If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........


Irritated Indy Voter
Apr 8, 2013

......there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. Duh!


This is not rocket science.

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......there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. Duh!

This is not rocket science.
If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.


there are muslims buried at arlington.

You spit on the graves of our heros

Typically, the wing-nuts come right out of the woodwork. Did I say "Muslims" or "Foreign Muslims" in the OP? Did I say anything about people of any religion NOT being buried anywhere? Did anyone see me spit on anyone else? No not at all.

Then people wonder why my signature is says I am "pissed off." Once we get rid of and keep out the "foreign Muslims" we can go to work on the incredible stupidity of some American voters. These people are so dumb they don't even vote for their own best interest!
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If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.


there are muslims buried at arlington.

You spit on the graves of our heros

Typically, the wing-nuts come right out of the woodwork. Did I say "Muslims" or "Foreign Muslims" in the OP? Did I say anything about people of any religion NOT being buried anywhere? Did anyone see me spit on anyone else? No not at all.

Then people wonder why my signature is says I am "pissed off." Once we get rid of and keep out the "foreign Muslims" we can go to work on the incredible stupidity of some American voters. These people are so dumb they don't even vote for their own best interest!

You're new here. TM is the dumbest shit-for-brains liberal we have here. Best thing you can do is just laugh at the stupidity of people like her.

Thank you for the input, I will make note of TM.

These people who can not think for themselves are really irritating, which is why I am pointing out that I have been a Republican and a Democrat, but today I am simply pissed at both of parties.

I will save my remarks on Republicans for another time. The left is running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They are so worried about being "Politically Correct," or protecting someone's "civil rights" that they miss the obvious. Did you know that La Raza did a successful campaign to get television stations to drop the word "Wetback" and "Illegal Alien" to replace it with the word "Migrant?" Wouldn't want to offend the freeloaders would we?

Hell President Eisenhower's deportation program was called in official government documents, "Operation Wetback." But, today it is not PC to call these INVADERS "Wetbacks" or "foreign Muslims" who come to the United States to bleed our welfare, education, and health care system dry. Now with they are cocky and tell natural born U. S. citizens that we owe them, and should thank them for building more slums.

So, next comes the post from some ultra-liberal or even or foreign Muslim calling me a "racist." Forget that one side of my family has been here over 300 years!

The Boston Marathon Bombing was preventable.


......there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing. Duh!

This is not rocket science.
If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.


So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? :cuckoo:
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.
If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.


So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? :cuckoo:
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.

And, it is precisely that kind of ignorance that has this country in the mess we are in. Prior to 1960 the typical American immigrant was from Europe, and had European customs. They came to the United States looking for opportunity, not a hand out. All you need do is look at the accomplishments of Eastern Europeans and Italians to understand this.

Then it all changed, we began bringing in the third world types who were tribalistic animals that do not understand Western democracy. But they did understand the welfare handout that previous immigrants had not enjoyed. What contributions have you seen to America from foreign Muslims? Anything noteworthy? You can't name a thing can you?

Now immigrants have always caused problems for host countries, but we would not have had 911 or the Boston Marathon Bombing if we had not let these third world barbarians into our nation. Johnny Jihad is here to push the agenda of the Koran. Muslim is a religion that opposes everything America stands for. Yet we stupid Americans continue to offer a generous hand, to the point we are letting third world foreigner Muslims destroy our very country. These people do not want to assimilate to America, they want to give us the "gift of their ignorant, anti-American religion." This is why there were dead bodies all over Boston and New York. Am I getting through to you at all? Or, are you just sitting in our politically correct, leftest bubble with your head up your ass?

We should have figured this out when they insisted on building a Mosque near ground zero. Certainly not a friendly way to join the American community. Deport all foreign Muslims. We don't have to put up with this shit in the United States.


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If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.


So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? :cuckoo:
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.
What a silly fucking thing to say. Just because we're a nation of immigrants doesn't mean we should let anybody and everybody in, especially the ones who want to BLOW US UP!!!
I'm not familiar with the OP but based off this thread, he may be on of the dumbest people I've encountered on the website. Hope you're pretty because you're not making it anywhere in this life on your brains.

Just what you would expect. BallsBrunswick can not discuss this issue with facts, links and logic, so he turns to name calling.

Let me see if I can dumb it down for you.

1). The Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims from the third world.

2). The older one was rejected for U. S. citizenship for assaulting his wife.

3). A "dirty bomb" was made to hurt, maim, and kill as many Americans as possible because they had wasted their American opportunity.

4). The older bomber claimed to have made no American friends during the ten years he had been here.

5). If these foreign Muslims had not been in the country, they could not have exploded the bombs at the Boston Marathon. It is just that simple. We should learn from this. The Marathon bombing was avoidable.

