If Trump was President with gas over $5/gallon, who would be blamed?

The reality is that the fault sits squarely in the laps of the oil company execs.

All of them have been announcing exactly why they aren't re-investing in drilling, have been since late last year. Same with the big three fracker companies. Their stockholders want most of the windfall profits distributed to them.

And since they're selling at a deep discount, and we're buying from India, there is still no reason for oil companies price gouging. Last week Russian oil exports are back to pre-war levels and selling at over a $35/bl discount, and that is for their high grade stuff that has the highest yields of gas and diesel.
No one, Trump would not have let it happen. You must remember Biden is mental.
lol Presidents don't tell big oil companies what to do, that works the other way around. They can do what they want, and squeeze any pol in any country out of office.
If Trump were President with gas over $5 per gallon, the reasons would be, in chronological order:
  1. Trillions and trillions and trillions in stimulus are pumped into the economy since 2009
  2. We ALL go all those years waiting for all this stimulus to create MASSIVE inflation
  3. COVID hits and the economy falls into complete structural disarray
  4. COVID subsides
  5. Demand explodes globally coming out of the COVID lockdowns
  6. Supply chains immediately collapse worldwide
  7. Inflation hits and quickly compounds on itself with supply chains paralyzed
  8. The Fed waits far too long (maybe 6 to 8 months) to gradually control the inflation
That would be the story. As it is today.
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Biden is famously on record saying he will kill oil and naturwl gas production in the US

And obama already went there against coal before that

Now old joe is frantically trying to evade blame for the high gasoline prices he caused
If Trump were President with gas over $5 per gallon, the reasons would be, in chronological order:
  1. Trillions and trillions and trillions in stimulus are pumped into the economy since 2009
  2. We ALL go all those years waiting for all this stimulus to create MASSIVE inflation
  3. COVID hits and the economy falls into complete structural disarray
  4. COVID subsides
  5. Demand explodes globally coming out of the COVID lockdowns
  6. Supply chains immediately collapse worldwide
  7. Inflation hits and quickly compounds on itself with supply chains paralyzed
  8. The Fed waits far too long (maybe 6 to 8 months) to gradually control the inflation
That would be the story. As it is today.

The liberal, pro democrat, anti trump news media would blame everything on trump

But if trump were still president the oil companies would be going full speed, oil from canada woild we welcome again, ANWR would not be off limits, and maybe most important of all, the nuclear deal with Iran would not be happening and the Saudi’s would be cooperating with trump instead of dragging their feet for old joe
Lets take all the exact same circumstances, but make Trump the President.

Now who would be repsonsible for gas prices and why?
Well we would have to ask why Trump threatened OPEC to reduce supply in April 2020...

Saying that the US President doesn't set the price of Oil as much as Trump tried...

The facts are, unless the US Government nationalises Oil Production (Venezuela style) they can't control the supply or price of Oil...

Nobody is proposing to nationalise Oil Production...

So trying to pin this on Biden or Trump is pretty much nonsense..
Biden is famously on record saying he will kill oil and naturwl gas production in the US

And obama already went there against coal before that

Now old joe is frantically trying to evade blame for the high gasoline prices he caused
But can you show actions he to do that immediately..

Biden has expressed a view to have US be far less dependent on fossil fuels and if anything this crisis shows why...
My taxi driver picked me up in an Electric Car last night, he said he is laughing, best decision ever...He has a massive competitive advantage, his running costs ar almost a tenth of theirs... The extra cost of the vehicle will be paid off in a few weeks..

If Trump was President with gas over $5/gallon, who would be blamed?​

I think the politics of the USA under Donald Trump is one of the main causes for this situation now. As it looks now we have a block Russia + China + Turkey and other autocrats because their autocrats saw that the USA is not any longer fighting for democratic systems but is on her own in danger to beomce an autocracy. Donald Trump gave a lot of hope - to the totally wrong people of the totally wrong political systems.

The Ukraine has by the way also a political system which is not fully reliable. The strategy of the Ukrainian government to fight with all of their weak power for a free Krim and for a free Donbass region is in my eyes a very big problem - specially because not many Ukrainians live now in this regions any longer. Everyone in the world seems to need more realism in the moment.

And do me the favor to forget Donald Trump. This super-idiot is no one missing in world politics.
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But can you show actions he to do that immediately..

Biden has expressed a view to have US be far less dependent on fossil fuels and if anything this crisis shows why...
My taxi driver picked me up in an Electric Car last night, he said he is laughing, best decision ever...He has a massive competitive advantage, his running costs ar almost a tenth of theirs... The extra cost of the vehicle will be paid off in a few weeks..
You want me to convince you that biden is guilty

Otherwise you expect me to agree with you

But I cant possibly know all the stupid little behind the scenes mistakes that led to the situation we have now

Its enough to know that biden promised he would do it and he has
You want me to convince you that biden is guilty

Otherwise you expect me to agree with you

But I cant possibly know all the stupid little behind the scenes mistakes that led to the situation we have now

Its enough to know that biden promised he would do it and he has
So you got nothing...

Biden has a medium to long term goal to get US off its addiction to oil...

Look at European goals as an example...
"The agreement to sell only zero-emissions vehicles from this time, unveiled at the UN climate summit in Glasgow on Wednesday, includes Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Ireland and the UK, which had already agreed to phase out new petrol and diesel car sales by 2030."

These are serious goals... Biden has stated that they can't go for this with the immediate problems facing the world... The strategy has to take in short term concerns.

Just as example, Germany is burning Lignite (brown coal) at the moment to help with there energy problems but they want off Russian Gas and Oil by 2030... This increases the demands on other energy providers like Solar and Wind... I say Germany will be reconsidering Nuclear in the medium term (they are trying to phase that out too)... The big thing is they have whole new industries created out of these changes...

Denmark is the king of wind... They are above 55% on 2020 figures and adding incredible amounts a year (about 5%)....
"Two Danish manufacturers, Siemens Wind Power and MHI Vestas Offshore Wind, dominate the global market for off- shore wind turbines. Together, they have produced almost ninety percent of the offshore wind turbines installed."

Denmark saw a market and combination of Danish companies and Government they decided to take the lead in an emerging market. Trump tried to claim they caused cancer (ridiculous), but they say that a large one one over a city can help regulate hearth conditions..
lol Presidents don't tell big oil companies what to do, that works the other way around. They can do what they want, and squeeze any pol in any country out of office.
The Green deal will be forced on us whether we want it or not. This is a definition of tyranny. And it is sold like it is just part of American guile. The greatest scam in human history is being put onto the stage.
Lets take all the exact same circumstances, but make Trump the President.

Now who would be repsonsible for gas prices and why?

You all would blame everyone but Trump and the other side would blame Trump for 100% of it.

You all are just mirror images of each other.
If he banned fracking and removed leases and did all the shit Biden did….I would blame Trump.


See what I did? I criticized Trump.

there is a first time for everything
If he banned fracking and removed leases and did all the shit Biden did….I would blame Trump.


See what I did? I criticized Trump.
There is so much material for criticizing Dumb Don. It’s a bottomless pit.

However this is true of nearly every president in my time, only Dumb Don really stands out above the rest.
If he banned fracking and removed leases and did all the shit Biden did….I would blame Trump.


See what I did? I criticized Trump.
But Biden didn't ban fracking...

He actually broke a promise to do it...

Biden is just playing head-up game... There is an energy crisis and we need fracking for now... Fracking will go the way of Coal, a newer tech (fracking) is putting Coal out of business, Wind & Solar could be Fracking end of dimishing...

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