing since sliced bread, but he is not competitive in more moderate states. If Cruz is the nominee, and he holds the red states...he MUST win Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. The odds of that are slim.

Trump opens us PA, NJ, NH, MI, WI and CO. A lot better odds and a lot more for Hillary to defend.

That's why they celebrate.
Moderate... shmoderate... it all boils down to who turns out to vote. I think conservatives/republicans are about as fed up with obama and leftists as this country has ever seen, maybe even worse than before the Civil War, so if they turn out to vote in record numbers like they did in Iowa, we'll have a repub prez, and it won't matter which one it is. People will turn out to vote AGAINST either Hitlery or the old commie, period. America is FED UP, PISSED, if you haven't noticed.

Nope, it's you that's pissed off, and you think that everyone thinks like you--when they don't. The Reich wing of the Republican party doesn't even represent 20% of the Republican party. You are going to see main stream Republicans jump in here over the next few weeks, and they're going to bury Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. They want to WIN the White House, and they're going to pick a candidate that they believe can do that.

I expect that Marco Rubio is going to come on strong--and if he can get enough money to stay in this race he will the nominee of the party, and it's only because Republicans are thinking about how they win the White House.
Sorry, but you're full of shit clear up to your eye brows.

And thank God the vast majority of conservatives out here in "fly over country" don't represent the republican party, because they have become democrat lite, and yes, that's why they're all pissed, and whether little bubble headed, leftist, city slicker pajama boys like you are aware of it or not is irrelevant. The republican party has a huge shake up coming, as well as Washington, and it is due to the vast majority of Americans being pissed off with BOTH their parties.

Seriously, your denials of what's been all over the news now for the past two months really makes you look stupid. Are you really that stupid? Or are you just a freakin' progtard hack?
If Trump drops out Cruz is toast and Rubio will be the nominee e.g. the GOP establishment will be the nominee like the last several presidential elections.
I don't trust Rubio. I'll be happy if Cruz wins...but I'll say right now, I don't believe he can win a general election.

The liberals on this board are thrilled that Trump didn't win and Cruz did...that should tell you all you need to know.
It is meaningless. This board is infested by the extremes on both sides and imo is no reflection of how Americans feel in general. If they did reflect Americans thoughts Trump & Clinton would have easily won.

It's not the feel...it's the electoral math. Cruz may be the best thing since sliced bread, but he is not competitive in more moderate states. If Cruz is the nominee, and he holds the red states...he MUST win Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. The odds of that are slim.

Trump opens us PA, NJ, NH, MI, WI and CO. A lot better odds and a lot more for Hillary to defend.

That's why they celebrate.
Moderate... shmoderate... it all boils down to who turns out to vote. I think conservatives/republicans are about as fed up with obama and leftists as this country has ever seen, maybe even worse than before the Civil War, so if they turn out to vote in record numbers like they did in Iowa, we'll have a repub prez, and it won't matter which one it is. People will turn out to vote AGAINST either Hitlery or the old commie, period. America is FED UP, PISSED, if you haven't noticed.

Nope, it's you that's pissed off, and you think that everyone thinks like you--when they don't. The Reich wing of the Republican party doesn't even represent 20% of the Republican party. You are going to see main stream Republicans jump in here over the next few weeks, and they're going to bury Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. They want to WIN the White House, and they're going to pick a candidate that they believe can do that.

I expect that Marco Rubio is going to come on strong--and if he can get enough money to stay in this race he will the nominee of the party, and it's only because Republicans are thinking about how they win the White House.
Sorry, but you're full of shit clear up to your eye brows.

And thank God the vast majority of conservatives out here in "fly over country" don't represent the republican party, because they have become democrat lite, and yes, that's why they're all pissed, and whether little bubble headed, leftist, city slicker pajama boys like you are aware of it or not is irrelevant. The republican party has a huge shake up coming, as well as Washington, and it is due to the vast majority of Americans being pissed off with BOTH their parties.

Seriously, your denials of what's been all over the news now for the past two months really makes you look stupid. Are you really that stupid? Or are you just a freakin' progtard hack?

80+% of federal office holders of every party and ideology will keep their jobs. Most lose their jobs due to retirement as opposed to being voted out. The electorate isn't 'angry', a vocal handful of people are being marginalized and left behind. You're in that group.
I think this is the only victory Cruz will have. It's Trump from here on out. People are pissed at the status quo and they want change. Cruz is not forceful enough to bring about that change, plus he is beholden to special interests and big donors. Trump isn't.
I think Rubio has a real shot to win NH. It's a more moderate state, and many NH voters have been floating around the multiple "establishment" candidates - Christie, Kasich, Bush, etc. I think many of them will gravitate towards Rubio.

Even if he loses NH, I don't think Trump will drop out. If he loses, I think he'll stay around at least until the SEC primary. He's still way ahead in many polls, particularly in the south.

If he's competitive and racking up delegates, he may stick around until the convention. If the majority of delegates are Cruz and Trump with neither having a majority, he many want to see what happens in Cleveland.
Trump will go as an independent if he doesn't get the nod. His ego will not let him give in. If he does that and Bloomberg also puts his oar in, the Dems will cruz...er cruise... to the WH...
Trump was very gracious and humble after finishing second, at least in the clips I saw.

He should act like that more often.
Unfortunately, a large portion of our population is politically ignorant and will vote due to name recognition or an appearance of getting things free.

That explains Bush II. Doesn't explain Obama or Bill Clinton. It will explain Hillary, or Jeb, if he gets up..
The real question is does Trump have any true support, or was support of Trump just the far right throwing a temper tantrum because the party leadership doesn't listen to them?

Here's the thing, right now, Cruz is the alternative to Trump. I don't think he'll do well in a place like New Hampshire, which traditionally skews liberal.

While the Party leadership is wary of Trump, they are mortified by Cruz. If Trump does decline, his supporters are more likely to gravitate towards Cruz than Rubio.

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