6). Look at the philosophies of these "Johnny Jihads." They were not 21st century Americans. Time to clean house. Living in the United States is privilege. Deportation solves more problems than it creates.

Case closed. Figured it out yet, genius?


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So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? :cuckoo:
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.
What a silly fucking thing to say. Just because we're a nation of immigrants doesn't mean we should let anybody and everybody in, especially the ones who want to BLOW US UP!!!
You missed the point, Einstein!
So, next comes the post from some ultra-liberal or even or foreign Muslim calling me a "racist." Forget that one side of my family has been here over 300 years!

What the hell does that have to do with whether or not you're a racist, idiot?
So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? :cuckoo:
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.

And, it is precisely that kind of ignorance that has this country in the mess we are in. Prior to 1960 the typical American immigrant was from Europe, and had European customs. They came to the United States looking for opportunity, not a hand out. All you need do is look at the accomplishments of Eastern Europeans and Italians to understand this.

Then it all changed, we began bringing in the third world types who were tribalistic animals that do not understand Western democracy. But they did understand the welfare handout that previous immigrants had not enjoyed. What contributions have you seen to America from foreign Muslims? Anything noteworthy? You can't name a thing can you?

Now immigrants have always caused problems for host countries, but we would not have had 911 or the Boston Marathon Bombing if we had not let these third world barbarians into our nation. Johnny Jihad is here to push the agenda of the Koran. Muslim is a religion that opposes everything America stands for. Yet we stupid Americans continue to offer a generous hand, to the point we are letting third world foreigner Muslims destroy our very country. These people do not want to assimilate to America, they want to give us the "gift of their ignorant, anti-American religion." This is why there were dead bodies all over Boston and New York. Am I getting through to you at all? Or, are you just sitting in our politically correct, leftest bubble with your head up your ass?

We should have figured this out when they insisted on building a Mosque near ground zero. Certainly not a friendly way to join the American community. Deport all foreign Muslims. We don't have to put up with this shit in the United States.



That mosque has been there since way before 9/11, and is a Sufi congregation, which has nothing to do with Wahabbism except as adversaries. DUH.

The Asian immigrants who built the railroads across this country might be startled to learn they had "European customs". DOUBLE DUH.

However I must admit, your inane OP does have a point; had we refused entry to "Muslim foreigners", the kids involved would not have been here to do what they did. We'd have to rely on homegrown terrorists like Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, Reverend Paul Jennings Hill, John Salvi, Eric Rudolph, Martin Uphoff, Patricia Hughes, Jeremy Dunahoe, Paul Ross Evans, Bobby Joe Rogers, or Francis Grady.

What a difference that would have made, huh?


Hard to believe minds like this get to vote... smh

BTW how come you bigots only see terrorists in terms of religion when they're Muslim? Not to mention when they haven't used their religion as a pretext, in contrast to the entire list of Christians above?

(no DUH big enough for this one...)
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I'm not familiar with the OP but based off this thread, he may be on of the dumbest people I've encountered on the website. Hope you're pretty because you're not making it anywhere in this life on your brains.

Just what you would expect. BallsBrunswick can not discuss this issue with facts, links and logic, so he turns to name calling.

Let me see if I can dumb it down for you.

1). The Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims from the third world.

2). The older one was rejected for U. S. citizenship for assaulting his wife.

3). A "dirty bomb" was made to hurt, maim, and kill as many Americans as possible because they had wasted their American opportunity.

4). The older bomber claimed to have made no American friends during the ten years he had been here.

5). If these foreign Muslims had not been in the country, they could not have exploded the bombs at the Boston Marathon. It is just that simple. We should learn from this. The Marathon bombing was avoidable.

6). Look at the philosophies of these "Johnny Jihads." They were not 21st century Americans. Time to clean house. Living in the United States is privilege. Deportation solves more problems than it creates.

Case closed. Figured it out yet, genius?

Why wouldn't these people just walk across the Canadian or Mexican border? Or are you not bright enough to comprehend that and want to persecute tens of thousands of people for your ignorance? Again... you're pretty fucking stupid.
I'm not familiar with the OP but based off this thread, he may be on of the dumbest people I've encountered on the website. Hope you're pretty because you're not making it anywhere in this life on your brains.

Just what you would expect. BallsBrunswick can not discuss this issue with facts, links and logic, so he turns to name calling.

Let me see if I can dumb it down for you.

1). The Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims from the third world.

2). The older one was rejected for U. S. citizenship for assaulting his wife.

3). A "dirty bomb" was made to hurt, maim, and kill as many Americans as possible because they had wasted their American opportunity.

4). The older bomber claimed to have made no American friends during the ten years he had been here.

