If US policing is such a "threat" to America...why dont you sign up and change it?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Watching all the cop hate out there is disgusting. People on the left are calling it such a huge threat to America. Well....GO SIGN UP dipshits! Change it. They only give out so many of those guns and badges. And PD's are ALWAYS having trouble getting good applicants, especially females and minorities. So....why don't you haters go FIX IT? Sign up. SHOW US the TRUE right way to be a cop. Carry nothing but a whistle and 6-shooter, and wear a white and pink smiley face uniform, and go hug-a-thug all day, and show us how peaceful America will become.

When Al Qaida hit us on 9-11, we realized Islamic terror was a threat to America, and MILLIONS of brave men and women signed up to fight that threat.

Well, THIS threat can be even more easily solved....YOU can sign up and be the change, YOU can change policing yourself.

Yeah, somehow, I doubt you haters would have the balls to do that. Its a dirty, thankless, dangerous job, and you all would rather Facebook about "How cops SHOULD act and dress" rather than man-up and go do something about this "threat".
Show me where anyone on USMB advocated for this prior to your post.

If you can't, I'll be forced to assume you're full of the usual conservatard shit.

Look here Randi Rhodes, Bucs90 is as Conservative as Jake Starkey, he a phony, fake, fraud, you keep him with the rest of the Liberal nutcases
I call shenigans on the OP. Believing that the police should not be militarized by the federal government is hardly the equivalent of being anti-police.

Police are civilians, and should behave as such. Effective police forces are part of the community; and do not treat the community as The Enemy.
I call shenigans on the OP. Believing that the police should not be militarized by the federal government is hardly the equivalent of being anti-police.

Police are civilians, and should behave as such. Effective police forces are part of the community; and do not treat the community as The Enemy.
While true the community in question has many within that are acting like "the enemy"

Bitch at politicians for police garb & weapon types. They're the ones arming them to the teeth. Most if not all cops don't have a choice in the matter.
6 thousand pissed off fat cops in full battle mode pointed guns at every person they encountered in MA.

Thousands more of the same in California with some little old ladies in truck a while in full battle mode before getting their vengeance by burning the suspect alive.

More SWAT shit is not we need. The attitude that every civilian is a potential terrorist an attitude for weak minded cowards.
Show me where anyone on USMB advocated for this prior to your post.

If you can't, I'll be forced to assume you're full of the usual conservatard shit.

Well.....one reason SWAT teams (and firemen) wear BDU's, and NOT their usual polyester, is because polyester under fire will melt and melt/stick to skin- same way napalm works. So, if they are throwing Malatov Cocktails....that's why SWAT teams wear military BDUs.

So, if they don't want to wear normal uniforms, and you idiots are so offended by military BDU's.....what should they wear? And WHY the fuck does it matter ....what men tasked with calming a riot....are God damn wearing?
While true the community in question has many within that are acting like "the enemy"

Bitch at politicians for police garb & weapon types. They're the ones arming them to the teeth. Most if not all cops don't have a choice in the matter.

God damn, you and most others on the right are making me really feel like shit and like a damn moron for how I've acted the last 3 years.

You are 3,000% correct.

The citizens are NOT the enemy; But, individuals acting like an enemy are hiding amongst them, and cops, like citizens, have a right to the best self defense possible while trying to control/contain those individuals amongst our fellow citizens.
God damn, you and most others on the right are making me really feel like shit and like a damn moron for how I've acted the last 3 years.

You are 3,000% correct.

The citizens are NOT the enemy; But, individuals acting like an enemy are hiding amongst them, and cops, like citizens, have a right to the best self defense possible while trying to control/contain those individuals amongst our fellow citizens.
Don't hang your hat on one issue.
Our local police department doesn't have trouble finding minorities to apply. It has trouble finding minorities to apply who can pass the literacy exam. Not being a hater here. There was an article in our local paper about that and the police chief was blunt about it. They would love to have a more diverse police department, but are not willing to change the minimum requirements to get it.
Watching all the cop hate out there is disgusting. People on the left are calling it such a huge threat to America. Well....GO SIGN UP dipshits! Change it. They only give out so many of those guns and badges. And PD's are ALWAYS having trouble getting good applicants, especially females and minorities. So....why don't you haters go FIX IT? Sign up. SHOW US the TRUE right way to be a cop. Carry nothing but a whistle and 6-shooter, and wear a white and pink smiley face uniform, and go hug-a-thug all day, and show us how peaceful America will become.

When Al Qaida hit us on 9-11, we realized Islamic terror was a threat to America, and MILLIONS of brave men and women signed up to fight that threat.

Well, THIS threat can be even more easily solved....YOU can sign up and be the change, YOU can change policing yourself.

Yeah, somehow, I doubt you haters would have the balls to do that. Its a dirty, thankless, dangerous job, and you all would rather Facebook about "How cops SHOULD act and dress" rather than man-up and go do something about this "threat".
What is so difficult to understand? Why are you calling on us to right the wrongs of aggressive and over bearing police tactics? Why can't you understand the root of the problem yourself?

When the citizens don't trust the polioce who are supposed to be there to 'protect and serve' the community, the police must adapt and respond accordingly. Ramping up police tactics with snipers, tear gas and armored personnel carriers obviously sends the message to the community that the cops see EVERYONE as a threat to be suppressed.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When the police have the equipment best suited to repress a peaceful crowd, EVERYONE looks like a criminal/terrorist.

Conservatives champion law and order, but the tactics they dearly love do not provide for either law or order.

You want change? Well...CHANGE!
Watching all the cop hate out there is disgusting. People on the left are calling it such a huge threat to America. Well....GO SIGN UP dipshits! Change it. They only give out so many of those guns and badges. And PD's are ALWAYS having trouble getting good applicants, especially females and minorities. So....why don't you haters go FIX IT? Sign up. SHOW US the TRUE right way to be a cop. Carry nothing but a whistle and 6-shooter, and wear a white and pink smiley face uniform, and go hug-a-thug all day, and show us how peaceful America will become.

When Al Qaida hit us on 9-11, we realized Islamic terror was a threat to America, and MILLIONS of brave men and women signed up to fight that threat.

Well, THIS threat can be even more easily solved....YOU can sign up and be the change, YOU can change policing yourself.

Yeah, somehow, I doubt you haters would have the balls to do that. Its a dirty, thankless, dangerous job, and you all would rather Facebook about "How cops SHOULD act and dress" rather than man-up and go do something about this "threat".
i hear what you arer saying. but lets say we do get hired and become a rookie officer. how much can we really change without getting fired?

I've always supported the police and realize they have a tougher than hell job and in a society where the criminals rights are so protected. cops are definitely handicaped. criminals can break the rules, cops can't.

unfortunately I think we are starting to see the results of this hands off policy that has been going on for so long. criminals become more brazen. criminals realize limited actions can be taken against certain crimes and know which envelopes they can push.
i hear what you arer saying. but lets say we do get hired and become a rookie officer. how much can we really change without getting fired?

I've always supported the police and realize they have a tougher than hell job and in a society where the criminals rights are so protected. cops are definitely handicaped. criminals can break the rules, cops can't.

unfortunately I think we are starting to see the results of this hands off policy that has been going on for so long. criminals become more brazen. criminals realize limited actions can be taken against certain crimes and know which envelopes they can push.

I think the problem is worse than that--seems like an increasing number of people just do not care because they do not see jail/prison as a punishment. I have heard people say things like "the most that can give me is <insert months/years here>. No big deal. " Hard to know what to make of people not valuing their freedom. Makes me wonder if they even value their own existence or their families and friends that they have such apathy toward punishment.

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