If we all came from 2 people

Let's start with getting your mind right.

Do you believe that the potential for consciousness and intelligence existed when space and time were created?
Just make your argument. For instance, after this question , just say, "If so, then __________"

Go on, you can do it.
Sorry, I need to know answer because I need you to be convinced. You won't be convinced by what I say. Only by what you believe.

Do you believe that the potential for consciousness and intelligence existed when space and time were created?
Let's start with getting your mind right.

Do you believe that the potential for consciousness and intelligence existed when space and time were created?
Just make your argument. For instance, after this question , just say, "If so, then __________"

Go on, you can do it.
Do you believe the laws of nature existed before space and time?

C'mon Mr. Big Talking Scientist. Are you afraid of a lil ol Christian dumbass?
I am not doing anything that you are not doing. You just don't see it.
You aren't demonstrating it. yes, you are demanding that something is knowledge... but you have no strawberry to give me! Nothing is preventing you from giving me a strawberry to taste... you simply don't have one. And that is the ultimate failing of your lame cliche.

As it turns out, faith is faith, and evidence-based knowledge is evidence-based knowledge. they are two different concepts. What you desperately want is for faith to have the same status as the knowledge... sorry, it will never, ever happen. By definition. you should be fine with that... I thought you were proud to have faith? now you are embarrassed of it? What gives?
Do you have faith that the conclusions you make from evidence based knowledge is always accurate?

Even knowing how insufficient your knowledge is to make a sound conclusion??

Would an ant have the capacity to grasp whats going on in the world of humans, even if it got stepped on? How could anyone prove anything to an ant?

For an ant to understand the world above that is going on simultaneously on and over his world an ant would have to do a lot of evolving..

In the same way, so do you. .Its not the other way around.

You are like the crusty old curmudgeon who never fell in love and dismisses the whole thing as delusional and won't believe that anyone was ever in love because he can't see or measure it, most likely to sooth himself from the evidence based knowledge that his chance at finding love, like your chance at finding God in this world, is quickly coming to an end.

Maybe you should find another hobby? No one can help you if you won't even help yourself.

No one can add anything to the cup of the person who is already full of themselves.
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And that's not including organic life where different forms of life are dependent on each other for survival.?
Which is precisely why both of those species survive as they are. Else, we would have different species to observe. Again, you are not making any useful argument that helps us understand a ything.
Sure, we got millions of vastly different life forms to cooperate without them dying off.
It is a fairly unanimous consensus among those who study the subject intelligently.

And yes I keep records, I see you when you're sleeping, I know if you're awake. I know if you've been bad or good....
Is the spirit limited based on your intelligence?

Let me put it this way.

If you do not approach the study of scripture intelligently, your spirit will remain without life. Without intelligent thought the development of your spirit to its fullest potential is impossible.

Lack of intelligence, not intelligence, limits the spirit. Living according to the delusions of an unrestrained imagination is not living in the spirit. It is not walking by faith. It is not intelligent. It is not living at all.

Ask Taz.
My spirit is FULL of life. You just like to draw these little scenarios in your head where everyone who doesn't think like you is lost... When you yourself aren't coherent and can't seem to give a straight answer to anything, except belittle, belittle, belittle... You must be one small, sad person.

lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
Because nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence? Um... no.
Cut the crap Taz. I didn't say that no one is happy. Obviously you are not happy. Even hostile and bitter, feeling sorry for yourself.

No one ever found God walking down that path. Is it really any wonder why you haven't?

Try to muster up some self respect, but then you would have to do something worthy of respect and you can't fool yourself..If you ever hope to see a better day, you must climb the ladder out of that pit of despair that you have plunged into, rung by rung, until you reach a better place.

No one can do it for you and God will not pity you.

If you do what is right, you will be accepted. If not, sin will be like a dope fiend hiding behind your front door with a baseball bat.
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No. Go back and re-read it. You were behaving defensively as if my beliefs somehow diminished your belief.

I have a good basis for my belief. I don't expect you to agree with it anymore than I would have expected you to behave like an atheist towards it. Imagine my surprise.
Actually, I thought you were being a complete asshole and having a bad day.
What happened to all that time you spent on Torah.org?
I thought someone else was using your username.
You only saw the side of the attacker and not the attacked.

I lost a lot of respect for you that day.
Are you referring to me defending TN?
I still defend him as he's not totally obnoxious and he's trying to sate hos curiosity.
If I didn't go to a college with Observant Jews I probably wouldn't have become Observant.
No. I am referring to how you behaved like him.

Neither of you made a positive case. I kept asking you to tell me what the Jewish faith taught so I could establish a baseline. You wouldn't do it.

So I am doing it myself in a thread I created. You haven't commented in it yet.
The Jewish faith has no problem with soul searching and being cynical to a certain extent.
No one person in this world is going to hamper my 40 hours of week of learning Torah.

That explains it, read some history or science books.
example: If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding...

Whats your point?
That there's a mass-murdering rapist god that desperately wants to be worshipped and that you can only find in a book if you disregard what the book actually says? Amirite or AMIRITE!! :biggrin:
[God said every nation will hate the Jews until the end days.
No one has been able to eliminate us and everyone really hates us.

Really? Why do you think that everybody hates you or whoever us is.

Because they are taught that from childhood, everyone will hate you due to jealousy but you are better than them.
I doubt that is what they are taught.

Oh and I have no doubt they are.
Go and seek out God.
I have n need of that hypothesis. I won't be seeking unicorns or leprechauns, either.
Neither of those is the solution to the first cause.

I have offered you the strawberry and you refused to taste it.

Prove to me what a strawberry taste likes. I won't be tasting it either. You need to convince me with evidence.

