If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

I have always caught on, its you who has been very slow.

there are verses in the koran that can easily be interpreted to support violence against all non-muslims. There is absolutely no question about that.

I would say that the "fucking idiots" are the ones who deny that radical islam exists and is determined to destroy western civilization.

The Q'uran is absolute saturated with injunctions and particulars and justifications for waging war and committing violence against Unbelievers.

Absolutely saturated with it.

And, to make matters worse, Islam (1) doesn't have a 'command structure' and (2) has locked-out changes, precluding serious Reform.

It's a Warrior Religion - long dormant - now re-awakening (and re-militarizing) after long decades and centuries under the colonial and imperial rule of a variety of Euro-Trash - awakening to the fact that Islam (as a domain) has fallen desperately far behind The West in social evolution, technology, military capabilities, etc., and it's scared and angry and determined to catch-up and reestablish itself as a dominating force in the world. It is a powder-keg, and it is highly susceptible to the match of any street-corner mullah with a bug up his ass who wants to 'make his bones' and add his bit to the collective re-awakening and attempts to recapture the glories of past centuries. It is a Disturber of the Peace.

You promote the rather shallow, generic characterization of Islam. It's as though some people need simplistic explanations to make sense out of the world.
Occam's Razor.
I'm not the least bit interested in phony standards of debate decorum when they are obviously used to promote superficial anecdotes.
Doesn't matter what a jihadist pretends to be interested in.

Sorry Achmed, it isn't working.
I have always caught on, its you who has been very slow.

there are verses in the koran that can easily be interpreted to support violence against all non-muslims. There is absolutely no question about that.

I would say that the "fucking idiots" are the ones who deny that radical islam exists and is determined to destroy western civilization.

The Q'uran is absolute saturated with injunctions and particulars and justifications for waging war and committing violence against Unbelievers.

Absolutely saturated with it.

And, to make matters worse, Islam (1) doesn't have a 'command structure' and (2) has locked-out changes, precluding serious Reform.

It's a Warrior Religion - long dormant - now re-awakening (and re-militarizing) after long decades and centuries under the colonial and imperial rule of a variety of Euro-Trash - awakening to the fact that Islam (as a domain) has fallen desperately far behind The West in social evolution, technology, military capabilities, etc., and it's scared and angry and determined to catch-up and reestablish itself as a dominating force in the world. It is a powder-keg, and it is highly susceptible to the match of any street-corner mullah with a bug up his ass who wants to 'make his bones' and add his bit to the collective re-awakening and attempts to recapture the glories of past centuries. It is a Disturber of the Peace.

You promote the rather shallow, generic characterization of Islam. It's as though some people need simplistic explanations to make sense out of the world.
Islam does not have "characterization" or the Islamists' other favorite word, "interpretation". It is CLEAR. All one need do is read the suras of the Koran to see the genocide, wife-beating, sex discrimination, rape, pedophilia, slavery, torture/mutilation, et al vile things
I am beginning to suspect that you are correct about the nature of our colleague... despite the American-looking profile or the incessant accusations of un-American-ism.

Our friend is far too sensitive and far too insistent, and it's not terribly difficult to find his-her-its hot-buttons.

Good catch - I think.

One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.
The Q'uran is absolute saturated with injunctions and particulars and justifications for waging war and committing violence against Unbelievers.

Absolutely saturated with it.

And, to make matters worse, Islam (1) doesn't have a 'command structure' and (2) has locked-out changes, precluding serious Reform.

It's a Warrior Religion - long dormant - now re-awakening (and re-militarizing) after long decades and centuries under the colonial and imperial rule of a variety of Euro-Trash - awakening to the fact that Islam (as a domain) has fallen desperately far behind The West in social evolution, technology, military capabilities, etc., and it's scared and angry and determined to catch-up and reestablish itself as a dominating force in the world. It is a powder-keg, and it is highly susceptible to the match of any street-corner mullah with a bug up his ass who wants to 'make his bones' and add his bit to the collective re-awakening and attempts to recapture the glories of past centuries. It is a Disturber of the Peace.

You promote the rather shallow, generic characterization of Islam. It's as though some people need simplistic explanations to make sense out of the world.
Islam does not have "characterization" or the Islamists' other favorite word, "interpretation". It is CLEAR. All one need do is read the suras of the Koran to see the genocide, wife-beating, sex discrimination, rape, pedophilia, slavery, torture/mutilation, et al vile things
I am beginning to suspect that you are correct about the nature of our colleague... despite the American-looking profile or the incessant accusations of un-American-ism.

