If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

1624 Views of this thread. America loves it when I say it for them.

Can you tell which picture does not fit in with America? Look real hard!

Yeah. Your avatar.

1624 views, he pants and gasps. And every one of them is laughing at you.


Do I detect a bit of hatred toward blond-haired, blue-eyed, native born Americans? Like I care.

One look and you can tell I belong in the United States or Europe. Eat your heart out. You are looking at the real thing, and you will never look this good!


Just the way we look intimidates Muslims sexually. :tank: :iagree: :tank:
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The way to deal with the challenges facing America never has been and never will be to stop being America. Remember that if you truly care about and understand this great nation.

There's nothing particularly American about unlimited immigration.

America will always be about immigration. If we close off our borders, we will lose what makes this nation great.

Really, what's that, gang violence? Drug trafficking? Illegitimacy?

As long as you are not an enemy of the state, you should be allowed to come to this country and have a better life.

Horse shit. We don't need to be the dumping ground for the world's trash. No one has a right to immigrate to this country. Our immigration laws should be designed for the beneift of Americans, not the benefit of foriegners.

People risk their lives every day to try for a life in America!! If we close our borders, we will lose a sense of who we are. Our country was founded by refugees from all around the world. What gives us the right to change that?

The fact that we live here gives us that right. Every other country in the world controls its borders. It's pure idiocy to claim we aren't entitled to control ours.
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America will always be about immigration. If we close off our borders, we will lose what makes this nation great. As long as you are not an enemy of the state, you should be allowed to come to this country and have a better life. People risk their lives every day to try for a life in America!! If we close our borders, we will lose a sense of who we are. Our country was founded by refugees from all around the world. What gives us the right to change that?
Fine, if they support themselves and don't murder our citizens! Otherwise, they have no business here.

I couldn't agree more!! And it is the job of the FBI, CIA, and NSA to decide which ones are "troublemakers" and keep them out of our country. Everyone else should be allowed to come, and enjoy a better life.

I see the facetiousness flew blissfully over your head. Why am I not surprised...

I'll come back to clean up the rest when I get really really bored.

What part of;

"No foreign Muslims in the United States, no Boston Marathon Bombing,"

don't you understand?


LOL (Yes, I read your 'credentials' in some other post. Hard to believe when you imply that not allowing foreign Muslims in is an actual solution.)

First, no cars...no car accidents. Let's get rid of all the cars.

no pools, no more backyard drownings.

no horses or cows, no fertilizer for big dangerous cheap bombs

There's a benefit to cars, pools, horses and cows. whats' the benefit to allowing Muslims to immigrate to the U.S.?

So we'll just restrict the freedom of American Muslims by not allowing their families, relatives, friends to come visit them? Force their families/friends to undergo invasive (and expensive) investigations before they enter the country?

why should we allow anyone to come here just because they are related to someone living here?

Not allow American Muslims to go abroad and visit other countries? Not allow any Americans to go visit certain other countries or track their movements (as non-Muslim Americans have gone abroad and joined terrorist training camps).

They already have visas. That isn't being discussed here.

The 'big bold red' is a shortsighted juvenile statement with no way to enforce that is basically anti-Constitutional and disrespectful of a large group of American citizens (Muslim or otherwise).

Or is that not what you are implying with that statement. I did see where it came from but it seemed to stand on its own.

It's easily enforceable and constitutional. Who do you think you're fooling? The fact that you're worrying that American Muslims would get their nose out of joint only shows we should have done it sooner rather than later.
Muslims are the ones who shoot up Sikh temples, numskull.

Neo-Nazi white supremacist "Muslim" here.


The majority of attacks on Sikhs occur in India by Muslims. Violence by neo-nazis is so rare it's virtually non-existent. However, never let liberal journalist fail to trump it into something 1000 times worse that it is. Liberals always need a white guy to blame for the world's problems.

Having once been a liberal Democrat and a Conservative Republican before becoming an Independent, I can tell you there are two kind of liberals in America.

