If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

Strange huh? Ever since I placed this video that Muslims don't want you to see, the pro-Muslim types have shut up.

Do you wonder why? It is because the vid shows Muslims teaching their children how to murder Americans and Jews.

Guess the truth really can hurt! And it is taken from MUSLIM television networks.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gzyeo1Z1I4&list=PL70B1741B332421AB&index=1"]The shocking video Muslims don't want you to see!! - YouTube
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If we did not allow immigrants into this country, there would be no Boston.


So Boston would cease to exist if we deported all the Muslims from foreign countries? :cuckoo:
What a silly fuckin' thing to say. This entire country is descended from immigrants...except for the native American Indians that were fucked out of their homeland by European immigrants.

That's nice... and historically accurate, of course.

Trouble is, we've been full-up for years now... 330,000,000 and growing out of our britches...

We needed immigrants for a long time during our formative and stabilizing years.

Nowadays... not so much.

And that probably goes double for highly problematic and potentially dangerous groups.

Perhaps it's time to hang a 'No Vacancy' sign up for a couple of decades until we fix the things internally that need fixing...


That would certainly solve the Muslim (and other) Immigrant problem for a while, and give the country a breather...
I have spent the last few days laughing at these posters with their PRO-ISLAM agendas.

I am a guy who usually posts on light fluffy topics. After the Boston Marathon Bombing I started investigating America's attitude toward Muslims. The response in the news media is that "Islam and America are not compatible.

I watched the posters in this and similar threads get disgusted with foreign Muslims killing American citizens. The debate grew more intense as PRO-FOREIGN-MUSLIMS tried to distract the issue from their proven barbarian behavior. Had in not involved the death of American citizens, I would have been laughing at their third world ignorance.

Then I got banned. Guys like Pogo and Unkotare called in every favor they could to shut me up, and for the last week they succeeded. I was nailed on a technicality. Which tells us all about some of the Mods here. Clearly, there is not free speech here, there are agendas. I will not give up posting fact based links about these rag-headed animals.

Please don't fall for any of the noise in this thread, including mine. Judge the fact links yourself. Do you think America should view foreign Muslims as a threat to American lifestyles? Decide for yourself. I will push this as long and as hard as I can starting with what "Lefty," Bill Maher has to say. Muslim is not a religion, it is organized violence from ignorant third worlders against American principles. Eventually, I think you will realize these posters are traitors to the United States of America.

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I have spent the last few days laughing at these posters with their PRO-ISLAM agendas.

I am a guy who usually posts on light fluffy topics. After the Boston Marathon Bombing I started investigating America's attitude toward Muslims. The response in the news media is that "Islam and America are not compatible.

I watched the posters in this and similar threads get disgusted with foreign Muslims killing American citizens. The debate grew more intense as PRO-FOREIGN-MUSLIMS tried to distract the issue from their proven barbarian behavior. Had in not involved the death of American citizens, I would have been laughing at their third world ignorance.

Then I got banned. Guys like Pogo and Unkotare called in every favor they could to shut me up, and for the last week they succeeded. I was nailed on a technicality. Which tells us all about some of the Mods here. Clearly, there is not free speech here, there are agendas. I will not give up posting fact based links about these rag-headed animals.

Yeah right. Pogo and Unkotare ever working together on anything :rofl:

No shit-fer-brains, nobody needed to "call in" jack squat, nor do such "favours" exist. What you cannot bring yourself to admit is that you banned yourself with your insane trolling and relentless attacks on the entire posting community here. The only surprising part was that it didn't happen sooner. I'm surprised they let you back in at all. I wouldn't have.

Actually I was disappointed I didn't get to respond to your pathetic whine about how you were going to "file a grievance with the FCC under the Fairness Doctrine" and how the FCC "has the power to make certain websites go away under the First Amendment". Yes, I saw that sorry drivel before it got hit by the phaser gun it deserved. Count yourself lucky the site got to it before I did.

Please don't fall for any of the noise in this thread, including mine.

Not to worry. No one's fallen for your infantile great big letters troll-crapola yet. When you see posters as diverse as Unk and myself standing on the same side against you, that's when you know your bullshit is as transparent as it gets.
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Trouble is, we've been full-up for years now... ...

No, we are not. That's just stupid.

Yes, we are.