Our friend is far too sensitive and far too insistent, and it's not terribly difficult to find his-her-its hot-buttons.

Good catch - I think.

One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.
You promote the rather shallow, generic characterization of Islam. It's as though some people need simplistic explanations to make sense out of the world.
Islam does not have "characterization" or the Islamists' other favorite word, "interpretation". It is CLEAR. All one need do is read the suras of the Koran to see the genocide, wife-beating, sex discrimination, rape, pedophilia, slavery, torture/mutilation, et al vile things
I am beginning to suspect that you are correct about the nature of our colleague... despite the American-looking profile or the incessant accusations of un-American-ism.

Our friend is far too sensitive and far too insistent, and it's not terribly difficult to find his-her-its hot-buttons.

Good catch - I think.

One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA
Islam does not have "characterization" or the Islamists' other favorite word, "interpretation". It is CLEAR. All one need do is read the suras of the Koran to see the genocide, wife-beating, sex discrimination, rape, pedophilia, slavery, torture/mutilation, et al vile things
I am beginning to suspect that you are correct about the nature of our colleague... despite the American-looking profile or the incessant accusations of un-American-ism.

Our friend is far too sensitive and far too insistent, and it's not terribly difficult to find his-her-its hot-buttons.

Good catch - I think.

One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Are you kidding, this one incident presents a serious threat to our national security. We aren't much of a nation if it does.
Islam does not have "characterization" or the Islamists' other favorite word, "interpretation". It is CLEAR. All one need do is read the suras of the Koran to see the genocide, wife-beating, sex discrimination, rape, pedophilia, slavery, torture/mutilation, et al vile things
I am beginning to suspect that you are correct about the nature of our colleague... despite the American-looking profile or the incessant accusations of un-American-ism.

Our friend is far too sensitive and far too insistent, and it's not terribly difficult to find his-her-its hot-buttons.

Good catch - I think.

One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Wrong again, the author of the OP makes no distinction between radical Islam and others. It's all the same if you don't think about it.
I am beginning to suspect that you are correct about the nature of our colleague... despite the American-looking profile or the incessant accusations of un-American-ism.

Our friend is far too sensitive and far too insistent, and it's not terribly difficult to find his-her-its hot-buttons.

Good catch - I think.

One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Are you kidding, this one incident presents a serious threat to our national security. We aren't much of a nation if it does.

3000 innocent people died at the hands of radical islamists------------not a threat? really? What if it happens again? still no threat? how many americans have to die at the hands of radical muslims on american soil before it becomes a threat? 10,000? 100,000? a million?
I am beginning to suspect that you are correct about the nature of our colleague... despite the American-looking profile or the incessant accusations of un-American-ism.

Our friend is far too sensitive and far too insistent, and it's not terribly difficult to find his-her-its hot-buttons.

Good catch - I think.

One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Wrong again, the author of the OP makes no distinction between radical Islam and others. It's all the same if you don't think about it.

the OP is a "what if" question which was posted to create discussion. It amazes me how some people don't understand what a message board is all about.
One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Are you kidding, this one incident presents a serious threat to our national security. We aren't much of a nation if it does.

3000 innocent people died at the hands of radical islamists------------not a threat? really? What if it happens again? still no threat? how many americans have to die at the hands of radical muslims on american soil before it becomes a threat? 10,000? 100,000? a million?

Maybe you can explain how denying American Muslims freedom of religion will some how prevent future terrorist attacks.
One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Wrong again, the author of the OP makes no distinction between radical Islam and others. It's all the same if you don't think about it.

the OP is a "what if" question which was posted to create discussion. It amazes me how some people don't understand what a message board is all about.

Oh I see, so the point of a public forum is to postulate the most ridiculous ideas imaginable and call it reasoned debate.
One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.

the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Wrong again, the author of the OP makes no distinction between radical Islam and others. It's all the same if you don't think about it.

the OP is a "what if" question which was posted to create discussion. It amazes me how some people don't understand what a message board is all about.

I see, so you the OP didn't expect replies with people's opinion about the question? I agree someone is confused about what a message board is, but I have different ideas about who is the one who's confused
the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Are you kidding, this one incident presents a serious threat to our national security. We aren't much of a nation if it does.