The first have not thought it through. Just love everyone, and the world will solve its problems. In their idealism they are naive, and do not understand the reality that our country has enemies that would take everything from them and leave them for dead.

The second group of liberals are PRACTICAL. While they are idealistically oriented to a better planet for everyone, they are realistic. They know there are not enough resources for everyone. They view overpopulation as a problem of mindless people out of control. These liberals realize it is a law of nature for the inferior to die out. They understand and accept the laws of the jungle while progressively working to build a better world.

Liberals are not as outspoken about problems with foreign Muslims as are Conservatives. The Conservative is direct. They spot a problem. They investigate it's source, and take care of the problem directly. Conservatives will stick it to the overpopulating minorities in the Immigration Reform Act. PRACTICAL liberals will quietly pass the legislation. And out-of-touch idealistic liberals will continue to accomplish nothing by shouting at windmills. Appears we have quite a few of these out-of-touch liberals in this thread. Most are foreign Muslims trying to keep their lips on the welfare teat of America. :cuckoo:

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There's nothing particularly American about unlimited immigration.

America will always be about immigration. If we close off our borders, we will lose what makes this nation great.

Really, what's that, gang violence? Drug trafficking? Illegitimacy?

As long as you are not an enemy of the state, you should be allowed to come to this country and have a better life.

Horse shit. We don't need to be the dumping ground for the world's trash. No one has a right to immigrate to this country. Our immigration laws should be designed for the beneift of Americans, not the benefit of foriegners.

People risk their lives every day to try for a life in America!! If we close our borders, we will lose a sense of who we are. Our country was founded by refugees from all around the world. What gives us the right to change that?

The fact that we live here gives us that right. Every other country in the world controls its borders. It's pure idiocy to claim we aren't entitled to control ours.

Really, what's that, gang violence? Drug trafficking? Illegitimacy?

Diversity my friend. It's what makes us different. It's what makes us unique. It's one of the reasons that has allowed us to be the most successful countries in the world. If you have ever studied economics..

Horse shit. We don't need to be the dumping ground for the world's trash. No one has a right to immigrate to this country. Our immigration laws should be designed for the beneift of Americans, not the benefit of foriegners.

I am sorry you feel that way. I personally, would welcome women from Africa who are getting raped and sold into slavery. I would gladly welcome someone trying to come to this country because they will get killed in theirs for their religious belief. You know why? Because I am a human being, with compassion. Call me what you will but just because we had the luck to be born here in America, does not give us the right to deprive others of a better life, because they had the luck of being born into a worse condition than us. And not a single American is advocating making foreigners lives easier and more beneficial than ours, so cool it with the conspiracy theories.

The fact that we live here gives us that right. Every other country in the world controls its borders. It's pure idiocy to claim we aren't entitled to control ours.

The fact that we were lucky enough to be born here, should motivate us to help others to strive for a better existence. How you have the audacity to sit here and say, "Hey, sorry you weren't lucky enough to be born here, but ughhh fuck off," is despicable. I shutter to call you a fellow American. Less you forget that we all migrated to this country at some point or another, unless you are a Native American. How would you like it if your family had gotten denied access to America whenever it is you all came here, and instead of being born here, you were born in some other country, that exercised forms of oppression? I bet you would be singing a different tune then. And you are right... absolutely right that other countries control their borders, and monitor everyone who comes in and out. As well as not letting people leave, or letting anyone in. But those countries are not America. If we wish to be a poor example of a country, then by all means, lets stop doing everything we usually do, and adopt other countries methods. Don't know if you realized this, but we are the youngest, most powerful country in the world. And now that we have reached that position you wish to abandon the very same methods that allowed us to achieve this success.
There's nothing particularly American about unlimited immigration.

America will always be about immigration. If we close off our borders, we will lose what makes this nation great.

Really, what's that, gang violence? Drug trafficking? Illegitimacy?

As long as you are not an enemy of the state, you should be allowed to come to this country and have a better life.