5). If these foreign Muslims had not been in the country, they could not have exploded the bombs at the Boston Marathon. It is just that simple. We should learn from this. The Marathon bombing was avoidable.

6). Look at the philosophies of these "Johnny Jihads." They were not 21st century Americans. Time to clean house. Living in the United States is privilege. Deportation solves more problems than it creates.

Case closed. Figured it out yet, genius?

Why wouldn't these people just walk across the Canadian or Mexican border? Or are you not bright enough to comprehend that and want to persecute tens of thousands of people for your ignorance? Again... you're pretty fucking stupid.

I think we are going to hear a sad story here. An older brother and a younger brother. One is the person who is of age who convinces the younger one to commit a horrible crime.

And I think my heart will break.
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.

And, it is precisely that kind of ignorance that has this country in the mess we are in. Prior to 1960 the typical American immigrant was from Europe, and had European customs. They came to the United States looking for opportunity, not a hand out. All you need do is look at the accomplishments of Eastern Europeans and Italians to understand this.

Then it all changed, we began bringing in the third world types who were tribalistic animals that do not understand Western democracy. But they did understand the welfare handout that previous immigrants had not enjoyed. What contributions have you seen to America from foreign Muslims? Anything noteworthy? You can't name a thing can you?

Now immigrants have always caused problems for host countries, but we would not have had 911 or the Boston Marathon Bombing if we had not let these third world barbarians into our nation. Johnny Jihad is here to push the agenda of the Koran. Muslim is a religion that opposes everything America stands for. Yet we stupid Americans continue to offer a generous hand, to the point we are letting third world foreigner Muslims destroy our very country. These people do not want to assimilate to America, they want to give us the "gift of their ignorant, anti-American religion." This is why there were dead bodies all over Boston and New York. Am I getting through to you at all? Or, are you just sitting in our politically correct, leftest bubble with your head up your ass?

We should have figured this out when they insisted on building a Mosque near ground zero. Certainly not a friendly way to join the American community. Deport all foreign Muslims. We don't have to put up with this shit in the United States.

That mosque has been there since way before 9/11, and is a Sufi congregation, which has nothing to do with Wahabbism except as adversaries. DUH.

The Asian immigrants who built the railroads across this country might be startled to learn they had "European customs". DOUBLE DUH.

However I must admit, your inane OP does have a point; had we refused entry to "Muslim foreigners", the kids involved would not have been here to do what they did. We'd have to rely on homegrown terrorists like Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, Reverend Paul Jennings Hill, John Salvi, Eric Rudolph, Martin Uphoff, Patricia Hughes, Jeremy Dunahoe, Paul Ross Evans, Bobby Joe Rogers, or Francis Grady.

What a difference that would have made, huh?

Hard to believe minds like this get to vote... smh

BTW how come you bigots only see terrorists in terms of religion when they're Muslim? Not to mention when they haven't used their religion as a pretext, in contrast to the entire list of Christians above?

(no DUH big enough for this one...)

The Muslims were offered more than the property was worth by Donald Trump, and refused. While they may have had the legal right to build, it was not neighborly, and gave Americans another reason to hate them. They have demonized themselves.

While the Chinese contribution to building the railroads has long been acknowledged by all, their contribution involved less than 6,000 people which makes it relatively small footnote in the history of America. CHINESE-AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD

Finally you grudgingly admit that I am right, no foreign Muslims in the United States, no Boston Marathon Bombing. The more we get rid of the fewer we have to worry about, giving us more time to focus on our home-grown terrorists who are legitimately our problem.

As far as your comment about the Muslim religion as a cause of American problems, I suggest you watch something called a "television network news." Not a week goes by that these third world barbarians are not causing some expensive problem for American. Remove foreign Muslims, reduce the terror threat, and cutting our risk is a big DUH!

By the way, words like "bigot" and "racist" used to concern me when I was a Dem. Then I realized it is just name-calling by inferiors who want in the United States. They are complainers who know it is easier to be a bleeding heart than to dig in and solve a problem. They think we owe them something. They are not special, and they are at the bottom of the American food chain where every immigrant group starts out. They think it should all be given to them, they deserve it! Bull shit. Muslims are enemys of the American people, and should not be trusted. If there are some good ones, why are they not speaking out, and aiding the American government? You sure don't see that on the network television news.

Apparently, you do not understand that no country offers immigration to help immigrants. They are brought in to fill a need, a shortage, of certain types of workers. It is not the problem of the United States of America to solve the problem of every person who was born into a third world shit hole.

What these immigrants need to do is follow the example of Egypt. Take over their own government on their own, clean up their slums, build a modern economy, and stop whining to the United States. This is their problem, not America's. Egypt did it on their own. The United States did it with the help of France. Keep the third world shit out of the United States. If we have to get pushy about it, so be it!


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