3000 innocent people died at the hands of radical islamists------------not a threat? really? What if it happens again? still no threat? how many americans have to die at the hands of radical muslims on american soil before it becomes a threat? 10,000? 100,000? a million?

Maybe you can explain how denying American Muslims freedom of religion will some how prevent future terrorist attacks.

who wants to deny them freedom of religion? not me.

the OP was designed to get fools like you all spun up, I see that it worked. You got taken, learn from it.
the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Wrong again, the author of the OP makes no distinction between radical Islam and others. It's all the same if you don't think about it.

the OP is a "what if" question which was posted to create discussion. It amazes me how some people don't understand what a message board is all about.

I see, so you the OP didn't expect replies with people's opinion about the question? I agree someone is confused about what a message board is, but I have different ideas about who is the one who's confused

its called a troll thread. designed to get the mental midgets to make stupid statements, It worked.
the boston marathan bombers were american citizens-----------and radical muslims. I suspect that the people killed or maimed by them would consider radical islam as a threat.

So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Wrong again, the author of the OP makes no distinction between radical Islam and others. It's all the same if you don't think about it.

the OP is a "what if" question which was posted to create discussion. It amazes me how some people don't understand what a message board is all about.

Oh I see, so the point of a public forum is to postulate the most ridiculous ideas imaginable and call it reasoned debate.

you got taken. learn your lesson and move on. much of this is a game to make people like you say dumb things. I'm trying to help you.
So then based on this incident they should all be rounded up, put into concentration camps, gassed, burned, whatever.

of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Are you kidding, this one incident presents a serious threat to our national security. We aren't much of a nation if it does.

3000 innocent people died at the hands of radical islamists------------not a threat? really? What if it happens again? still no threat? how many americans have to die at the hands of radical muslims on american soil before it becomes a threat? 10,000? 100,000? a million?

Maybe you can explain how denying American Muslims freedom of religion will some how prevent future terrorist attacks.

who wants to deny them freedom of religion? not me.

the OP was designed to get fools like you all spun up, I see that it worked. You got taken, learn from it.

Oh I see, so the author of this thread is really a master manipulator. He just pulled a Jedi mind trick, is that right? Hard to tell from his ill considered remarks.
of course not, but you said they did not present a threat, I merely corrected your misstatement.

but we can also talk about 9/11 if you persist that radical islam is not a threat to the USA

Are you kidding, this one incident presents a serious threat to our national security. We aren't much of a nation if it does.

3000 innocent people died at the hands of radical islamists------------not a threat? really? What if it happens again? still no threat? how many americans have to die at the hands of radical muslims on american soil before it becomes a threat? 10,000? 100,000? a million?

Maybe you can explain how denying American Muslims freedom of religion will some how prevent future terrorist attacks.

who wants to deny them freedom of religion? not me.

the OP was designed to get fools like you all spun up, I see that it worked. You got taken, learn from it.

Oh I see, so the author of this thread is really a master manipulator. He just pulled a Jedi mind trick, is that right? Hard to tell from his ill considered remarks.

Yee haaa, you finally got it. I will admit that its sometimes hard for a newby to separate the bullshit from the semi legitimate debate, but you will get it over time.

BTW, this is the last time I will come to your rescue :itsok:
I have always caught on, its you who has been very slow.

there are verses in the koran that can easily be interpreted to support violence against all non-muslims. There is absolutely no question about that.

I would say that the "fucking idiots" are the ones who deny that radical islam exists and is determined to destroy western civilization.

The Q'uran is absolute saturated with injunctions and particulars and justifications for waging war and committing violence against Unbelievers.

Absolutely saturated with it.

And, to make matters worse, Islam (1) doesn't have a 'command structure' and (2) has locked-out changes, precluding serious Reform.

It's a Warrior Religion - long dormant - now re-awakening (and re-militarizing) after long decades and centuries under the colonial and imperial rule of a variety of Euro-Trash - awakening to the fact that Islam (as a domain) has fallen desperately far behind The West in social evolution, technology, military capabilities, etc., and it's scared and angry and determined to catch-up and reestablish itself as a dominating force in the world. It is a powder-keg, and it is highly susceptible to the match of any street-corner mullah with a bug up his ass who wants to 'make his bones' and add his bit to the collective re-awakening and attempts to recapture the glories of past centuries. It is a Disturber of the Peace.

