If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

In over that time period there has been little change in the Bible either, a set of books full of violence, intolerance, murder and mayhem. Yet the religion changed.
Totally false. The Bible changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Huge change. In addition, Christianity was overhauled big time, by the Protestant Reformation, in which various Christian religions emerged all based on the New Testament, while Catholics continued to look to the Pope in Rome instead.

Christians never refuted the OT and still don't - look at the ferver over the Ten Commandments. Even the NT has it's share of violence. The religion changed, the books not so much, and that change was largely in the last couple of centuries.
You cannot ban the Quran, for one thing a lot of Muslims have memorised it. What you can do is show them what is wrong with it, until they realise for themselves that it cannot be the words of God.
"Until" ? And when will that be ? So far, they have been told for 1400 years, and haven't budged an inch.
Doesn't matter as this is unconstitutional. You have a legally protected right to be Muslim and observe the non-violent aspects of Islam.
NO you do NOT have a legally protected right to be Muslim. And since the Muslim ideology (masquerading as a religion) is supremacist, it is therefore unconstitutional/illegal.
False. It is, in fact, a religion among other things. Even if it were simply a supremacist ideology, they aren't illegal either. For instance, white supremacy is a legally protected ideology. The KKK is a legal group so long as they remain peaceful and don't return to their terrorist roots. We're not shutting down their websites or arresting their law abiding members. The simple fact is that you have unlimited freedom of thought as a civil right. You have freedom to practice any religion of your choosing so long as it doesn't infringe on another's basic rights.
Besides talking like a fool, do you think you might tell the readers what the hell you're talking about ? :laugh:
speaking of talking like a fool, your opening post covered that venue quite nicely.
So because you don't like them strip them of numerous Constitutional rights, ostracize them and when your idiotic plan creates terrorists on these shores you can double down on stupidity and blame liberals.

Certain stupid people tried the same silly bullshit with Christianity, the result:

Others believe that the early church met in houses due to persecution, and home meetings were the most viable option to the early adopters of Christianity.

Several passages in the Bible specifically mention churches meeting in houses. "The churches of Asia greet you, especially Aquila and Priscilla greet you much in the Lord, along with the church that is in their house." I Cor 16:19. The church meeting in the house of Priscilla and Aquila is again mentioned in Romans 16:3, 5. The church that meets in the house of Nymphas is also cited in the Bible: "Greet the brethren in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in her house." Col 4:15.

For the first 300 years of early Christianity, people met in homes until Constantine legalized Christianity, and the assembly moved out of houses into temples creating the auditorium style church seen today.[6]

I gladly don't share this wish on America as you do:


You want to play the pictures game ? OK. I'll play that game with you. How do these grab you ? The guy with the funny hat is the Islamic Palestinian Grand Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a close ally of Hitler, and the Nazi-uniformed guys with the funny Arabian hats are the Muslim contingent in the Nazi Waffen SS.

PS - the Grand Mufti is the highest official of religious law in a Sunni or Ibadi Muslim country.

View attachment 36949 View attachment 36950 View attachment 36951

You left out the important bits.

He was the Grand Mufti of Jeruselum. Jeruselum only. Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moot point Point is he was a high rank Muslim leader, in alliance with Hitler, and there was an entire regiment of Muslim soldiers wearing Nazi uniforms, and fighting for Hitler. (Grand Mufti shown in photos reviewing them)
Besides talking like a fool, do you think you might tell the readers what the hell you're talking about ? :laugh:
speaking of talking like a fool, your opening post covered that venue quite nicely.
So because you don't like them strip them of numerous Constitutional rights, ostracize them and when your idiotic plan creates terrorists on these shores you can double down on stupidity and blame liberals.

Certain stupid people tried the same silly bullshit with Christianity, the result:

Others believe that the early church met in houses due to persecution, and home meetings were the most viable option to the early adopters of Christianity.

