If we can't see an atom or a god, how do we 'prove' or 'disprove' these things exist, and do we even need proof?

The visible church and the spiritual church can be quite different.
Then why support the visible church at all?

I see the RCC and I see a tyrannical monarchy whose leader, the pope, is infallible that uses psychic weapons instead of bullets to impose its will and people accept it because they have been sold a bill of goods that it is not the will of the power structure of the church but the very will of GOD and they are the only ones who can enforce it. Where is the law of the Canon of the RCC written in the bible?

As if a god couldn't enforce its own will anywhere and everywhere

Why else do you think the threat of excommunication stuck so much fear into people of the past? That is an empty threat today because people know better and the weapons of the church are becoming ineffective
If we can't see an atom or a god, how do we 'prove' or 'disprove' these things exist, and do we even need proof? Why would proof be needed or desired? If we do a thorough investigation seeking evidence of the atom and of a god, where will we find ourselves?

So far:

The atom:

A god:
EMPTY - MPTY - MPT - MT - ___________________

Is this correct? If not, what am I missing? What scientific proof is there of a god existing?


Voyager 1, After Major Malfunction, Is Back From the Brink, NASA Says​

The farthest man-made object in space had been feared lost forever after a computer problem in November effectively rendered the 46-year-old probe useless.

By Orlando Mayorquín
June 15, 2024, 10:24 a.m. ET

Several months after a grave computer problem seemed to spell the end for Voyager 1, which for nearly a half century had provided data on the outer planets and the far reaches of the solar system, NASA announced on Thursday that it had restored the spacecraft to working order.
“The spacecraft has resumed gathering information about interstellar space,” NASA said in its announcement about Voyager 1, the farthest man-made object in space.

Since the problem surfaced in November, engineers had been working to diagnose and resolve the issue, a tedious and lengthy process complicated by the fact that it takes almost two days to send and receive information from Voyager 1, which was the first man-made object ever to enter interstellar space and is currently more than 15 billion miles from Earth.

The space community had been holding its breath since last year as the prospect of fixing the aging probe appeared as dire as ever.


James Webb Space Telescope pierces through dust to find an ancient ghostly galaxy​

It always interests me that I lived long enough to see the Voyagers leave the solar system and crossed "the heliopause, the boundary that marks the end of the heliosphere and the beginning of interstellar space." I had a friend who was a gov docs librarian and and academic who shared early images of the Voyagers. He didn't live to see what I have, but my memories of his interests and fascination he shared with me lives on.

I'm intrigued by much I will most likely not get to see too.

Then why support the visible church at all?

I see the RCC and I see a tyrannical monarchy whose leader, the pope, is infallible that uses psychic weapons instead of bullets to impose its will and people accept it because they have been sold a bill of goods that it is not the will of the power structure of the church but the very will of GOD and they are the only ones who can enforce it. Where is the law of the Canon of the RCC written in the bible?

As if a god couldn't enforce its own will anywhere and everywhere

Why else do you think the threat of excommunication stuck so much fear into people of the past? That is an empty threat today because people know better and the weapons of the church are becoming ineffective
What is "the visible church"?
I'm pretty sure if he was here I'd have noticed.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Got family? Got a pet? Ever look at a tree -- I mean REALLY LOOK AT IT?

Ever think about the fact that we live on the only moderate planet with temperatures that are so damn stable?

Ever think what would happen if the oxygen level in the atmosphere was anything other than 20.9%

There are MILLIONS of things all around you that, if they were different, life wouldn't exist.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Got family? Got a pet? Ever look at a tree -- I mean REALLY LOOK AT IT?

Ever think about the fact that we live on the only moderate planet with temperatures that are so damn stable?

Ever think what would happen if the oxygen level in the atmosphere was anything other than 20.9%

There are MILLIONS of things all around you that, if they were different, life wouldn't exist.
Dude, I've been all over this world and seen the shitty things people do to each other, the tragedies that happen.

You cannot convince me there is some all-knowing being, but if I'm wrong, and there is, the bastard has a hell of a lot to answer for.

Fuck "god". For that matter fuck all gods from atum to zoroaster.
Dude, I've been all over this world and seen the shitty things people do to each other, the tragedies that happen.

You cannot convince me there is some all-knowing being, but if I'm wrong, and there is, the bastard has a hell of a lot to answer for.

Fuck "god". For that matter fuck all gods from atum to zoroaster.
I have no interest in convincing you. You CHOOSE BLINDNESS.

Everytime I leave my house and get in my car I KNOW a manufacturing plant built my car. My car's EXISTENCE is all the proof I need that a company of intelligent beings created it.
Yet with any God, the supposed indirect evidence and proxies are as subjective as they can be . None can agree. No consensus. LOL
Do you know what determines whether you measure light - or any elementary particle for that matter - as a particle or wave?
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Actually, we can see atoms using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.

God is a human concept that can't be seen.
Can a character in a video game see his creator? They don't exist in the same realm
Yet with any God, the supposed indirect evidence and proxies are as subjective as they can be . None can agree. No consensus. LOL

Discreet atoms are required for gases to maintain their expected volume and pressure values ... I might have the logic wrong here but I think this is demonstrated by adding more gas to the sample ... if the gas was infinitely fine, then any added gas wouldn't change volume or pressure ... however we see that indeed adding gas does change these parameters, thus the gas must have some smallest indivisible unit ... what was termed "atoms" in classical Greek philosophy ...

There are 6.022 x 10^23 atoms of Hydrogen-1 in a one gram sample ... the published value of 1.008 grams includes naturally occurring Deuterium and Tritium (H-2 and H-3 respectively) ...

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