If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

As well as staatists and totalitarians attempting to silence differing opinion.

Tell me professor, how do you silence people on a public forum?
Can't be done.

But that doesn't stop such folk from attempting to silence opinion, through ad hominem attacks and insults and denigration and ridicule, or overwhelming them in a gang-pile of counter-posting, etc.

All that is required to counter that, however, is to simply push back - not to provoke, but to stand one's ground once attacked - and to give back better than one receives.
That's not hard to do against these Islamapologist phonies, who have no substance to say, and pretend that the obvious (Supremacy Clause outlawing supremacism) doesn't exist. There are no limits of absurdity to which these zealots (some of who are Muslim jihadists) will go, to push their jihad, and try to silence their critics.

yes, but you are wrong when you claim that islam is not a religion.
I am right. Italy is right. Most people around the world are right. You are wrong.

Most people around the world recognize Islam as a religion.
Tell me professor, how do you silence people on a public forum?
Can't be done.

But that doesn't stop such folk from attempting to silence opinion, through ad hominem attacks and insults and denigration and ridicule, or overwhelming them in a gang-pile of counter-posting, etc.

All that is required to counter that, however, is to simply push back - not to provoke, but to stand one's ground once attacked - and to give back better than one receives.
That's not hard to do against these Islamapologist phonies, who have no substance to say, and pretend that the obvious (Supremacy Clause outlawing supremacism) doesn't exist. There are no limits of absurdity to which these zealots (some of who are Muslim jihadists) will go, to push their jihad, and try to silence their critics.

yes, but you are wrong when you claim that islam is not a religion.
I am right. Italy is right. Most people around the world are right. You are wrong.

Most people around the world recognize Islam as a religion.
FALSE! Most people around the world DO NOT recognize Islam as a religion. Because they're not stupid. And even many, if not most, Muslims themselves don't recognize it as a religion, but they don't come out and say so, because they're afraid of the jihadists.
"The Bible" isn't relevant to Christians. Only the Pope and New Testament are, and they don't advocate these vile things that the Koran does. Stop lying.

Hmmm the Bible is the holy book for Christians. The Pople isn't relevant to any Christians other than Catholics.

You are amazingly misinformed.
I know that. You are hopelessly in error.

No. "The Bible is NOT the holy book for Christians. The New Testament is, and even that is just non-Catholic Christians. Got it ?

I have got that you have no clue.

The Christian Bible consists of two books- the Old Testament and the New Testament.

And that applies to both Catholics, Protestants and presumably Orthodox and Copts though I don't really know much about their practices.
FALSE! The Old testament is the JEWISH bible. And neither it or the new one or on topic to this thread.

You've already deviated from your topic, so cut the crap.
Oh aren't you clever ? If I did deviate from it, that was within the context of having to respond to someone else's deviation (including yours)
Ah, but, in a very real sense, we ARE a 'Christian' nation... or, more accurately, a heavily Christian-leaning secularized Christian nation.

As in... founded by Christians, for Christians, populated largely by Christians and the descendants of Christians, smart enough to separate Church from State, generally tolerant of other religions and belief systems, but based upon and operating from a system of laws, philosophy and morals strongly rooted in and adapted from the European Christian mindset... and rejecting belief systems which manifest open hostility towards our culture and traditions and way of life.

Promoting one religion over another is distinctly unAmerican.
Islam is not a religion.

That's not for you to decide.

It is up to ALL of us to decide, as a Nation.

And the only way for that to be decided, is to openly discuss it, admitting all opinions on the subject.

This is not an Islamic court, where only one perspective is allowed.

No. But it is a nation ruled by a Constitution that recognizes the rights of peoples of all religions in this country to worship freely and EQUALLY within the rule of law.

It is up to ALL of us to follow that Constitution and not arbritrarily decide some religions are ok and others are not because next time, it might be yours.
OFF TOPIC!! The topic is >> If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ? Which has nothing whatsoever to do with religion.
"The Bible" isn't relevant to Christians. Only the Pope and New Testament are, and they don't advocate these vile things that the Koran does. Stop lying.

