If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

It is for all the American to decide, just like all the Italian people decided, when they decided to define Islam as NOT A RELIGION, and thereby denied it religious tax status, which is granted to actual religions, (Catholic, Christian, Judaism, Hindu, etc)
Nope, unless you amend the Constitution, Achmed. You won't.
Ah, but, in a very real sense, we ARE a 'Christian' nation... or, more accurately, a heavily Christian-leaning secularized Christian nation.

As in... founded by Christians, for Christians, populated largely by Christians and the descendants of Christians, smart enough to separate Church from State, generally tolerant of other religions and belief systems, but based upon and operating from a system of laws, philosophy and morals strongly rooted in and adapted from the European Christian mindset... and rejecting belief systems which manifest open hostility towards our culture and traditions and way of life.

Promoting one religion over another is distinctly unAmerican.
Islam is not a religion.

That's not for you to decide.

It is up to ALL of us to decide, as a Nation.

And the only way for that to be decided, is to openly discuss it, admitting all opinions on the subject.

This is not an Islamic court, where only one perspective is allowed.
This is not a Tea Party or Social Con or a Nativist Court, either.

American Muslims have the same rights as you, no more, no less.
For as long as we say they do... if and when the Supreme Court rules otherwise, that could change. Let us hope it does not come to that.
Promoting one religion over another is distinctly unAmerican.
Islam is not a religion.

That's not for you to decide.

It is up to ALL of us to decide, as a Nation.

And the only way for that to be decided, is to openly discuss it, admitting all opinions on the subject.

This is not an Islamic court, where only one perspective is allowed.
This is not a Tea Party or Social Con or a Nativist Court, either.

American Muslims have the same rights as you, no more, no less.
For as long as we say they do... if and when the Supreme Court rules otherwise, that could change. Let us hope it does not come to that.
No, as long as all Americans support the Constitution, we are fine. Christians are no more privileged here than Muslims.
Kondor, you are merely a wannabee, a fake. You do not have what it takes to be a bad ass. Tis what is.
No, as long as all Americans support the Constitution, we are fine...
Which will work fine until America Muslim radical sleeper-cells manifest and become highly problematic. Then all hell could break loose. At which time, we may see a move in the US Supreme Court to strip Islam of its status as a religion and re-classify it as a hostile alien political system operating under the disguise of a religion. Stranger things have happened.

...Christians are no more privileged here than Muslims.
Looks good, on paper, I'm sure, but don't go believing that too hard - you're bound to be disappointed.
No, as long as all Americans support the Constitution, we are fine...
Which will work fine until America Muslim radical sleeper-cells manifest and become highly problematic. Then all hell could break loose. At which time, we may see a move in the US Supreme Court to strip Islam of its status as a religion and re-classify it as a hostile alien political system operating under the disguise of a religion. Stranger things have happened.

...Christians are no more privileged here than Muslims.
Looks good, on paper, I'm sure, but don't go believing that too hard - you're bound to be disappointed.
No we don't, and no you want. America will not tolerate a schismatic schizophrenic Christian element, any more than jihadis, trying to take power.
No, as long as all Americans support the Constitution, we are fine...
Which will work fine until America Muslim radical sleeper-cells manifest and become highly problematic. Then all hell could break loose. At which time, we may see a move in the US Supreme Court to strip Islam of its status as a religion and re-classify it as a hostile alien political system operating under the disguise of a religion. Stranger things have happened.

...Christians are no more privileged here than Muslims.
Looks good, on paper, I'm sure, but don't go believing that too hard - you're bound to be disappointed.
No we don't, and no you want. America will not tolerate a schismatic schizophrenic Christian element, any more than jihadis, trying to take power.
You tell 'em, tiger.
Americans are not crazy religious as were they once.

We are not worried about jihadists, we are not worried about crazy social con so-called Christians.

The separation of Church and State is sound.

The silliness of the Kondors is merely for grins and chuckles.
Americans are not crazy religious as were they once.

We are not worried about jihadists, we are not worried about crazy social con so-called Christians.

The separation of Church and State is sound.

The silliness of the Kondors is merely for grins and chuckles.
Back under your rock, Jakey...
:) You all don't have the power you once did in this ever more secular state. Watch for SCOTUS' ruling in June for a real demonstration of that truth.
Forums > US Discussion > Politics >

  1. If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?


We will win the "Hammer and Sickle " award which is like the Oscar given to the most tyrannical nations.



We will win the "Hammer and Sickle " award which is like the Oscar given to the most tyrannical nations.



Are you a jihadist? If not, why are you pushing JIHAD on this page ?

Are you mentally retarded?