Several passages in the Bible specifically mention churches meeting in houses. "The churches of Asia greet you, especially Aquila and Priscilla greet you much in the Lord, along with the church that is in their house." I Cor 16:19. The church meeting in the house of Priscilla and Aquila is again mentioned in Romans 16:3, 5. The church that meets in the house of Nymphas is also cited in the Bible: "Greet the brethren in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in her house." Col 4:15.

For the first 300 years of early Christianity, people met in homes until Constantine legalized Christianity, and the assembly moved out of houses into temples creating the auditorium style church seen today.[6]

I gladly don't share this wish on America as you do:


You want to play the pictures game ? OK. I'll play that game with you. How do these grab you ? The guy with the funny hat is the Islamic Palestinian Grand Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a close ally of Hitler, and the Nazi-uniformed guys with the funny Arabian hats are the Muslim contingent in the Nazi Waffen SS.

PS - the Grand Mufti is the highest official of religious law in a Sunni or Ibadi Muslim country.

View attachment 36949 View attachment 36950 View attachment 36951

You left out the important bits.

He was the Grand Mufti of Jeruselum. Jeruselum only. Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moot point Point is he was a high rank Muslim leader, in alliance with Hitler, and there was an entire regiment of Muslim soldiers wearing Nazi uniforms, and fighting for Hitler. (Grand Mufti shown in photos reviewing them)

Reality check. No one is arguing that the Mufti was a racist piece of shit who supported Hitler. However, he only represented a very small contingent of Muslims and was only able to provide some 20,000 out of millions of Muslims. Your're attempt to make him something akin to a world wide religious leader is a fail.
I didn't say he was a "world wide religious leader", Those are YOUR words, not mine.
What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

has anyone suggested doing that? NO. This is just another foolish left wing troll thread.

close it, mods.
"Left wing" ? lol.. How does this get to be left wing ? Usually they call me a right winger. And what's "foolish" about it ? Got a point to make ? Make it! So far you've said nothing, except your fondness for censorship.

no one has proposed closing all mosques and exterminating all muslims. the OP is bullshit.
1. CORRECTION: you have not heard of anyone who has proposed closing all mosques. That might be because you don't speak to many conservatives or view much conservative media. I do speak to them, and do view much conservative media, and i hear about this every day. That's the difference between liberal and conservative media. This is just one example of many things like this.

2. No one said anything about "exterminating all muslims", other than you.

3. The OP is NOT bullshit. YOU are.

So you think there are many "conservatives" who propose closing all mosques. So, you do that - then what?

Do you round up the Muslims if they continue to try and worship in homes and private enclaves? Do you arrest them if they are found with a Koran and send them to prison?
Doesn't matter as this is unconstitutional. You have a legally protected right to be Muslim and observe the non-violent aspects of Islam.
NO you do NOT have a legally protected right to be Muslim. And since the Muslim ideology (masquerading as a religion) is supremacist, it is therefore unconstitutional/illegal.

Just because you don't believe a religion is not a religion does mean it's not. It's legally protected under the Constitution of this country along with your own faith.
FALSE! NOTHING that is supremacist (including religions) is protected under the Constitution, and all supremacisms (religions or whatever are banned by the Supremacy clause).
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"If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?"

You would first need to amend the Constitution repealing the First Amendment.

Good luck with that.
FALSE! This thread has nothing to do with the Constitution other than the reason for closing down Islam entirely, due to its violation of the Constitution (Article 6 Section 2, the Supremacy Clause), + violation of US Codes 2384 & 2385.

Stop posting OFF TOPIC, and either talk about the thread topic (Islam/Koran reformation) or get out of the thread.