Horse shit. We don't need to be the dumping ground for the world's trash. No one has a right to immigrate to this country. Our immigration laws should be designed for the beneift of Americans, not the benefit of foriegners.

People risk their lives every day to try for a life in America!! If we close our borders, we will lose a sense of who we are. Our country was founded by refugees from all around the world. What gives us the right to change that?

The fact that we live here gives us that right. Every other country in the world controls its borders. It's pure idiocy to claim we aren't entitled to control ours.

Fine, if they support themselves and don't murder our citizens! Otherwise, they have no business here.

I couldn't agree more!! And it is the job of the FBI, CIA, and NSA to decide which ones are "troublemakers" and keep them out of our country. Everyone else should be allowed to come, and enjoy a better life.


A few have tried to portray my views about Muslims as fringe. Well, here is Bill Maher, America's favorite liberal pundit slamming Muslim.

These are things every American needs to know.

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America will always be about immigration. If we close off our borders, we will lose what makes this nation great. As long as you are not an enemy of the state, you should be allowed to come to this country and have a better life. People risk their lives every day to try for a life in America!! If we close our borders, we will lose a sense of who we are. Our country was founded by refugees from all around the world. What gives us the right to change that?

HAHA you're seriously worried about "foreign" Muslims coming to the United States to bleed our welfare, education, and health care system dry?" There are too many citizens that do that already. You should probably worry about that first!

Always the strong declarative statement, but never supported by fact/links. You have no credibility.

There are millions of people, legal and illegal immigrants to be deported. Those that can not show they have worked to make America better will be the first to go. Obama has already started by deporting convicted felons first, a measure both parties have endorsed. More will come with the Immigration Reform Act. America has been way too kind to immigrants. Time to clean house with the Immigration Reform Act.


This legislation is practically dead due to the foreign Muslims who perpetrated the Boston Marathon Bombing. Muslims will be hurt, but unfortunately Hispanics will be hurt the most.
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America will always be about immigration. If we close off our borders, we will lose what makes this nation great. As long as you are not an enemy of the state, you should be allowed to come to this country and have a better life. People risk their lives every day to try for a life in America!! If we close our borders, we will lose a sense of who we are. Our country was founded by refugees from all around the world. What gives us the right to change that?
Fine, if they support themselves and don't murder our citizens! Otherwise, they have no business here.

I couldn't agree more!! And it is the job of the FBI, CIA, and NSA to decide which ones are "troublemakers" and keep them out of our country. Everyone else should be allowed to come, and enjoy a better life.


Sorry, the United States is full. We are closed for immigration of Muslims.
I see the facetiousness flew blissfully over your head. Why am I not surprised...

I'll come back to clean up the rest when I get really really bored.

What part of;

"No foreign Muslims in the United States, no Boston Marathon Bombing,"

don't you understand?


LOL (Yes, I read your 'credentials' in some other post. Hard to believe when you imply that not allowing foreign Muslims in is an actual solution.)

First, no cars...no car accidents. Let's get rid of all the cars.

no pools, no more backyard drownings.

no horses or cows, no fertilizer for big dangerous cheap bombs

So we'll just restrict the freedom of American Muslims by not allowing their families, relatives, friends to come visit them? Force their families/friends to undergo invasive (and expensive) investigations before they enter the country?

Not allow American Muslims to go abroad and visit other countries? Not allow any Americans to go visit certain other countries or track their movements (as non-Muslim Americans have gone abroad and joined terrorist training camps).

The 'big bold red' is a shortsighted juvenile statement with no way to enforce that is basically anti-Constitutional and disrespectful of a large group of American citizens (Muslim or otherwise).

Or is that not what you are implying with that statement. I did see where it came from but it seemed to stand on its own.

We have lost 2,980 innocent people at the World Trade Center, and the Boston Marathon. You chose to deal with reality by playing word games. I don't have time for your ignorance. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Read the signs, genius!



Time to wake up, Homer!