We cannot even take care of our own people properly.

We don't need the burden of still more, when we're so badly overstretched.

I am loyal to my own people rather than outsiders.

And common sense tells me that my own people would be better off if we just closed the doors for a while and spent some time recovering and fixing our own problems.

All of which strikes me as a little less stupid than burying our heads in the sand and continuing as-is without taking a long, hard look at what we're doing, in an immigration context.
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I have spent the last few days laughing at these posters with their PRO-ISLAM agendas.

I am a guy who usually posts on light fluffy topics. After the Boston Marathon Bombing I started investigating America's attitude toward Muslims. The response in the news media is that "Islam and America are not compatible.

I watched the posters in this and similar threads get disgusted with foreign Muslims killing American citizens. The debate grew more intense as PRO-FOREIGN-MUSLIMS tried to distract the issue from their proven barbarian behavior. Had in not involved the death of American citizens, I would have been laughing at their third world ignorance.

Then I got banned. Guys like Pogo and Unkotare called in every favor they could to shut me up, and for the last week they succeeded. I was nailed on a technicality. Which tells us all about some of the Mods here. Clearly, there is not free speech here, there are agendas. I will not give up posting fact based links about these rag-headed animals.

Yeah right. Pogo and Unkotare ever working together on anything :rofl:

No shit-fer-brains, nobody needed to "call in" jack squat, nor do such "favours" exist. What you cannot bring yourself to admit is that you banned yourself with your insane trolling and relentless attacks on the entire posting community here. The only surprising part was that it didn't happen sooner. I'm surprised they let you back in at all. I wouldn't have.

Actually I was disappointed I didn't get to respond to your pathetic whine about how you were going to "file a grievance with the FCC under the Fairness Doctrine" and how the FCC "has the power to make certain websites go away under the First Amendment". Yes, I saw that sorry drivel before it got hit by the phaser gun it deserved. Count yourself lucky the site got to it before I did.

Please don't fall for any of the noise in this thread, including mine.

Not to worry. No one's fallen for your infantile great big letters troll-crapola yet. When you see posters as diverse as Unk and myself standing on the same side against you, that's when you know your bullshit is as transparent as it gets.

This post is classic for you, just overstated name calling. All this effort to discredit me, yet not a single fact or link to support a thing you say.

Thank you for this post, you prove my point! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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Uhhh... the "facts or links" are already here. They consist of every post you've made. Including that one.
I'm still wondering when BitchBoi is going to come up with anything solid (other than the dildo up his ass).

Keep trying BitchBoi.................maybe you'll come up with a fact or two, but you've gotta leave the GOP swamps you seem to be stuck in.
Trouble is, we've been full-up for years now... ...

No, we are not. That's just stupid.

Yes, we are.

We cannot even take care of our own people properly.

We don't need the burden of still more, when we're so badly overstretched...

Not even close. We could have a total population of just one million people, and the corruption, incompetence, and base personal ambition of many of those in a position to exercise it would still exist and still fuck things up. We are nowhere near "full-up," and ceasing to be America just because some short-sighted dopes are desperate for simple 'solutions,' is no way to solve the problems that face America.
No, we are not. That's just stupid.

Yes, we are.

We cannot even take care of our own people properly.

We don't need the burden of still more, when we're so badly overstretched...

Not even close. We could have a total population of just one million people, and the corruption, incompetence, and base personal ambition of many of those in a position to exercise it would still exist and still fuck things up. We are nowhere near "full-up," and ceasing to be America just because some short-sighted dopes are desperate for simple 'solutions,' is no way to solve the problems that face America.

Not even close?

When half the political blogosphere is choked with the back-and-forth of the argument that we are becoming a Welfare State and that such a state of affairs is unsustainable for much longer?


It would, indeed, be disingenuous to blame immigrants for most of our own internal problems.

But we do not need to create additional problems nor to scale-up the ones we have by adding to the load on the system.

And whoever and whatever made you think that by putting a freeze on immigration for a decade or two that we 'cease to be America'?

That's just silly.

We are, indeed, a nation descended from immigrants and we have a lovely history and tradition of welcoming them.

But that does not mean that we must continue accepting newcomers in the volumes nor at the pace to which we have become accustomed.