Why do you bother posting when you obviously don't know anything about the US Constitution?
What a coincidence! I was just thinking of asking you the same question. Well, since you don't, now you will know something about it, and can't claim ignorance any more. >>

US Constitution - Article 6,Section 2

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States
which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

Here's something else your liberal teachers "forgot" to teach you >>

US Code >> Title 18Part IChapter 115 › § 2384

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

And the Constitution very clearly says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

My 'liberal teachers' (which actually was a conservative former Marine) taught me the Constitution well- and what you are proposing is nothing more than pissing on the Bill of Rights.
Closing down places of worship serves no purposes what so ever. The issue is stomping out terrorism. The first logical step is from within, however this has not been demonstrated to be effective to date and doesn't appear to be a workable solution. What remains is by force and the result will be both productive as it regards containment and ineffective in that it will draw out the conflict due to the disregard and sanctity of life.
speaking of talking like a fool, your opening post covered that venue quite nicely.
So because you don't like them strip them of numerous Constitutional rights, ostracize them and when your idiotic plan creates terrorists on these shores you can double down on stupidity and blame liberals.

Certain stupid people tried the same silly bullshit with Christianity, the result:

Others believe that the early church met in houses due to persecution, and home meetings were the most viable option to the early adopters of Christianity.

Several passages in the Bible specifically mention churches meeting in houses. "The churches of Asia greet you, especially Aquila and Priscilla greet you much in the Lord, along with the church that is in their house." I Cor 16:19. The church meeting in the house of Priscilla and Aquila is again mentioned in Romans 16:3, 5. The church that meets in the house of Nymphas is also cited in the Bible: "Greet the brethren in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in her house." Col 4:15.

For the first 300 years of early Christianity, people met in homes until Constantine legalized Christianity, and the assembly moved out of houses into temples creating the auditorium style church seen today.[6]

I gladly don't share this wish on America as you do:


You want to play the pictures game ? OK. I'll play that game with you. How do these grab you ? The guy with the funny hat is the Islamic Palestinian Grand Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a close ally of Hitler, and the Nazi-uniformed guys with the funny Arabian hats are the Muslim contingent in the Nazi Waffen SS.

PS - the Grand Mufti is the highest official of religious law in a Sunni or Ibadi Muslim country.

View attachment 36949 View attachment 36950 View attachment 36951

You left out the important bits.

He was the Grand Mufti of Jeruselum. Jeruselum only. Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moot point Point is he was a high rank Muslim leader, in alliance with Hitler, and there was an entire regiment of Muslim soldiers wearing Nazi uniforms, and fighting for Hitler. (Grand Mufti shown in photos reviewing them)
speaking of talking like a fool, your opening post covered that venue quite nicely.
So because you don't like them strip them of numerous Constitutional rights, ostracize them and when your idiotic plan creates terrorists on these shores you can double down on stupidity and blame liberals.

Certain stupid people tried the same silly bullshit with Christianity, the result:

Others believe that the early church met in houses due to persecution, and home meetings were the most viable option to the early adopters of Christianity.

Several passages in the Bible specifically mention churches meeting in houses. "The churches of Asia greet you, especially Aquila and Priscilla greet you much in the Lord, along with the church that is in their house." I Cor 16:19. The church meeting in the house of Priscilla and Aquila is again mentioned in Romans 16:3, 5. The church that meets in the house of Nymphas is also cited in the Bible: "Greet the brethren in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in her house." Col 4:15.

For the first 300 years of early Christianity, people met in homes until Constantine legalized Christianity, and the assembly moved out of houses into temples creating the auditorium style church seen today.[6]

I gladly don't share this wish on America as you do:


You want to play the pictures game ? OK. I'll play that game with you. How do these grab you ? The guy with the funny hat is the Islamic Palestinian Grand Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a close ally of Hitler, and the Nazi-uniformed guys with the funny Arabian hats are the Muslim contingent in the Nazi Waffen SS.

PS - the Grand Mufti is the highest official of religious law in a Sunni or Ibadi Muslim country.

View attachment 36949 View attachment 36950 View attachment 36951

You left out the important bits.

He was the Grand Mufti of Jeruselum. Jeruselum only. Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moot point Point is he was a high rank Muslim leader, in alliance with Hitler, and there was an entire regiment of Muslim soldiers wearing Nazi uniforms, and fighting for Hitler. (Grand Mufti shown in photos reviewing them)

Reality check. No one is arguing that the Mufti was a racist piece of shit who supported Hitler. However, he only represented a very small contingent of Muslims and was only able to provide some 20,000 out of millions of Muslims. Your're attempt to make him something akin to a world wide religious leader is a fail.
I didn't say he was a "world wide religious leader", Those are YOUR words, not mine.