If not why are you acting like a RETARD on this page?

No one is 'forgetting' anything.

One can be a loyal and dutiful American citizen while at the same time retaining the values and traditions of his home culture, that is indeed what makes America great and strong; one does not exclude the other.

That a Muslim should adhere to a belief system that you subjectively perceive to be 'radical' does not mitigate that Muslim's rights as an American citizen, where the same holds true for a radical Christian opposed to privacy rights for women and equal protection rights for gay Americans.

Indeed, neither you nor anyone else on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims is in a position of authority to judge whether a Muslim is 'radical' or not, or whether he's refused to to accept American culture and values.

The issue is the ignorance of Islam, along with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and the failure to understand that the actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

I agree 100%. Did you support the attack on the religious group in Waco?

there is no "fear of muslims" there is an acknowledgement of the danger presented by radical islam.

Did you support the beheading of 21 Christians in the name of Islam?

So no one blames the Koran itself as the source of the terrorism?

We've never heard that rant before? lol, where have you been?

radical interpretation of the koran is the issue here, please try to keep up

So the people who blame the Koran itself, including all those here at USMB, are fucking idiots?

You're catching on.

I have always caught on, its you who has been very slow.

there are verses in the koran that can easily be interpreted to support violence against all non-muslims. There is absolutely no question about that.

I would say that the "fucking idiots" are the ones who deny that radical islam exists and is determined to destroy western civilization.
A few are general idiots. A few others are liberal idiots (like Marie Harf) following the very idiotic Obama administration Islamist line. A very large number (much larger than we think) are ISIS operatives, who are heavily involved in mass media (like this forum) to promote jihad.

My guess is that some or all of the Islamist talk we're seeing in this very thread, are from ISIS operatives, or Muslim Brotherhooders, connected to some American Muslim Brotherhood front group (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, MAS, etc) These Islamist/jihadist involved people rampantly use taqiyya (lying for Islam), defend jihad, whether a violent one (ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban, Boko Haram, etc) or quiet Islamization pushed by the MB front groups. This taqiyya ordinarily causes them to make preposterous claims like we see in this thread about the Supremacy Clause allegedly not outlawing supremacy (when that's the primary thing it does)

Sure. If everyone was to be aware of the conflict between this and Islam's supremacy, they would all be directly on board against the jihad that these jihadists are trying to push. ie. the destruction of western civilization, the elimination of it, and the enactment of an Islamic state, supreme over all else.

This is a very sensitive point for jihadists. It is the pure, clear obstacle to their path to their goal, clearly stated in the Muslim Brotherhood's infamous Explanatory Memorandum of May 22, 1991, which they have never disavowed. And their sensitivity to the American people knowing about their subversion is well revealed by the lengths they went to, to conceal it all from the American public. They were successful at hiding it entirely from America for 13 years, until an FBI raid on the home of Ismail Elbarrase, in Annandale, Virginia, discovered the treasure trove of documents of the US Muslim Brotherhood deeply hidden in the sub-basement of that home.

These documents then served as the critical evidence for prosecution in the 2007/2008 US vs Holy Land Foundation terrorist (Hamas) funding trial, which sent 5 jihadist operatives to prison, were they now rot for the rest of their stinking jihadist lives.

Center for Security Policy An Explanatory Memorandum From the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America

"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).
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It is further noticable (and glaring) that when Islamapologists in this thread, speak words that are favorable to ISIS, and helpful to its cause, as well as that of the Muslim Brotherhood (to destroy America, the US Constitution, and replace it with an Islamic state), that these are exactly what ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood operatives would say, if they were in this forum posting posts.

And if those jihadists were here in this thread, would they be saying anythinq quite differently than the pro-Islam, pro-jihad things Liminal, Jake Starkey, Contumacious, Syriusly, et al have been saying ? Answer is clear. No. Not at all. Food for serious thought.
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Forums > US Discussion > Politics >

  1. If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?


We will win the "Hammer and Sickle " award which is like the Oscar given to the most tyrannical nations.



We will win the "Hammer and Sickle " award which is like the Oscar given to the most tyrannical nations.



Are you a jihadist? If not, why are you pushing JIHAD on this page ?

Are you mentally retarded?

If not why are you acting like a RETARD on this page?

So you don't have a direct answer to that direct question, which is more fuel for the case that jihad may well be your motive for what you're posting here. It certainly is consistent with just what jihadists would say. Your defense of Islam. Your support for the ruse of it being a religion (so as to try to hide behind the 1st amendment).
Your ludicrous attempts to paint the Supremacy Clause as not dealing with supremacy (and therefor Islam). etc

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