Hmmm the Bible is the holy book for Christians. The Pople isn't relevant to any Christians other than Catholics.

You are amazingly misinformed.
I know that. You are hopelessly in error.

No. "The Bible is NOT the holy book for Christians. The New Testament is, and even that is just non-Catholic Christians. Got it ?

I have got that you have no clue.

The Christian Bible consists of two books- the Old Testament and the New Testament.

And that applies to both Catholics, Protestants and presumably Orthodox and Copts though I don't really know much about their practices.
FALSE! The Old testament is the JEWISH bible. And neither it or the new one or on topic to this thread.

Really a trivial issue, but it is a great example of how Protectionist is invulnerable to the facts and reality.

I will ask again- does anyone- anyone agree with Protectionists bizarre interpretation of the Constitution?

You have clearly defined yourself as a loon jihadist, or someone like Marie Harf who says crazy things in order to conform to the Islamist Obama administration. This has occured by you having expressed an absurd notion that the Supremacy Clause is an "interpretation", and does not govern supremacy (like that of Islam).
It's like saying that the 1st amendment, freedom of speech doesn't govern speech. You might as well say that fish can't swim, or that the earth is flat.

Coptic Christian Bishop Angaelos Forgives ISIS For Libya Massacre

Apparently American so-called Christians aren't so forgiving. They're too scared.
They're not scared.

They're pissed.

And on their guard against The Enemy.
They are frightened, and their anger is unwarranted, a consequence of their ignorance and hate, as Islam is not 'the enemy.'
You are the IGNORANT one. The GUTLESS COWARD who cut & ran, when I presented you with the Islamization Quiz, which YOU KNOW if you take it, your massive ignorance of Islam/Islamization will be exposed, to one and all.

AS for fear, it is those who are IGNORANT (like YOU) who are without fear. Like a small child who wanders into a bear's den, oblivious of the danger. The only other explanation would be if you, like some others in this thread, might be a jihadist, and pretending with taqiyya.

As for hate, that is the Koran. And it is appropriate to hate hatred.

Now you are just being a silly boy.
I am neither a boy or silly. And you are disingenuous.
As well as staatists and totalitarians attempting to silence differing opinion.

Tell me professor, how do you silence people on a public forum?
Can't be done.

But that doesn't stop such folk from attempting to silence opinion, through ad hominem attacks and insults and denigration and ridicule, or overwhelming them in a gang-pile of counter-posting, etc.

All that is required to counter that, however, is to simply push back - not to provoke, but to stand one's ground once attacked - and to give back better than one receives.

What kind of a weak minded idiot would be silenced by something like that?
If you have participated on message boards and interactive blogging sites for any length of time (beyond that indicated by your current profile), then you will have good experience in witnessing the departure of large numbers of people, after they have been repeatedly attacked - sometimes, an entire side to a debate eventually pulls-up stakes and leaves, after being subjected to such tactics. It's not a matter of a weak mind. It's a matter of feeling harassed, and leaving, in order to provide relief for that feeling, yes?

Exactly. That is why so many of our Muslim members end up leaving.
That doesn't make sense, Using this thread as a perfect example, it is the Muslim jihadists who are doing the harassing, not the reverse. And the protectionists are not getting any defense from the forum.
Ismail Elbarasse The Counter Jihad Report

NOTE: Although the "FBI WARNING: CAIR Organized by HAMAS" video starts out in Arabic, that is only for the first half of the video. At 3:11 of the video, it goes to English,so you could click your mute button to mute out the Arabic in the beginning, and click again to hear English at the 3:11 point. Also, at the 4:00 point, the rather annoying song playing in the background stops, and the video becomes much better.
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The only jihadist on this thread is Protectionist. Yes, he is a silly boy, his Constitutional scholarship is nil. He blathers.