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I think that Mr. Bitchboy has lost any credibility he MIGHT have had when he made this thread, and defended his words to the death. Perhaps if by us talking to him, he wised up and said okay I made a mistake, we could have listen to what he said... but I am afraid he has shown his ignorance and then some by some of his posts here

I support my opinions with facts, links, and graphics. Now here is a new research study that proves Americans are with me.

2/3 of People think Islam is incompatible with American life.

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People like BitchBoi probably think that there is no difference between Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims.

It's people like him that go and shoot up Sikh temples, thinking they're somehow getting back at the Islamic radicals.

Muslims are the ones who shoot up Sikh temples, numskull.

Really? Are you sure of that?

Because the temple shooting was actually done by a former Army person who was also a white supremacist.....................

On August 5, 2012, Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others in a mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.[3][4] Page committed suicide by shooting himself in the head after he was shot in the stomach by a responding police officer.

Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin. All of the dead were members of the Sikh faith. The incident drew notable reactions from President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Dignitaries attended candlelight vigils in countries such as the U.S., Canada, and India.[3][5][6] The First Lady Michelle Obama visited the temple on August 23, 2012.[7]

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muslims are the ones who shoot up Sikh temples, numskull.

Neo-Nazi white supremacist "Muslim" here.


The majority of attacks on Sikhs occur in India by Muslims. Violence by neo-nazis is so rare it's virtually non-existent. However, never let liberal journalist fail to trump it into something 1000 times worse that it is. Liberals always need a white guy to blame for the world's problems.

Hey stupid................I thought it was about all the problems with Muslims here in the US, which is why BitchBoi is screaming at the top of his shrill little lungs that all Muslims must be kicked out.

I challenge you to find an act of violence carried out in this country against Sikhs that was done by Muslims since 9/11/01.
I think that Mr. Bitchboy has lost any credibility he MIGHT have had when he made this thread, and defended his words to the death. Perhaps if by us talking to him, he wised up and said okay I made a mistake, we could have listen to what he said... but I am afraid he has shown his ignorance and then some by some of his posts here

I support my opinions with facts, links, and graphics. Now here is a new research study that proves Americans are with me.

2/3 of People think Islam is incompatible with American life.

MMMMHHHMMMM facts you say? And your links are Faux News.. not really credible.. what they didn't teach you that when you were in college? If I were to use Faux News as a reference in one of my classes I would probably fail the paper. Nice try, but you will have to try harder in proving your case with these "so-called" facts.

And this new research you speak of...absolutely ridiculous. You think because a poll conducted showed that 2/3 republicans and tea baggers think that Islam is incompatible with American life, that is what a majority of Americans think. You seriously dilute the truth and call it fact. Fact for you: the republican party and tea baggers, aren't the voice of America. Now I know that might be hard for you to digest, but give it time, and hopefully you might come to your senses. Until then, have fun living in fantasy land. :dance:
People like BitchBoi probably think that there is no difference between Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims.

It's people like him that go and shoot up Sikh temples, thinking they're somehow getting back at the Islamic radicals.

Muslims are the ones who shoot up Sikh temples, numskull.

Really? Are you sure of that?

Because the temple shooting was actually done by a former Army person who was also a white supremacist.....................

On August 5, 2012, Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others in a mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.[3][4] Page committed suicide by shooting himself in the head after he was shot in the stomach by a responding police officer.

Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin. All of the dead were members of the Sikh faith. The incident drew notable reactions from President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Dignitaries attended candlelight vigils in countries such as the U.S., Canada, and India.[3][5][6] The First Lady Michelle Obama visited the temple on August 23, 2012.[7]
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If it is not about the foreign Muslims it is about the uninformed ultra leftists. ABikerSailor goes on and on and on about Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims. Have I said anything about Hindus or Sikhs? NO.

Have I said anything about the Oak Creek Temple shootings? NO

The reason is simple. It is off-topic. Now how much dumber could a poster be than to bring up a subject that no one is talking about, which makes all his own pro-Muslim arguments look ridiculous. Please keep it up, I love having you post information that supports my point of view.