You promote the rather shallow, generic characterization of Islam. It's as though some people need simplistic explanations to make sense out of the world.
Islam does not have "characterization" or the Islamists' other favorite word, "interpretation". It is CLEAR. All one need do is read the suras of the Koran to see the genocide, wife-beating, sex discrimination, rape, pedophilia, slavery, torture/mutilation, et al vile things
I am beginning to suspect that you are correct about the nature of our colleague... despite the American-looking profile or the incessant accusations of un-American-ism.

Our friend is far too sensitive and far too insistent, and it's not terribly difficult to find his-her-its hot-buttons.

Good catch - I think.

One thing you people seem to have forgotten in your pointless academic exercise. You haven't established the need for any such actions, you haven't substantiated the threat, you haven't come anywhere close to showing that American Muslims are any kind of threat to national security.
The nice part about this - for me, anyway - is that I am under no such obligation.

I am not advocating that we do this.

Merely speculating upon future likelihood and serving-up a 40000-foot (macro-level) view of how that would be handled Constitutionally.

For active, present-day advocates of such a solution, you must look elsewhere.

Hope that helps.
Are you kidding, this one incident presents a serious threat to our national security. We aren't much of a nation if it does.

3000 innocent people died at the hands of radical islamists------------not a threat? really? What if it happens again? still no threat? how many americans have to die at the hands of radical muslims on american soil before it becomes a threat? 10,000? 100,000? a million?

Maybe you can explain how denying American Muslims freedom of religion will some how prevent future terrorist attacks.

who wants to deny them freedom of religion? not me.

the OP was designed to get fools like you all spun up, I see that it worked. You got taken, learn from it.

Oh I see, so the author of this thread is really a master manipulator. He just pulled a Jedi mind trick, is that right? Hard to tell from his ill considered remarks.

Yee haaa, you finally got it. I will admit that its sometimes hard for a newby to separate the bullshit from the semi legitimate debate, but you will get it over time.

BTW, this is the last time I will come to your rescue :itsok:

You really need to stop doing favors for me like that, they don't really help.
...Maybe you can explain how denying American Muslims freedom of religion will some how prevent future terrorist attacks.
If... IF... it comes down to that, at some future date...

Reclassifying Islam as a dangerous, hostile political philosophy and membership, rather than as a religion, would break its back here in this country.

Such a move would allow the government to abolish its domestic organizations, seize its assets, ban its practitioners from government service, and on and on and on, and all of it potentially able to withstand the inevitable Constitutional challenges.

A regular nightmare and can of worms, but one that might very well materialize, if Radical Militant Islam keeps pushing The West and the United States.

How would that prevent future attacks?

It wouldn't.

It would merely lessen the prospects, and eliminate potential fifth-columnists and sleeper-cell members from positions of government and power.

Such a re-classifying would require a Supreme Court ruling on the nature of Islam, and could not be achieved at-present, in all likelihood, without the stimulus of future and extreme danger to The Nation and its People.

But, given such a future threat or future extreme pressure from this threat-vector, such a thing might very well come to pass.

Generally speaking, it is probably in everyone's interest to hope that such a development never occurs.

But - pushed far enough by Islam - we should not be overly surprised in future if it comes down to that.

There's a lesson in there somewhere for Mainstream Islam - don't let your Bad Boys push us that far - we don't want to go there - but we might - if you can't begin to control your Radicals better and get control of this interminable and potentially toxic situation. The choice is yours.
No, it is not. Any more than we are a Christian nation.
Ah, but, in a very real sense, we ARE a 'Christian' nation... or, more accurately, a heavily Christian-leaning secularized Christian nation.

As in... founded by Christians, for Christians, populated largely by Christians and the descendants of Christians, smart enough to separate Church from State, generally tolerant of other religions and belief systems, but based upon and operating from a system of laws, philosophy and morals strongly rooted in and adapted from the European Christian mindset... and rejecting belief systems which manifest open hostility towards our culture and traditions and way of life.

Promoting one religion over another is distinctly unAmerican.
Islam is not a religion.

That's not for you to decide.

It is up to ALL of us to decide, as a Nation.

And the only way for that to be decided, is to openly discuss it, admitting all opinions on the subject.

This is not an Islamic court, where only one perspective is allowed.
This is not a Tea Party or Social Con or a Nativist Court, either.

American Muslims have the same rights as you, no more, no less.

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