If U.S government shut down, would anyone care? Enough to force someones hand?

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump just says, "military is an essential service they will be working as usual...I will be directing $5B to start for them as one of their missions to build a wall and defend National Security between us and any invading nation."

Win/Win. They can try to tie it up in court while the military builds it.

Actually, the military IS considered essential. When the shutdown happened back in the 90's for 24 days, we had to come to work, but we had to wait for the government to reopen before we got our paychecks.
I was thinking of this, outside of the fact that many are committed to wanting a Wall and legitimate immigration reform in the U.S; what if there was a shut down and nobody cared?

I raise this issue as if people see they don't need all the services, it could really backfire. For instance, in Canada we have had a Postal slowdown/near strike for a couple of months, the union timed it for Christmas for maximum impact. Outside of a few gifts which took longer to arrive, I hardly noticed nor cared.

So, how would this play out in reality if Trump decides he needs to play hardball for the sake of U.S Sovereignty?
Only "non-essential" expenditure are "shut down" which begs the question--why the hell do we need them if they are non-essential?

The Washington bureaucrats make sure they are "essential" since they write the rules. It is the lower end workers just trying to provide for their families that get screwed over.
Let them go get productive jobs in the private sector then.
I was thinking of this, outside of the fact that many are committed to wanting a Wall and legitimate immigration reform in the U.S; what if there was a shut down and nobody cared?

I raise this issue as if people see they don't need all the services, it could really backfire. For instance, in Canada we have had a Postal slowdown/near strike for a couple of months, the union timed it for Christmas for maximum impact. Outside of a few gifts which took longer to arrive, I hardly noticed nor cared.

So, how would this play out in reality if Trump decides he needs to play hardball for the sake of U.S Sovereignty?
Only "non-essential" expenditure are "shut down" which begs the question--why the hell do we need them if they are non-essential?


Essential personnel are those who are required to keep certain things going, like the military. Non essential personnel are those civilians who support the active duty personnel for stuff like paperwork and the like. While we can do without them for a while, not having them at work severely increased the workload on the military at PSD, because we only had about 30 percent manning when they shut down in the 90's.

Also, other essential personnel would be people like police and firefighters as well.
I was thinking of this, outside of the fact that many are committed to wanting a Wall and legitimate immigration reform in the U.S; what if there was a shut down and nobody cared?

I raise this issue as if people see they don't need all the services, it could really backfire. For instance, in Canada we have had a Postal slowdown/near strike for a couple of months, the union timed it for Christmas for maximum impact. Outside of a few gifts which took longer to arrive, I hardly noticed nor cared.

So, how would this play out in reality if Trump decides he needs to play hardball for the sake of U.S Sovereignty?
Only "non-essential" expenditure are "shut down" which begs the question--why the hell do we need them if they are non-essential?


This is just such a stupid argument, yet you sheep keep on making it.

When a typhoon hits the island of Okinawa, all the non-essential personnel are restricted to their quarters. Going by your logic those 95% of the military deemed non-essential for this time period are not needed and should be let go.
they should be shut down anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's in HUGE debt
shut down and NO pay
this is BULLSHIT--
there should be lay-offs
Yea..shut off those VA payments...stop paying that Medicaid and Medicare...no SOcial Security checks...fuck em right?
Temporarily furloughing something like 15% of the "non-essential" personnel (why are they there in the first place?), who will eventually be paid in full, isn't any kind of "shutdown"....Bunch of media generated hype, weeping, and wailing is about all this is.

Non essential personnel who are furloughed DON'T get paid for the time they aren't at work. The only people who will get back pay and be paid in full are the essential personnel who remain working, but, those essential personnel won't be paid until the government is reopened.

I know. I went through one for 24 days back in the mid 90's. All military personnel were required to come to work, but we missed a payday during that time and some of the lower ranks who lived paycheck to paycheck and had families had to go to Navy Relief for a loan to pay their bills. When the government reopened, back pay was paid, and they paid back Navy Relief.