Bottom line; If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States there would not have been a Boston Marathon bombing.

Yes it brings a chuckle because it is simple, but remember foreign Muslims are UNREPENTANT murderers and traitors of your fellow American citizens.


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I think that Mr. Bitchboy has lost any credibility he MIGHT have had when he made this thread, and defended his words to the death. Perhaps if by us talking to him, he wised up and said okay I made a mistake, we could have listen to what he said... but I am afraid he has shown his ignorance and then some by some of his posts here

I support my opinions with facts, links, and graphics. Now here is a new research study that proves Americans are with me.

2/3 of People think Islam is incompatible with American life.

MMMMHHHMMMM facts you say? And your links are Faux News.. not really credible.. what they didn't teach you that when you were in college? If I were to use Faux News as a reference in one of my classes I would probably fail the paper. Nice try, but you will have to try harder in proving your case with these "so-called" facts.

And this new research you speak of...absolutely ridiculous. You think because a poll conducted showed that 2/3 republicans and tea baggers think that Islam is incompatible with American life, that is what a majority of Americans think. You seriously dilute the truth and call it fact. Fact for you: the republican party and tea baggers, aren't the voice of America. Now I know that might be hard for you to digest, but give it time, and hopefully you might come to your senses. Until then, have fun living in fantasy land. :dance:
And you answered one of my test questions that your fellow pro-Muslim posters have missed. But, you did not Google for correct answers, so I am going to shred you.

My statement is correct. I said "people," but chose not to define that term. So, my statement was correct, but obviously not the whole picture. This is the second time a pro-Muslim has fucked up by not using a dictionary. My post on the survey is accurate.

However, you get points for knowing Fox News is not a news organization, it is in fact a propaganda arm of the Republican Party. I do not use Fox as a source, unless I can back it up with something more credible.

Here is the research study I should have posted, (it was intentional, not a mistake). Attitudes Toward Muslim Americans Post-9/11 Unless you work with research all the time, you won't understand it. So, here is the dumbed down version with an explanation. Poll: Many Americans uncomfortable with Muslims ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs You see the problem with researching Muslims is this, most Americans don't know who Muslims are or that they live in the United States. Now since the Boston bombing, they are learning. The Muslim population in America is so small it is not on the radar of the average American. So, as this study points out, accurate numbers are not available because most Americans of Muslim problems. 9-11 was viewed as "foreigners." The Boston bombers are viewed as Muslims who were given a chance in America for ten years, failed, and blew up the Marathon.

You morons have played right into your enemies hands. This is why all the viewers in this thread, and you idiots are making all kinds of noise, because there are no facts to defend you. Yet with 230 posts, not a single condolence from American Muslims for what happened in Boston. Which brings me to my purpose in this thread. Americans are learning here, and do not like what they see. Viewers of this thread, 2,316 of them in a matter of days must be a USMB record. They are not reading the words in posts, they are reading the links. They want the facts. The pro-Muslims here have not provided links, so all viewers have to read are my links without any opposition. You people are simply downright stupid. You are already ignoring this post because you are planning your blather for your next post. This is why Muslims will never win, their intelligence and education, twisted by Islam is out of touch with reality. Again, Islam is not compatible with America, and the government is going to have to do something about it. It will probably be a tightening of law in the Immigration Reform Act. Yep, four foreigners in Boston screwed up years of work by Hispanics on the immigration package. It would not surprise me to see some of that hatred find its way to your Mosques. You rub Mexicans the wrong way, they never forget.


Mexicans and Mexican Americans have worked for U. S. Citizenship for their folks since 1848,
and foreign Muslims at the Boston Marathon screwed up the legislation.
What do you think will happen next?
Well, we do know that according to the FBI hate crimes against Muslims after 9-11 increased 1700%.
You figure it out. My sympathy is with my Hispanic brothers and sisters.
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