Coptic Christian Bishop Angaelos Forgives ISIS For Libya Massacre

Apparently American so-called Christians aren't so forgiving. They're too scared.
They're not scared.

They're pissed.

And on their guard against The Enemy.
They are frightened, and their anger is unwarranted, a consequence of their ignorance and hate, as Islam is not 'the enemy.'


...It is up to ALL of us to follow that Constitution and not arbritrarily decide some religions are ok and others are not...
Indeed, it IS up to ALL of us to follow that Constitution.

My post was speculating upon the distinct possibility that Radical Militant Islam will push The West, and the US in particular, far enough and hard enough in the foreseeable future, so that OUR government takes a case to the US Supreme Court, to try whether Islam should continue to be viewed as a Religion, or as a hostile, toxic Political-Cultural mechanism.

If (1) any such test-case ever materialized in future, and (2) if that test-case resulted in such a ruling, then Islam would lose the protections accorded it with respect to Freedom of Religion, and the government would be free to shut down its gathering places, seize its assets, and proscribe or eject its practitioners.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at sword's-point, Safety wins, almost every time.

The suspension of Habeus Corpus during the opening days of the American Civil War, and the large-scale internment of West-coast Japanese-Americans during WWII, tell us all we need to know about the accuracy of that Constitutionality-Safety observation.

This, in turn, means that it is in the best interests of American Muslims - and, indeed, Muslims everywhere - to get off their dead asses, and to begin to get control of these Radicals and Militants and War-Mongers and Caliph-Wannabees in their midst, before those miscreants spoil it for everyone else.

Fail to do that, and Radical Militant Islam will grow in territory and power and influence, until such time as it DOES pose a mortal an existential threat to the United States and the American People.

If-and-when that happens, we will then see the 'test-case' that I have been speculating upon.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at sword's-point, Safety wins, nearly every time.

Don't want to see that unfold?

Neither do I.

Neither do most people of goodwill, regardless of their religious confession.

If Muslims get control of their Militants, it will not happen.

Otherwise, all bets are off - on some future and very sorry day.

...because next time, it might be yours.
Sounds very much like the Vietnam Domino Theory to me, but, truth be told - and discounting that I'm not a practicing Christian but merely raised in its traditions and loyal to its philosophy and behavioral codes insofar as I find it practical - I'll take my chances, in a Secularized Christian Nation, that Christianity will be left largely un-touched.

After all... this country was founded by Christians, for Christians, and was (and is) populated largely by Christians, and its laws are largely based upon the Euro-Christian mindset and traditions and legal body of work... so 'mine' is probably not next - regardless.

But, if it is, it is - and those vast numbers of poor, oppressed Christians will have the consolation that the scourge of a savage and barbaric and misogynistic Islam would have been purged from the body politic before their own troubles unfolded - with Islam excised rather like an alien and cancerous growth.

All in accordance with United States Constitutional Law - courtesy of a single re-classifying ruling of the US Supreme Court, on a sorry future day, once Islam pushes us too far.

For your sake - indeed, for all our sakes, you had better hope that we are not pushed that far - because that will almost certainly unfold, if Militant Islam is not smashed in time.

And that, Coyote, is where I put away my crystal ball - having applied a combination of logic and history to such macro-level speculation about the decades to come.
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As well as staatists and totalitarians attempting to silence differing opinion.

Tell me professor, how do you silence people on a public forum?
Can't be done.

But that doesn't stop such folk from attempting to silence opinion, through ad hominem attacks and insults and denigration and ridicule, or overwhelming them in a gang-pile of counter-posting, etc.

All that is required to counter that, however, is to simply push back - not to provoke, but to stand one's ground once attacked - and to give back better than one receives.

What kind of a weak minded idiot would be silenced by something like that?
If you have participated on message boards and interactive blogging sites for any length of time (beyond that indicated by your current profile), then you will have good experience in witnessing the departure of large numbers of people, after they have been repeatedly attacked - sometimes, an entire side to a debate eventually pulls-up stakes and leaves, after being subjected to such tactics. It's not a matter of a weak mind. It's a matter of feeling harassed, and leaving, in order to provide relief for that feeling, yes?