All the civilians who were furloughed? They called us every morning, wondering if they could come back to work yet. I know that the shutdown hurt quite a few of the civilian workers on base quite a bit financially, they missed out on almost a whole months pay.
I remember the Civilian workers, they did the same jobs that we were trained to do. Non of us could figure out why they worked with us and made about 47 percent more than we did. It made no sense. We had four of them and they used the day room to sleep in because they were forklift operators and the midnight shift only did clean up work. Why does the government have these people? Most of them had day jobs and used the night jobs as getting some sleep and living high off he hog.
Temporarily furloughing something like 15% of the "non-essential" personnel (why are they there in the first place?), who will eventually be paid in full, isn't any kind of "shutdown"....Bunch of media generated hype, weeping, and wailing is about all this is.

Non essential personnel who are furloughed DON'T get paid for the time they aren't at work. The only people who will get back pay and be paid in full are the essential personnel who remain working, but, those essential personnel won't be paid until the government is reopened.

I know. I went through one for 24 days back in the mid 90's. All military personnel were required to come to work, but we missed a payday during that time and some of the lower ranks who lived paycheck to paycheck and had families had to go to Navy Relief for a loan to pay their bills. When the government reopened, back pay was paid, and they paid back Navy Relief.

All the civilians who were furloughed? They called us every morning, wondering if they could come back to work yet. I know that the shutdown hurt quite a few of the civilian workers on base quite a bit financially, they missed out on almost a whole months pay.
I remember the Civilian workers, they did the same jobs that we were trained to do. Non of us could figure out why they worked with us and made about 47 percent more than we did. It made no sense. We had four of them and they used the day room to sleep in because they were forklift operators and the midnight shift only did clean up work. Why does the government have these people? Most of them had day jobs and used the night jobs as getting some sleep and living high off he hog.
Did that screed come from a troll handbook Vlad?
they should be shut down anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's in HUGE debt
shut down and NO pay
this is BULLSHIT--
there should be lay-offs
Yea..shut off those VA payments...stop paying that Medicaid and Medicare...no SOcial Security checks...fuck em right?
there need to be lay-offs/furloughs/etc
the government is in MASSIVE debt
and you want to keep spending $$$$$
real smart
Plenty of jobs in the private sector....................Shut it down..........Instant Balanced Budget.............Leave it down until they get their heads out of their asses.............

Fine by me...............
they should be shut down anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's in HUGE debt
shut down and NO pay
this is BULLSHIT--
there should be lay-offs
Yea..shut off those VA payments...stop paying that Medicaid and Medicare...no SOcial Security checks...fuck em right?
there need to be lay-offs/furloughs/etc
the government is in MASSIVE debt
and you want to keep spending $$$$$
real smart

It is not the salaries that is causing the debt, the total compensation for all of the US Fed employees (non-military) only accounted for 16% of what was added to the debt in FY18.
I was thinking of this, outside of the fact that many are committed to wanting a Wall and legitimate immigration reform in the U.S; what if there was a shut down and nobody cared?

I raise this issue as if people see they don't need all the services, it could really backfire. For instance, in Canada we have had a Postal slowdown/near strike for a couple of months, the union timed it for Christmas for maximum impact. Outside of a few gifts which took longer to arrive, I hardly noticed nor cared.

So, how would this play out in reality if Trump decides he needs to play hardball for the sake of U.S Sovereignty?

I predict It will get shut down the week between Christmas and New Years, the time that many workers are already taking leave to be with their families. Very minimal damage and nobody will notice.

Then with the start of the new year both sides can claim victory and brag about holding the line and nothing will have changed.
they should be shut down anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's in HUGE debt
shut down and NO pay
this is BULLSHIT--
there should be lay-offs
Yea..shut off those VA payments...stop paying that Medicaid and Medicare...no SOcial Security checks...fuck em right?
there need to be lay-offs/furloughs/etc
the government is in MASSIVE debt
and you want to keep spending $$$$$
real smart

It is not the salaries that is causing the debt, the total compensation for all of the US Fed employees (non-military) only accounted for 16% of what was added to the debt in FY18.
I've heard this before
it's not this, it's not that
this is only blah blah blah so much of the debt--
it all adds up
bullshit--they need to LAY off people
my father worked for the government and he said there were a lot of lazy idiots
the POTUS pardoning turkeys -WTF!!!!!!!!??????????????????
....who thinks of this crap?? some government worker and/or some worker has to plan/provide for it

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