If Trump was President with gas over $5/gallon, who would be blamed?

Lets take all the exact same circumstances, but make Trump the President.

Now who would be repsonsible for gas prices and why?

This would be a unlikely scenario as trump wouldn't have done everything in his power to hamstring domestic oil production. He wouldn't have made transportation of it to be an issue. Be wouldn't have sold off so much of our oil reserves.

If he were president right now and we had big inflation on oil I don't not think it would be because of him personally and would be out of his control.
Where they wrong or were they right?

It's not about who deserves what, it's about posting with intelectual integrity and some self respect. Have some.
Every country on the planet had trouble with Covid and still does, no matter what their policies were. Hell, we had countries like China violating human rights in order to fight the disease and still couldn't do it. In fact, even recently Fauci again praised Trump for Operation Warp Speed, which helped save the planet. But, even to this day, Covid is still out of control and is starting to get worse again. So, no Trump is not responsible for Covid being a world wide problem or even a problem in this country. In fact, I find it amusing that Democrats told Americans not to get the Trump rushed vaccine and yet, after Biden won the election, all of a sudden it is rush out to get the Biden vaccine and if you don't we aren't going to allow you in places and we are going to fire you from your jobs.
Every country on the planet had trouble with Covid and still does, no matter what their policies were. Hell, we had countries like China violating human rights in order to fight the disease and still couldn't do it. In fact, even recently Fauci again praised Trump for Operation Warp Speed, which helped save the planet. But, even to this day, Covid is still out of control and is starting to get worse again. So, no Trump is not responsible for Covid being a world wide problem or even a problem in this country. In fact, I find it amusing that Democrats told Americans not to get the Trump rushed vaccine and yet, after Biden won the election, all of a sudden it is rush out to get the Biden vaccine and if you don't we aren't going to allow you in places and we are going to fire you from your jobs.

I think you are trying to say they were wrong.
You were replying to this post if you lost track:
I still don't know what you are a talking about. Was who right or wrong about what? If you are talking about the Democrats thoughts on Trump regarding Covid, then Democrats were wrong. Covid ravaged the entire world, no matter what strategy countries used and it is still ravaging the world as we speak. The only thing that saved us was the Trump vaccine through Operation Warp Speed, even as Democrats told Americans not to get the Trump rushed vaccine.
I still don't know what you are a talking about. Was who right or wrong about what? If you are talking about the Democrats thoughts on Trump regarding Covid, then Democrats were wrong. Covid ravaged the entire world, no matter what strategy countries used and it is still ravaging the world as we speak. The only thing that saved us was the Trump vaccine through Operation Warp Speed, even as Democrats told Americans not to get the Trump rushed vaccine.

So Yes, Democrats wrong to mindlessly bash the POTUS just because something goes wrong, but Republicans are _______ to mindlessly bash the POTUS just because something goes wrong.
So Yes, Democrats wrong to mindlessly bash the POTUS just because something goes wrong, but Republicans are _______ to mindlessly bash the POTUS just because something goes wrong.
Do you agree with your very own statement you just made?
Do you agree with your very own statement you just made?
You mean if the fill is also wrong?

Of course! It's silly to talk as if the world rotates around some one guy in the White House and to mindlessly blame him for whatever happens that you don't happen to like.
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You mean if the fill is also wrong?

Of course! It's silly to talk as if the world rotates around some one guy in the White House and to mindlessly blame him for whatever happens that you don't happen to like.
So, just to confirm, you don't mindlessly blame Trump for Covid like the democrats did for political advantage?
So, just to confirm, you don't mindlessly blame Trump for Covid like the democrats did for political advantage?

Why the hell would I? I, like most Democrats blamed specific things Trump did as a leader during Covid.

Trump was given an opportunity to be the crisis leader he always wanted to be and instead of rising to the historic occasion he just doubled down on his usual undisciplined, cooky clown show.

I blame him for downplaying Covid, for ignoring his medical experts, for constantly engaging in magical thinking, for misinforming people, for setting poor example and for playing politics with it.
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Why the hell would I? I, like most Democrats blamed specific things Trump did as a leader during Covid.

Trump was given an opportunity to be the crisis leader he always wanted to be and instead of rising to the historic occasion he just doubled down on his usual undisciplined, cooky clown show.

I blame him for downplaying Covid, for ignoring his medical experts, for constantly engaging in magical thinking, for misinforming people, for setting poor example and for playing politics with it.
Then your post to me claiming that this happens to both sides is a lie.
Of course it happens to both sides, anyone not born yesterday understands this.

We sure have a lot of people with ironic screen names around here.
Well, thanks for your admission then that Democrats played politics with the pandemic, blaming it on Trump when no country in the world got a handle on it, no matter what they did.
SOME Democrats surely have, most did not blame the very fact of Covid pandemic on Trump.
You're using trickery language now. You just don't get it. Every country in the world did different things during the pandemic and every country in the world couldn't control Covid. You can criticize every leader in the entire world for not doing this or that, Trump included, but, the end result was everything continued to get worse everywhere no matter what they did. In fact, any kind of control that we did have over the pandemic was due to Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which Fauci again recently praised. If it weren't for Trump's rushed vaccine things would have been much worse, even though Democrats repeatedly told Americans not to get the Trump rushed vaccine.
You're using trickery language now. You just don't get it. Every country in the world did different things during the pandemic and every country in the world couldn't control Covid. You can criticize every leader in the entire world for not doing this or that, Trump included, but, the end result was everything continued to get worse everywhere no matter what they did. In fact, any kind of control that we did have over the pandemic was due to Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which Fauci again recently praised. If it weren't for Trump's rushed vaccine things would have been much worse, even though Democrats repeatedly told Americans not to get the Trump rushed vaccine.

Yep, I can criticize and I am.

Operation Warp Speed was a very low hanging fruit for any president. Any president would be rushing to get the vaccine out, but the way Trump led during this crisis was uniquely Trumpian.
Yep, I can criticize and I am.

Operation Warp Speed was a very low hanging fruit for any president. Any president would be rushing to get the vaccine out, but the way Trump led during this crisis was uniquely Trumpian.
A biased person would say that Trump's covid response sucked, even though Covid swarmed around the world no matter what any country did and then said that Biden is not responsible for inflation at all.
A biased person would say that Trump's covid response sucked, even though Covid swarmed around the world no matter what any country did and then said that Biden is not responsible for inflation at all.
Don't be naive, everyone is biased, including you. The trick is to not let it get in the way of the facts and taking reasonable positions.

Trump's covid response sucked, it no doubt led to some avoidable deaths, though clearly not major factor.

Biden is responsible for some of the inflation, though clearly not a major factor. But unlike Trump he is reasonably dealing with the issue without all the lying and making an ass of himself.

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