The world is fast becoming a planet choked with overcrowding and poverty on a scale and on an order of magnitude far exceeding anything that our parents or grand parents or great-grandparents and beyond ever knew or imagined and we cannot continue to be the Receiving Dock for the Overflow forever, never mind new cultural and religious clashes that now pose dangers for us which were never anticipated in times past.

We completed our push to the Pacific in the latter decades of the 19th Century and there are no more plains and prairies to settle nor transcontinental railroads to build by hand nor canals to be dug by hand nor new cities to build by hand nor cotton to pick by hand nor new farmland to clear by hand nor any of that activity which triggered the need for large-scale immigration in the first place.

A company's HR Department will not hire new workers during periods when they are already operating at full capacity and have no further need of new help, just because the company has a tradition of welcoming new employees.

So, too, a country does not encourage nor facilitate new immigration on a large scale, beyond a very modest and closely-vetted relative handful, during periods when there is no pressing need to do so.

We no longer have any pressing need to do so.

Times change. Intelligent people (and nations) adapt to changing times.

And it can no longer be intelligently argued that we require further immigration on the same scale and at the same pace as we did in former times.

Being the Receiving Dock for the Overflow is not in our best interests over the long-haul and it is not so much a matter of arguing about whether to close the door for a while as it is a matter of arguing about when to close the door.

You seem to be one who will continue to argue that there is no need to close the door under any circumstances, if I'm reading you (extrapolating from your posts) correctly.

I am one who not only sees the logic and common sense behind a willingness to close the door for a while, but who perceives that we are already there - that it is already time to do so for a decade or two, in order to let us catch our collective breath.

I suspect that we can argue this one until we're blue in the face and not find a middle ground, but I could be wrong. It certainly seems unlikely to happen anytime soon.

But it's a healthy thing to get the entire range of options on the table and to examine them.
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The older bomber claimed to have made no American friends during the ten years he had been here.

"made no American friends".., yet there are photos of him partying like a Hollyweed homo celebrity, yet the liberfools will deny that part of his life living on tax paying citizens dollar$.
Yes, we are.

We cannot even take care of our own people properly.

We don't need the burden of still more, when we're so badly overstretched...

Not even close. We could have a total population of just one million people, and the corruption, incompetence, and base personal ambition of many of those in a position to exercise it would still exist and still fuck things up. We are nowhere near "full-up," and ceasing to be America just because some short-sighted dopes are desperate for simple 'solutions,' is no way to solve the problems that face America.

Not even close?.


Population Density per Square Mile of Countries | Infoplease.com
Not even close?

When half the political blogosphere is choked with the back-and-forth of the argument that we are becoming a Welfare State and that such a state of affairs is unsustainable for much longer?.

Do you really take "the political blogosphere" as proof of anything? I guess you think Wikipedia is a legitimate source for research too, huh? :rolleyes:
It would, indeed, be disingenuous to blame immigrants for most of our own internal problems.

But we do not need to create additional problems nor to scale-up the ones we have by adding to the load on the system...

Legal immigration does not represent "additional problems," it represents additional strength.
And whoever and whatever made you think that by putting a freeze on immigration for a decade or two that we 'cease to be America'?.

I know it because I, unlike you apparently, understand what America is. I, unlike you apparently, appreciate and value what America is.
We are, indeed, a nation descended from immigrants and we have a lovely history and tradition of welcoming them.

But that does not mean that we must continue accepting newcomers in the volumes nor at the pace to which we have become accustomed...

Immigration is not just some distant historical event in our nation's history; it is a vital part of what this country is and has always been. You seem to have let your fear of the very real problem of ILLEGAL immigration blind you to what America is.
We completed our push to the Pacific in the latter decades of the 19th Century and there are no more plains and prairies to settle nor transcontinental railroads to build by hand nor canals to be dug by hand nor new cities to build by hand nor cotton to pick by hand nor new farmland to clear by hand nor any of that activity which triggered the need for large-scale immigration in the first place...

Now you seem to be shifting the focus, but the reality of it still argues against your fearful and foolhardy fantasy.
I suspect that we can argue this one until we're blue in the face and not find a middle ground, but I could be wrong. It certainly seems unlikely to happen anytime soon...

Your misguided and Un-American fantasy of "closing the door for a few decades" will NEVER happen, so learn to understand and accept America or expect to be increasingly frustrated.

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