What, exactly, have you offered Fort Fun?

Go and seek out God.
I have n need of that hypothesis. I won't be seeking unicorns or leprechauns, either.
Neither of those is the solution to the first cause.

I have offered you the strawberry and you refused to taste it.

Prove to me what a strawberry taste likes. I won't be tasting it either. You need to convince me with evidence.

What, exactly, have you offered Fort Fun?

The answers to his questions. But he isn't interested in them because he is not serious.
Is the spirit limited based on your intelligence?

Let me put it this way.

If you do not approach the study of scripture intelligently, your spirit will remain without life. Without intelligent thought the development of your spirit to its fullest potential is impossible.

Lack of intelligence, not intelligence, limits the spirit. Living according to the delusions of an unrestrained imagination is not living in the spirit. It is not walking by faith. It is not intelligent. It is not living at all.

Ask Taz.
My spirit is FULL of life. You just like to draw these little scenarios in your head where everyone who doesn't think like you is lost... When you yourself aren't coherent and can't seem to give a straight answer to anything, except belittle, belittle, belittle... You must be one small, sad person.

lol... you are full of it.. not life. Belittle belittle belittle? I' must be a sad person? lol.. give me a break .

Were your feewings hurt?

Maybe you were the result of accidental dribbling after your mother had anal sex...

Oh right, sorry, thats your line.

BTW you are the one displaying impenetrable confusion daily.. Pretty fucking stupid shit.

You aren't lost cupcake? You are a really happy guy?. sure, I believe you.
Because nobody can be happy if they don’t believe in your mass murdering and rapist ghost for which you have not one shred of evidence? Um... no.
Cut the crap Taz. I didn't say that no one is happy. Obviously you are not happy. Even hostile and bitter, feeling sorry for yourself.

No one ever found God walking down that path. Is it really any wonder why you haven't?

Try to muster up some self respect, but then you would have to do something worthy of respect and you can't fool yourself..If you ever hope to see a better day, you must climb the ladder out of that pit of despair that you have plunged into, rung by rung, until you reach a better place.

No one can do it for you and God will not pity you.

If you do what is right, you will be accepted. If not, sin will be like a dope fiend hiding behind your front door with a baseball bat.
Wow! That's some pretty delirious stuff, even for you. I'm not happy, I'm hostile, bitter, feel sorry for myself, have no self-respect, I'm a fool, in a pit of despair that I plunged into myself, because I don't follow your make-believe world. Just be careful though when you write these seething posts, you might hurt yourself. :biggrin:

But on a more serious side, "No one ever found God walking down that path. Is it really any wonder why you haven't?" I've found your god alright, he's a made-up, broke-down murdering pimp who is desperate for attention and is so vain that he will roast you if you don't worship him. And I'll have nothing to do with such a cartoon character. If you ever find a real god, let me know. I'd be interested in that.
Go and seek out God.
I have n need of that hypothesis. I won't be seeking unicorns or leprechauns, either.
Neither of those is the solution to the first cause.

I have offered you the strawberry and you refused to taste it.

Prove to me what a strawberry taste likes. I won't be tasting it either. You need to convince me with evidence.

What, exactly, have you offered Fort Fun?

The answers to his questions. But he isn't interested in them because he is not serious.

Have you thought that maybe your answers aren’t convincing?
To go back to the strawberry analogy, refusing to taste, but demanding evidence of what it tastes like......

.....Fort Fun would have to be literally closing his eyes to ding’s answers, and demanding evidence of God’s existence.

But what if he (or she) has thoughtfully read ding’s answers, and simply found them lacking to explain God? After all, there’s nothing tangible of God being offered. Nothing to see, to touch, to taste, to hear, or to smell.
why is incest frowned upon? Its human history Lol
Did We All Come from Adam and Eve?
Interesting article although i dont believe they could ever know how many people we descended from.
The bible clearly indicates that more then Adam and Eve existed. Remember Cane he left and lived with OTHER humans, nor does it say that Adam and Eve's offspring mated with one another.

Actually the Book of Genesis is nether a history or science book. It is a book describing the relationship between Man and God. A relationship that is in conflict because of God gift to Man of free will. Everything from being driven out of Paradise to killing our own brother to having the earth flooded because of all the sin.
why is incest frowned upon? Its human history Lol
Did We All Come from Adam and Eve?
Interesting article although i dont believe they could ever know how many people we descended from.
The bible clearly indicates that more then Adam and Eve existed. Remember Cane he left and lived with OTHER humans, nor does it say that Adam and Eve's offspring mated with one another.

Actually the Book of Genesis is nether a history or science book. It is a book describing the relationship between Man and God. A relationship that is in conflict because of God gift to Man of free will. Everything from being driven out of Paradise to killing our own brother to having the earth flooded because of all the sin.
Wasn't Operation Desert Storm supposed to take Eden back? Or was that the war after, I forget. :biggrin:
why is incest frowned upon? Its human history Lol
Did We All Come from Adam and Eve?
Interesting article although i dont believe they could ever know how many people we descended from.
The bible clearly indicates that more then Adam and Eve existed. Remember Cane he left and lived with OTHER humans, nor does it say that Adam and Eve's offspring mated with one another.

Actually the Book of Genesis is nether a history or science book. It is a book describing the relationship between Man and God. A relationship that is in conflict because of God gift to Man of free will. Everything from being driven out of Paradise to killing our own brother to having the earth flooded because of all the sin.
Wasn't Operation Desert Storm supposed to take Eden back? Or was that the war after, I forget. :biggrin:

I had a buddy that served in Operation Desert Storm. He didn't say anything about Eden. Something about taking Kuwait back.

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