I didn't say you said that - I said you are making him out to be something bigger than he was. When ever people try to make an association between Hitler and the entire religion of Islam - they drag out the Mufti.
What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

has anyone suggested doing that? NO. This is just another foolish left wing troll thread.

close it, mods.
"Left wing" ? lol.. How does this get to be left wing ? Usually they call me a right winger. And what's "foolish" about it ? Got a point to make ? Make it! So far you've said nothing, except your fondness for censorship.

no one has proposed closing all mosques and exterminating all muslims. the OP is bullshit.

Oh Protectionist is a Conservative true believer that it is okay to ignore the Constitution in order to 'protect' the Constitution.
What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

To start with, it would violate the Constitution.

Honesty about what Islam is and teaches is a far better idea. Obama needs to quite lying. We need to be honest about the acts of the Warlord Muhammad, the foundation of conquest that Islam is built on, and the provisions of the Koran encouraging murder, rape, and slavery.

Decent Muslims have already rejected these parts of Islam, if Islam is to survive, all Muslims must reject these tenets.
You're ISIS #1 enemy? Do they know? Are you completely out of your mind?
He does not know the difference between fact, opinion, and fiction

I don't think he's really serious, he's just fuckin' with people.
I am 100% serious. Why would you think otherwise ? Are you not aware of the Constitution and US Codes ? I've
even noted them here for you (and even in large, color, bold print)
Doesn't matter as this is unconstitutional. You have a legally protected right to be Muslim and observe the non-violent aspects of Islam.
NO you do NOT have a legally protected right to be Muslim. .

Yes- every American has the Constitutionally protected right to be a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew or a Mormon or a Buddhist or a Janist or whatever religion that American chooses to follow.

You happen to believe that you can avoid that by arbitrarily declaring a religion is not a religion.
"If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?"

You would first need to amend the Constitution repealing the First Amendment.

Good luck with that.
FALSE! This thread has nothing to do with the Constitution other than the reason for closing down Islam entirely, due to its violation of the Constitution (Article 6 Section 2, the Supremacy Clause), + violation of US Codes 2384 & 2385.

Stop posting OFF TOPIC, and either talk about the thread topic (Islam/Koran reformation) or get out of the thread.

Why do you bother posting when you obviously don't know anything about the US Constitution?
What a coincidence! I was just thinking of asking you the same question. Well, since you don't, now you will know something about it, and can't claim ignorance any more. >>

US Constitution - Article 6,Section 2

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States
which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

Here's something else your liberal teachers "forgot" to teach you >>

US Code >> Title 18Part IChapter 115 › § 2384

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

And the Constitution very clearly says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

My 'liberal teachers' (which actually was a conservative former Marine) taught me the Constitution well- and what you are proposing is nothing more than pissing on the Bill of Rights.
FALSE! NOTHING that is supremacist (including religions) is protected under the Constitution, and all supremacisms (religiojs or whatever are banned by the Supremacy clause.
That's not what the Supremacy Clause is. This is the Supremacy Clause: "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding." It says nothing about religions, or ideologies in general. It simply establishes the federal Constitution and federal laws and treaties as superior to the constitutions and laws of the states.
Doesn't matter as this is unconstitutional. You have a legally protected right to be Muslim and observe the non-violent aspects of Islam.
NO you do NOT have a legally protected right to be Muslim. .

Yes- every American has the Constitutionally protected right to be a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew or a Mormon or a Buddhist or a Janist or whatever religion that American chooses to follow.

You happen to believe that you can avoid that by arbitrarily declaring a religion is not a religion.
Can't you read ? See Posts 96 & 108. What a strange thread. I give you information. You ignore it, and continue to post false stuff, that I have repeatedly corrected.

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