Exactly. That is why so many of our Muslim members end up leaving.
Can't say as I blame 'em.

They're talking up a storm, trying to defend their Faith, amongst vast numbers of a much different belief-system, and it's not going well for them.

Their biggest problem is not the stubbornness of their opposites, but the weaknesses in the philosophy and dogma of their own belief system, and the way it manifests in the Real World.

Christianity has been responsible for a very great many slaughters and outrages and violence over time, committed in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, but, when they commit such violence, they do so in direct opposition to the teachings of their Founder.

Islam has been responsible for a very great many slaughters and outrages and violence over time, committed in the name of Allah or Muhammed, but, when they commit such violence, they usually do so in direct compliance to the teachings of their Founder.

Changes are also locked-out of Islam... their scriptures and dogma declare such teachings to be perfect, and the last word from God, un-changeable, and, therefore, they have locked themselves out of any substantive and meaningful reform that would allow them to reject the wide array of warfare and violence -related elements in their dogma.

To make matters worse, Islam has no historical nor present-day chain-of-command to speak of; leaving its vast array of warfare and violence -related injunctions and permissions and rationalizations susceptible to use or mis-use by any street corner mullah with a bug up his bum who wants to make a name for himself or to cause mischief in the world.

Worse still, Islam is a primitive, misogynistic, oppressive and brutally-punishing legal system embedded within this so-called belief system, which causes it to present to the outside world as a Neanderthal-like throwback to the medieval era, and they fight amongst themselves so often that nobody takes their religion-of-peace protestations seriously.

Our Muslim colleagues are fighting a losing battle, because they are (1) oftentimes trying to defend the indefensible and (2) their dogma and its practical application in the Real World belie and betray what they are trying to sell.

I give those who try full props for trying, but there's really no point.. most of us know better than to buy into a bill of goods that is so glaringly and obviously self-betraying.
Kondor just babbles and babbles.

ISIS is a jihadist group that does not represent Islam.
Says Kondor the person with a brain the size of a humming bird.

We are not going to outlaw Muslims in this country, and any who break the law persecuting them will be punished by the law.
Says Kondor the person with a brain the size of a humming bird.

We are not going to outlaw Muslims in this country, and any who break the law persecuting them will be punished by the law.
There are ample precedents in the United States for overriding or changing or re-interpreting the Constitution in times of great danger.

It will require a 'time of great danger' in order for any such re-classification to be considered or effected.

What do you think are the odds of Militant Islam putting sufficient pressure upon The West and upon the US in decades to come, to set such a chain of events into motion?

Militant Islam cannot help itself - it will continue to grow, and to provoke - until it drives The West (and the US) to far more drastic action.

As I've remarked earlier, we can (and should) all hope that such a thing does not come to pass, but I wouldn't put any money on it in Vegas.

Your childish denigrating remarks notwithstanding.
But none of that will happen because you do not have the power or legal strength to make it happen. America is beyond nativist reaction. You who denigrate others now whines when so treated in turn.
But none of that will happen because you do not have the power or legal strength to make it happen. America is beyond nativist reaction. You who denigrate others now whines when so treated in turn.
We are not talking about the here-and-now, lightweight, but the future, and the likelihood of the unfolding of existential danger sufficient to bring about such developments.

And, while we're at it, (1) whom am I denigrating, and (2) who died and made you judge-and-jury, with regard to my participation?

Stay out of my face... I have done nothing to provoke you personally, although you have subjected me to a great deal of personal animosity because I serve-up views opposite to your own.

Besides... there are great many worthy debating folk around here, and a fairly sizable number of those can kick my ass in a debate, 4 times out of 5 or better.

You, however, are not one of those... you lack the requisite grey matter.

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